‘Street Patrol’ … ‘Red Light’ District Policewomen - Cover

‘Street Patrol’ … ‘Red Light’ District Policewomen

Copyright© 2023 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Policewomen of the 'Red Light' District... Sydney - New South Wales - Australia 1980-1985 Firm bodies, crisp pale-blue uniform shirts and moist 'pussy' on the streets of King's Cross

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Crime   Historical   Harem   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Massage   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Prostitution  

Joanna Elaine Harrison hesitated.

She had waited for ‘Trainee’ Constable ‘Kim’ Holloway and Senior Constable Desiree Williamson to leave – the bi-sexual ‘Constable Joanna Harrison’ lurking just inside the rear doorway to ‘The Aquarius’ Sex Shop on Darlinghurst Road. Confident that nobody suspected a thing, she was content to linger a few moments longer.

Hidden from view, she watched the two unsuspecting ‘Street Patrol’ policewomen step from the back door of the old King’s Cross Police Station - Kimberley Anne Holloway and Desiree Michelle Williamson commencing their usual ‘Foot Patrol’ together.

Joanna smiled to herself.

Senior Constable Glenda Sandringham would be waiting for her.

She’d ‘fucked’ the ‘Officer in Charge’ of the ‘Street Patrol’ the previous night. And she would do so again now.

And, she’d enjoyed the other two policewomen watching her with Glenda last night – that had been a ‘turn-on’ for Joanna, but this morning, she just wanted to have Glenda all to herself. It was almost a daily ritual now.

So far, Joanna Elaine Harrison had ‘fucked’ Glenda Eloise Sandringham three times in ‘The Dungeon’ over the last week or so. Just as she had planned.

Her mind turned for a moment to ‘Trainee’ Constable ‘Kim’ Holloway as she watched the twenty-five-year-old brunette walking away - she knew Kimberley Anne Holloway even if the attractive young policewoman had no idea who she was...?

Joanna knew that she had once been a ‘Stripper’ and a Prostitute.

And, she suspected Glenda and the rest of her ‘Street Patrol’ clique knew it too.

Carefully, Joanna tucked the lanyard that she wore about her neck, beneath the collar of her pale-blue uniform shirt – the attached ‘New South Wales’ Badge glistened in the morning sun, catching her eye briefly.

She had also neatly rolled the sleeves of her uniform shirt a little shorter, just like Kim and Desiree.

And, her trim dark-blue uniform skirt, Joanna had also unofficially shortened to a much more fashionable length, well above the knee, as both Kim and Desiree had done as well – the ‘Imposter’ had created an image and nobody at the King’s Cross Police Station had ever challenged her. Not even ‘Acting’ Sergeant Monique Anderson; though the twenty-eight-year-old blonde was showing more than a casual interest in her, but Joanna knew how to deal with her.

Fortunately for Joanna, most at King’s Cross Police Station, openly despised the all-female ‘Street Patrol’ so much, that they barely acknowledged her when she came through the door. Not once had her credentials ever been checked.

If anything, the only real scrutiny was of a far more salacious nature. Monique had proved that more than once.

Several of the uniformed policemen too.

And that, Joanna Elaine Harrison knew only too well, how to handle.

She tugged at her shirt collar – pressed flat and with an additional button undone for she had small breasts and the manner in which she wore the short-sleeved policewoman’s uniform shirt was all part of the façade.

Kim and Desiree disappeared from view.

Joanna snatched a hurried deep breath. It was time to make a move.

She wasn’t quite alone. Standing nearby, a young prostitute glared impassively at her from the adjacent rear doorway of a vacant shop - Joanna ignored her.

She shouldered her policewoman’s handbag – she carried her counterfeit ‘New South Wales’ Police ID and a pair of handcuffs in the black leather handbag, as well as a small black rubber ‘cosh-like’ policewoman’s baton, that she used more often as not, as a dildo. Joanna also had her purse, perfume, and lipstick in her handbag, much like any other policewoman.

‘Constable Joanna Harrison ‘stepped from the doorway finally.

‘The Aquarius’ would be opening soon, so it was better to not remain too much longer.

She glanced back at the prostitute. ‘Headjob Hanna’ smiled at the blonde policewoman...

“I don’t usually go for female ‘Pigs’ like you, Blondie...” the twenty-year-old hissed.

Joanna hesitated - Hanna Jayne Monaghan blew her a cheeky kiss,

“But in your case...” continued the prostitute after a moment’s pause - she cleared her throat,

“I might make an exception if you fuckin’ want?” offered ‘Headjob Hanna’...

