Riley's World - Cover

Riley's World

Copyright© 2023 by radio_guy

Chapter 22

We spent a tense day watching for air ship signs and listening for chatter on the radio. It was quiet which suited me. That evening, I gathered the squad leaders to talk about our next mission and where to go. I knew I didn’t want to winter in Ohio though that wasn’t an issue any time soon.

After our suppers, I received a report from Alex that all was well and he was coming back tomorrow with Melody and his squad mates. The squad leaders gathered.

We sat around in chairs for our meeting with drinks of something. I had water. Sheila had joined me sitting beside me for this meeting. I said, “I have requested that we gather for the express purpose of determining our next move or moves. We have heard nothing on the radio of the aliens. I’m not sure what that means for the western location that we had for them. Unless we get a reading on them again, we will need to make other plans. One thing we know. The aliens are still present somewhere because of the missile we saw earlier today. What are your thoughts?”

Joe said, “I would like to set a trap to determine if heat sources still attract an alien response. We know, from experience, that we have to think it through or will lose people. I don’t want that to happen. We can move first. I just don’t have a good direction in mind.”

Margaret said, “I would like us to move south more along the coast. I think we should check out Washington and Quantico. I expect them to have been hit but there might be folks there to join us. Under Riley and Sheila, we have a focus and positive outlook. We’ve also successfully fought the aliens and that’s an important entry for our resume.”

No one had any ideas about a direction or a goal so we began to review our maps. We picked a route through Parkersburg and then Morgantown. We would then come at DC. from the northwest. We also talked about whether we would travel during the day or stick to nighttime movement. We all talked about it but finally decided to stick to running at night. Two nights later, we pulled out to head east. We continued to be reasonable and cautious in our traveling. With Alex’s help, we were more radio-aware. It made having a point person and squad more meaningful. Our furtherst out scout was a mile in front of the convoy. Sheila and I had our Humvee behind the lead squad.

We ran through the area where small cities were without finding any people. We had to go through the Appalachians. There, we found people. Our scout radioed to his squad leader that there was a road block ahead and wanted instructions. He was told to stop in place and wait for his squad to catch up to him. He radioed back that he was at the roadblock though it didn’t seem manned.

His squad with Harry in charge came up beside him. We were there, too, after telling everyone else to stop while this was resolved. Harry and I stepped out of our vehicles and went to the barrier. It looked to me that it had been in place for a while and not maintained. Harry said, “If there are people here, they can see our lights and hear the motors. I think we can pull it away carefully and move on. The aliens may have gotten them since their base was fairly close.”

I said, “Okay. Watch for booby traps and people coming to check on our noise and lights.”

I realized that our convoy with its noise and lights would be obvious. Of course, we were only trying to sneak up on the aliens, not on people.

Harry and three of his squad started to move the barrier to one side. I heard a “click” and shouted, “Freeze! Everyone stop and don’t move including don’t lift a foot.”

A woman’s voice came quivering, “What did I step on?”

More quietly, I said, “It sounded like a mine. I’m going to get us back including you. Then, we’ll shoot up the road a bit. As I come to you, I’ll tell you what to do.”

I looked around. “Everyone in a Humvee, back up fifty yards and wait. I’m going to get the rest of us out in one piece.” Using a bright flashlight, I started forward slowly. I saw a suspicious spot and marked it. I used my big knife to locate the actual mine within the circle I had marked. I moved further forward slowly. The mine I found was not hard to see. I hoped the rest would be similar. I crawled to the first one of Harry’s squad. I said, “Go back the way I crawled. There’s a circle in the ground that you should stay outside. Go!” He left and made it back safely.

Without moving, I looked up to the next person. Looking down on the ground where he was and a path to him for me, I saw hard ground. I said, “You’re clear. Follow my light slowly. Avoid the marked circle.” He moved slowly and steadily getting back to our line. That left Harry and the young lady who had stepped upon the mine.

I looked at her and said, “Keep weight on the foot that’s on the mine. Harry, you’re next. Then, Miss, I’ll get to you. If everyone’s careful, we can live through this.”

I crawled a few feet from Harry looking at and testing the ground. It was clear and I had Harry leave. I looked over at the young lady saying, “Miss, what’s your name?”

As I crawled over to her, she said, “I’m Barbara Jenkins.”

I said, “Okay, Barbara. I won’t tell you not to be scared but just remain calm and we’ll get through this without injury other than dirty underwear.”

She giggled. “Mine is already.”

I nodded. I had crawled to her. I was using my knife to dig the mine. I did that. She had done remarkably well to hold still. I had the mine exposed. I knew this type. It was an old one and could be disarmed if you knew how. I had done it before with a robot. I said, “I’ve handled this type before. Hold your foot steady as I go underneath and flick it off.” She nodded. I dug it out on one side and sent my hand under it to disarm it. I flicked the button and the red light went off. I exhaled. “Okay, Barbara, let’s get out of here carefully.” I stood and pulled her off the mine. We backed up using the path I had used to get to her. Once safe, I gave her a hug. Sheila grabbed me and held me tightly. After a few moments, I said, “Let’s back off a hundred yards and shoot up that area until we get some nice booms.”

That’s what we did. Using bright lights, Joe and I walked forward to check the area. We found nothing more even after going about fifty yards beyond the barrier. Everyone mounted up and we resumed our trek. We saw no sign of any people though did come to another barrier. We backed off and walked a mortar through it until we were beyond its bounds a considerable ways. Joe and I walked ahead again but found nothing. We went on looking for a place to hide for the day. We had seen no people.

As we rode down the long hill from the pass, Sheila asked, “Where are the people?”

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