A Military Retiree - Cover

A Military Retiree

Copyright© 2023 by Westside24

Chapter 3

Mark’s Dad gave him a more detailed briefing on the use is the trailer. He showed him how to use the stabilizing jacks and mentioned the importance of proper tongue weight along with a few other things. If it was windy when the camper was parked, he showed Mark how to tie it down. He pointed out where all the connections to the camper were located to do this tying down. The backup camera Dad had installed on his truck simplified the hitching of the camper to the truck.

The camper was already supplied with many incidentals because of his parent’s recent usage. All Mark needed to add were clothes, his computer, pistols, a set of golf clubs, an Android cable box, and his personal grooming items. He did add some non-perishable food items and some liquid refreshments that were in cans or plastic bottles.

Mark swapped his SUV with Dad for his seven-year-old Ford F150 truck. He needed that vehicle to be able to safely pull the camper. All considered it was pretty much an even trade. Mom nicely hinted that she would prefer to ride in an SUV versus riding or driving the truck which was a significant reason for Dad doing this trade.

On Tuesday, one week after Easter, Mark was on his way to Fort Leonard Wood. The large side rearview mirrors on the truck gave Mark a good view of traffic. The rearview camera Dad had installed on the back of the camper could be turned on which also helped in driving.

The drive to Fort Leonard Wood was for the most part all done on interstate highways. Mark drove at the speed limit for vehicles pulling trailers while listening to an audiobook. In driving at that speed he did not pass many other vehicles. Laughingly he thought that he didn’t pass up many gas stations either. The wind resistance in pulling this camper markedly reduced the mpg of the truck.

Mark arrived at the campground on base just after four. After checking in with the host, he pulled through his assigned site placing the camper onto the concrete pad. The campground was rather Spartan and looked to be fairly new. Not all the sites were occupied.

Following the written checklist he had prepared, he set up the camper. Once that was done, he checked to see if there was a signal for Wi-Fi. There was one but it was too weak for the IPTV and would only work slowly for email. Because the TV antenna was on a rotor and its signal boosted, he was able to connect adequately with television stations that were transmitting their signals over the air.

Having set up the camper, he put the sandwiches and fries he purchased at the last gas stop in the microwave to reheat them and sat down to have his dinner. While he was eating and watching the television he looked at the inside of the camper. For sure this was a cozy living situation. That thought then changed to Mom and Dad really loving each other if they spent four months in Florida living in this camper. To him, it became obvious why Dad said they were going to rent a condo the next time they went to Florida for the winter.

The next morning Mark made a phone call to Craig Henderson. Craig was a sales manager for Texas and Oklahoma for Bifty Shoes. Mark told him who he was and asked if Craig would have any objection to his setting up retail sales locations in his states while Mark was doing his traveling.

Craig had no objections and said he would email Mark a list of zip codes that already had retail locations set up and the information on his sales code. He did comment that most of the locations that had been already set up generally were around the larger cities in these two states Mark planned to do his traveling.

Because of his previous schooling at Fort Leonard Wood, Mark was familiar with this post. Taking his laptop with him, Mark first went to the large PX. His visit to the PX was to see what athletic shoes were offered for sale there. He could see there wasn’t much offered in the way of athletic shoes and wondered if this was true for all PXs.

After lunch, Mark stopped by the Military Police School Headquarters. He explained he was a retiree and asked if he could see a phone directory. He wanted to see if anyone he served with was now assigned here. He noted that Frank Brackman a CW3 was assigned here. Mark had worked with Frank in Germany. He phoned Frank but the call went to voice mail. Mark left a message for him saying he was going to be at the Ozark Tavern at four and asked Frank to come there if it was convenient.

Stopping at the post library he was able to sign on to the internet with his laptop. He checked his emails and responded to a few. Craig had emailed him the sales information that he said he would. Mark saved the attachments and also had them printed out.

Mark was having his second beer at the Ozark Inn when Frank showed up. After Frank ordered a beer they exchanged information about what was going on in their lives as well as the news on people they both knew. Frank was interested in Mark’s life since Mark retired and what he was doing. Frank said he was going to retire in another two years. His wife was from Arizona and that is where he would be moving to when he retired. He thought that selling Bifty Shoes at that time would be interesting to do.

About two hours later Mark and Frank shook hands saying it was nice seeing each other and said their goodbyes.

The rainy weather the next day put a damper on any thoughts Mark had of doing any outdoor activities. Mark prepared some booklets for Bifty Shoes and spent the day watching television and reading a book. He did do a drive and purchased some provisions from the Commissary.

There were no problems in packing up and doing the drive to a KOA campground that was close to Fort Sill. This campground was a marked improvement from the prior one. Besides having all the hookups, there were laundry facilities and a store. The surprisingly strong Wi-Fi connection enabled him with his IPTV hookup to watch two hockey games on the television in between eating his dinner, checking his email, and surfing the net.

One thing Mark discovered in camping was that sound travels at night. With warm temperatures, some campers were outside at night, and even with the windows closed he could still hear them talking. It wasn’t till it was after ten that some other campers shouted out to knock it off and told these conversing campers to go to sleep.

Mark had never been to Fort Sill. Because of that, he did a little drive around the base before he went to the large PX store. After confirming the little athletic shoe offerings, he asked for and was directed to the store manager.

Paul Bishop, the store manager greeted Mark and asked what he could do for him. Mark explained who he represented and showed him some photos of the Bifty Shoe display. He explained how the shoes were ordered and the commission arrangement both as to store sales and zip code sales. Paul asked some pointed questions but at the same time acknowledged that they would be agreeable to selling these shoes. He had Mark explain the procedures to Sally, the department manager.

Mark did stop at the MP detachment and reviewed the phone directory. There wasn’t anyone listed that he knew.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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