Riley's World - Cover

Riley's World

Copyright© 2023 by radio_guy

Chapter 20

We ate our dinners and settled in to rest. We would also watch for our local person to show up if he or they did.

It was the middle of the morning when I heard one of Margaret’s ladies say quietly, “Put the rifle down or you will be shot. Three of us have you targeted. No sudden moves. You can die if you try something.”

The voice I had heard earlier said, “I want to talk to Riley. I don’t trust you folks.”

Sheila then said loud enough to be heard clearly. “Then, leave with your rifle and don’t come back. We don’t appreciate armed intruders. Riley didn’t come toward you ready to shoot.”

The person lifted their hands with the rifle still being held over his head. He took a step forward. Sheila said, “If your next step isn’t back and out the door, you will be shot dead.”

The person didn’t move. One of Margaret’s ladies came to him with her pistol pointed at his chest. I’m going to take your rifle. Let it go or die.” She reached up and pulled his rifle from his hands. “Keep your hands up. I will direct you to Riley.” She moved the pistol to his back and held an arm. Sheila was with me and Margaret joined us. We were sitting comfortably. Her squad member’s pistol was pushed into his back as he was walked to us.

Sheila said, “Sit.”

“May I have my rifle?”

Sheila said, ‘No. Tell us who you are and about your group. You should understand that you’re the one who came armed when you were told not to enter that way. You didn’t have to come. We were leaving you and your group alone. We aren’t inclined to be friendly. Your answers and full disclosure will determine if you will stay alive.”

I said, “What’s your name and how many are in your group?”

“I’m Stan Arnold. There are five girls with me including my younger sisters, Jane and Melody. We’ve been scared a lot. The aliens have been through here as well as two gangs. Kim and I are the only ones with guns. I’m not sure about the other two but my sisters never learned about guns.”

Margaret said, “And you make those two and maybe your sisters put out for protection. What does Kim get?”

“I leave her alone. All the others, too, since she came. She sent me out.”

Sheila said, “Yeah, I can see how she might consider you a small loss.” She looked up. Margaret, why don’t you go next door and talk to Kim. Let’s find out how truthful Stanley here has been.” She grinned. “Maybe I’ll cut his balls off. I bet his scream will be really high pitched.”

A girl came in by one of the sentries. “Would you really do that?”

“Yes. Riley taught me how. Who are you?”

“I’m Alison Norris. Stan made me sleep with him or he would have cast me out. Kim joined us and it’s really she who protects us. His rifle is unloaded. Other things about him don’t shoot bullets either.” She grinned.

Margaret chuckled as she walked back in with another woman. She said, “Folks, here’s Kim. Let’s talk with her.”

Sheila grinned. “That sounds good.”

“I’m Kim Hunter. I was impressed when I looked at your arrangements. Also, your leader has guts to stand out with just a holstered pistol. Is Margaret really a leader in your organization?”

“Yes. She leads a squad. I’m XO for our group though my husband, Riley Norris, is our leader. He practices equality and leads by consensus.”

“I think we women would like to join you if Stanley is left behind.”

Sheila smiled. “Kim, we were talking about castrating him before you came here. I haven’t heard anything to make me change my mind.”

Kim nodded. “I’ll hold him while you cut.”

Stanley didn’t look happy. I didn’t blame him. I knew Sheila was quite serious.

Stanley begged. “Please don’t cut me. I won’t bother anyone. Just don’t cut me. No.”

Alison said, “You made me have sex with you and you forced my sisters. Now, the shoe is on the other foot and you’re squirming just like we did under you.”

“I’m sorry. I was wrong. I’ll never do that again. Just don’t cut me.”

I said, “Get the rest of his party in here. Margaret, take one of your squad. They’re going to be afraid of guys.”

Margaret nodded and started for the door. Kim said, “I’ll go with her. They know me.”

We waited. A few long moments later, two girls came into our temporary abode. Sheila said, “Good morning, who are you?”

Of the two, the older one walked up to Stanley and kicked him hard in the groin. She said, “He deserves that and more. He forced us and we’re his sisters. I’m Alicia and she’s Bethany. I’m sixteen and Beth’’s fourteen. We’re glad Kim came and hope our brother gets what he deserves.”

I had heard enough. “Stanley Arnold, you have been weighed for redeeming aspects of humanity and found to be abysmally light. For your actions when you could get away with them and your continued lack of moral fiber, you may not join any squad. You will be executed. I grabbed him and frog-walked him out the door. Once outside, I pushed him to his knees and shot him in the back of the head. He was bounced forward by the impact of the bullet. He was dead before he hit the concrete. I left him there and went back inside.

Sheila was saying, “Riley takes a dim view of forced sex and utilizes a permanent solution.”

I sat down beside her. She patted my knee. “Thank you, Riley.”

I said, “Sooner or later, probably sooner, that would have been necessary.”

After a few minutes, I said, “Sheila, what plans do you have for integrating these ladies into our squads?”

“I think we can put them in Sam’s squad with Kim as his assistant. Sam is sharp and will divide the girls a bit to be sure they get into the swing of things quickly. His is the smallest squad.”

I nodded. “Please, introduce them to their new squad mates and talk to Sam.” She smiled and went to talk to Sam with the ladies following her.

Margret had listened. “Should I be picking and training an assistant?”

“Yes, eventually all the squads will become platoons and then companies. I want to be organized but also create community.”

“Works for me, Boss.”

Sheila returned to hear me. “Works for me, too, Husband. All is well with Sam’s squad. The sisters are under Kim. Other than that, Sam made the calls. He’s good.”

“Good. Let’s get some rest.” We lay down.

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