Kidnapped Campers - Cover

Kidnapped Campers

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A group of teenage girls wash up at my house and I take them as sex slaves for me and my friends. This is my cover of a story by another author called Semiater. Their version is much harder and more brutal for my tastes, but overall it was one of my favorite stories.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Harem  

“You mind telling me what you are doing here?” I asked in a loud voice, and 4 pairs of startled eyes turned to look at me.

I had been sitting on my porch, watching the storm roll in over the lake when I noticed a curl of smoke coming up from the shore where I had built a small cabin. I owned a big piece of land that bordered on a national park across the lake, and it wouldn’t be the first time that someone had decided to try to camp out in my boat house. I grabbed my shotgun and hopped into the truck to check it out. Usually, they were happy to move on once they realized it was private property, but I had run into a few transients, or entitled campers who didn’t realize that the park boundary ran through the middle of the lake. As I approached the small cabin I had built, I noticed that the hasp and padlock had been broken off with a rock so expecting the worst I pulled the door open and stormed in. What I saw was 4 soaking wet girls in t-shirts and shorts, huddled around the small fireplace trying to get the smouldering fire to catch.

“We’re really sorry mister.” One of the girls said in a voice shivering with cold. “Our canoe capsized and we had to swim here. We saw the place and broke in to get out of the wind.”

I ran my eyes over the girls as I pondered the situation. They were all about 18 and looked pretty hot in their wet clothes. Two blondes with firm B cup tits, the nipples making hard points in their soaked shirts, one redhead and one brunette with much larger C or D cups. It was one of the blonde girls that had spoken and the rest huddled close to the fire, both with cold and nervousness. I wasn’t a small man, just over 6’2” and 200lbs standing there in my flannel jacket and work boots holding a shotgun.

“What happened?” I asked, leaning the shotgun against the door and reaching into a cupboard for some blankets.

“We are camping on the other side of the lake. Sort of an end of summer girl’s trip before college.” The first girl who had spoken replied as she gratefully accepted a blanket and wrapped it around herself and the other blonde beside her. “We tried to canoe to the island but got caught in a current and were pulled out into the lake.”

She wasn’t wrong, I thought. There is a strong current that splits at that island and if you don’t know what you are doing it will pull you right into the middle of the lake before you can catch yourself.

The redhead continued, accepting the other blanket and curling up with the brunette. “We tried to turn around but the wind caught us and tipped us over. The current kept pushing us this way and we saw your cabin so we swam for it.”

I looked out the door behind me. The storm was rolling in fast and they had been lucky to get here when they did. I noticed a pile of wet life jackets on the floor just inside the door and realized what an opportunity had just fallen in my lap.

“Well, you are sure lucky you would up here, this is the only building for miles on this side of the lake.” The girls nodded in agreement, glancing at each other in relief.

“Tell you what, why don’t you come up to my place. It is a lot warmer than here and we can call your folks to come get you.”

“Thanks mister, that is really nice of you.” The first blonde answered.

“What are your names by the way.” I said, tipping the brim of my baseball cap in a gentlemanly way.

“I am Monica” the first girl answered, she stood about 5’7” and had straight blonde hair. “And this is my step sister Erica.” As she gestured to the other girl who shared her blanket. Erica was about the same height, but had curly blonde hair with a hint of red in it. They both had long sexy legs and looked like firm B Cup tits under their damp shirts.

“I’m Tammy.” the third girl said. She was taller, about 6” and had long wavy red hair. “And I’m Julie.” Her friend added as they shivered together under the blanket. The last girl was shorter, barely 5’ and had long chestnut brown hair.

“Well, my truck only has room for three, so why don’t Monica and Erica come with me now and I will come back for you other two once they are settled.”

The 4 teenagers nodded and I stepped back to let Monica and Erica move past me and out the door. I gave the lake a quick scan and as I suspected, there was no one out there given the weather that was coming in. I opened the passenger door and boosted the girls up into my jacked up Chevy. Their bodies were tight and firm under my hands as I grabbed them around their narrow waists to lift them effortlessly onto the running boards.

“Where are you girls from?” I asked as I turned the truck around and drove up the trail to the house.

“We are actually from out of state.” Monica answered. “We were here for a cheerleading competition last week, and took the opportunity to make it into a camping trip.”

I had seen a notice about that competition in the state capitol. It was a pretty big event drawing teams from across the country.

“How did you do?” I asked, keeping the discussion light.

“Fourth, dammit.” Monica replied.

Great, they would most likely not be featured in any of the articles about the competition. Also, since it was only Saturday and a long weekend they likely won’t be missed for several days as well. Plenty of time for what I had in mind.

