Riley's World - Cover

Riley's World

Copyright© 2023 by radio_guy

Chapter 44

The next morning, we met for breakfast before leaving to start a new road behind our location. It’s a big block because all the places were farms of some type.

We pulled up at the first house which we had checked out previously. When we first came into the area, we checked this house and found it damaged too badly to be habitable. We checked it again and pulled the main power connection. There had been no animals there and we didn’t see any now. We pulled out and went to the next drive which was across the street and down the road about fifty feet.

As I pulled up at the front of the house, I saw that the yard had been cut with branches picked up. I honked the horn we had mounted in what I hoped was a friendly manner.

I got out wearing my vest. “I’m Riley Norris with my wife and daughter and my friend, Joe and his wife. We’re checking neighboring houses for people hoping to make friends.”

A woman from inside shouted, “Go away. We want nothing to do with you.” I shrugged and got back in the Hummer. I turned around and slowly left returning to the road. I went to the next house realizing we were zigzagging.

Nancy was making notes on our attempts. I pulled up in the driveway on one side of the house. This house looked abandoned. Sheila got out after I honked. She was wearing her vest. “Hello, the house. I’m Sheila Norris. Is there anyone inside? We would be friends.”

A young male voice said, “You won’t shoot? I’ll come out and talk.” Sheila smiled at the house setting her rifle in the Hummer. She waited. The front door opened and a young boy or early teen came out bearing a rifle over his arm.

Sarah said excitedly, “I know him!” She jumped out and shouted, “Bobby, where’s Eli?”

“Right here.” A younger boy stepped out. “Sarah, how are you? Who are these people?”

“Hello, Eli. I’m fine. I’ve adopted new parents and my last name is Norris now. I’m very happy with the situation and I think they are, too.” Sheila and I nodded. “We’re checking out houses in the neighborhood to see which ones are occupied and which ones aren’t for future expansion and to help any animals that need it. What about you and Bobby?”

He replied, “Our parents were killed by the aliens along with most of the livestock and Ruffles. It was tough to watch but our dad had said we had to stay inside. Bobby and I have raided a few houses and the convenience store for food. We were starting to worry about the future.”

“Join with my new parents and me. They are good people and have positive plans. They killed off the aliens.”

Bobby asked, “Can we stay here at our house?”

“Yes, there are meetings and the group does plan some work. You’ll be part of that just as I will. They’re working on bringing back power. They will also protect us. We’re living at my old house. Please join with us.”

Bobby looked over at Eli who looked like he wanted this and then nodded. “That sounds good.” He said. “What’s involved?”

Sheila said, “Pretty much what Sarah said. We meet at the house every Friday evening to go over propositions and talk through who will be participating for the coming week and in what chore. Right now, we’re working on power and checking out the houses in the area.”

Bobby said, “Count us in. What time should we show up?”

“About seven. If you’re a little early or later, it will be okay.”

“Thank you, Missus Sheila. We’ll ride across and come through the back.”

Sarah smiled. “It will be nice to have someone my age there.”

Everybody smiled and said their good byes. We loaded up the Hummer and left. We turned into the next drive and honked at the house. Nothing was the response. Nancy got out this time and shouted. There was still no response. Nancy went to the front door and tried it. It opened easily and swung wide. She shouted, “Is there anybody here. We’re looking for survivors and don’t want to cause trouble.” It remained quiet.

Most of us had started out and now we all got out and walked inside. Joe and I made for the back to check on the animals. We found one horse alive and left it out in the pasture. I saw about five or six dead spots that usually marked where the aliens killed someone or something. We headed back inside the house.

A search of the house suggested that an older couple had lived here. We left pulling the mains and headed out the drive for the road and the next house.

We pulled in front of the next house. As we did, Sarah said, “This house was empty before the aliens came. The family that lived here had moved because of the husband’s job. They had a daughter my age.”

“Someone has been or is here.” I said. “I’ll get out to announce our presence.”

I honked and got no response. Opening the door, I stepped out to hear a rifle chamber a round. I said, “I’m Riley Norris. We’ve moved into a house in the area. We’re working on restoring the power and don’t want to hurt anyone or be hurt. We would like to hear from you. We’ll leave you alone if that’s your preference.”

From the house, we heard, “Go away! I don’t want anyone around and no trouble from people or aliens. I don’t need the power company.”

“I hope you’ve disconnected from the power lines by removing wires or pulling the meter. Good luck. We’ll mark your place to be left alone.” I got back in the Hummer, cranked the motor and backed out of the drive. We marked the house with a red “I” and went to the next house.

This next house was empty and undamaged. We honked and Sheila announced. With nothing heard, we checked for any person or animal inside. Joe and I went out back and checked for animals in the barn. There were none and appeared that there had not been any. We went back to the house and pulled the meter. Everyone got back in the Hummer and we left for the next house.

The next house was the last on the road and was set even further back from the road than most. We pulled in the drive to the front of the house. I honked. Nancy got out and announced. The house looked inhabited with the lawn not running wild. I felt it might be inhabited. I was correct. From the windows were poking out a rifle from each. The front door opened and a man stepped out with a rifle. Standing behind him with her own rifle was a woman about his same age. I heard Sarah say, “That’s Uncle Ned and Aunt Zelda.” I heard her get out. “Uncle Ned, don’t shoot. These are friends.”

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