Lust and Lager - Cover

Lust and Lager

by Craster

Copyright© 2023 by Craster

Erotica Sex Story: Julia is left hanging by her friends during Oktoberfest but she is able to find her own fun. Fun with a handsome young local.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

Julia had been horny all afternoon.

She had started the day in a bed with Alecia and Barny in Paris, the huge, dark-haired brit and her diminutive, “best” friend, from work. She had watched them fuck and enjoyed the show, but while Alecia enjoyed being watched, she did not like to share. The cunt had set the rules and Barny had followed them dutifully. He could look at other women but he could only touch Alecia. And watching him pound the small woman, while staring lewdly into Julia’s eyes, had gotten her motor running.

They had slept in the same bed to share the cost of the trip, but when Juila had woken to the sounds of them fucking just inches away, she could not just lay there and watch. Alecia was laying on her front with her head buried in the pillows, trying in vain to stifle her grunts, while the big man pounded into her from behind. They were both naked and, by the time Julia was conscious of what was going on, they were both covered in sweat.

Barny had looked down at Julia and smiled at her before slapping the little blonde’s ass. He motioned for her to lift her shirt and before she knew what she was doing, she had pulled it up and over her head. His smile grew and he nodded in appreciation. “Touch yourself,” he mouthed and again Julia was eager to comply. She laid there staring up at him as she pulled at her nipple, her other hand was snaking into her panties. His trusting quickened and the groans from around the pillow became more insistent.

Julia watched as Alecia started vibrating with her orgasm, followed a moment later by the big cock being pulled out and laid between her pale ass cheeks. Barny thrust a few more times, never losing eye contact with Julia. He stiffened and growled as he started spurting across Alecia’s back and then jerked to the left so that the next spurt landed on Julia’s stomach. The feel of the hot spunk landing on her was so erotic that she spasmed in her own climax.

Alecia pulled her head up from the pillow and looked around to see Julia still pinching a nipple and running a hand through the cooling cum. “Sorry to wake you. He just woke up and started fucking me. And you know I can’t refuse his cock.”

The young blond bounded out of bed suddenly and caught sight of the puddles of cum on Julia. “I said no touching! That includes your jizz, you fuckwit!” She had gone from radiant to terrifying in an instant and then she took the pillow and swatted him with it.

“Hey, I have no control over where it shoots,” he lied and gave Julia a wink, “you are the one who told me to pull out and not cum in you. I was just following orders. And her red hair is distracting.” He slid out of bed as well and wrapped the small woman in a hug, spinning the blonde away from Julia, who he gave a wink and a lurid smile. Then he pulled Alecia into the bathroom of the small hotel room. They were both laughing as the door closed behind them.

Julia laid there, still running her fingers through his donation, and fingering her folds. She had wanted that big cock in her too. To feel him pounding into her until she came. She had been imagining it for the whole week that they had been traveling through France, but Alecia had forbidden him from touching her. She thought Alecia derived more pleasure from denying him than from the fucking.

She had been convinced to come on this trip by Alecia as a girls escape but the second night Barny had joined them. They had been in Normandy and he had been drinking in the bar they had visited that evening. He bought them both drinks but Alecia claimed him with the promise that she would help find another man for Julia. That promise had not been fulfilled so far and each night, they had fucked while Julia watched. They had all enjoyed it to start and Alecia and Barny certainly still were, but Julia needed more than her fingers.

Now, as she waded through the crowd of people in the carnival in Stuttgart, her friends had vanished again leaving her alone. They had all gotten off the train from Paris and had headed toward the Cannstatter Wasen, where Barny had promised a fun night of drinking in the “German Maner”. He had tickets to the beer tents and had convinced the girls to join him, by noon they were on a train heading north. Alecia had taken the tickets and given them to Julia, for safekeeping, and then the group had quickly gotten separated. Julia had no doubt that Alecia was bent over a table somewhere putting on a show for the crowd, having completely forgotten about her friend again.

The crowd was leading her toward the huge funfair on the bank of the river with its rides and music. She soon found herself at the base of a large Ferris wheel and decided to take the opportunity to see the festival grounds from above. The line was short for the moment and it seemed to be moving quickly. Ahead of her, there was a group of teens, who were shouting and singing along with the blaring band music pouring from the tents nearby. When their turn came to enter the ride, the attendant counted off four people but refused to let the last guy on. He was obviously a fifth wheel to the group, as the other four seemed to be couples, and sympathizing with his predicament, Julia grabbed his hand and whispered to him, “You can join me.”

He was a tall young man with short, well styled, brown hair and an athlete’s physique. He wore a tee, of what appeared to be a local football club, and baggy jean shorts. He was startled when she grabbed his hand and turned to look the short redhead in the eyes. He flushed a bright crimson and shyly smiled back at her, “Danke.” Julia was surprised at his reaction, but taking a closer look, she saw that he was much younger than she had first suspected. Probably not even eighteen. Oh well, it would be rude to back out now and he was cute. The next pod rotated down and another young couple exited and Julia and the boy were ushered on.

She sat beside him and smiled awkwardly, not used to being in the dominant position of interactions like these, “I’m Julia. What’s your name?”

“Jurg,” he answered hesitantly, the hint of his blush returning.

“Hello, Jurg. Thank you for sharing the ride with me. My friends left me alone and I knew how you felt being the odd one out.” He only nodded so she struggled on, “Are you from here? This is my first time in Stuttgart. It’s a beautiful city.”

“Yeah, I am,” he stuttered a moment on the words and then quickly blurted, “you are very beautiful too.”

Julia laughed, bright and clear, and felt her own face flush. “Thank you. You are very handsome yourself.” She put her hand on his leg and she felt him flinch then relax under her touch. He was obviously intimidated by her and the feeling was getting her going again, “Do you have a girlfriend, Jurg?”

When he shook his head in the negative, she continued, “I can be your girlfriend tonight, if you want. My friends left me alone and I am looking for a boyfriend.” She nearly giggled when his blush went even deeper, but checked herself just in time. Young men’s egos are so fragile. Instead, she moved her hand up his leg and let it rest on his crotch. She was happy to feel that it was already hard, “Can I be your girlfriend?” Jurg just sat there with a stunned look on his face as she stroked up and down on his denim covered cock.

Soon, they were at the top of the ride and it jerked to a stop. Julia reached over and unbuttoned his fly and fished her hand into his pants. He sat there stunned, looking down at her. When she grasped her prize, he shuddered and let out a loud groan. “Have you ever had a girl do this to you?”

“No, never.”

She reached over and grabbed his hand and brought it up to her breast. She could feel the pressure through her thin shirt but he did not venture to move his fingers. ‘How inexperienced is this guy’? she thought.

“Pinch my nipple,” she whispered as she stroked him. The sounds coming from the crowds below were muted so she could hear him groan as she squeezed harder. He started moving his hand on her breast, but it was obvious he was unable to concentrate on much more than breathing and the feel of her hand on his cock.

She pulled him free of his pants and began stroking in earnest, “You have a nice cock. Too bad we will be back on the ground soon.” Just as she said it, the ride lurched to life again and she helped put him away.

“Do you want to join me in the tent for some beer? They sound like they are having fun.”

“I don’t have a ticket to get in. Sorry.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Cutie, I’ve got you covered. So, let’s go.” When the gate was opened, she pulled him toward the tents, never noticing the looks he was getting from his friends.

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