When we got to the house I pulled in to the garage and closed the door. Not likely anyone would see us anyway; my driveway was a good half mile long and lined with trees. I led the girls into the basement rec room and turned on the gas fireplace. “You two stay here and warm up. I am going to make some hot chocolate for you and your friends back at the cabin.” Two grateful faces beamed up at me as they pushed themselves close to the fire.

I went upstairs to put the kettle on and dished generous scoops of cocoa into a couple of mugs. Then I quickly went into the bathroom and got my sleeping pills out of the medicine cabinet. I had been prescribed these a few months ago, and if they were enough to put me to sleep, they would knock these girls out cold. I crumbled one into each cup then added the boiling water. A dollop of cream to make it rich and I brought the mugs downstairs.

Monica and Erica were sitting on the sofa, no longer wrapped in the blanket and far more comfortable than they had been. I ran my eye over their hard bodies and the smooth tanned skin of their long legs as they stretched their bare feet toward the fire. Their painted toenails flickered as they wiggled them in the pleasure of warmth.

“Here you go girls, this will warm you up.” And I handed a drugged cup of cocoa to each of them. They thanked me and moaned with pleasure as the warm liquid ran down their throats. That’s not the only hot liquid that will be running down your throats I thought as I stood back to watch them.

“I’m going to grab a couple of cups for your friends and go get them.” I said, “You stay here now, I have a pretty big dog upstairs and I don’t want you startling him, ok.” The two girls nodded and sipped their drink with relish.

I went back upstairs and grabbed two travel mugs, filling them with sleeping pill drugged cocoa and headed back out to grab the other girls. A few minutes later and my truck was full of sexy teenagers again, moaning in pleasure at their own drinks as we drove back to the house. I pulled into the garage again and helped Tammy and Julie down and into the warm rec room. I could see that the drug was already taking effect as Monica and Erica’s heavily lidded eyes turned to us and they struggled to raise their hands.

“Looks like the day has exhausted your friends here. Why don’t you sit down and rest and we can handle everything later.” I said, guiding the last two girls to the sofa. They sat down gratefully, soaking in the warmth of the fire as they finished their drugged drinks. “I’m going to go back down to the boathouse and make sure it is locked up. You girls stay here and rest.” Tammy nodded in reply, I could see that Monica and Erica were already asleep, curled up together on the edge of the sofa.

I hopped back in the truck and hurried back down to the boat house. I picked up the discarded life jackets and did a quick sweep of the room. Finding a pair of sandals and 4 soaked cell phones I grabbed those and hopped in my fishing boat. The lake was rough but I easily made it to the other side and found their campsite. I tossed 2 of the lifejackets onto the beach then motored back to the island where I saw a paddle floating in the water. I tossed out the 2 remaining lifejackets where the current would take them just as if this is where they had capsized. As I drove back, I saw the lime green bottom of the capsized canoe bobbing on the waves. The wind was pushing it down the lake and it wouldn’t hit shore for miles. I dumped the cell phones, my fish finder showed me that it was a good 200’ deep here, and tossed in the flip-flop sandals. As far as any searchers would discover, 4 girls had gone out in a canoe without their lifejackets on. It had capsized in the deepest part of the lake after being caught by the current and the bodies were lost to the waves.

I got back to the boat house and put out the fire, cleaning out the ashes and coals of any evidence it had ever been used. A final sweep made sure that there weren’t any traces, not a hair tie or a bobby pin, and I headed back up to the house. When I walked into the rec room, all 4 girls were sleeping peacefully on the sofa, Tammy was snoring softly. Enjoy your nap girls I thought, when you wake up things will be really different for you.

I went back into the garage and pulled a bundle of zap straps from my work bench. Julie was on the end of the sofa and I gathered her up in my arms. She moaned gently as I lifted her and carried her up the stairs. I laid her on the bed in the spare bedroom and pulled her hands behind her back, securing her wrists with a zip tie then fastened her ankles together. I considered gaging her but I didn’t want her to choke and there was no one to hear her anyway. I went back downstairs and repeated this with all of the girls until I had 4 trussed up cheerleaders dozing peacefully on the queen bed. I reached out and slid my hand up Monica’s bare leg. She moaned in her sleep as my fingers travelled up her thigh and slid along the edge of her damp jean shorts. I moved my hand up under her shirt and felt her firm tits, rolling her nipple in my fingers and groping the smooth teenage flesh. “Yeah, we are going to have a lot of fun aren’t we.” I whispered into her ear and got another moan in reply.

I stepped back and pulled out my phone, calling my best friends, Tim and Doc. “Hey fellas, come on over to my place after work, I have a surprise for you.”

