Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 23

They agreed, and after switching off the room lights we retired to sleep; me on my back with an arm around each woman, feeling their flesh, feeling them cuddling close to me, naked body to naked body. God, it felt great!

Slowly, as we fell asleep, we separated naturally, and drifted off.

I came awake sometime during the night, with a female hand grasping my male member and it swelling in response. I lay there, unthinking, just enjoying, and found a naked female climbing on top of me. It had to be the knowledgeable Georgina, I worked out, so I lay there as she expertly inserted my hard penis into her damp and welcoming orifice. She manoeuvred herself up and down until we were both adequately lubricated, then she began to fuck me with enthusiasm, slowly at first, then more fiercely.

Sandy came awake with the movement, but then stretched out a hand to hold one of mine, and gave it a squeeze. That told me she was happy with what Georgie was doing, and I did my own pushing to meet Georgie’s thrusts. I held myself back as best I could, to allow her to come for herself, and when finally she did so, I let my body resume its procreative act, and I spurted sperm up and into her.

By God, this girl knew what she was doing! I expect to learn a lot from her, even though her memories of sex were years back. I asked the important question while still inside her.

“Georgie, I was not wearing a condom. You okay with getting pregnant right away, if it happens?”

“Yes, Bob. I checked with Sandy a while back, and we agreed that I should start our family first. There was also the matter of Janet, but that has not been settled yet. You want to add her to your little stable of women?”

“On two conditions: one, that you two girls are happy with the idea, and two, that she is happy with the idea. I am happy with you two as my wives, but if Janet fits in with us, I will be glad to breed her as well.”

“Fine. You are a good man, so if she fits, she can stay and be your third wife.”

I found that I was still hard with all this talk of women having my children, so I asked, “I can do you again if that is what you want, but I think I am drained of sperm for now.”

“That’s okay. How about I show you the doggie style?”
I was open to such suggestions, so we moved around, moved the bedclothes off us, and she got on her hands and knees, inviting me to fuck her from behind. Sandy switched on a bedside light to get a good view. Seeing Georgie as I now could, I then twigged about ‘doggie style’, plugged into her sex and managed to eventually make her come again while Sandy observed and took mental notes.

Sandy commented, “That looks a bit degraded to me, Georgie; animal-like. How does it feel?”

“Feels fine, as far as my vagina goes, and you see that Bob can play with my tits while taking me from behind. As the Jewish folk say, what’s not to like? You should try it tomorrow some time. I’ll show you a few other positions after that.”

Sandy asked her, “Can you go to sleep with a penis inside you, Georgie?”

“You can try, but as he relaxes from sex, his penis will go back to being small and will fall out of you. If he doesn’t relax, but stays stimulated, he will probably recover enough to fire semen into you again, so don’t do it without a condom, or you may find yourself expecting before you expected.”

I butted in after the resulting giggles subsided.

“Ladies, can I go back to sleep now, if Georgie has finished with me for tonight?”

Sandy murmured, “My poor boy; exhausted after fucking two women? If you persuade Janet, will you be up to doing all three of us in one night?”

“I’ll find out as and when it happens, my love. Sleep now, so we are ready to explore Edinburgh tomorrow.”

Georgie reluctantly removed herself from my prong, and we settled back to sleep. I thought, ‘I could get used to sleeping nude, if I have a gorgeous woman or two beside me.’

This was the start of a regular bout of lovemaking between me and the girls, only curtailed when Sandy’s period finally started. Despite what I had heard about women in the same family having sychronised periods, Georgie was not due till a week later, so we continued fucking until it arrived on the dot, much to my disappointment. No pregnancy for now it seems. Sandy was back to being fucked again, and loving it.

Our Edinburgh honeymoon was a hit, as we visited the famous castle with its internal extras such as the national war memorial and the crown jewels of Scotland, which are older than the UK crown jewels due to Cromwell having the English originals melted down to make cash from them, on the mistaken assumption that monarchy was gone from England for ever. Once he was dead, it did not take long for the English/UK monarchy to resume its position when a Scottish monarch inherited the throne of England. The Scottish regalia, which had stopped its active use but was still valued by the Scots, remained sequestered in a country church near Stonehaven, hidden under its altar, until Cromwell and his regime were gone.

