Sisters Barb and Beth Lovers - Cover

Sisters Barb and Beth Lovers

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Erotica Sex Story: Sisters Barb and Beth find their love for, and show it, to one another.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   School   Incest   Sister   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

My name is Beth and I am an 18 year old high school senior. I have an older Sister, Barb, whose name is short for Barbara. Barb and I have always been very close and I really love to do as many things as I can with her. I know that she has the same affection for me. Barb is nearly two years older than I am and she is in her second year of college at the local community college here in our home town.

We live in a small town in the south central region of a southern state. We grew up in a two bedroom home with our parents where we live a comfortable life but, we are not well off. My Father works sometimes six and seven days a week and my Mother also has to work as well to support our family to provide the things that we have and the joys of life that we all want to have.

Many people say that Barb and I are the spitting image of our Mother who is very pretty and very shapely for being over 40 years old. She has shoulder length, light brown hair, light green eyes and a shape that most women her age would kill for. She has a pair of 36C breasts with a 26 inch waist with 38 inch hips and a cute round bottom. I guess that you could call her eye candy and at least daddy thinks so and Barb and I do, too.

Our Daddy really loves to pat our Mom on her cute round bottom very often while he is hugging and kissing her especially when he thinks that neither Barb nor I are looking. Barb and I don’t think there is anything wrong with Daddy patting Mom on her bottom.

Mom always smiles sweetly and usually whispers to him, “Now quit that, Honey, the Girls could be watching.” Barb and I usually snicker and smile broadly at each other when that happens because we think that it is very cute also. Barb and I think that our Mom likes it when Daddy pats her bottom and she thinks it is cute, too.

I don’t know about Barb but Daddy has never patted my bottom when he hugs me but, neither of us would be very much offended if he did. Mom would probably not like it though if she saw him do that. Occasionally, Barb and I will pat each other’s bottom when we hug just to be funny and mimic what our Daddy does to our Mom as we think that that is very cute, too.

After we hug and pat each other’s bottoms we have a good laugh about it. Little did either one of us know at that time that we would do much more than just pat each other’s cute round butts for each other.

Barb and I both love our parents very much and we do everything we can to make and keep them happy and we both know that they love us very much too. We are a very tactile family and our mother is always hugging us every day which Barb and I love and, we always return the hugs to her.

Barb and I love to put our arms around Mom’s waist from behind hold her tight, kiss her and tell her how much we love her. Mom always loves for us to do that and turns around to give us a hug and kiss us, telling us she loves us too.

Our parents have always told me and Barb to look out for one another and help and stick up for one another. That has caused us to be very close to each other. We probably did not need a lot of encouragement to do that in the first place though, but, it was an added inducement for us to behave that way.

Like all siblings we occasionally had our petty quarrels but, our Mother would always say, “Now girls, you know that you’re quarrelling about something trivial. Now settle it, hug each other and make up with one another.” which we always did. My older sister and I love each other very much and do as many things together as we can.

Since we live in a two bedroom home our parents have one bedroom and Barb and I have to share the other bedroom although; we do have separate twin beds. Once in a while when we wanted to talk quietly to one another we would lay in one of our beds together and whisper to each other. Then many times we would drift off to sleep in the same bed and we would be there the entire night together.

There were also times before we were teenagers when there was a rain storm with lightning and thunder we would get into bed together and hold one another very close until the storm passed or until we both went to sleep. Then Mom would find us like that the following morning and she thought that was so cute to find us in bed together and holding each other that way.

Barb and I look so much like our mother and also very much like one another. When we are out together many people think that we might be twins since our body shapes are very nearly identical. Barb being a little older than I am she has developed a little more than I have with her 34C breasts with a 24 inch waist 34 inch hips and a cute round bottom like our Mom. Odds are that I will catch up and match Barb’s measurements before long.

My shape has not yet developed quite as much as Barb’s has, while my breasts have only developed to 34B. Many times when we are out together other people will often ask if we are twins. We liked to tease people and tell them that we are twins but, I was born about 24 months later than Barb.

We used to get a big kick out of that but, Mom told us to quit doing that since she thought that was not nice to mislead other people. Barb and I still thought it was cute to tell people that we were twins.

As one can imagine, our bedroom is quite crowded for two young girls as Barb and I are. We each have a study work desk at the foot of our beds and we have a computer work station behind our work desks where our computer is located which Barb and I share.

When either of us is at our study desk we cannot see the computer as it is almost directly behind our back. Then we also have trouble finding room for all of our other stuff and not to mention our clothes which we must fit into our one small closet.

One evening after the family had eaten our evening meal, Barb and I cleaned up the kitchen for our Mom, as usual, and then we each went to our bedroom to work on our homework assignments with Barb at her desk and I at mine.

After a couple of hours Barb got up and went to the bathroom across the hall presumably to pee as young women have to do most often. She returned to the bedroom closed up her books and sat down at the computer.

Unbeknownst to me Barb had removed her blouse and her walking shorts because it was somewhat warm in our bedroom that evening. We both have never had a problem with just having our bras and panties on in front of one another.

In addition, we have had no problem when we both have often seen each other without any clothes on at all as we are getting ready for a shower or to put on our pajamas for bed. So she sat at the computer in her bra and panties and surfed the net.