I went downstairs to the rec room and gave it a sweep just as I had the cabin. They girls had taken off their shoes and put them by the fire so I tossed them in a bag but other than that there was no trace they had been here. When I finished, I opened a seldom used door and stepped into the adjoining room. I hit the light switch and the bare bulbs illuminated an unfinished space, about 15’ x 30’ of bare concrete walls and floor. I had been tossing around turning it into a wine cellar, a games room or a home theater, but it was always too damp. Now I decided it would make a perfect dungeon.

About 3 hours later, a police cruiser pulled into my driveway. I stood on the front porch as Sheriff Tim got out of the car, putting on his Stetson and regarding me over the hood. “What is it this time you old pervert?” He asked cynically. “Find a new website that I should be shutting down?”

“Better than that.” I replied. “With what I got in here we could start our own. Come on up.” I replied.

Tim had been the county sheriff for years now, and was as crooked as they come. He kept getting re-elected because the right people owed him big time for some of the stuff he let them get away with and he was a good friend to have. He had ruined more than one case that would have gotten me in trouble by misplacing evidence or corrupting testimony. He was walking around the front of the cruiser when Doc’s Mercedes SUV pulled in behind him.

Doc was a plastic surgeon and an old friend from high school. He had a pretty successful practice in the next town but preferred to live out here in the boonies than in some expensive condo in the city. He had spent more than one night here with me, high as a kite on prescriptions that he had written for me. He maneuvered his bulk out of the driver’s seat and looked ruefully at the stairs up to my front door.

“If I pay for it, will you install that damn lift?” He grumbled as he struggled to haul himself up the steps.

“After you see what I have here for you, you will appreciate the exercise.” I replied as he wheezed his way up the steps.

As Doc finally made it into the front door, I heard voices from the spare bedroom. Cries for help and pleas for release echoed down the hallway and the two men looked at me with inquisitive eyes. I led them down the hall and opened the door where the girls were struggling on the bed. Their heads all turned toward me and for the second time I saw the look of fear there. “Mister, please, please let us go.” Monica and Tammy begged as they squirmed on the bed. Erica and Julie were too busy sobbing in fear to do more than stare at us with tear stained faces. I moved aside to let Doc come in the room and when he saw the girls, he let out a slow whistle.

“You weren’t lying,” he said “where did they come from?”

Tim had just come through the door and I saw hope blossom on the girls faces. “Officer, officer get us out of here!” Tammy shouted.

Tim just leaned against the doorframe and grunted “Now why would I want to do that?” he answered and I saw the look of hope turn to confusion then fear as it dawned on the poor girl that no help was coming.

I explained what had happened earlier and the steps I had taken to make it appear that the girls had been lost in the storm. Tim looked out of the window to see the rain lashing the glass and the whitecaps on the lake. “Good story” he replied “I can work with that and keep any investigation from figuring out the truth.”

I heard the girls moan in fear, and the pathetic sobbing and pleading continued. “Please, please mister.” Monica gasped through her tears. “Please let us go, we won’t tell any one we promise?”

I walked forward and grabbed her tit through her thin shirt, squeezing it hard and making her yelp in pain. “Let you go, after all the work I did to get you here? Why would we do that?”

I saw her step-sister Erica squirming to look over her shoulder at where Monica was laying beside her. I reached out to cup her tit and felt her try to pull away from me. I squeezed hard and got a yelp of pain from her as well. “You may as well learn now bitches, you are dead and we own you. Don’t we boys?”

A hoot from Tim and an evil chuckle from Doc led to a renewed round of sobbing from the girls. “I want these two.” I said. “Apparently they are step sisters and I don’t want to break up the set.”

Doc nodded and maneuvered his bulk forward to the other side of the bed where Tammy lay. “I want this one.” He said, and licked his lips as he stroked her long red hair. “She reminds me of the bitch who wouldn’t date me in high school.” He leaned his bulk forward and put his face close to hers “You are going to pay for that now, aren’t you.” He said in a cold voice as Tammy stared horrified into his eager eyes.

Tim leaned forward and slid his hand up between Julie’s bound legs, rubbing her crotch through the thin nylon shorts she was wearing. “I’ll be back for this one.” He said. “Can’t really take her home in the cruiser, can I?” He stood up with a smile, crossing his arms and ignoring her pleas.

“We should wait until after dark anyway.” Doc said, as his hand groped Tammy’s tits. “No point in taking any risks, and it will give Tim and I time to set up at our places.”

“Good idea, these girls aren’t going anywhere.” I said “But we do need to shut them up, all this whining is getting on my nerves.” I pulled out a roll of duct tape I had picked up in the garage and tore off a wide strip. The girls begged and pleaded as I silenced them one by one and at the end the room was filled with a chorus of muffled whines and whimpers. Then I reached back into the hall and picked up the two leashes and dog collars I had hung from the doorknob.