The city of Edinburgh had other magnificent attractions including the National Museum of Scotland; the six-storey Gladstone’s Land (a 17th century tenement reputed to be the oldest domestic building in the city); the National Portrait Gallery, which is exclusively portraits of Scots, some of them painted by non-Scots; the two other art galleries; Edinburgh Zoo; the Camera Obscura; The Royal Botanic Garden, and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the official royal residence when the Queen is in Scotland. Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire is the family-owned holiday home, like the Castle of Mey, in Caithness is for Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

We had a great time, with visits to amazing places every day, good meals, and then wonderful times in the late evening, making love to Sandy with a condom on, and Georgie without a condom. I had the fun of fucking Georgie any time and place I wanted, provided we were in our suite. We fucked and fucked in various combinations and positions, without a care in the world. With Sandy, I had to be armed with a condom every time once her period had cleared up, so that restricted her availability but not her enthusiasm.

After a week of all this excitement, I buttonholed Sandy to ask her if she was at all upset by my making love with Georgie so much. She was phlegmatic about it.

“If I was not insisting on a condom, it would probably be me fucking you all over the place whenever you and I felt like loving each other like that. I take the longer view. When Georgie is highly pregnant with your – our – child, she will not be so available to fuck as she is now, but I will still be the same as I am now.”

I brought up a concern I had.

“When do I have to stop fucking Georgie as her belly gets bigger? There must be a time when it is dangerous for the coming baby.”

“Surprisingly, my darling boy, as long as she is careful about the position she uses, she should be able to be fucked almost to the time of birth. The nearer to the birth, the more restrictive the possibilities; probably doggy style will be the only position safe for the baby as she gets close. But that is for the future, Bob.”

“Thanks, my love ... my darling wife!” I muttered to her, softly, and she responded by hugging me and saying, “I want to be fucked every day if possible and learn all these positions that Georgie seems to know.”

“It is all new to me, Sandy. At least we have someone to teach us. I think you said that Janet is a virgin, so no help there. Do you believe that this woman is serious about being with us?”

“I am fairly sure of it, Bob. She has had enough time to think through the ins and outs of it. We keep making suggestive remarks about her living with us and meaning sex as well.”

“You don’t think she might have been put off by us clearing her debts? Will she view that as bribing her?”

“Not unless she is stupid, and I think she is actually quite clever. She could see that it was a charitable act, with no strings attached. When we get back to Gourock, I’ll tell her about us and sex in our marriage, you and the two of us, and see how she reacts. She may have come from a puritanical family, but she has an open mind. I think she wants to live her life as she sees fit, and be totally free of their restrictions. Our own restrictions are simple: love, fitting in, and be willing to share.”

“Okay. Got you. Let’s work on that when we get back. You want to spend the full fortnight here, or do something else before you return to university; like settle into our own house?”

“I want to us to settle into a family routine first, much as we are doing; making Georgie feel she is your wife too; giving her responsibilities in our home life together; that sort of thing. It will give her security of mind.”

“I love you, Sandy; you always think of others, not just yourself. You will be a wonderful wife to me, someone I can always look up to; I always thought so, but now you are proving me right.”

“Bob, you idiot. You and I had no control over what happened to us, except to accept it for what it was: love at first sight. Take it from there, my love.”

I wrapped her in my arms, holding her in my love as best I could. We were found like that by Georgina walking in on us, for we already felt we could walk in on the others without any polite preparation.

“Hey, you two. Being the happy husband and wife again? You deserve it all the time. I love you both to bits. Is Bob able to fuck you enough, Sandy, with me grabbing him as much as I can? Admittedly you don’t need his sperm as much as I do. I hope it doesn’t take months before I get pregnant.”

Sandy grinned and said cheekily, “At the rate you and he fuck, Georgie, I am surprised you aren’t already preggers!”

“So am I, Sandy. I hope there is nothing wrong with my organs or eggs. Worse would be if Bob’s sperm aren’t doing their job, for you would be without a baby as well.”

Sandy pooh-poohed her.

“The odds favour simple nature, Georgie. Not every girl catches first time; usually it is just the ones who don’t want to get pregnant! Give it another month or two before you start worrying. If you turned up pregnant so soon after our wedding, Daddy would start fretting about which unknown man did the deed, and soon come to the obvious conclusion with us all being so close.”

“Oh, yes. Well, I have come to a simple decision. As and when I get pregnant I tell him I asked the pair of you to let me have a baby for you. He can draw his own conclusions, but the application of nature by the way of sex is the obvious way of getting pregnant.”

I suddenly had a thought.

“If he realises that I am the father, my job with him may be in jeopardy. I am rather enjoying working for him, though, so I hope he doesn’t get too upset.”

Georgina told him, “Daddy is pragmatic, Bob. He has to be, as a lawyer; roll with the punches, take things as they are, not what you want them to be.”

