Riley's World - Cover

Riley's World

Copyright© 2023 by radio_guy

Chapter 30

About an hour later, I met with all the platoon leaders. We needed to plan our approach to the alien base and think on what to do with the LRA while performing that task. I told them that wiping out the alien base was our priority but I didn’t want us to be tied up trying to fight two enemies at the same time.

Joe suggested that one platoon would go after the LRA and take it on if that looked reasonable. Otherwise, the assigned platoon would be charged with keeping them away from our main push. I said that that’s a good idea but we needed some intel on the alien base to know if we can split up and still have enough strength to take out the aliens. He agreed with that.

I put Joe’s platoon on the job of intel gathering. Margaret’s platoon was charged with locating the LRA and making them keep their distance from our base and our plans for the alien base. She nodded and went to talk to Alex about a best guess for a location of the LRA. She and her entire platoon loaded plenty of ammo and left on foot. Joe called his platoon together and assigned them areas of responsibility. They left. I also assigned Harry’s platoon as sentries and as backup for the other two platoons. Since they had already duty as sentries so that involved little extra on their part.

Joe’s platoon left to look for the base. After two hours, he radioed that he had found it. He said that it looked much like the one we attacked up north having ranks of obviously disabled air ships and six vats with pens containing people!

He also said that he could see some remains of the LRA’s attempt on the base. He felt that we could easily attack this evening. He added that one of the vats had prisoners in its pen that was heavily male wearing the remnants of pseudo uniforms. He said he thought many of the LRA were now captive or had been absorbed by the tentacle creatures in the vats.

Margaret called moments later saying that she found the rest of the LRA and there weren’t many of them left totaling about two squads. She said her platoon could take them easily. She asked permission to go forward. Sheila nodded. I looked at Alex and nodded. He said, “Margaret, you have approval though try to hold down casualties.”

Margaret acknowledged him. Joe called in and said his folks were continuing to scout the base.

We waited.

It was mid-afternoon when we heard from Margaret. She reported, “We captured the LRA with no casualties. They were pretty badly beaten up from their attack on the alien base. We have them all in custody and will hold them until told to do something by Riley.”

Alex looked at me. I nodded and took the microphone he extended my way. “Great report, Margaret. Plan to hold them until tomorrow after we’ve finished with alien base.”

“Okay, Boss. We’ll be ready when you want us. I’m going to take all of us into hiding in case the aliens are flying about the area.”

Alex said, “That will be fine, Margaret. Alex clear.”

Joe said, “Alex, would you put Riley on the radio?”

“Sure, standby one.”

I took the mic and said, “Joe, this is Riley. Go ahead.”

Joe said, “Okay, Riley. We’ve completed our recon. It appears that they only have one operating air ship parked here. We have checked the others from a distance and can see obvious signs of trouble with them all. There is one small building which seems to be under pressure.

“Riley, this will be okay. My folks and one other platoon can do this tonight late. Have someone report to me and we’ll plan the details.”

I replied, “Okay, Joe. I will send Harry after they rest. Look for them shortly after sunset.”

Roger, Riley. Joe is clear.”

I sent a runner for Harry to take his folk off sentry duty.

Harry came into our area. “We’re standing down in place though expect it to be quiet. What gives?”

“Your platoon will meet Joe’s platoon at sunset to attack the alien base.”

“Okay. I’m guessing that Joe has scoped it out;” I nodded. He said, “Okay. I’ll tell my gang. We’ll be ready.”

About an hour later, Joe came by the building where we were staying. He came over to me and said, “Isn’t coordinating fun?”

“No.” I answered. “I want to do something and know I can’t do anything. It makes me have to work through people all the time. I really liked being a sergeant. I’m going to ruin your life next.” I chuckled mirthlessly. Joe flexed back in faked horror. I added, “After all, no good deed goes unpunished.”

After a moment, Joe said, “Well, let me get this mission done before you ruin things for me.”

“That, I will do.”

“Okay. My bunch are showing Harry’s folk what we’re planning and their parts in it. I’m trying to keep it simple.” He grinned. “You taught me that.”

I said, “See me when it’s over. Beware of any changes. I don’t know why but I’m nervous about this one.”

Joe smiled and said, “Okay, Boss. We’ll put some express on speed. They might try a missile at night.”

A few hours later at dusk, we heard Joe report that both platoons were ready for a quick operation when it became fully dark. Alex acknowledged him.

We waited. It was mid-evening when Joe announced that their attack was starting.

We went on alert listening for the few comments. We listened as the platoons went in attacking the working air ship and the vats. Another squad was assigned to exploding the building. The prisoners in the vat cages were being hustled out to safety. The one air ship was destroyed.

Joe was telling everyone to get out of the base as they were ready to blow the building. From the reports we were hearing, he was asking everyone to keep moving. Moments later, he said igniting the fuse for the building. Moments later, we heard a loud explosion in the distance.

Joe came on, “Wow! That was all I expected and more. We are continuing to leave the area and spreading out to prevent us showing as a large group.”

Alex came on. “Take cover. I just heard activity on the frequency used by the aliens.” We were quiet. Almost ten minutes later, we heard the sound of an air ship.

Sheila looked at me. “An air ship at night? That’s different.”

We heard a loud explosion. Margaret came on quietly. “It hit the ground close to us and exploded. What’s going on?”

Alex said, “We’re not sure. All stations stay down. Obviously, they’re mad.”

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