The Three Sisters. AKA The Fuck Duck - Cover

The Three Sisters. AKA The Fuck Duck

by Ashley

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Incest Sex Story: With three beautiful teenage blonde daughters, Bill might have thought he would be busy beating the boys away with his baseball bat. He'd have been wrong.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

William and Betty were delighted when their first baby, Kelly, was born. She was a gorgeous child and they both doted on her, although it was harder work than either of them had imagined.

After she was born Betty went onto the combined contraceptive pill but didn’t like the effect that it had on her sex drive, so she came off it and they went back to using condoms.

Three years later, when she was pregnant with Grace, they vowed that she would be their last. A three-year-old and a baby had Betty at the end of her tether and even William was finding it hard going, even though he effectively got a rest at work each day, or so Betty regularly told him anyway.

They didn’t have much time or energy for sex so when Betty missed her period they were both shocked. It was down to a rare birthday celebration when they’d managed to find a sitter for the girls. It was a treat for both of them and the condom got forgotten in the excitement and the inebriation. The tried and trusted withdrawal method proved just as reliable as it always has been.

William had a vasectomy two weeks after Betty’s pregnancy test came up positive.

A year younger than Grace, Molly was just as blonde and beautiful as her sisters and they loved her dearly although her arrival was not without problems.

To start with her crib was in her parent’s room but it wasn’t long before they had to face up to the issue of permanent sleeping arrangements.

It was a three-bedroom house with a large, master bedroom and two smaller bedrooms. Luckily Bill was a builder so it was a matter of a few day’s work to put up a stud wall splitting the largest room into two and install a new doorway.

It did mean that Bill and Betty had a smaller room but that was the price that they paid for a night’s lust-fueled passion.

With three girls to look after lust fueled passion was something that they didn’t even really dream about.

It was very hard work raising three girls on the money Bill earned but it was worth it. The girls were a joy and every day was punctuated by moments that they both treasured.

Our story really starts when Kelly was eighteen. She was absolutely gorgeous: a perfect oval face with big blue eyes. She was built like a fashion model and, ever since she started to develop small breasts of her own, Grace measured herself against her big sister, hoping against hope that she would grow up to look like her.

Grace herself, after a growth spurt in puberty, was often called coltish, which was pretty accurate at the time.

Increasingly Grace would spend time in Kelly’s room, rather than playing games with Molly, chatting about clothes and makeup and stuff. Kelly was helpful, showing Grace how to make herself up and between them working out what suited her best. All while answering most of her seemingly endless questions but fending off the frequent ones about her love life.

Kelly had lots of pretty clothes that Grace was envious of. One day, as she looked through them while Kelly was on her phone, she found a cute, lemon-yellow summer dress. She took it off the rail and held it up to her body in front of the mirror.

“Try it on,” Kelly suggested. Grace dithered, slightly nervous at the idea of getting undressed in front of her big sister. Kelly. mistaking her indecision, reassured her, “Don’t worry. Nobody apart from you comes in without knocking.”

Grace, remembering with relief that she’d put on nice undies that morning, began to unbutton her blouse. She didn’t really understand the thrill that she felt she took off her top, and then, as she lowered her skirt, she found that she was actually trembling.

Grace peeked at her sister and saw that she had looked up from her phone and was watching her. She loved it, and fussed with the spaghetti straps for as long as she could, before finally putting it on.

“It’s a little bit big,” Kelly told her as she spun around, admiring herself in the mirror. “Maybe in a year or so...” Grace realized it was indeed too big, especially around the bust. She took it off and stood in front of the mirror, her hands under her little A-cups.

“Do you think mine will ever be as lovely as yours?” she said wistfully.

“I think that yours are just darling,” Kelly told her, and the sentiment and the fondness in her voice made Grace blush a pretty shade of pink, causing both girls to giggle.

Grace stayed in her underwear and found a few more things to try on but it was being in her undies with Kelly that made her ... tingle.

After that day Grace would invariably idly rifle through Kelly’s clothes as they talked and find something to try. Afterward, she would stay undressed, and they would lie on Kelly’s bed together, and Grace simply adored those times.

One day, especially excited, Grace sassed her sister, trying to goad her into ... something. It worked, and Kelly began to tickle her. Grace was horribly ticklish but this time the feeling of helplessness was overcome by the gorgeous sensations of having Kelly touch the bare skin of her midriff and sides. The little girl was frantic, her arms and legs thrashing everywhere as she tried to escape the prying fingers of her sister.

Eventually escaping, and spurred on by her excitement, she went to one drawer that up to now she’d only peeked in, the one with Kelly’s underwear in it!

“You naughty little girl!” Kelly chided as Graced held up a tiny scrap of red satin and thin ribbons. Turning it this way and that, trying to make out how it would work. When she finally got it right she gasped out loud: it was so tiny, and the ribbon that must go between her butt cheeks...!

