The Pilots - Cover

The Pilots

Copyright© 2023 by A Bad Attitude

Chapter 2: Adriana Silva

Adriana---Let’s start my story with I was 12 years old. I just started my period and it hurt. I started bleeding a lot. My mother was worried and took me to the doctor. After a quick exam (that was so embarrassing! Nobody had ever seen me there except my mother), I was wheeled into surgery! When I woke up the pain was gone but so were some lady parts. I was never going to have kids!

Maybe that’s what made me start liking girls. Who knows for sure? My thinking was that no boy would want me. I could not have their babies. Whatever it was I found myself attracted to girls after the surgery.

In Brazil you graduated high school when you are 16. I had no interest in going to college. What I wanted to do was work with my father. He was a pilot and flew air ambulances. He had taken me with him many times and taught me about the planes. The Pilatus PC-6 Portors, the best airplane ever made. I learned to take care of the plane and most important how to fly it!

He got me into a school where I learned all about the engine and how to do repairs on it. Then I went to flight school! After graduating I started flying with the Air Ambulance Service.

Five years later I consider myself a seasoned pilot. I have landed on rivers in the Amazon where others were too scared to go. I am well respected by everyone who knows me. So why can’t my girlfriends’ parents accept that I love her and will take care of her?

Because they are so religious and believe that our love is a sin. That’s why! When I asked them to allow her to move in with me they went crazy. They did not know about our love. They thought we were just good friends! I am 5 years older than her so it is up to me to figure something out.

The opportunity came one day when the Air Ambulance Service announced they were selling their fleet of Portors and buying the newer version PC-12. I was sad. I loved those planes!

I went to the auction and watched a lady buy two of them. One was the plane I flew! I asked around and was told she was taking them back to use in her tour business. Then I heard she was looking for pilots to fly them back. That was my chance. I went to the hotel and caught her leaving. I could not speak Spanish but I did my best and finally she understood. I flew my plane back with her sitting in the co-pilots seat.

The next day I flew her home to the ranch. Landing on that lake seemed to excite her so I did a few touch and goes just for her. Then I coasted up to a dock. I spent the night in a small hotel then flew back the next morning. I stripped out the insides of both planes and installed seats. I was to become a commercial pilot!

Part of my salary was an apartment in a really nice apartment building that her daddy owns! I made sure that she understood that Francisca would be coming up and we would be living together in the apartment. Ana had no problem with that. She even told me that when there was room on the plane Francisca could fly with me if she wanted. Great!

My life was perfect for the next two years. I had sent Francisca a ticket and one day I picked her up at the airport. One of the happiest days of my life.

I flew 4 or 5 days a week. I took passengers up to the ranch in the mornings and I flew back in the late afternoon. Rarely did I have to stay overnight.

Ana had hired another pilot to fly the other plane. He was a retired military pilot and a real asshole. He treated me like I worked for him, always trying to boss me around. I complained to Ana and she talked to him. He was not my boss. I did not have to take orders form him. This went on for two years and one day he quit! Ana began looking for another pilot and when she found him (an American) I picked him up at the airport and took him to his hotel while she and her husband went to a business meeting.

Hey this guy is nice. He even speaks a little Portuguese! My Spanish is still just barely passable. Francisca has picked it up a lot quicker than I have.

Francisca! Let’s talk about her a minute. She is beautiful! She has dark eyes that sparkle like stars. Her black hair is long and falls to the middle of her back. She is tall like me. 5’ 7” or so with dark skin and perfect (I think) 34-b breasts. I think she has the face an angel would be envious of. I am in love with her today as much as the day I met her.

I guess that is the reason that what I am about to tell you has me worried.

Francisca wants to start a family. She wants kids! I think it is part of her DNA or something. Anyway I agree to it. I mean I make enough money she don’t work. Let’s do it!

I suggest we go to a bar and find a guy we both agree on. Then we bring him home. While we are not virgins in the physical sense but only in the biblical sense there should not be a problem. Need an explanation? Ok, neither of us have ever been with a man. We have used dildos, vibrators and strap-ons so we are not virgins. Know what I mean?

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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