Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 38

She said nothing, but her body shook with unshed tears as the relief from two years on terror began to take its toll. In minutes she was asleep, and I felt able to do the same, for I was used to having one of several women in my arms at night. Sleep comes easy when you feel at home. It suddenly struck me how Phyllis was now feeling ‘at home’ with us. It was a good feeling, I realised; good for her and good for us. She should be able to home to her own house shortly.

Morning arrived, and with it a woman was spreading her legs over me, causing my lax penis to swell in response. She reached in with a hand and slotted me to her vagina; and we both pressed home. I was quick to suss out that this was Phyllis, but if she wanted a fuck, she was quite deserving of getting what she wanted, so I lay there and let her take charge. It was obviously new to her, as she took time to get herself into the correct position and then move accordingly.

I whispered, “You’ve never done it this way, Phyllis?” and she paused for a moment to reply tersely, “No; he always wanted to fuck me missionary position. It was a power and control thing for him, I now realise. He always wanted to be in charge.You are different.”

“No, this family is different: the girls get to decide what they want, and I fit in as best I can. The girls seem to appreciate the difference, and I am happy; that is all.”

“Damn right. I hated the way Jimmy always wanted things HIS way; never asked me what I might want. Your women are damn lucky with you, Bob. Now can you shut up and let me get off, for me, for once?”

I shut up and allowed her to fuck herself on my prancing prong until she gasped her completion.

“Oh, God!” she exclaimed. “I needed that.” Then a thought struck her. “Do you need to get off now, Bob?”

“It would be nice, but only if it suits you. I can always find another welcoming vagina if this is not the time to suit you. For instance, are you protected, which I assume you are if you have not got pregnant in two years?”

“Yes, I used to use a diaphragm, but recently my doctor put me on the pill, the new contraceptive. He knows about my bruises and what causes them, so he is sympathetic. You can fuck me if you like, Bob. It would be an interesting comparison with the late unlamented Jimmy.”

With this invitation, I urged her to turn over and let me be on top; then I performed in the missionary position that she was accustomed to getting, but now she did what she could to help, and very soon I was shooting off inside her.

“By God,” she said with feeling. “You fuck a girl as if you care for her. Jimmy fucked me as if he only cared for himself, which was most probably the case. No wonder you have four women happy to be fucked by you, Bob.”

“Not quite, Phyllis. They get loved by me. The fucking is done with love, so it is not simple fucking; it is loving with pleasure, I like to think of it. Georgie taught me that major difference.”

“Damn right!” she exclaimed. “Is it true that Georgie is Sandy’s sister? And that she was first to get pregnant, even though you married Sandy?”

“True enough. Georgie wanted to have our baby, whereas Sandy wanted to finish a degree before having a baby. She changed her mind on that after discussions with pregnant students at the university, who were managing to do both.”

“And now all four are expecting your baby. What special ability do you have, Bob, that women want to live with you and have your children?”

“The trouble is, Phyllis, that I have no special ability or quality that I know of. I just fit in with them, and help them as best I can in their lives and work. My Sandy is the premier love of my life, and she guides me in what I do. She is good at that!”

“She strikes me as a very clever girl, which is why I suppose she is at university. Do you have the same feelings for your other women?”

The talking had caused my already deflating spent hardness to decline even farther, and it fell out of her, but her attention was on my reply, not my todger.

“Getting that way, I would say. I already love them, if that is what you mean, but there are levels of love in any relationship. They are step by step heading in the same direction as Sandy; becoming more and more important to me in my life. They all had family worries or man problems that we have been able to sort for them, so I believe that part of their affection for me is a thankful response, but I hope that we are getting to the solid and sustainable level of true love which should develop in every marriage.”

She suddenly realised: “You fell out of me. Does that mean you are done?”

“It depends on what you mean by that. I would say done for now, as my male testicles need time to recover enough to manufacture more sperm for another attempt at fertilisation. There is also the aspect of the woman’s viewpoint: Is he done coupling with the woman he is with? Is she done with him, which is more important. I always try to see things from the female side of the relationship, as well as my male aspect. For my ladies, I am always willing to try again after I have recovered, if that is what the lady wants.”

I got off her and slipped out of the bed to pad over to her bathroom to pee. When I was done, I washed my face and hands, before coming back to the bed and sitting beside her. She had sat up and swung her legs round to sit on the edge of the bed. I put my arm round her bare shoulders to prepare her for what I had to say.

“In your case, Phyllis dear, I have no idea how you feel about the situation. Is this a relief outlet for you to cope with the shock of being widowed, or something more substantial?”

Phyllis gasped, “You can imagine us doing this again? And possibly more than once again?”

I replied patiently, “I am trying not to make any value judgment for now about sex. It is up to you what happens next in relation to me and our family. I am assuming you will go back to your house to deal with the domestic fallout from your husband’s sudden death. You should do that, and if you need assistance, we are here to help. As I work for a solicitor, he may be available for legal help if you need it; for instance, in establishing where Jimmy’s safety deposit key fits. Lawyers can ask banks such questions as part of their dealing with a will, or without a will, if the person dies intestate – which just means ‘without having made a testament’, or legal will.”

