The Pilots - Cover

The Pilots

Copyright© 2023 by A Bad Attitude

Chapter 3: The Conquest Begins

Chip---I took Ana’s advice and stayed a couple of nights and did some fishing. I love to fish and spent many days with my father, mother and brother fishing on the lakes in West Tennessee. I loved to fish for crappie, using a cane pole and minnows for bait. I talked to Jose who lived up there on the lake and he told me the best place to fish for crappie was across the lake. I rented a 14 foot jon boat with a small motor and crossed the lake. Boy was he right! I got into a bed of crappie and in no time I had a stringer of what I call slab crappie. I changed to fishing for catfish and caught one the must have weighed 10 lbs. I could see where this tour business of Ana’s was so successful!

The next day was more of the same. Fishing was great! I had cleaned the crappie and the restaurant had fried them up for me the night before. It was a well-deserved vacation but Friday morning I found myself on the dock waiting for Adriana. I was anxious to get started with my new life.

As I watched the plane circle the lake in preparation for landing a man walks up to me.

“I hear you are the new pilot. My name is Rico Cortes I am a vet and I run the feedlot across the lake.”

“I’m Chip Fields and you are right I am the new pilot. Are you flying back with us?”

“No I’m here to pick up my wife. She went to the city a couple of days ago to see her family.”

About that time the Porter pulled up to the dock. Adriana opened the door and a beautiful girl jumps off and runs into my new friends’ arms. They kiss and he picks up her bag and they walk down the dock to a truck.

I am still staring as passengers file pass me. Suddenly Adriana is next to me.

“Face of an angel and body of a porn star, right?”

“What ... huh yes I guess. Sorry how was your flight?” she did not answer just busied herself tying the plane to the dock.

“If you have time before we fly back I would appreciate you going over some things about the Portor. I having been studying them on the internet and I have a few questions.”

Adriana---Chip made a nice recovery when I caught him looking at the wife of the vet. Hell if I was not with Francisca I might try something with her. She is that hot!

But now his mind is on flying and the plane. He wants me to answer some questions. Not like the other know-it all pilot. This guy wants my opinions and my help! I love him already!

We spent the next three hours going over everything about the plane. We even took it up with him in the pilot’s seat. He did a few touch and goes then he practiced pulling up to the dock. He was a quick learner!

Our flight back was not until this afternoon so we had lunch at the restaurant. It was some fish he had caught while he was up here. If he thought that fried fish was good just wait until supper. Francisca is preparing feijoada tonight. He is going to love it!

After lunch we sat on the front porch of the hotel and just relaxed. I asked about his military service and listened as he tried to describe flying faster than the speed of sound. Then he said something I found very interesting.

“That is not really flying, it’s more like operating a computer. What you do is flying. Like my dad in his crop-duster. Low and slow, like a bird. Now that’s flying!”

The conversation got around to the Angus cattle he had seen across the lake. I explained how this was all one big project of the O’Shea family. He was impressed when I told him they owned over 400,000 hectares (a million acres!).

Soon it was time to get the plane ready for the flight back. I watched as he did all the checking, then welcomed the passengers. I let him take off to get use to taking off with a full load. I landed the plane when we arrived at the airport in the city.

After securing the plane for the night we took a car to the apartment building. He seemed impressed. It is nice and in a good section of the city. When we got off on our floor I led him to the door. I produced his keys and opened his door. I told him we lived across the hall and Francisca and I would expect him for dinner at 7pm. he looked surprised when I hugged him and kissed his cheek. I told him welcome home then turned and went into my apartment.

Francisca came in from the kitchen and I grabbed her.

“He is the one!” I shouted. I told her all about my day with him while I watched her preparing supper.

“He is perfect. He does not drink or smoke. He was raised in the country in a normal loving family, he has one brother who still lives there and has been married to the same girl for 12 years. He is an uncle to two boys, he loves kids and he has a good job and a great future. What else could we ask for?”

“Does he know we are lesbians?”

“Yes, Ana told him. But that does not seem to bother him. He treated me like an equal all day. He was not bossy like that other asshole. I hugged him and kissed his cheek when I invited him to supper.”

“Adriana! You sound infatuated with him!”

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