Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 32

“Relative heights, Carol; this is making it easier.” and she let me continue.

Now I was able to insert my stiff member into what turned out to be an already slippery orifice, and we came together like an old married couple. I nearly laughed at the passing thought, but resisted, and began a slow but steady pistoning into her as I held her up. Her weight seemed not to matter for the moment, and she began to push her hips forward to coincide with my thrusts.

I continued for a little while then asked, “Carol, if you want to make this more pleasant, we could move to a bedroom...”

“Uh, is this not enough?”

“It might be enough for me to orgasm and shoot sperm into you, but possibly not enough for you to get an orgasm.”

“Oh? Oh! I can have an orgasm?”

“Yes, dear girl. Sex is meant to be good for both of us, not just me getting my rocks off, as the saying goes.”

“But moving to a bed? That means you will have to come out of me...”

“Yes, but I can get back in again, remember?”

“But...” she complained, “I don’t want you to come out of me. I like having your big thing in my vagina; it is filling me so completely. It feels ... right. I never expected that.”

I realised she was enjoying this first cooperative fuck, where her desires were pre-eminent. I thought quickly.

“Would you like to discover what it is like being fucked on the kitchen table, but on the bed instead? The bed is softer for your body to lie on.”

She nodded her agreement but asked, “Can you carry me through while we are together this way; you inside me?”

“I can try. It may not work, as I have not tried to carry a girl this way before; it is a bit unusual and a little awkward.”

“If it does work, you have a new method you can use with Sandy and the others.”

Amazed at this sensible suggestion from the inexperienced Carol, I moved forward and balancing as best I could, I shuffled us as a unit carefully and awkwardly to the door where Carol stretched out a hand backward and feeling by touch, turned the handle and pulled it open. I was stunned at her active participation in all this. My hands were fully occupied in carrying her weight by her spread buttocks, but we got to the bedroom door without incident.

Carol opened this door and we entered the bedroom with difficulty. I struggled to hold Carol until we reached the bed, then collapsed forward to deposit her on the edge of the bed, me still inside her but now starting to soften with the lack of direct sensual attention by either of us.

“Sit there for a moment, Carol while I catch my breath,” I ordered her, and she sat obediently, but staunchly clenched my tool with her vaginal muscles to stop me leaving her occupied canal. Now it was time to do the switch.

“Now we take note of our relative positions. You are on the edge of the bed, your legs spread and hanging down, and your vagina asking to be fucked again, right?”

“Right,” she agreed amicably, running a hand over my body without thinking that she was caressing a man.

“Next, lie back on the bed, slowly.” She did that and my penis pressed up inside her, giving her a new experience. “Now let me fuck you as you lie this way; none of my weight on you, but our sex organs linked and ready for more action.”

She thought about this for all of two seconds.

“Fuck me again, Bob,” she asked, and I went into action, slow at first, then faster and faster, until she gasped, “Ahhhh; Oh that is a great feeling! What did you do?”

“Your body did it by itself, Carol; you had an orgasm of your own, reacting to a loving fuck. This comes from you wanting to participate, instead of being forced.”

“Lovely. Can we do that again, Bob? Give me another orgasm?”

“We can try. It is not me that does it, but you. Once I finally orgasm and shoot into you, that is it for me as a man. I lose my erection very quickly. Women can have more orgasms, but men only have one as the sperm shoots out, and then I have to wait a considerable while for my body to recover and make more sperm before I can do it again.

Girls have this one advantage over men during sex; multiple orgasms. The disadvantage is having a baby later There are other ways for you to stimulate your body towards orgasm, but speak to the girls about that, then you can get me to do whatever you need to help it to happen.”

Carol shuddered slightly again as she recalled the feeling of what she had experienced. “I can have more like that? Are you sure?”

“My wives always want more orgasms, Carol, so I am sure.”

“I can put up with sex, if it is going to be like this. Can I be another wife to you, Bob? And have lots of sex the same as this?”

“You can certainly have plenty of sex, but remember that sex is aimed at having babies, birth control permitting. I am not a fan of contraception except as a means of spacing babies. As far as I am concerned, it appears you will be fine for fitting in, but it is Sandy you have to convince to let you stay with us. She has the deciding vote in this family as my primary love.”

She didn’t appear to be listening too closely, as her next comment showed.

“Bob, you didn’t shoot yet, did you?”

“Not yet, Carol. I am still doing my damnedest to hold back until I am certain you are either protected, or want to have a baby, or I will stop now and get out of you. Which is it?”

“I have no protection and am happy with what might happen when your sperm shoots into me. Georgie and Janet are happy to be pregnant, so that encourages me to believe in you as they do. They are sure you will be a good father, so I will follow their lead. I want my children to have a father I can trust. Fuck me more, Bob.”