Phyllis slumped and said slowly, “You are being terribly practical, all of a sudden. I thought you were a romantic, more in tune with me as a woman than Jimmy ever was.”

“Please don’t jump to wrong conclusions, Phyllis. I am indeed a romantic when it comes to my women, but as a man I also find myself looking at the practical side of life. Someone has to do that, and I see it as my job as a husband to watch for the stumbles we face every day. Sandy is my guide in most things, but I pride myself as having some ability in practical matters such as this.

Now, are you sure you can cope with all the trials you will immediately face? You will have to deal with decisions about coffins and burial place, discuss with a minister about the funeral service, look for his will if he made one, or his solicitor’s name if he has one, as he might hold the will. The list goes on, and it starts today.”

Phyllis tried her best to recover, and pushed her head up determinedly.

“I have had to deal with most household problems by myself, as Jimmy was never a hands-on person except for sex. He prefers – preferred - to lounge around and listen to radio shows or the racing, or sleep in his chair while I got on with the house cleaning and maintenance jobs.”

She paused before reflecting, “But this is different. It is the process of disposing of him and his effects for ever. Would you, as a man, be willing to go through his stuff and clear it out for me?”

I saw her point, and at once agreed to assist.

“Yes, I can do that, Phyllis. What about non-clothing things? Did he collect anything, have family heirlooms, or something he valued for itself, like a favourite piece of furniture or whatever?

“I want rid of that lounge chair he spent most of his time in at home. He liked playing at monopoly with any of his friends that he could persuade to play, as he liked to win at it. Thank God he almost never gambled, as he seldom won anything that way, not even in a church raffle. Oh, God, church! I have to speak with the minister, don’t I?”

“Don’t worry about anything this morning, Phyllis; it can wait until you are more ready. Get yourself up for breakfast with the girls, and see what you can put together between you. By God, you have lovely breasts, Phyllis.”

She looked down at her still proud tits, and smiled. “You know how to make a girl feel happier, Bob.”

“I had to learn, Phyllis. My girls have taught me to show my appreciation of their assets; tits, bums, and now their small baby bulges. It never fails to make them happier, no matter how many times they have been made love to. Showing them that they are beautiful in my eyes never fails to cheer them up.

Now, I had better get along to the mister bedroom and change into clean undies. You will note that it is not master bedroom, but mister, as I am not master at all. It is part of my new outlook on married life.”

Phyllis smiled at this observation, and commented, “I may let you fuck me again, Bob, if you carry on this romantic talk. Damn, no wonder these girls wanted to marry you!”

I picked up yesterday’s clothes and left the room. I enjoyed the feel of the new hall carpeting on my bare feet as I trekked along the corridor and downstairs to my own bedroom, where I could shower before putting on clean underwear and a change of clothes. I had got used to the practice of changing my underwear every day, due to all my exertions with my women, and I had further adjusted that to include my outer clothing, now that we had a washing machine. A few items still had to be dry-cleaned, but we could afford that without any concern.

By the time I was dressed and arrived at the kitchen for breakfast, Phyllis was there with the others, chatting away about last night. I heard the tail end of her answer about sleeping with me, as she enthused about how I had held her safe all night, and that she had felt able to fuck me this morning. The girls congratulated her, telling her that sex with Bob was always comforting. Carol said, “He makes you feel in control, instead of being controlled, Phyllis. My first time with him, he got me to sit atop his pecker so that I was in full control of the situation. It was lovely!”

Phyllis revealed, “He was like that with me this morning, letting me be the one in charge. Is he always like that?”

There was a chorus of agreement about how cooperative I was, so I stepped into the kitchen, saying, “Stop bragging about me, girls. I am just a man to be brow-beaten by his women!”

Sandy declared strongly, “Bob McIntyre! We can say what we like about you, as long as it is true. Once Georgie had taught you about fucking a woman properly, there was no holding you back in making us happy.

Phyllis, you simply got the benefit of Bob being trained in how to fuck a woman. When we first fucked as a new-married couple, both us were fumbling around as we picked things up, but Georgie had the experience to teach others what NOT to do as well as what was worthwhile, and we went on from there.”

Phyllis inserted, “Bob says you will help with the fallout of Jimmy’s death. I can do a lot, but for some of the things, help would be appreciated. Bob says he will deal with Jimmy’s clothes and things, but...”

Sandy mentioned, “We are all busy women, with jobs or studies, but we will do what we can for you, Phyllis. You can depend on us.”

“Thanks. That will be great. At times, I get to a point where my head spins and everything gets on top of me, you know...”

There were appreciative murmurings all round, then I noticed Janet staring at me with an unfathomable look. She turned to Phyllis and said, “No kids, eh?”

Phyllis could see it was a query, and responded to that. “When we got married, money was tight, so no plans for kids, then he slowly changed, until I realised that if I was pregnant and he punched me in the stomach ... not good, so I kept up the contraceptive diaphragm. Why do you ask?”

“Because our Bob has a thing about women he fucks; expects them to have his babies, you see.”

“I just fucked him once, Janet. I was not thinking of being demanding that way; I know he has responsibilities.”

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