“I hope so, Georgie. As long as you girls stick with me, he has the choice between losing you both or becoming a doting grandfather. As you are his only children, I hope he takes the latter view.”

“He will, Bob; he will.”

We had fun for the rest of our honeymoon, and my cash inheritance via lawyer Shetland stood up well to the costs involved, with entrance fees, meals, and the inevitable ‘must have’ items the girls picked up as keepsakes. Anything too bulky to go in our suitcases was earmarked for prepaid delivery to the Thompson home.

Sandy managed to raid James Thin’s, a large academic bookseller, to get a few books she might need on her course. The shop agreed to post them to Gourock, and I gladly paid the exorbitant prices. Academic books are not cheap, and never have been!

Our hotel bill, when we left on the Friday, was lower than I expected for a suite, but they seemed delighted to have our business in wintertime. Admittedly the hotel seemed a little on the quiet side, so perhaps we got special treatment; I didn’t have enough knowledge to make the comparisons, but we were happy with our accommodation and meals.

The railway system took us eventually back to Gourock. The train brought us to there at near three o’clock, and a station taxi to the Thompson house got us home, or what used to be home for the girls. We checked that our deliveries had arrived, then had our waiting taxi take us to our new house. We told the driver to come back for us at 6 p.m., and spent the next couple of hours unpacking, laying out clothes for going to dinner, then me fucking the girls one after the other; Sandy first with a condom, then Georgina bareback. I had endured the whole day without getting into either of my wives, so I managed to stay hard for them both, awkward though it was to keep back my sperm from shooting the first time. Georgie was the one who needed it.

At six, we were ready to eat, so as soon as the taxi delivered us to the restaurant, we marched in and I asked if a window table was free. We were recognised from a fortnight ago, and escorted to our usual table. The wine waiter took one look at us and said, “You want Janet to bring your menus?”

Sandy said, “Naturally, if she is available.”

Janet turned up and beamed at us the moment she was there.

“Back at last!” she exclaimed. “I missed you after the wedding and that marvellous reception. I got to dance with lots of men who wondered who I was, but I just told them, a friend of the bride.

Sandy flashed her wedding ring at Janet, and said, “Say hello to Mrs McIntyre.”

Janet complied.

“Hello there, Mrs McIntyre, Mr McIntyre, and Miss Thompson.”

Georgie glanced around to make sure no-one was in earshot, and said softly to Janet, “Mrs McIntyre also, Janet, but unofficial. Just refer to me as Georgina.”

“Oh,” she exclaimed just as softly. “You mean ... I mean...”

“Yes, Janet, I am his second wife, in practice.” She showed Janet the ring, and asked, “Want to be his third wife?”

Janet was completely stunned at this invitation from Georgie, and didn’t know what to say. I did, though, and spoke softly as well.

“If you have thought about our previous discussions, Janet, you know what she is talking about. No official marriage, but everything except the ceremony is guaranteed. All you have to do is say yes.”

Janet stood there, transfixed as her mind spun. She slowly uttered the next words.

“This is so sudden, Bob. Do I have time to think about it?”

“Take as long as you like to say yes, Janet. I think I can promise happiness, companionship, and hopefully children. All you have to do is agree to work amicably with Sandy and Georgina in our household. Is that enough time?”

“Yes,” she said absentmindedly. “I mean, yes it is enough time. When does it happen, if I agree?”

“Whenever you want it to happen, Janet. Sandy goes back to university next week, and Georgie still has her job at the estate agency for now, so you can keep working here if you want. Give it up if it is just a chore, and be a housewife at our home, though I have a job as well, again for now. The longer term is undecided.”

Janet suddenly remembered the menus she was holding tightly, and decided to dish them out while she thought hard. It also made it look like she was doing her job.

She stared at Sandy, then at a smiling Georgie, and then me, then finally asked me, “What about the sex?”

I said confidently, “I now know what I am doing in that respect, Janet. We can soon teach all you want to know, but forget about condoms; I want to have children from all of my girls.”

“All of them? Is there to be more?”

“No. This is all that is expected to happen, Janet. Unless ... you know somebody you think needs someone like me?”

That stopped her again, and her voice dropped to a whisper.

“I would have to speak to her. I have a friend who was raped when she was fourteen and has been afraid of men ever since, but I think she would love to be part of a family like yours in future, having other women around all the time to support her. I am not asking now, but want you to know about the possibility so you can think about it...”

I glanced around at Georgie, and she looked back sympathetically and nodded slightly, then I moved my attention to Sandy, with a question in my face.

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