About an hour later I had to go pee, too, as I had finished my homework, also. I closed up my books and left the bedroom. I returned to the bedroom, walked over to Barb put my arms around her to give her a hug and I kissed her on the cheek and neck as we both commonly do when we are at home together to show our mutual affection. As I did that, I looked at what Barb had on the computer screen.

There was a video of two completely naked young women with very large breasts hugging and kissing each other and kissing and sucking on each other’s breasts and their hard, pink nipples. I was a little surprised and nonchalantly asked Barb, “What are you watching, Barb.”

She said as she was surfing the net she ran across this website with thumb nails of young women in each other’s embrace. She said, “I was intrigued by it so i clicked on it and this is what came up. It was very interesting and kind of made me get very excited.”

Barb and I had both dated boys since our parents thought we were old enough to date. I was still a virgin and I am pretty sure that Barb was still a virgin at that time, also. Our Mother had told us about the problems associated with being intimate with a boy, losing our virginity and getting pregnant before we got out of college. We both wanted to eventually get married and have babies but, not until after we had gotten out of college with our college degree.

Barb and I were really cautious about boys that wanted to feel us up and get into our panties and neither of us would allow that to happen just for one night of sex. Neither of us had ever seriously considered being sexually attracted to another girl or showing love to another girl other than our sisterly love for each other and our love for our Mom. Still as I watched the video with Barb it excited me, too, just like Barb had told me it did to her.

We watched several more videos with my arms draped around Barb’s shoulders. The more videos we watched the more each of us was turned on. I could feel the dampness gathering in my panties and I am sure that Barb was feeling the same way as both our breathing rates had become faster and our faces and necks became flushed.

I stood there for some time behind her with my arms around her neck and shoulders, kissing her cheek and neck occasionally with her occasionally kissing my cheek, too, while watching those videos. I guess that was another one of the effects that the videos were having on the both of us.

The longer we watched the videos the more excited each one of us became. When the women on the screen began to fondle each other’s genitals and especially when they began to kiss and suck on each other’s breasts, their nipples and then their genitals Barb and I really began to show signs of our excitement.

My panties had become almost dripping wet and I could see that Barb’s panties were as wet as mine as she nervously shifted several times in her chair. I could see the wet spot in the chair seat beneath her panties.

While watching the videos I looked over at the clock and saw it was passed our normal bed time. I told Barb, “It’s very late and we both need to go to bed so that we will be able to get up for class in the morning.”

Barb shut the computer off, got out of the chair and came over to me. She put her arms around me, hugged me tightly and kissed me passionately on my lips. I kissed her back just as passionately knowing that each of us was very excited and we each could feel it in our lower tummy and in our pussies.

She began to remove my blouse and my shorts which left the both of us in our panties and bras. Then she reached around behind me and unclasped my bra while I did the same with her bra, thinking that we were just helping each other get ready to put our pajamas on. With nothing between our bare breasts we hugged one another very tightly again and we kissed very passionately again.

It was pure heaven and a very exciting feeling with our soft, warm breasts and our hard, pink nipples firmly pressed tightly against each other. Neither Barb nor I knew just where and how far this was going to go but, we were not about to stop until we went where ever our excitement took us.

And it began to take us in a direction that we never thought that either one of us would ever go. When we got there it was worth every minute of the trip that we would never be able to retreat from. Of course, we never wanted to retreat from it anyway.

It was clear that Barb was much more excited than I was, if that was possible, as her nervous and trembling hand took my trembling hand and she led me to her bed. She laid me down on my back, straddled me and began to kiss me passionately again with her soft breasts pressed tightly against mine. She also had her warm, soft love mound pressed firmly against mine, too, which further excited me and I am sure it increased her excitement, too.

Then Barb reached down to my hips and began to pull my panties down and took them off of me. She asked me, “Now take my panties off of me, too, Beth, Please?” I could feel Barb’s soft hot bush and her wet pussy pressed on top of mine. My excitement was beginning to quickly catch up with hers and I could feel it in my lower tummy and my pussy as it got a whole lot more wet than before.

She came back up to my breasts and began to kiss them and suck on my hard pink nipples after she circled them several times with her wet tongue like we had just seen done in several of the videos.

That really made the vaginal wetness between my legs begin to flow again. I am sure that it was happening to Barb as well since I could feel a few drips fall on my bush and my pussy.

I reached both my hands up and fondled her soft, sweet breasts for a few moments and felt and lightly pinched her hard, pink nipples. Then I slid my hand down between us to her pussy and found that she was just as wet between her legs as I was. I slipped my middle finger up inside of her hot wet vagina which really made her shudder and softly moan against my breast which made her suck on my nipples all that much harder.

Barb began to kiss my tummy down to my tummy button, kissed it, circled it several times with her tongue and slipped her tongue into it briefly as well. She continued to kiss my tummy down to my pubic love mound and my neatly trimmed pubic bush.

Barb gently and partially parted my legs and began to kiss me at several places on each side of my pussy between my pussy in the crease where my legs meet my pussy. Then she kissed me down the entire length of the cleft between the outer lips of my pussy. When she did that my face became flushed, my heart was pounding and I was gasping for every breath of air I took.

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