Phantom Heat: the Phantom Horse Bridge Series Book 3 - Cover

Phantom Heat: the Phantom Horse Bridge Series Book 3

Copyright© 2023 by Robin Deeter

Chapter 11

Leanne held onto Lucas the way a sailor swept overboard during a tempest clings to a buoy. He rocked her and, eventually, she realized that he was singing quietly to her. His deep voice under her ear was soothing and her tears abated as she listened to him. What was he singing?

Brad Paisley? He’s singing Brad Paisley? He doesn’t seem the county music type at all. And he’s tone deaf. That made her giggle through her tears, and she raised her head. “Brad Paisley?”

His forehead wrinkled. “Who?”

“The song you were singing? It’s called Then and Brad Paisley sings it.”

“Oh. Does he? I didn’t know. Austin’s always singing stuff like that. I just liked the song, and it was the first thing that popped into my mind,” he said.

That surprised her even more. “Austin sings country? I thought he’d be more into alternative or grunge.”

“Nope. Plays guitar and piano, too,” Lucas said. “He has a hell of a voice.” He brushed a tear from her cheek. “Now, are you ready to talk to me?”

Leanne took a shaky breath and nodded. “Yeah, but let’s get off the floor.”

Lucas tightened his hold on her. “No way. If I let you up, you’ll want to clean up the mess on the floor and you’ll put up those walls again. Start talking, Leanne.”

“I can’t. I thought I could, but I can’t. I can’t say it out loud.”

“Yes, you can. Just say it really fast. It’s like duct tape. It hurts less if you just rip it off instead of peeling it a little at a time,” Lucas said. “Just rip it off.”

“Sounds like you’re talking about a fart.”

Lucas laughed but shook her. “Just say it. Come on. Say it and it won’t seem so bad.”

Panic set in and Leanne struggled against him. “No!”

“Come on, honey. It’s okay,” Lucas coaxed, holding her tight against him.

He was too strong for her, which made her temper boil. “Fine! You want to know so bad? I’ll tell you! I slept with a married man! I had an affair with a married man!”

Shock loosened Lucas’ grip and Leanne scrambled off his lap. She gained her feet and leaned against the refrigerator while Lucas stared wide-eyed at her.

“I didn’t know that he was married, though. He never wore a ring and there was no tan line. He never mentioned kids or a wife or anything and nothing showed on his Facebook,” Leanne said. The words tumbled out faster.

“I never suspected. None of my friends knew him, so it wasn’t like they would’ve known. He traveled a lot for business, and he wasn’t always in town.”

Lucas got up and took off his coat.

Leanne took a shaky breath. “I need a beer.” She got a bottle from the fridge, twisted the top off, and took two healthy swallows. “None for you. You’re detoxing. But I’m not.” A long swig. “You’re right. That feels better to get that out.” Another gulp. “I’m fine now. Thanks.”

Lucas snatched the bottle out of her hand. “Knock it off. That won’t help.”

“That’s rich coming from the guy who got drunk last night so he could think!” Leanne snapped, grabbing the bottle back from him. “If I want a beer, I’ll have a beer.” She brushed an unruly lock of hair out of her eyes. “He turned me into an adulterer, Lucas. I’m so ashamed.”

The pain in her eyes and tremor in her voice broke Lucas’ heart. He wanted to beat the crap out of the bastard who’d betrayed Leanne. “It’s not your fault, honey.” He rested his hand on her shoulder. “He tricked you.”

Leanne fiddled with the beer bottle. “I didn’t know he was married. I swear I didn’t know.”

“I believe you, Leanne.”

“I’m not the kind of woman who’ll sleep with just anyone, who doesn’t care if they’re married or not, so please don’t think I am.” Leanne lowered her gaze.

Moving closer, Lucas cupped her face. “Look at me.”

Leanne mustered her courage and raised her eyes to his.

“What I think is that creep played you, and I’ll bet you’re not the only woman he’s fooled.” He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “Some people are very good at deception. Sounds like he’s one of them. The fault lies with him, not you.”

Leanne had been sure that he’d be disgusted and leave. Instead, he was comforting her.

“So, you don’t think I’m a whore?”

His expression tightened. “Leanne Gladstone, don’t ever think that way about yourself. Do you hear me?” He shook her a little. “You’re an incredible woman. Don’t let that conniving jerk make you think less of yourself. Understand?”

His intense attitude got through to Leanne and the chasm of pain in her heart shrunk a little. “Yes. I understand.”

Wrapping his arms around her, Lucas kissed the top of her head, and they just stood there like that for a few moments.

When she felt stronger, Leanne pulled away from him. “I need to clean up. Someone could slip and fall on that butter.”

“I’ll help you.”

Leanne didn’t argue and it wasn’t long before they finished. She was fine while they were working, but once they were done, nerves set in.

After she put the mop away, she went to Lucas and looped her arms around his waist. “I don’t have any right to ask, but will you stay? I don’t want to be alone.” She felt raw and wounded. The thought of lying in bed alone filled her with dread.

Lucas couldn’t refuse. Besides, he knew that he wouldn’t sleep because he’d be worrying about her all night. “If that’s what you want, I’ll stay.”

“Thank you.”

She turned off all the lights except the one over the sink and led Lucas from the kitchen, down another hallway. The swish-swish of the legs of his jeans behind her made Leanne very conscious of the fact that she was about to spend the night with a man again.

“Leanne, does Heathe have a pair of sweatpants or something that I could borrow? I didn’t come prepared for a sleepover.”

A devil planted its behind on Leanne’s shoulder. “Hmm. Seems like you were prepared a while ago.”

“Well, there’s a sleepover and then there’s the kind where not much sleeping goes on. Depending on which one you’re talking about determines how I sleep,” he said.

“How you sleep?”

“Naked or not naked.”

A zing of awareness went up Leanne’s spine right before she felt something soft hit the back of her head. Catching it, she found Lucas’ shirt in her hand. She swallowed at the memory of how he looked without one.

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