Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 9

“No idea,” I admitted. “What about the Munch?”

“Now there, things are clearer. Our art lecturer was happy to talk about The Scream. Munch only made four originals and they are all in museums or galleries, but he made a lithograph and ran off several dozen prints. He meant to do more, but while he was away somewhere, the printer thought he had finished and resurfaced the stone, destroying the chance of more prints. Thus, what you have is either one of the prints or a more recent copy made using photography.”

“I see,” I contributed. “A librarian at Greenock Central library told me that most of the prints are not recorded as still in existence; only a few are confirmed as extant. I wondered if this was one of the missing ones.”

“But why would you assume that, Bob? It is more likely to be a modern reproduction, as these are almost ten a penny now.”

“I know, but based on all the other stuff as real antiques, my feeling is that this might fall into the same category.”

“Well,” Sandy allowed, “If the rest are genuine originals, this one might be also; I grant you that. But why the heck is all this stuff just sitting here in this weird abandoned house, a house not even fully fixed up for living in?”

“You expect me to know, Sandy? Not likely. I am not one for solving riddles or difficult crosswords; I am elated when I can put a 500-piece jigsaw together.”

“All right, let’s leave that picture for now. Show me the rest of the house, starting with where the loo is hidden.”

I led her first to the bathroom door, which was unmarked. She commented, “This door needs a sign on it. Now, I need to test it for efficiency,” and shooed me out. After she had made use of the facilities, I showed her the kitchen, so she could observe how little there was in the way of appliances. She snorted, commenting, “This owner was leaving the kitchen appliances for last, so that the equipment would be up-to-date when he needed it. He was clearly a man, as a woman would want to get the stuff installed so that she could use it as soon as possible. Kitchen gear does not go out of date fast.”

“Oh, I see,” I commented. “you are probably correct about that. My own feeling was that it was a man, due to the technical devices in the store-room. But come and see the bedroom; I want to see what you think of it.”

Sandy glanced at me and muttered, “Trust you to remind me of that: typical man.”

I hurriedly suggested, “We don’t have to use the bedroom for kissing practice, Sandy. The sofa looks rather comfortable.”

“We can have a quick look in the bedroom. Any antiques in there?”

“Not that I noticed.”

She opened the door and switched on the light, then looked at the bed and the side units. She was scathing as she announced, “These are not bedside tables, Bob. These are Victorian nightstands, and they look to have burl walnut drawer fronts. That makes them expensive items. And that carved wood headboard looks old as well, probably valuable too.”

After a quick look at the bare bed with not even a mattress, she declared, “The bed is modern; probably chosen for comfort rather than cost. Now show me the other room you mentioned having technical devices.”

“No kissing for now?”

She pulled me to her and slammed her lips to mine then kissed me passionately for a moment or two. Then she pulled off and demanded, “Now, the other room!”

I was still recovering, as kissing like that was not in my known inventory.

“Wow,” I voiced. “The technical room, yes...”

I led the way and opened the door for Sandy to enter. For at least half a minute, she just stood there, staring at the gear.

“My, oh my,” she said to herself in a quiet voice. “What the hell is this place?”

I ventured, “It appears to be an electronics lab of some kind.”

“Yes, but what? I don’t recognise anything here. It all looks so ... so advanced.”

“That’s a good description,” I agreed. “Mostly it seems to belong to 2026.”

“2026? Who or what owner is named 2026?”

“The year 2026.” I told her in a small voice, trying not to be scary.

“You mean ... from the future?” Sandy was starting to worry.

I didn’t help her any with my next words.

“Yes, from 2026; I’ve been there.”

She relaxed and said jocularly, “Oh, it is a joke! You scared me for a moment, Bob. I don’t like that kind of joke.”

“No joke, except that I can’t prove it, as I only got to an underground laboratory, and found a 2026 calendar there. All the equipment there is advanced-looking, like this stuff, only more so; all sort of futuristic.”

“Oh, so you have invented your own time machine?”

“No, I haven’t; just found one here, and it is not strictly a time machine, but a space-time machine; you know, such as Einstein talked about, that space and time are intertwined or something. The machine can move you in time but also in place. It has settings for a school in Kilmacolm, the Mitchell library in Glasgow, and other spots in Edinburgh and Aberdeen; as well as more I think. Mostly near museums and galleries; that sort of target. Possibly places to steal valuables.”

“You mean a machine like a matter transmitter?”

“Something like that, but not exactly, for transferring matter, bit by bit, would not be possible without probably killing you in the process. It is more like transferring all the atoms in your body at once to a new position. I suspect that quantum mechanics might have something to do with how it works, but I am vague about that.”

“Yes, that would make sense,” Sandy agreed, then her mind did a somersault and she asked me, “Your grandfather’s will? Does it exist? I am beginning to think that all these valuables – gold bars, antique furniture and artworks might have been moved through time or place to here by a time traveller.”

“Spot on, Sandy, but nothing to do with me. My guess is that the inventor was using the machine to set himself up as a wealthy man but hidden from his financiers. That may mean hidden in a different time to his own period. I think this is the hideout he planned, but it could have been anywhere and at any date.”

Her mind was processing all these ideas.

“So how will you get more gold bars? Go and steal them yourself? That doesn’t sound like you, Bob.”

I pointed over to the tub in the corner.

“If you look in there, Sandy, you will see that I don’t need to go stealing.”

She walked over as directed by my pointing finger, and looked down.

“Good God! How many bars are lying in that box?”
“I have no idea, Sandy, just that there is a lot. The man that set all this up must have arranged that he would legally buy this house with gold bars, as he would be the only person able to do such a thing. Only, something happened to him and I suspect he is dead; an unidentified body somewhere, and that left me to find and take over what he has left.

