‘Street Patrol’ … ‘Red Light’ District Policewomen - Cover

‘Street Patrol’ … ‘Red Light’ District Policewomen

Copyright© 2023 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Policewomen of the 'Red Light' District... Sydney - New South Wales - Australia 1980-1985 Firm bodies, crisp pale-blue uniform shirts and moist 'pussy' on the streets of King's Cross

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Crime   Historical   Harem   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Massage   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Prostitution  

Senior Constable Desiree Williamson groaned.

Seated with Penelope, she cared little for what was happening around her as the kinky ‘Madam’ of the nearby ‘Fantasia’ Massage Parlour continued to ‘finger’ her - ‘Trainee’ Constable ‘Kim’ Holloway was in the rear store room with the Somali-born waitress. Not that it mattered to Desiree Michelle Williamson.

She had not seen Kim in almost twenty minutes.

The thirty-year-old brunette’s coffee was now cold. And so was Penelope’s cappuccino.

At the next table, Senior Constable ‘Kat’ Chapman and ‘Trainee’ Constable Sally Edwardes were still kissing – it was obvious that they were in no hurry to return to the King’s Cross Police Station for the two ‘General Duties’ policewomen had no wish to speak to ‘The Black Widow’ if they could avoid it.

Both were in no doubt that Inspector Beverley McKenzie would be causing chaos a while yet.

‘Headjob Hanna’ Monaghan had slipped out the back door a few minutes earlier.

The young prostitute needed a sleep. And, she needed her daily fix too.

Penelope Ngo’s prostitutes were now seated at the table by the rear doorway – they could see into the store room from there and were enjoying watching the dark-skinned waitress ‘fuck’ the fresh-faced ‘trainee’ policewoman.

As they kept an eye on ‘Trainee’ Constable ‘Kim’ Holloway and the Somalian, they all drank coffee and recalled what had happened the night before with the ‘City Patrol’...

Time seemed to have stopped.

Dimmatina’s Café had long been an institution in King’s Cross.

Though for the most part, it was little known outside of the select clique of lesbian and bi-sexual customers who frequented it, Dimmatina’s had survived almost forty years in King’s Cross.

And for most of that time, it had been popular with the local policewomen and prostitutes – its vicinity to the King’s Cross Police Station and both the ‘Fantasia’ Massage Parlour and ‘The Wild Cherries’ Club, had made that almost inevitable.

But, there were also wealthy ‘Socialites’ from Vaucluse, as well as Nurses from St. Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst – Qantas stewardesses on layover, ‘Strippers’ and Businesswomen as well.

And, there were the servicewomen from both the Women’s Royal Australian Corps at Georges Heights and the Women’s Royal Australian Navy from Garden Island.

Dimmatina’s Café offered sanctuary. There were no rules.

Nobody cared that Lesbianism was still illegal in New South Wales.

Remarkably enough, it had been left largely on its own by the likes of George Freeman, ‘Teflon John’ Ibrahim, and the notorious Bayeh Brothers who ran King’s Cross – not even Detective Inspector ‘Chook’ Fowler and his corrupt posse of ‘Red Light’ District Detectives bothered with Dimmatina’s, even though they all knew what was happening there.

Senior Constable Glenda Sandringham hesitated.

Pausing in the doorway, she waited for her to become accustomed to the gloom inside the cafe.

Constable Joanna Harrison entered first – she was struggling to retain her composure after nearly being caught by Inspector Beverley McKenzie. Much to her relief, the ‘Divisional Inspector’ had not seen her, but it had been far too close for comfort

Beverley Louise McKenzie had once arrested her. She would certainly have recognized Joanna again.

And, she would’ve known that she wasn’t really a policewoman, despite the uniform and authentic-looking ‘New South Wales Police’ badge and credentials. Joanna Elaine Harrison had fooled almost everybody at the King’s Cross Police Station. She had carte blanche when it came to the policewomen of the ‘Street Patrol’ as she was now ‘fucking’ their ‘Officer in Charge’ on almost a daily basis.

But, the thirty-year-old knew that could not bluff ‘The Black Widow’...


Joanna held the door for Glenda,

“This is Dimmatina’s huh...?” she whispered – Glenda nodded.

Dimmatina’s Cafe was the one place that Inspector Beverley McKenzie would probably not check.

She knew about it - all of the policewomen who worked at King’s Cross did. But, there were still certain unwritten rules when it came to Dimmatina’s. ‘The Black Widow’ was ‘Divisional Inspector’ now, so Dimmatina’s Cafe was strictly off-limits to her. So that was something at least.

Pausing, Joanna began to unbutton her uniform shirt.

The first thing that she noticed was not the prostitutes.

Nor was it Penelope Ngo with Desiree at the far end of the room.

Dimmatina’s Cafe had a certain style - it was comfortable and surprisingly tasteful in its decor. That in itself was unusual for the ‘Red Light’ District. For the first time since leaving the King’s Cross Police Station, Joanna felt safe.

However, she hadn’t yet noticed the African-born waitress at the cash register either.

What caught the thirty-year-old blonde’s eye, was that Senior Constable ‘Kat’ Chapman was wearing the older policewoman’s ‘Summer’ uniform like her girlfriend, Senior Constable Glenda Sandringham.

It seemed incongruous. And it surprised her more than she thought it could.

Every other policewoman, wore the newer ‘Summer’ uniform like she did...

“I should’ve known...?” observed Glenda – Joanna closed the front door behind her girlfriend,

“Just as well you brought it huh...?” she whispered to Glenda. Her girlfriend nodded.

“I suppose, you could have kept it as a ‘trophy’...?”

In her issue handbag, Glenda had the dildo...

“How about I buy us one of our own?” Joanna added,

“Might be just the thing huh...?”

“Y-Yes...” agreed the brunette,

“Just what we need for tonight?”

It was obvious to the both of them, that ‘The Princess’ was ‘pleasuring’ Desiree.

Senior Constable Desiree Williamson’s shirt was unbuttoned almost to her waist – her shirt’s collar popped like some sort of ‘Fashion Model’ as she gazed across at Joanna and Glenda.

Desiree Michelle Williamson took no notice of them.

She looked lost in the moment - the moaning thirty-year-old brunette was about to ‘cum’ yet again,

“Shall we...?” asked Glenda – her girlfriend nodded. There were two seats opposite Desiree and Penelope.

Senior Constable ‘Kat’ Chapman continued kissing ‘Trainee’ Constable Sally Edwardes.

But, as they passed the two ‘General Duties’ policewomen, both Constable Joanna Harrison and Senior Constable Glenda Sandringham could see that the older brunette was ‘fingering’ the younger blonde under their table – nonetheless, Glenda ran her fingertips lightly over their shoulders as she ushered Joanna to where Desiree and Penelope sat together. It was her way of announcing that she was there too.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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