Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 30

“It is all right, my love; I know what you mean. It is more sensual, directly flesh to flesh; right?”

“That’s it; no barrier to the sensuality. I am sure I have become addicted to sex, due to the enthusiastic participation of all three of you. And now we have two babies on the way!”

“Talking about babies, Bob, I have had an interesting chat with one of my fellow students in the same class as me. She is pregnant and starting to show, so I asked her about the potential problems of having a baby while studying. She says it is usually fine most of the time. Those girls that get morning sickness can manage, as long as there is a washroom nearby, as it doesn’t happen without warning; you get nauseous first. Even having to take a day off occasionally is fine, as you can study at home and catch up when back at the class. She pointed out that I had been away a few days already, and that made her wonder if I was expecting as she knew I was married.”

“No, you had other priorities on your plate. You haven’t missed much of your studies, have you?”

“Very little. Half the time I have been at home, you have been in bed with Georgie or Janet, so I had time to study quietly. It made me think.”

“Ah. The others are pregnant, and you aren’t; that sort of thing?”

“More or less. I thought a baby would stop me getting on with my studying, but with Janet and Georgie going to have little ones, one or other of them could look after mine as well as their own. I could breast feed at night, if they could provide milk to mine while I was away.”

“You seem to be looking at this quite seriously, my darling Sandy.”

“Partly it is that the other two getting pregnant has made me a bit broody, I suppose. Give me a week or two to make up my mind, Bob, please?”

“Whatever you want, my darling wife; love of my life!”

I was also almost completely unaware of Carol’s Saturday visits, because my girls had taken to having a ‘girls afternoon’ each Saturday, and I spent that time catching up on my reading of factual books, or my weekly copy of New Scientist. I had assumed it was just them that were present.

I had no interest in television, nor it seems did my ladies, so we did not own a TV set. At the hair salon it appeared there was much discussion of what was happening in the latest episode of Emergency Ward 10, or Coronation Street, but Carol was getting it all second-hand and it confused her that her colleagues apparently had no distinction between fantasy worlds and reality. She knew to her sorrow what reality was, but still regarded reality as more relevant to life than any fantasy TV programme.

But this Saturday as we finished lunch Sandy got around to mentioning a recent occurrence.

“Carol has been a bit jittery the last couple of Saturdays.”

“She was there with you girls?”

“Yes, we thought she would like to be around us for a while each week, but she seemed to be a wee bit unsure of what she wanted from us; that is the impression I got. When she was leaving last Saturday I asked her what was the matter, and she asked if it could be left until today. I half suspect it has to do with you, so be prepared in case we summon you.”

I took this to heart, but I was completely absorbed in a book about the history of chemistry developing from the dubious search into alchemy when Georgie opened the door and called to me.

“Bob darling? Sandy wants you.”

“Okay. Now?”

“Now. It has to do with Carol, so get your lips puckered up for kissing!”

I tidied my reading matter away and wandered through to the kitchen, where they were all sitting around the table, mugs of tea or something in their hands; they preferred the kitchen for their discussions for that convenience. They all looked up at me expectantly as I arrived: it felt like an inspection, so I said nothing and waited, looking interested.

Sandy led off, “Bob dear, Carol has been telling us a little about how she is feeling.”

“Oh yes? Is it a good feeling or a bad feeling?”

“It depends. What she wants to know is how you view her now. Do you see her as a friend of your wife that you have helped, or someone who means more to you than that?”

“Sandy, you know that if I kiss a girl with some degree of passion, it is a lot more than just ‘helping’.” I signed inverted commas with my forefingers, to emphasize my statement. “However, nothing more comes from it without your prior approval. My love for you always comes first as you know.”

Georgie and Janet both sighed dramatically, and Georgie said, “That is true. His love for Sandy trumps anything else. Even on their honeymoon when he was fucking me senseless he reminded me that Sandy was his primary love and always would be. You have to admire a man who knows where his priorities lie.”

Carol gasped, “But I thought he loved you, Georgie!”

Georgie chuckled, “Oh, he does, Carol, but that doesn’t change the way he views Sandy. He can love all of us, but Sandy is his prime love interest. It is the same with loving your parents and your siblings: you might love them all, but someone, normally your mother, is the main recipient of your family love. In our case he can love all three of us, but Sandy is number one in every way.”

“So Bob is able to love you all? Just like that?”

