Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 25

As my prong once again became a small floppy organ, I pulled out of Janet, and kissed her again before thanking her for the fuck.

“Oh, and I want to say something important, Janet. For now, it is fucking; a natural process for procreation, but as and when we get to love each other, it will change to lovemaking. You will notice the difference in how you treat me, and I you. There will be a tenderness that develops as the love grows. I hope we will be true lovers then, and our children will be the result of love.”

“Oh, Bob, you are so romantic for a man! Thank you for making my first time such a nice experience. It makes me happy to be your wife and mother of your children if possible. Can you tell Sandy and Georgie that I am looking forward to sharing your life together, and I now see what Sandy meant about Carol. We have to go slow and carefully to find out if Carol will be a candidate for this family; my family now.”

“Thanks, Janet. I like what I hear from you and I like what we managed together; it was fucking marvellous in both senses of the word.”

She gave me another hug and a kiss, and then rubbed her body against mine in a display of affection that boded well for the future. My todger tried to get erect once more, but it was a half-hearted attempt at best. I was still too empty to be able to perform.

I got out of Janet’s bed, and to her disappointment said, “I have to go and sleep with my wife and her sister now. They expect me to be with them every night, not just for companionship, but occasionally to rouse me during the night to do my husbandly duty.”

She subsided, then perked up as she asked, “Does that mean I can sleep with you as well, some nights?”

“Most certainly, though the bed will get a bit crowded!”

“Not just you and me?”

“That is possible, but that means any of you might like to sleep alone with me, and when we do that, it will cut down how much you all get to sleep with me. And note that I mean sleep: you girls can’t be fucking me all the time, or I’ll collapse from lack of sleep!”

“Does that mean it is similar to an ordinary marriage?”

“Janet, it IS an ordinary marriage, but with three wives. There is no set frequency for lovemaking in marriage, just what suits the couple. You girls all seem to want to fuck often, with Sandy a little less due to me having to put on a condom for her, as she wants to complete her university course before having a child.”

“Poor Sandy, not getting as much as the rest of us.”

“That may change, once she has seen her doctor. We heard that birth control pills are available on the National Health Service.”

“Oh, I heard other girls talking about that. It lets you fuck a boy without worrying about getting pregnant, right?”

“That’s it. Sandy is the only one in this family who will use them for now. Later, once you have had a baby, if want a break before the next one, you might use these pills to do the job for you.”

“The next one?”

“Yes. You didn’t imagine you would have only one child?”

“Well, possibly I didn’t think ahead. You want us to have several kids?”

“That’s right: several kids each. Any objections?”

“Not in principle. My god, several babies!” Janet was astounded at the thought, then added, “I might like that. Will the other girls help look after them?”

“You, me and the others will look after all our children, Janet. I intend to be a hands-on father, playing my bit for my family. It is responsibility to do so.”

Janet put her hand to her mouth as she contemplated the future.

“If we each had three children, that’s nine of a family!”, and then something else occurred to her. “Carol! If you accepted her, you would expect her to have some kids as well?”

“Of course, if she proved to be worthy of our family. On that basis, what do you think of her?”

“Damn! I am now starting to have second thoughts. If she joined us, that would be less of you for lovemaking with me, and more babies in the house. This house is too small, Bob.”

“That fact is not lost on me, Janet. That is why I am planning for an extension to the building: more rooms for individual privacy, a nursery, and a proper dining room so we can all eat together.”

“An extension with a number of rooms: that means you have more money than I thought. I can get things that I want, then?”

“No, my dear; let me correct you. You can get anything you NEED, not just what you feel like having. Spending money with no real plan is pure waste. A necklace with many diamonds is not prettier than a necklace with a few diamonds; just flashier. Get the idea?”

“Yes, Bob. A warm coat does not have to mean a mink coat.”

“Exactly. I am not happy about fur coats anyway, as animals have to die just so their pelts can be used for fashion. That does not make sense, as it will inevitable destroy the species in the end. Better not to bother with fur coats and use other materials to do the same job; wool has a lot going for it.”

There was a rattle of the door knob, and Sandy’s voice, “Have you two not finished yet?”

“Come in, Sandy!” I called, and the door opened, exposing our naked bodies to her gaze.

“My God! You are a looker, Janet. Did Bob make you pleased to be with us?”

“And how!” she replied. “This guy knows how to fuck a girl thoroughly.”

