Innocence Lost
Copyright© 2023 by WhiskeySnowstorm
Chapter 12
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Fraternal twins and their older sister come to terms with losing their parents and discovering themselves in the process.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft mt ft Mult Teenagers Heterosexual Fiction Incest Brother Sister Cream Pie First Petting
“Go grab the flashlight. It’s on the nightstand,” Michael said to his older sister as he got a bit more comfortable on the bed. Lisa turned away from him to find the flashlight standing on its end and turned it on.
“Now what?” she said eagerly as she turned to face him, shining the light directly on Michael’s face. He squinted and turned away. “Oh! Sorry.”
Lisa pointed the light down toward the blankets and gave him a wry smile. Michael returned his attention to Lisa as he spread his legs in preparation. “We would take turns with the flashlight. Naomi would go under the blanket, and use the light to look at my willy. And when she was done, or after a while, we would switch.
Lisa thought about this for a second. “That’s it?”
“What do you mean? Yeah, that’s what we do.”
“Maybe you should go first, so I can see what you mean,” Lisa said as she handed him the flashlight. His eyes rolled slightly as he crunched his stomach up and took the flashlight.
“Ok, so spread your legs so I can go between them.”
Lisa’s heart started to pound as Michael lifted up the duvet and crawled on his knees. When he nestled between her legs, Lisa drew the covers to cover herself back up. Michael’s leg hit the wall at the foot of the bed.
“Oops. I told you we were too big to do this.” Lisa ignored him as she waited to see what would happen. She could see the flash light swing from the side of the bed and suddenly felt the warmth of his breath on her flower. Having him directly between her legs reminded her of the night before and made her squirm. She unconsciously lifted her hips, almost to present herself to him. Michael adjusted in kind as he pointed the flash light at her flower.
She could see the outline of his head through the duvet. Even though this was her most private area, she felt safe, and even loved the idea of her brother being there. She started to feel flush as she thought about where he was and how they had touched each other recently. The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity and she enjoyed the sensations that his hands and, in the case of last night, his willy provided.
Lisa’s breath deepened as Michael continued to look at her flower. “Tell me what you see.”
Michael’s head turned up toward her sister but couldn’t see her face. “I see your flower. It looks moist like it did yesterday.”
Lisa wasn’t sure what to make of the statement. She let it go and pressed him for more. “What else?”
He adjusted himself and pushed his hands toward her legs, hoping that by doing so he could see the inside of her petals better. Lisa followed his lead, folding her knees up and allowing them to fall on either side of him. Michael saw her petals part, something he hadn’t noticed before. When he and Naomi performed this ritual, her lips were usually pressed together and he didn’t bother much to try to part them but seeing them parted now made his stomach churn.
“You have a hole here.” Michael said as his hand pushed between her legs and pressed his finger tip toward it. When his fingertip grazed her, she clenched her legs out of habit.
“Hey!” It’s not that Lisa objected, but his touch caught her by surprise. Michael withdrew his hand nonetheless.
“Sorry,” Michael whispered. Lisa relaxed her legs as Michael reached out to touch her flower again. Michael noticed that as Lisa breathed, her flower seemed to almost “breath” with her, opening and closing slightly. He slid fingers toward the mysterious gap between Lisa’s flower petals, making his sister squirm at his touch.
“The ‘hole’ is where my menses comes out.”
Lisa breathed slowly as Michael explored between her legs. This was different than the night before where he rubbed her flower, though the feelings coursing through her made her want her brother to do it again. As Michael inspected her, Lisa felt exposed and vulnerable, but at the same time, extremely safe. She didn’t feel like he was going to make fun of her or do something bad. She couldn’t even imagine what “bad thing” Michael could do down there but she felt all the trust in the world in this moment.
She began to realize that this was probably why he and Naomi did this so frequently.
Michael used his fingertips to trace around her inner petals, causing Lisa to breathe a bit faster. “Is this okay?” He didn’t want to hurt her as his finger pressed deeper.
“Yeah, it’s okay.” Lisa clenched the duvet with her hands as she felt Michael’s finger between her petals. It didn’t hurt, but she could feel a small wave of pleasure starting from her hips and flowing through her body. “Would you touch Naomi like this?”
Michael continued to slide his finger up and down, using the part in her petals as a guide. “Sometimes.” Lisa could tell there was more behind the word but instead focused on what she was feeling. The pleasant sensation started to feel good, with her muscles starting to relax as her brother’s finger got slicker.
But as she began to relax, Michael stopped. He looked up at her torso and pointed the flashlight at the edge of the duvet, causing Lisa to squint. She peered down, frustrated and a bit angry. “Why did you stop?”
“It’s your turn,” he said matter-of-factly.
As Michael moved himself back to where he started, Lisa couldn’t help but be frustrated. She sighed heavily as he poked his head out and laid his head back against the pillow. She could tell her body was worked up, close to where she was when she had found her brother in the kitchen. It was difficult for her not to get as upset and worked up as she was that evening and, instead, found the flashlight and focused on what she had to do.
Even though she felt like it was an obligation, she was reminded by her mind that she wanted to understand her brother and his relationship with his sister more. She took the flashlight and pulled herself under the duvet and positioned herself between Michael’s legs. Though she was taller than him, she was able to navigate the tight quarters more gracefully than he did.
Lisa was mesmerized by Michael’s willy. It stood firm, flat against his body. There was something about it that drew her hands toward it. She didn’t even think about it. It felt as natural as touching her own skin. But as soon as she made contact with the extension, it jumped, causing her to pull her hand back suddenly.
“Are you okay?,” Michael asked.
“Just surprised me. Your willy. It kind of jumped.”
“Yeah, it does that at first. Just put your hand on it.”
Lisa moved her hand back toward his firm flesh and put her fingers on his willy. It jumped again but she held her hand against it. She heard Michael’s familiar sigh as his own body began to relax like hers did.
Michael closed his eyes and focused on the feeling. It wasn’t unusual for Naomi to touch him but this felt different. He was excited, looking forward to each sensation as Lisa explored his privates.
“What do I do now?,” Lisa asked.
Michael shrugged. “Whatever. Naomi would just sort of look around. She would touch me here and there but that was it.”
Lisa found herself more curious. Using the flashlight, as her guide, she slid her fingers down Michael’s willy and toward his sack. Each of her motions seemed to invoke a response in his body. Pointing the light at his flesh, she saw that it moved, contracting and rolling as her fingers slid over its wrinkles.
A soft sigh exited his lips as her hand cupped his sack. “Are you moving them?” she asked out loud.
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