“You can try them on if you want,” Kelly said softly. Grace’s hands shook as she imagined what wearing them would feel like ... and then she imagined Kelly wearing them!

“I’ve got to go,” Grace squeaked, horrified by the sudden feeling of wetness inside her pussy and terrified that some might leak out!

“OK,” Kelly said, sounding very disappointed, but Grace saw her smile and it was affectionate and somehow ... understanding. It made her feel all warm inside as she scampered away.

Later that night Kelly went to Grace’s room. She was ready for bed in a short, pretty, nighty and Grace was sitting up in bed, looking at her tablet.

Grace was thrilled that her big sister had come to see her and was fascinated to see her erect nipples showing through the thin material of her nightdress. Realizing that she must be cold, she pulled down the covers next to her, and her little heart pattered with excitement as Kelly got in and put an arm around her shoulders.

“Are there any boys at school that are taking your fancy? Or girls, of course.” She laughed as she added the last bit and Grace joined in.

“Maybe,” she answered, non-committally.

“Have you kissed ... anyone yet? I mean properly kissed,” she asked Grace, who felt herself blush.

“Not really, no.”

Then Kelly kissed her, which was lovely if unexpected, but when she slipped her tongue in it was a bit weird but surprised her by making her pussy tingle like mad.

“You know when you come to my room and get undressed...” she whispered into Grace’s ear and put a hand onto her thigh under the covers. Grace nodded, very confused by both her words and her hand, but hugely flattered nonetheless.

“Do you do it because it makes you feel ... tingly in your special place?” Kelly kissed and nibbled her earlobe and her fingers were tickling their way up the inside of her thighs, now very close to her pussy. Grace was shocked: how did Kelly know how she felt in her ‘secret place’? She didn’t dare answer in case it was bad of her.

Kelly had bent over now and was brushing her lips over Grace’s neck which, along with the fingers still stroking her inner thigh was making the little girl desperately excited.

“It makes my pussy feel like that,” Kelly confessed. “when you prance around half-naked.” Grace felt her eyes widen and her heart beat faster. Kelly feels the same, she thought and a surge of pure joy went through her.

“Have you ever felt so good down there that you thought you might explode, that you might faint?” Kelly breathed into her neck.

“No,” Grace squeaked back almost inaudibly.

“Would you like to?” Kelly asked softly and then gave her sister one last loving kiss on her neck before looking into her eyes.

Grace felt her legs parting seemingly of their own accord and her head nodded almost imperceptibly. The smile that spread across Kelly’s face made Grace’s heart leap. Kelly put her mouth over hers and Grace gasped as her hand touched her bare sex. Grace’s head was spinning and she felt faint as Kelly stroked her most private place with feather-light touches.

“May I see it?” Kelly asked Grace and the little girl’s excitement jumped higher at the thought. Her face flushed pink, but she nodded again.

Kelly slowly turned down the covers and then tenderly slid her sister’s nighty up her now trembling thighs. As her pussy came into view Grace heard her sister gasp, and for a split second, she panicked: was something wrong with her?

“It’s so beautiful.” she heard her sister say and her panic turned to sheer delight. She watched spellbound as Kelly’s fingertips teased at the sparse downy hairs she had down there and then placed them along her pussy lips and ran them gently up and down.

The sensations were beyond gorgeous and Grace clung to her sister as her gently circling fingers made her quiver with delight.

“Is that nice?” Kelly breathed, just breaking the kiss for a moment.

“I--” Kelly’s fingers were teasing her opening and she was having a lot of trouble breathing what with her excitement and the mouth covering hers. She could feel Kelly’s fingers sliding easily along her lips, lubricated by her wetness and it felt so incredibly nice.

“I think you like it. I think you like it a lot.” She was right but Grace was lost for words.

Then Kelly took Grace’s hand, pushed it up her own nighty, and placed it over her pussy, moving it around and around with her own hand.

Kelly pressed her fingertips until they slipped inside and Grace was amazed at how wet and hot it was, and then something struck her as odd.

“Why don’t you have any hair down here?”

“I wax it.”

“Ow. Doesn’t that hurt?” Kelly was still moving her hand.

“It does, but it’s worth it. Doesn’t it feel lovely?” Kelly had removed her hand now and Grace was still stroking her. She felt her face go bright red because she was right - it did feel lovely.

“But yours is gorgeous too. You don’t have many and those that you do have are still very soft.”

Then Kelly touched the little button that Grace had discovered not so long ago and all other thoughts fled from her mind.

She knew, from her own nocturnal explorations, that she was close to cumming and her hips developed a mind of their own, thrusting off the bed and pushing against Kelly’s hand. Kelly released her for a few moments, just long enough to push her nighty up to her neck and off over her head.