“He does now, Janet. He has had plenty of practical training. Welcome to the family. Planning a baby soon?”

“Bob says that is what he expects, and I want to be loved like this by him over and over again, so that means a baby or two. He wants me to have several, he says; and you girls as well. That means at least nine children between us!”

“You know your arithmetic, Janet, and that figure means we need an extension to the house, if we have the land for it, and can get planning permission from the council. We’ll need to consult an architect about that first of all. What’s your plans for sleeping? On your own, or sleep with us?”

“Oh,” said Janet. “Up until now, I slept alone, so that is what I am used to, but I would like to try being with Bob and yourselves to see if I can sleep with people beside me.”

“Well, if you sleep with Bob, that will show you how it is like. Want to try that tonight?”

Janet gaped. “You would let me do that, Sandy? He is your husband, after all.”

Sandy smiled wryly. “He is now your husband as well, Janet, and don’t you forget that. Georgie and I can forgo one night for you to get the hang of sleeping beside Bob.”

I noticed my opinion was not taken into consideration. Sandy was exerting her power as First Lady, and I had no objections to following her lead. We got up to have a light supper before bed, and neither of us dressed. As I insisted to Janet, “If we are going to sleep together, all of us, we’ll be seeing our naked bodies, so why not start now? The house is warm enough.”

She was at first shy, but I pointed out that she was seen naked by Sandy when she came to see what was taking so long, so this was simply a little bit more of the same. When Sandy saw us nude for supper, she and Georgie made themselves nude too, so that Janet would not feel out of place. Janet grinned widely when they did that, and was no longer scared to show herself to the other girls. When all three were seated that way, I made show of getting up and going round the table, kissing lips and groping a breast of each girl, starting with Sandy. That got me a good response, and Georgie commented, “Sandy, our husband is learning how to be appreciative of each of us.”

Sandy grinned and said, “He is doing this primarily to make Janet comfortable, but I like his idea of attention.”

As I came past her to sit, Janet grabbed at my pecker and squeezed it, saying, “To think that this thing managed to fit inside me!”

Sandy remarked, “If you are anything like Georgie, you will practice fitting it in with great regularity, Janet.”

“I hope so, Sandy,” Janet admitted.

Sandy went on, “I think you should send your parents a letter to let them know you are alive and well.”
Janet gasped in terror, “I don’t want them to know where I am or what I am doing, Sandy!”

“Don’t worry about that, Janet. Keep what you say as vague as possible, and I’ll post it in Glasgow, so it will look as if you are there; and with the population near to a million, there is no way they will even start to look for you.”
Georgie added, “I am used to the vague but encouraging descriptions of houses that we do, and it is much the same plan: Use phrases such as “I am happy, have a job, and am now the wife of a wealthy young man who is a better Christian towards other people than your sect behaves. If I have a baby I’ll send you a photo, so you can admire your grandchild. No mention of names or places.”

Janet exclaimed, “That would be great, Georgie! Can you write it out for me, and I will copy it in my own writing? Sandy can check the final wording to make sure I give nothing away. Bob, you have such wonderful wives!”

I was happy to say, “And with you added, I still have wonderful wives!”

Janet finally decided to go back to her own bed for the night, while Sandy and Georgie came with me to sleep, and I told Georgie that sleep was the target. She grimaced but said, “Yes, Bob. I understand. Janet has fucked you out!”

“I am just needing my sleep, Georgie. You and I have to get to our work tomorrow, and Sandy has to go to Glasgow for her studies, and Janet probably has a shift some time tomorrow.”

“Yes, my husband,” Georgie agreed dutifully, while Sandy grinned in the background.

In the morning, Georgina drafted out the letter to Janet’s parents and handed it to Janet, while Sandy checked her train times for Glasgow. I made sure that Sandy was supplied with enough cash for anything she needed, and got myself suitable dressed for the office. I would use the office telephone to speak with an architect about my planned extension and the likelihood of a successful planning permit. It might depend on the design, as I wanted it to be two storeys high. He might say that the original house would need to have another storey to match the extension, but I was prepared to envision that. Having more space was perfectly fine if the possible arrival of the stranger, Carol, was taken into consideration. The staircase would have to be within the extension, with a way back to the main building at the second level.

Before leaving the house, I checked that the technical room was locked, and for now the two keys were with me and Sandy. Janet would only be allowed into that room once I was 100 per cent certain of her reliability. If she asked about that room, she would be told it was mine and mine alone to enter.