“Just like that? No, it took a lot more than such a sudden impact. Love normally develops over time, and the length of time varies between when Bob and Sandy met and immediately fell for each other, and me and Janet, where the love came along as we got to know Bob more intimately (and that does not just mean by sex, though good sex helps it along).”

“Oh.” Carol was gaining a new appreciation of what love was about. “So wanting him, or wanting him to love you, is not necessarily the starting point? It could be sex, then?”

Janet giggled, “Could be. It pretty much was, for me. I was needing a good fuck from a good man. I got it and was hooked. The love came later.”

Sandy was more to the point, “It depends on the individuals, Carol. With me and Bob, I hardly knew what hit me, and I know it was the same for him, and we have never looked back; we are partners for life.

Georgina was dumped by the guy that she thought loved her, when he met a younger and more pliable girl willing to do what he wanted. Georgie had her principles, and has stuck by them, but the first man who met her requirements was the one her younger sister, me, had found by accident: Bob.

I saw what was happening to Georgie and recalled that she had done everything she could to help me as I grew up, in the absence of my mother, so I decided that fair was fair and I should help her to find what she sought, and let her see if Bob and she would click. The pair of them got on like a house on fire, so I got Bob to invite her into our marriage as a second wife. It worked; she is happy, fits in with us, and she and Janet have started our family for us.”

Carol chortled, “So Georgie is pregnant as well? I didn’t know; amazing. It is like a fairy tale, with you all finding happiness in the end. I think it is absolutely wonderful. If only that could happen to me...” she tailed off into silence.

I looked meaningfully at Sandy, and she took in my unspoken words and ran with them.

“Carol, why did you say, ‘if only that could happen to me’?”

Carol stared at Sandy, and said, “But I was raped and defiled, Sandy. No man in his right mind would have me as a wife.”

Sandy raised her eyebrows. “No man in his right mind? What has that got to do with love and marriage, Carol? It was not your fault that you were raped, so why should you be off limits for any good man?”

“But I can’t abide being close to men, except for your Bob, and your family life is already perfect.”

“Carol, perfect doesn’t stop being perfect if it expands. For me and Bob, life was perfect; for me and Georgie and Bob, life was perfect; for Janet and Georgie and me, life was perfect. Perfection is like love: it expands to fill the available space. Bob didn’t stop loving me when he found he loved Georgie, and when he eventually found he loved Janet as well. There is nothing to stop him loving you, except you not being able to love him. It is up to you, girl, to decide what you want to do with your life. You can never get anything unless you try, and sometimes all it requires to start is by asking.”

“You mean ... Bob? Me and Bob? ... love and sex and babies and...”

“And whatever else you want, if you are willing to work towards that end.”

Carol burst into tears. “I don’t know what to do, or how to do it; I need help!”

I stepped forward, my arms opening as I approached her.

As I wrapped my arms around her I told her, “Carol, do you know the old Chinese adage about how to start a long journey?: you must take the first step on the road. If you think you could maybe live with me and the girls, you have to take that first step, and get to know me as a man. I don’t mean sex right away, but perhaps learning to accept each other as possible partners in life. We can move beyond kissing, to touching each other and exploring our bodies.

Let me tell you what we did the first time. Sandy and Georgie stripped off their tops and I did too and we tested how we liked being flesh to flesh, chest to chest, nipple to nipple. We liked it, and that encouraged us to more explorations, though Sandy remained a virgin until we married, so there is never any specified speed of getting to know each other. As I said before to you, it must be all your own choice; as it is your life.”

She melted to me, squashed herself closer and smelled my man smell.

“Can I start getting to know you better, Bob? That is, if Sandy approves.”

“I think Sandy approves, Carol, provided you understand that you should never tell outsiders about how our family works. It works by love between us and nothing else, so remember: no bragging or clyping, or otherwise telling others about what is private to us; the bond of love.”

“I am willing to keep it all to myself, Bob, if I can secure your love, and the love and respect of your wives. If it works, might I someday become your wife as well?”

Georgie intervened to remind her, “Bob wants to be a good father, and hopes to have children by all his wives, Carol, so if you intend to aim at becoming a wife to him, you should also expect to become a mother of some of his children.”

“Ah,” sighed Carol. “I’d love to have my own children, and if it could be with Bob, that would be wonderful.”

Sandy chimed in with a comment, “You have to start with something more than a simple kissing session, Carol. Are you prepared to strip to the waist and get yourself flesh to flesh with Bob?”

“Here?” said Carol incredulously.

“Just think ahead, girl. If you get to join our family, being naked around the house is part of the scene at times. Bob might even fuck you on the kitchen table!”