I resumed my efforts and this time allowed my primal instincts full sway as the pressure piled up and I put more effort into it while I pumped into Carol. My balls soon launched a sperm salvo and it rocketed though my penis up inside Carol’s waiting vagina, somewhere near the top of her wet canal, leaving the sperm to fight their way into her uterus on their own. My body cheered them on: may the best spermatozoa win!

After about a minute I was completely spent and my formerly solid rod wilted and fell out of Carol, leaving her disappointed. I explained that a man’s body worked this way and needed a considerable time to recover its energy and build up a new supply of sperm for the next attempt at fertilisation. The penis relaxes in the meantime.

“You make it sound so clinical, Bob. For me, a wonderful experience was ended before I wanted it to end.”

“Sorry about that. Male bodies act that way all on their own. I keep getting accused of being too logical, so I suppose it is true, but it doesn’t stop me from loving my girls deeply. Their tolerant behaviour towards me makes me want to love them more.”

“Do you think you could love me like that; the way you love Sandy and the girls? It impresses me no end. You fuck them a lot but it appears to be more a matter of loving than of sex.”

“For my girls, that is perfectly true. For yourself, only time can answer that question, Carol. Do you intend to put yourself in a position where our relationship may develop into love?”

“You are the only man that I can see myself falling in love with, and you have already had sex with me, and possibly started a baby, so perhaps we are in the first steps towards love. I know I need to work at it, but I am willing.”

I took in her words and related them to what we had just done. I wanted to see it in the way she said, but it was early days yet. It was not like with Sandy – my heart went thump! and I was involved at first encounter. This was a different sort of encounter, a learning process, but she may have a point. Time to consult with Sandy, I think.

“Carol, do you mind if I bring in Sandy to guide us on your future with us?”

Carol looked me in the face and nodded, saying, “I trust Sandy to make good decisions, even though it is me who might suffer if she makes a decision that sends me away.”

I opened the door and called through, “Sandy? Can you come through please?”

She at once opened the kitchen door and strode through into the bedroom, taking a quick glance at our naked condition and drawing her own conclusions.

“Yes, Bob?”

“Thanks for coming, my love. Carol needs to talk with you.”

Sandy walked farther into the bedroom and observed a smiling Carol still lying flat on the bed, legs splayed with sexual satisfaction.

“Fucking nice, Carol. Not much of a surprise, though. You had something to say about my husband?”

“Yes, Sandy,” Carol said as she levered herself up into a sitting position, allowing her breasts to hang forward now, adding to her attractiveness. “I allowed Bob to fuck me, and boy, did he fuck me! He shot his sperm deep into me.”

I try to interpose at this point, but Sandy ordered, “Shut up, Bob. This is between me and Carol.”

“Yes, dear,” I dutifully replied.

“Now, Carol, please go on, except that you didn’t ‘allow’ him to fuck you, did you?”

“No, I suppose not. I asked him to fuck me. He was slow and gentle about it, and got me to dictate the action while he decided on the positions we used. He lifted me up to stick his thing in while we were standing up. That was a shock, but I liked it so much that when he offered to show me the ‘table fuck’ but on the bed, I got him to carry me through with him still filling my vagina, as it felt great.”

“Table fuck, as in kitchen table? Bob, that was hard on my bum, as I recall.”

“Yes, dear, which is why I thought we should use a bed for the demonstration.”

“And what a demonstration, Sandy. The angle somehow made it more exciting inside my body, yet Bob let me have an orgasm before he did. I had to let him fuck me some more for him to spurt into me.”

“Spurt? Do you have a contraceptive, Carol?”

“No, and I didn’t care! If I have Bob’s baby, then fine.” She sounded a bit defensive but surprisingly assertive.

“You want to join this family then? Is this what your dalliance with Bob is aimed at?”

Carol admitted, “Yes, but Bob said it had to be your decision, not his or mine. I accept that, for you are his legal wife and according to him the boss of this family.”

“Yes, and don’t you forget that, Carol,” Sandy’s strong voice emphasized this.

“Yes, Mrs McIntyre. If I can join you, I’ll always remember that. Even if I can’t join you, may I have some more fucking from him in the future? Today was my first time of real fucking, and I loved it. I will be happy to have his baby, no matter what, as a permanent reminder of my one and only sex partner. That rape was not having sex, just an attack on me. Now, I can’t imagine me doing this ... loving ... with any other man.”

“Bob has that effect on the women he agrees to have sex with. His loving is fucking addictive, as I think you have found!”

“Yes, ma’am. Am I in or out, then?”

“Probably in, but we are in the midst of a temporary move while our house extension is built, so there would not be space for you to live here until then. Regard it as a probationary period until we have our house extension completed. You can show willing for now by helping us pack and move, and if you miss your period when it is next due, then we can formalise your joining this family if you still desire that outcome. That would mean you becoming a wife to Bob, with all the restrictions that a wife accepts in a marriage as well as the advantages that will also accrue. The main restriction is having him as your sole sex partner, but I think you have already decided that to be the case. The advantages are being protected, loved, and looked after in the future. Bob intends to be a good husband for all of us, and a loving father to our children.”