While the others went about their own business, I walked into town to the solicitor’s office to attend to whatever tasks Daddy Thompson had for me. The other members of staff welcomed me back, now as their boss’s son-in-law, so I was given a bit more leeway, even if it was not deserved.

After I had cleared up a number of admin tasks that I had left unfinished when I went off on my honeymoon, Daddy Thompson called me into his office. I entered with trepidation, as I was wary of what he might set me to do. I might be set up as the fall guy in some ploy, if the legal niceties went awry.

“Ah, Bob. You and Sandy feeling as one now? A couple rather then two individuals?”

“Yes, sir, I think you could say that we have melded into one. Georgina did her best to help us to do that, so I must give her some of the credit. She was very encouraging.”

“Did you complete the house move for that girl? Do I get my suitcases back now?”
“Oh, yes, sir. Move satisfactorily accomplished, and we are discussing with her a problem she has with another girl she was trying to assist with surviving life. It seems that this other girl was raped at the age of fourteen, and since then has been terrified of getting too close to men. The girl we moved, Janet is her name, hopes that Sandy and Georgina will be of some help with this girl. Georgina had some bad experience of her own with a man, so there should be a degree of empathy, and in the opposite direction Sandy is a happily married woman, so she call tell the girl about good relationships with a male; sort of good cop, bad cop scenario.”

Daddy chuckled, but was immediately on to the legal question. “Did the rapist ever get caught and convicted?”
“Sorry sir, I was not involved with the girl at all, just got the story second-hand, so I have no idea of the full details, just the mention of rape. It must have been several years back, the way it was told to us. I don’t even know where this girl is or what she does now. Sandy did not want to be involved at first, as we have enough on our plate as it is, but we were persuaded to hear the story sometime soon and then decide what, if anything, we wanted to do.”

“Good thinking by Sandy. I taught my girls it is best never to rush into things, especially if a crime was part of the problem. Possibly the girl wants to get back at her attacker, but that depends on whether or not she knows him, or suspects who it was. If the attacker was never identified, it is a dead end, legally, and if she only has a suspicion, she can have no legal recourse. Suspicion alone is not enough to warrant action, even by the police.”

“Thank you for that legal assessment, sir. What was it you wanted me for?”

“Oh, yes. A matter which has me stymied, once again through lack of legally identifiable evidence. A client has had a necklace go missing, and believes that a particular friend may have removed it. The trouble is that there is no way that the police could get involved without some kind of proof that the thief was present at the time of the presumed theft. The timing of the crime is unclear, as it could have been on one of several days; it is that uncertain, so finger pointing is insufficient.”
“I see, sir. What do you think I might be able to do, that you cannot?”

“Robert, I was thinking of that machine you have access to; if perhaps you could use it to go back and see the culprit take the necklace?”

“The premise is valid, sir, but the machine only allows you to be at a particular place at a particular time. The time variable involved makes your request impossible. I could not sit in a hideaway perhaps for days waiting for something to happen; it is just not a practical proposition.”

“Oh. I see. Yes, that would not work after all, much though I might want it to. Forget it, Robert.”

“Hold on, sir. There might be another possibility, if we knew where the assumed culprit’s secure place for jewellery and such is held. One assumes they did not have a safe at home, and no commercial premises that might offer a hiding place.”

“What are you thinking of, my boy?”

“If I could get in and rig up a trip wire that set off a camera, we might get a picture of the thief in action.”

Mr Thompson laughed in derision. “No one will trip over a wire and not notice it, Robert!”

“Quite, sir. I was using trip-wire as a thought example. If the necklace is inside a room, the wire could be attached to the door and the act of opening the door could set off the camera remotely, perhaps with a short delay to allow the culprit get into the field of vision.”

“Good idea, but what if the owner walked in instead? That would set off the camera and so you would have nothing about the actual theft later.”

“Oh. You are right, sir. It would have to be a dead man’s switch, so that every time the door opened, the camera fired after, say, ten seconds.”
“Can you get a camera that would wind on the film each time? I have never heard of a camera that would do that.”

“Oh, bother! Another idea bites the dust. Sir, can you give me the details of the theft: time range, presumed culprit’s name and address, and place where the theft occurred? That would give me data to think about. There may yet be a solution to be found.”

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