“Why would he do that?”

“To give you a bit of a frisson, adding a little extra to the sex. He has fucked me there on occasion; admittedly without others around, but it was exciting.”

“Sounds kinky to me,” said Carol. “You are not joking, are you? This is part of the sex you do?”

“No joke, Carol; but fun. I sometimes watch Bob having sex with Janet or Georgie, to see if I can learn anything from them. Usually it is nothing!”

“If you don’t mind, Sandy, I’d prefer to do the skin-touching with Bob in private, until I feel more comfortable with it.”

“That’s fine by me. Bob, take Carol through to the lounge and play at nipple-fencing so she knows something about flesh on flesh.”

I took Carol by the hand and led her through to the lounge, then shut the door behind us. It had no lock, but the girls knew to stay clear, for Carol’s peace of mind. We stripped to the waist, or rather I did, and then watched Carol as she slowly and tentatively took her top layer off, exposing her white bra.

She stopped at that point, and I waited for her to continue. She remained unsure of herself, so I suggested, “Do you want me to take your bra off for you, Carol?”

“No, I can do that myself!” she shot back with, and then paused, acquiescing, “But if you would like to...”

So I came closer and reached behind her to the twin hooks that I expected, and unfastened them. As the bra fell towards her chest, her hands automatically went to her breasts to catch and hold the bra, so I asked, “Have you something you’d hate to show to me?”

“No!” she declared again, and dropped the bra, exposing her breasts and her hard-pointed nipples. I stood and admired her from a few feet away, and murmured softly, “Very nice, Carol. These are lovely breasts, just the size I like.”

“I thought they were too small!” she confided in amazement.

“Not at all. They are just perfect, from my viewpoint. It is all a matter of proportion; what fits with what size of body. May I touch them, with your permission?”

“Uh, ... yes, but gently. My nipples feel tender; I don’t know why they are so hard either.”

Smiling inwardly, I did as asked, and allowed my fingers to caress her nipples and then move on to the swelling of her breasts. She reacted impulsively by shoving forward so that our bare chests collided, squashing her breasts against me as I removed my hands protectively. She gasped again and held me tight to her as if afraid to let go. I placed my arms around her upper body to hold her to me, but not too tightly. She sighed with satisfaction.

“I like this, Bob,” she muttered into my forehead, as she was slightly taller than me. I didn’t know what to say in reply, so I simply held her and stayed silent. Then I had a brainwave and slid my hands down to reach her buttocks, and pulled her groin against my prick that was straining in my trousers.

That brought another response, “Oh my God! This is all so awesome!”

I told her, “I like this, too,” and she said softly, “So do I.”

We both paused to let our bodies relax in the new scenario, until Carol asked, “If I turn round, can you hold my breasts with your hands, cup them?”

I knew what she wanted, so I allowed her to turn in my arms, then brought my hands to her chest, one on each breast. That brought on another sigh.

“Oh, God, this is wonderful.”

I told her, “It can be like this every day or two, if you decide you want to join our family, Carol. You might want to have sex with me before making that final decision, though. Some people react badly to full sex, so I am told.”

“I can’t imagine why, Bob, but I wouldn’t know. Maybe it is the losing of their hymen? I can well imagine that being a trauma if they don’t have sufficient lubrication, from my own experience. Would that mean they were not truly meant for each other?”

“Perhaps,” I admitted, as I did not know. “That is why it is often wise to have sex before committing to a life-long partnership, but not always, as Sandy will tell you. She and I were committed to each other long before we had sex, but Georgie gave her some tips about having sex and making it good. However, once you know how to have good sex, life becomes much simpler and more satisfying.”

There was a sudden silence from Carol, then she asked, “Are you asking to have sex with me, Bob, in a roundabout way?”

“Not exactly. I am asking whether YOU want to have sex with me. It must always be you in control, Carol. Remember that: YOU in charge; always.”

“Oh yes. That is right, but do I have to make up my mind right away?”

“No, never. Take time to think about it; talk it over with my girls to see what you might be letting yourself in for. Consider your other options and what you really want from your life; what sort of man, babies or not, career as a hairdresser or not. You can come to your own conclusions, your likes and desires. My own desires are of lesser importance as I already have loving wives, so I have nothing to lose or do without, except you; whereas you are taking on a risk by choosing to join a multi-spouse marriage. Do not feel pressured to make a rash decision, Carol. Decide in your own good time what you want.”

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