“Nice to know...” Joanna responded.

She turned away - the young prostitute muttered something, but Joanna couldn’t hear what it was.

“But, I have things to do, sweetie...”

Slipping her Versace sunglasses on, Joanna walked slowly down the alleyway.

‘Headjob Hanna’ responded with a muffled sigh.

It was a combination of disappointment and contempt that amused Joanna.

Nevertheless, it had not been the first time that she’d been propositioned by a prostitute whilst in uniform.

There was nobody else about - the two girls from the ‘Street Patrol’ were out of sight.

Joanna felt quite alone. ‘Headjob Hanna’ was now just a memory as she headed towards the rear door to the old King’s Cross Police Station - Joanna’s mind had turned back to Glenda and what she was about to do to her.

Her pace was measured though. She didn’t hurry, but she did take care to ensure that she was all on her own.

Joanna Elaine Harrison had been successful so far because she was careful. She took nothing for granted.

Not that she didn’t take chances - everything she did was a risk and she knew it.

But, she made sure that the odds were always in her favour.

Though hidden beneath the brim of her traditional policewoman’s uniform hat and sunglasses, her piercing green eyes saw everything – the sudden appearance of the blonde policewoman was no surprise therefore,


‘Acting’ Sergeant Monique Anderson appeared in the rear doorway to the King’s Cross Police Station.

She had already made a pass at Joanna some two days earlier...

“S-Sarge...” Joanna acknowledged.

Monique smiled. She was a tall thinly-built blonde.

“S-So, you’re back for more huh...?”

“Sarge...?” Joanna queried – the twenty-eight-year-old blonde took a gentle hold of her arm.

Pausing, Joanna glanced back down the alleyway. They were both quite alone. ‘Headjob Hana’ had gone.

“You’re here for that ‘slut’ downstairs, aren’t you?” asked Monique with a knowing smile...

“Is that a problem...?” Joanna replied – Monique shrugged,

“Don’t worry, nobody else upstairs knows what you’re doing with Gelnda, if that’s what’s worrying you?”

“You could do better, you know?” Monique then suggested to Joanna...

“I know,” she added, “That you’re ‘fucking’ Glenda, Constable Holloway?”

Slowly, Monique began to trace the woven ‘New South Wales Police’ patch on Joanna’s shirtsleeve with her fingertip – she savored the tempting scent of the older blonde’s perfume.

She couldn’t afford Givenchy Amirage herself, but chose not to question how Constable Joanna Holloway could...?

If she was waiting for a shocked reaction to her words, Monique was disappointed. Joanna betrayed no surprise,

“So what if I am, Sergeant Anderson?” she asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

Joanna had forgotten the inquisitive blonde policewoman’s name but Monique wore an issue nametag pinned to the front of her uniform shirt...

“Why don’t you join us this morning...?” she suggested.

Monique bit her lip,

“I doubt,” Joanna assured her, “That she’s going to mind if you offer up your ‘cunt’ to us too, Sarge?”

Monique hesitated – this was not quite what she had expected. She mouthed an obscenity...

“Maybe, you want to report us, is that it...?” continued Joanna, sensing Monique’s indecision,

“After all, what we’re doing is illegal, isn’t it, Sergeant Anderson?”

Raising her hand, she playfully caressed at Monique’s cheek with her fingertips,

“But, you’re not going to report us, are you...?”

“M-Monique...?” she prompted.

Monique shook her head...

“You want ‘a piece of the action’ then, Sergeant Anderson?” Joanna asked.

“M-Maybe...?” the twenty-eight-year-old conceded,

“I’d like to get to know you better too if that’s what you’re wondering...?” Joanna whispered in her ear,

“And, I have no problem with you ‘fucking’ me either, S-Sarge...?” she teased – Monique nodded.

“But, I have an arrangement with Glenda Sandringham...?”

Pausing, Joanna lowered her hand. She looked for ‘Headjob Hanna’ again,


Slowly, she ran her fingertips over the front of Monique’s uniform shirt.

Unbuttoned seductively almost to her waist, it was obvious that ‘Acting’ Sergeant Monique Anderson wasn’t wearing a bra – she tidied the policewoman’s collar and licked suggestively at her lips,

“So, how about a rain check for now, Sergeant Anderson?”

“Y-Yes...” Monique agreed – Joanna caressed lightly at her cheek again.

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