Do you think I am evil to do that?”

Sandy swung her torso round and looked me in the eye, evaluating me.

“What sort of question is that? Do you think I would be here with you if I regarded you as an ogre or something? I have had years of being propositioned by boys and men, and had to make a quick judgment of them before turning them down in almost all occasions. Since I was fourteen I have had to judge males quickly so as to protect myself from making stupid mistakes, and mostly I have managed to make the right assessment. I have seen these same characters make a fool of themselves or others later, and thanked God I made the right choice at the time.

With you, it was different, to my surprise, considering how much younger you are. With you, I was struck by your inbuilt respect for women, your kindness and honesty, and yes, your generosity in all its meanings.

Bob, you are a good man, and never think otherwise. Now, as a penance for your bad thought, you have to kiss me; kiss me sweetly.”

I did not need any other encouragement, and I swept Sandy into my arms and pressed my lips to hers, as gently as she requested. That simple kiss quickly developed and became something more intense, but I remembered to break it off before she objected.

She did not object; in fact pressed her breasts to my chest, causing me to catch my breath as I released her.

“Sandy, I...” I started, but she took over.

“If you want to put your hand on my breasts, you can, Bob.”

That got me going, and I must have seemed an idiot in that I touched them softly, tenderly, before running my hands over them with more pressure. I came to the realisation that her nipples had hardened; that had to be because of me! I paused at this unsettling point, and Sandy took over, kissing me in turn and getting me to respond with enthusiasm.

When we broke apart, she grinned at me and announced, “Now that is what I expect you to be able to do for Georgina later, my love.”

“Eh? For Georgina? You want me to kiss her, perhaps even touch her breasts, yet you call me your love?”

“Exactly. My love. Be sure of that, Bob. You and I are going to get in more practice at kissing and cuddling, and you can play with my breasts some more, my man.

Later, once I get Georgina to latch on to you as a possible lover, that is, a person she can love, that will be the first step in making her enjoy life to the full again. I am liking you more and more, Bob, and I want her to see that and think of getting some of that interaction herself.”

“You are serious about this, Sandy,” I blurted out. “You want me and her to kiss, and...”

“Kissing is an essential first step in getting to fully appreciate a member of the opposite sex, Bob. She needs to feel that engagement with a man that she can be truly comfortable with. I already feel comfortable with you, and I think we can take this further, you and I. How far and how fast, we shall have to see, but we have established the first stage of our relationship.” She added, “And it has nothing to do with your new asset value with this house and contents. It has everything to do with you and I becoming a couple.”

I was stuck for words for a little, then ventured, “A couple? You think we have come that far, Sandy? You see me as a possible mate for the future?”

“Let me make this clear, Bob: you are the first man who has made me think of being mate to a man. I learned from Georgina’s experience that my female independence was an important part of my life, not to be given up without a lot of thought.

I am sure you feel the same about yourself, that independence that gives you the personal freedom to make choices about your future. You must value that freedom.

Now I find myself willing to lose part of that personal independence into a partnership of you and me; a partnership that has a chance of becoming a marriage if you and I feel strongly enough about me and us. That may take time.”

I took all this in, and saw how sensible she was, thoughtful about her future life, given the past disaster that Georgina had experienced with a man. She didn’t want a similar outcome, so Sandy had remained extremely cautious with men. Now she was talking about throwing in her lot with me, and perhaps for the long term. I was elated.

I became serious.

“That sounds marvellous, Sandy. We can take it a step at a time; I am fine with that. But you have your university studies, and I have to conclude my school year before I am legally my own man again. What do you think we should do in the short term?”

“Are you thinking of a university course, Bob? I presume you have enough passes in your Highers for the entrance requirements.”

“I do, I think. I have to wait for the authorities to bring out the results, but my teachers expect me to do quite well in Maths, Physics and Chemistry, English, History, and probably a lower in Latin. I am not so sure of a pass in French; merde!”

Sandy smiled and said, “Sounds reasonable. What course appeals to you?”

“Up until very recently, I was thinking of Industrial Chemistry as a career, but if I am independently wealthy, getting a degree may not be helpful for me. After all, a degree is a route into a career, and if I don’t need a career, do I need a degree?”

“Industrial Chemistry is an interesting idea, but the word in Glasgow University student circles is that with technological advances now happening, there may not be the continuing demand for certain scientific experts. I would take advice before embarking on any specialist scientific course. Of course, subjects like law and medicine are always worthwhile and pay well, but the work can be very intense.”

I admitted, “I intend to continue reading widely even if I do not choose to go to university. I adore learning for its own sake, and independent studying may give me the knowledge background for my life ahead. I am aware that the principle of university is a general opportunity to learn, but it remains focused on specific subjects due to the career prospects for graduates.”

Sandy informed him,”Some of the students use university for social advancement as much as studying subjects, but they are mostly offspring of rich parents, and are mere gadflys seeking a marriage partner from a similar background.”

“I can appreciate that. Upper Class families tend to see Upper Class spouses as the ideal. That is not how I think. It may be because of my working class background, but

To me, a spouse should be a woman I love, regardless of her background. Admittedly, a similar educational attainment helps a marriage to be successful.”

Sandy looked thoughtful and asked me, “What can you tell me about this time machine, or whatever you want to call it?”

“Very little,” I admitted, “For I have only managed to get it to work, nothing more. It is like asking a sailor who stokes the boilers, how does the ship work, mechanically? All he knows is if he puts coal in the boilers, it makes steam that does other work and somehow ends up propelling the ship through the water. It answers the question without really telling you anything. My case implies much the same lack of knowledge. All I know is if I set the dials to the target places and to the times, it does that job. The technicalities are absent entirely.”

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