Carol did it again; appeared to not pay attention and then change the subject. She asked, coyly, “An extension to your home? Who is paying for that, or is it a large mortgage you are accepting? I don’t have the cash to contribute towards that, Sandy. I am sorry.”

“No contributions needed, Carol. We are paying for it outright; using some family assets turned into cash, so that these assets turn into our expanded house, with enough bedrooms for us all to have our own, including you if you decide to stay. The house will then be much more valuable when it becomes time to sell it.”

“Own bedrooms for each of us? Why would you need that, if you are all married?”

“Think about it, Carol. Would you want to be making love with Bob and have the rest of us in the same bed? That would be a bit restricting, don’t you think?”

“Oh? Bob would make love to me in my own bedroom? That would be lovely, and natural and fair, I see. Sorry I asked; it was stupid of me.”

“No, not stupid, Carol, just not informed enough to see the straight answer.”

Carol continued her thought, “And if I have a baby, I would have its cot in my bedroom, unless there was a nursery...”

“The extension will include a nursery, Carol. It makes sense for all the children to be together, and one mother can look after them all for a while, on a rota system during the day, but mothers may want to have their child with them at night, to make breast feeding easy, so there will be a crib for each bedroom if wanted.”

“Sandy, when you say, ‘all the children’, how many children are you expecting to have in this family?”

“We have not looked that far ahead, Carol, but if each us had two children, that would be eight, and if each of us had three, that would make twelve. Does that prospect put you off?”

“Three children of my own? God, if only that could be! I never thought I would meet a man worth letting close to me, and most certainly not fathering children on me! My children must grow up being able to protect themselves from rapists, so Bob will need to get them lessons on self-protection. Oh, my God! My life has changed dramatically. You, Bob and your family have all taken me to your hearts and treated me as a woman who needed love and not rape; so if I can have children with a father they can admire, that would be fine.”

“Take that thought and stay with it for a little while longer, Carol, and you may get your wish for children of love.”

“Should I get dressed now, Sandy?”

“Perhaps you should. Bob is spent for now, and later he may be needed by one of his wives. He is almost always busy fucking at home, as you have found.”

At Sandy’s invitation, Carol remained where she was and Sandy went to collect her clothes. I went with Sandy and got dressed myself after kissing her lovingly to acknowledge her status as lead wife.

“How was she at sex? Beginner level?” Sandy wanted to know.

“Exactly that. I treated her gently and left her to say when she wanted more of anything. She came along quite fast, so I think she was feeling starved of affection and some of the sex was actually an appeal for affectionate love. I think she will need a lot of love as and when she joins us; and I mean love, not primarily sex. The sex is secondary in her life; more an affirmation of being loved and cared for; not rejected as was the case with her parents.”

“An excellent assessment, my love. I would confirm your understanding of Carol. Do you fancy her having a baby with you?”

“Well, as long as you and Janet and Georgie have no objections. I have to live with you three and I know I have to stay on your right side for the foreseeable future; years and years and years, I hope.”

Sandy nodded, telling me, “For decades to come, I expect. Carol will quite likely add to our numbers as a family member, but I doubt if she will be as demanding as Georgie and Janet as regards getting our way; or even more importantly, in getting our way with you in bed. By the way, I am inclining more towards starting a baby soon. I can cope with the swelling belly while at university, and once it arrives, the other girls will look after it for me, for us, while I continue my studies.”

“That is an encouraging development, my darling.” I took the opportunity to kiss her again, and fondle a breast that was handy. I like playing with my women, you see.

“You seldom need much encouragement to fuck a baby into any of us, Bob dear. During our honeymoon I practically had to drag Georgie off your penis to get some loving for myself”

“Ahh, that was simply me trying to compensate her for all these years without sex. It was my innate generosity coming out.”

“It was your sperm coming out, in your determination to become a father. It failed at that time, but you have now got her in the family way along with Janet. It might be another month or so before I can conceive and join them. It takes time for the birth control chemical to leave the body, I am told.”

I rejoiced, “Wouldn’t that be wonderful, Sandy? All three of you starting a baby for us to love. Good God; three children at my age!”

“Possibly all four of us by then, if your sport with Carol scores a quick goal.”

“Oh, God!” I groaned. “How long does a girl have to allow for recovery from childbirth before she can have sex again? Do you know?”

“Nothing definite, much as conception can be variable, but around two months after the baby arrives, I or the other girls will be available to fuck again. Don’t you want us to have a quiet spell to heal up after the baby arrives, before starting another?”

“Damn, I am sorry, Sandy. I should have given thought to the women before even thinking of having sex again. Forgive me, my love. How long of a break do you think any of you should have before working on the next one?”

“Bob, if we do want to have a number of children each, and I think we do, I should imagine a gap of six months would be adequate before starting the next pregnancy. We can organise some contraceptive pills to enforce that hiatus.”

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