Riley's World - Cover

Riley's World

Copyright© 2023 by radio_guy

Chapter 35

A week passed. We met as the military unit to discuss the latest information developed by Alex and by Robin’s sky watchers.

Alex led off. He said, “First, we have heard no sound from the aliens. By radio, we can detect no sign of their continued presence. Second, we have heard from South America, France, Germany, and England. All report that the aliens are gone from their areas. Third, we have heard from a group in Tennessee and another in Minnesota. The Tennessee group is experiencing trouble from a group of raiders. The Minnesota group needs help just to survive the coming winter.” He sat down.

Robin stood. “My report is the results of our efforts thus far. We have found two satellites that we cannot identify. They seem to be dead and are in slowly decaying orbits. We have also found two satellites that respond to our signals and will eventually give us coverage of the world. What we have seen thus far suggests that the aliens are gone.”

He sat down. Joe stood and said, “If the aliens are gone, then we can begin to take back the country and rebuild.”

Alice said, “We don’t want to trade an alien invasion for a military dictatorship.”

Joe said, “I don’t know where you get off with that crap. We worked hard to rid this continent of aliens. I know of no person from a squad leader up who wants to dictate to anyone. I think you owe this group an apology.”

Nancy got in her face. “You were invited to this meeting to show that no one in this group wants to be a military dictator, particularly not my husband. You need to back off real fast.”

Alice said, “I didn’t mean present company.”

I said, “Alice, we all resign and you’re in charge. Good luck. I’m going on vacation.” Sheila and I stood and began walking away followed by all the rest except Angela, who had words for her.

Sheila and I returned to our bedroll area. Joe and Nancy were with us. Joe asked, “Where shall we go?”

Sheila said, “I want warm and water. I think Alice will be in for a surprise and we may have a short vacation.”

At that moment, one of our cooks came up to me. “Mister Riley, when should I prepare supper?”

I grinned. “I’m on vacation. You need to see Alice. She’s in charge.”

“I won’t work for her. She couldn’t lead lemmings off a cliff.”

I chuckled. I watched her walk over to the cooking area and saw it suddenly become deserted. Sheila and I packed our things as did Joe and Nancy. The four of us walked toward the front of the building where I had parked the Humvee I had been driving.

Before we got outside, we were cornered by Alex and Robin. Alex said, “Were you serious?”

I said, “Of course. I suspect it will be a short vacation but I’m going to find a safe place to relax. On the other hand, I don’t want to be here if violence breaks out.”

Alex looked alarmed. “You expect violence?”

“I don’t expect violence but I don’t want to pick up a stray bullet if stupidity asserts itself.”

As the four of us went through the entrance, I saw Alex and Robin start packing. Once in the Humvee, Sheila asked, “Where are we going?”

I started the motor and said, “Down the road about four or five miles is a big box store that’s in pretty good shape. We’ll head there while things get sorted out. Alice made a fundamental error and I will not help her out. Popular elections aren’t always reflective of the sentiments of everyone. Alice was out of line and will find her supporters will be unhappy when they find out that things don’t work.”

We were in no hurry and did listen to the radio as we rode. There was a lot of activity. As I figured, she had some supporters but they were not happy when they found that most of the worker bees had bailed...

We arrived and made ourselves comfortable. We would actually have more comfortable digs than we had had. Shortly the cooks and Alex’s and Robin’s groups joined us. It didn’t take long to get set up with good smells coming from the new cooking area. Robin found a cache of telescopes and was thrilled. Alex was stringing antennas for evening use.

As they worked, others showed up, sometimes bearing supplies and sometimes not carrying anything but a willingness to use what they found. Everyone was armed. Joe and I took some chairs outside with our spouses and sat out. I quickly realized that many people were moving out of the old site and joining us in our store or other stores along the road.

An hour later, a group of the representatives drove up. One of them, Tom came over to stand in front of us. He said, “You left. You shouldn’t have left. Alice is having a lot of difficulty and most of the people are joining you as the word gets out.”

I waited before I responded while Tom’s agitation increased. I finally and slowly said, “Tom, I was told by Alice that I wasn’t wanted. Our group has always been voluntary so leaving has always been an option at all times for anyone. I have asked no one to join me. Perhaps Alice is finding that she’s not as popular as she thought. I do wish you and her best of luck also but will not return. She may go her way. We will not stay and be in her way as we haven’t so far. However, I will not stay under her attitude and leadership.”

Tom said, “Alice needs your support to govern.”

I responded, “However, Alice started this by failing to support me. Tom, it’s a two-way street or it’s a no-way street. Again, best wishes.”

Tom was troubled but said, “Alice and I don’t want a war with you.”

“That’s good. I don’t have any plans to fight with you folks. We’ll just go our separate ways.”

Tom said, “I don’t know if Alice will see it that way.”

Sheila said, “That would be unfortunate. Based upon that threatened possibility, we will be prepared for trouble.”

Nancy and Joe waved Tom out and he left. Joe looked at me, “Should we prepare for trouble?”

I slowly said, “Yes. It’s more of a precaution than the likelihood of trouble from them. We do need to form up with those who have joined us to be ready and to talk.”

“Okay, Riley. I’ll gather folk who are around here and see what we’ve got. Figure on about an hour and we’ll be ready to listen.”

Joe left to walk around and see who might be present. He gathered the folk. As they came together, I was a bit shocked to see how many people were gathering. When the hour had passed, I moved around the front and was a bit surprised. It was a big crowd. Alex had run a microphone from a Humvee with large external speakers.

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