Riley's World - Cover

Riley's World

Copyright© 2023 by radio_guy

Chapter 33

The next evening after Sam’s squad returned, we left following Alex’s instructions to go into central Florida.

We picked up I-10 heading east. In the morning, we pulled in at the outskirts of Baton Rouge. It was quiet. We found an open-air mall with stores in which we could hide for the day. As usual, we set out sentries.

Two of the squads from Marcy’s platoon were our sentries. We had been in place for a little over two hours when I heard Angela say quietly, “Control, Angela. My squad has possible hostiles creeping up on our position. They are armed. We’re in position to intercept. Please notify backup. We have counted twelve thus far.”

I knew that Angela’s squad lacked automatic weapons while Jack’s squad, as backup, was heavily armed with automatic weapons including grenade launchers. I joined them as they went out the door and deployed. Control came on and said, “Angela, Control. Backup is deployed. Attempt contact cautiously.”

Angela said, “Roger.” I heard her p. a. system announce. “Good morning, Gentlemen. We see you. If you would like to talk peacefully, we will be glad to do that. The alternative will be unpleasant. Please give us your intentions.” I heard a gun shot. Angela was muffled when she said, “Fire. Backup, pick your targets.” I cringed at the sudden, quick burst of gunfire followed by two explosions.

Angela said, “Cease fire. It’s over. The survivors are surrendering.” Over her p. a., I heard, “Come forward with your hands up and no weapons. Tricks will get you killed.” A moment later, she said, “Control, we have three prisoners. They don’t look too happy to be captives of women.”

Five minutes later, two women brought the three men to the big box store where we were located. Sheila had joined me. She said, “Riley, bring them in. The ladies may go back to their stations.” I had pulled my pistol while Sheila had my rifle in her hands. I ushered the three into the store as Sheila backed up. She sat down in a chair at a table with the rifle on the floor behind her. She looked at the three and said, “Other than being suicidal, who are you guys.”

One of them noticed her lack of arms but started when I pulled the slide back on my pistol to get his attention. Another said, “I don’t like women in charge.”

Sheila smiled tiredly. “Okay. the guys would rather just kill you. Do you have any last words?”

“We’re Americans. It’s against the law to do anything to someone without a trial and appeal.”

Joe said in his deep voice. “I find you trying and lacking in appeal. You don’t get a last meal because we don’t feed people who won’t live long enough to digest their food.”

The three men paled because Joe’s voice betrayed no humor.

The man who had spoken before said, “You-you can’t just shoot us!”

“Sure we can. After all, that’s what you were going to do.”

“No. We were just investigating what we heard last night. We didn’t plan on shooting.”

Sheila wasn’t happy. She said, “Bull, you folks started the shooting as soon as one of our sentries stood asking you to identify yourselves. I’ve heard enough and I know the woman at who you shot feels that way.”

She let that sink in. She then asked, “Where is your base? How many fighters are there?”

“I won’t tell you that.”

“It’s actually two things I asked. Joe, he’s tiresome and not a bit appealing. Take him outside and shoot him. Perhaps his buddies will be more talkative.” Joe twisted his arm behind the guy and, lifting a bit, walked him outside and around a corner of the building. There was a pistol shot. Moments later, Joe returned.

He said, “That takes care of contestant number one.” He pulled the next one up and added, “You’re contestant number two. Let’s see if you last longer.”

The guy sounded scared. “I don’t want to be shot. I’ll talk.”

Sheila asked, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Mark Battle. I’ve lived around here all my life.”

“How many fighters are left in your group and where is their base?”

“Uh, about fifteen. Our base is at a converted mall about five miles away. We weren’t prepared for you people. No one had ever stood up to Charles.”

“Who is Charles, the dead guy?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Of those left, who might take over?”

“Edward will try but he’s not strong.”

“How many women are at your base?”

“Only six or eight. They run off. They didn’t like things with Charles.”

“I can imagine. Mark, point out the direction of your base for Joe to tell our outside folk.” He thought a moment and then pointed. Joe nodded. Sheila and I nodded. Joe headed out the door to arrange a meeting for the rest of Charles’ group. Five minutes later, he came back in and nodded.

He said, “Half of Angela’s squad and all of Jack’s squad are going. They will be watching for ambushes or other trouble. We’re still well-guarded for sentries.”

Sheila said, “Thank you, Joe.”

Joe said, “What’s the prognosis on these two?”

“We’ll see what our expedition turns up.”

It was about twenty minutes after Joe had sent them out when we heard Angela over the radio. She said, “We have found them and their sentries are our prisoners. We’re slowly proceeding toward their headquarters. We have it well-blocked so they aren’t going anywhere.”

Five minutes passed, Angela said, “Including the sentries, we have nine prisoners and a number of women that were kept. They’re glad to be freed. We have one lightly wounded. As soon as he’s ready to move, we will start back.”

Just a few minutes beyond twenty, we heard Angela bring her squad in along with their backup, Jack’s squad with its one wounded man. I was relieved that it was only a flesh wound. The nine male prisoners were brought in as were the liberated fourteen women. They didn’t look like they had much in the way of care or clothing. Sheila said, “Angela, please take them over to our extra clothing area. By the time they return, we will have food for them.”

Joe asked with a hidden grin, “Are we feeding the prisoners?”

Sheila answered, “Only after we determine that they might have a future.”

One of Joe’s squads cooked for many of us and for any guests we might have. They were serving the women along with members of the two squads.

Angela was preparing to report when Alex came running up. He said, “We have a suspected air ship coming. Lots of chittering, too.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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