“Now that we know who belongs to who, we may as well split them up.” I bent down and slid the leather collar around Tammy’s neck, staring hard into her terrified eyes as I buckled it tight. Then I snipped the zip tie around her ankles and handed the leash to Doc. “Mind taking your pet into the master bedroom and securing her to the bed till you get back?”

“Don’t mind if I do, come bitch.” He said with glee, and yanked on the leash pulling Tammy off the bed and on to the floor with a thud. The terrified redhead scrambled to her feet and pulled back, fighting the chain. Doc yanked her forward, then rocked her back again with a sharp backhand across her face.

“You stupid whore, guess I will have to teach you what it means to disobey me.” Another hard slap and Tammy was on the floor, sobbing through her taped mouth. Doc wound up and kicked her hard in the ribs and the breath whooshed out of her. She rolled on the floor, eyes wild with fear as she struggled to recover from the blow.

“Want some more?” Doc shouted and the terrified girl shook her head as she curled away from the fat monster holding her leash. Doc pulled her to her feet then grabbing her by the hair, dragged her out the door and down the hall.

Tim looked at Julie as I handed him the collar and leash. “Are we going to have a problem?” he asked in his best pissed off cop tone and the scared brunette shook her head desperately.

“Good, now chin up.” He said and Julie complied, still quivering in fear. Tim fastened the collar and flicked open a folding knife to cut her legs free. He waved the shining blade in front of the terrified girl’s huge eyes. “You keep listening like that, and we won’t have any trouble, capisce?” Julie nodded, her eyes fixed on the shining blade in front of her. Tim pulled her to her feet and led her out the door, she strained to follow his quick steps while she looked back at Monica and Erica imploringly.

I sat on the bed and slid my hand up and down Erica’s smooth thighs. She whimpered, but did nothing to try to pull away. “Good girl.” I said, and stroked her curly strawberry blonde hair. Here shining blue eyes started up at me through a veil of tears as my hand slid down her neck and in to the loose t-shirt she was wearing. I felt her shudder as I groped under her still damp bra and squeezed her firm teenage tits. “You keep behaving like this and we won’t have any need to be as mean and nasty as old doc there.”

I heard the sound of grunting and muffled screaming coming from down the hall. I left my two new teenage slaves to check and see what Doc was up to. I looked in the open door to my bedroom and saw that Doc had Tammy bent over the bed and was pounding her hard from behind. He had his meaty hand gripped around her long copper hair and was pulling her back hard as he drove his cock into her. He was almost shoving the heavy bed across the floor with his bulk and the small teenage girl almost disappeared underneath him from time to time. I went back to the bedroom and cut the zip ties around Monica and Erica’s ankles and pulled them off the bed. I grabbed them by the back of their delicate necks as I hustled them down the hall. I felt them freeze when they saw what was happening to Tammy, and their sobbing grew in intensity as I forced them to watch the show.

“Hey, Doc” I shouted. “Give a wave to your fans.”

Doc turned his head and I saw the sweat streaming down his face. He smiled an evil piggish smile and waved at the two terrified girls. “Don’t worry ladies, there’s enough of me for everyone.” He called as he slid his hand over his bulging stomach before slapping Tammy hard on her ass. He twisted her head around and her eyes widened as she saw her friends watching her ravishment.

I turned the girls around and moved towards the bathroom where I heard the shower running. I looked in and saw Tim there, holding the shower wand and directing the spray on Julie. He noticed me and called out.

“Just washing off any trace evidence here. Don’t worry, I’m using the cold water so it isn’t costing you a cent.” He cackled.

I pushed the girls into the bathroom as he directed the cold spray over the helpless bound and naked girl sprawled in the tub. “Look at how hard her nipples are, the bitch must like this.” Said as he hosed down the poor girls tits. Julie had impressive C cup tits, well rounded and tanned with large hard nipples. She squirmed, trying to get away from the stream but Tim just laughed and moved the spray up and down her body, raising gooseflesh wherever it touched.

I took the girls back to the spare bedroom, the sounds of the suffering of their friends still resounding through the house. I sat them on the bed and they stared up at me with wide terrified eyes.

“Now, I don’t have the childhood issues that Doc is dealing with right now, or the sadistic streak that made Tim decide to run for sheriff.” I told them as they huddled together in front of me. “I am just a horny guy who likes to fuck hot young girls. You are hot young girls who want to fuck me, am I right?”

Monica and Erica just sat there, quivering in fear with their heads buried in each others shoulder. I reached out and grabbed their hair, brutally twisting their heads up to look at me.

“You are two sluts who want to fuck me, am I right!” I bellowed in their faces. They nodded quickly in response, moaning with terror into their gags.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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