“Kelly, please stop.” she implored her, not sure if she could take any more. Then Kelly’s fingers resumed their glorious work and she was lost. Kelly’s mouth attached itself to one of her nipples and she heard herself groan.

“Oh, Kelly please ... Oh God ... Oh ... Oh...” Kelly had a finger inside her and was touching her button just right. Her orgasm was the most intense she’d known and her clit became hyper-sensitive. She pushed Kelly’s hand away and rolled onto her side. Kelly spooned up behind her and held her around her breasts, kissing her spine and holding her tight as spasm after spasm made her twitch and moan.

When it was all over she rolled Grace onto her back and kissed her for simply ages. Grace was limp as anything and just lay back and delighted in it.

“You mustn’t tell anyone about this,” Kelly told her. “I could get into a lot of trouble. Promise me.” Grace nodded. “No, promise!” she insisted.

“I promise,” she said, and Kelly kissed her some more.

“Good girl,” she said with a big smile. “It’s your fault anyway getting changed in my room all the time, showing me your beautiful body, and getting me all hot.”

Kelly kissed her softly a little more and then looked thoughtful.

“There’s lots more I could show you but...”

“But what?” Grace asked, a little desperately.

“Maybe it would be best if you came to my room. That way, if we’re found, we can say that you had a nightmare and didn’t want to be alone.”

That sounded very reasonable to Grace and she nodded.

“Night, night sweetheart. I love you,” Kelly said softly, and she gave her one last loving kiss.

Grace lay there for ages, thinking about what Kelly had said and done. Alternately guilty, because she felt that Kelly may have been right about it all being her fault, and very, very happy because they’d had sex and it was amazing and she’d loved it.

The following night Grace lay in her bed, a mass of indecision. What Kelly had said the previous night had seemed so clear but now she was wracked with doubts. Did she really mean it? Did she mean tonight? Was it too early? Was it too late?!

Finally, she plucked up her courage. She would go and peek through Kelly’s door and, if she was asleep, she would go back to bed, otherwise ... Grace’s mind spiraled away in hopes of soft skin and softer kisses, and she crept along the corridor.

When she opened the door a crack it was to the sight of her big sister’s face grinning widely at her and then she rolled back the covers and she was already naked!!

Grace’s worries dissolved away in an instant as she gazed at Kelly’s incredible body: her perfect breasts, so much bigger than her own, yet still so firm, her lovely curving waist, and her pussy, all smooth and soft-looking like Grace’s own had been only a short time ago.

Grace scampered across the room and climbed into her bed where they cuddled and kissed while Kelly eased her sister’s nighty up and off over her head.

Now both naked, Grace was almost overwhelmed by gorgeous sensations: their bare skin brushing from neck to ankle, their breasts and nipples rubbing and, when Kelly put her hands on Grace’s bottom and pulled her pussy hard against her own, her head span, it was all so wonderful.

Then Kelly did something which made Grace gasp from the sheer outrageousness of it: she wriggled down under the covers, parted Grace’s legs, and licked her pussy!

Grace’s own explorations hadn’t prepared her for the delights that lips and tongue could bring, and she couldn’t keep still under Kelly’s expert attentions. When Kelly teased her clit from its hood and gently sucked it, Grace began to screech and Kelly had to cover her mouth to stifle her cries.

Kelly’s face appeared from under the covers, grinning joyfully at the pleasure she’d brought her little sister, and Grace took her head in her hands and couldn’t stop kissing her. “Kelly, that was ... so ... amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“If you really want to thank me...” Kelly managed between kisses, rolling onto her back, and pushing Grace’s head gently downwards.

Grace knew exactly what Kelly wanted and the idea filled her with joy: she was going to kiss Kelly’s pussy!!! She slithered down as fast as she could and heard Kelly giggle at her obvious keenness.

When her face was between Kelly’s legs she suddenly became a little overwhelmed, not quite sure what to do. She softly kissed either side before the lovely smell overcame her nerves. One lick was all it took and then she was hooked. She loved the way Kelly wriggled and squirmed as she lapped hungrily at her sister’s lovely pussy.

Copying what her sister had done to her, Grace left the best till last: waiting until Kelly’s breaths were infrequent and gasping and her movements frantic before using her tongue to tease Kelly’s little button from its home,

Grace had never felt so proud as when Kelly started to cum but was a little shocked when a spray of fluid hit her chin and then her mouth as her head moved back in startlement. When she realized that it tasted of her sister’s luscious juices she covered Kelly’s pussy with her mouth and eagerly drank down the next two little squirts.

It was only when she felt Kelly’s hands clasp her head and urge her gently upwards that she reluctantly stopped kissing her baby-smooth vulva and velvety-soft lips.

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