Posted in Time - Cover

Posted in Time

Copyright© 2023 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 18

The last hour was spent in tidying up all the painting things, and I was detailed to clean the paintbrushes and rollers for their next use while Sandy lifted and folded the sheets used as protection against paint. I was glad she had thought to buy these, as they saved an awful lot of trouble with paint spots or whatever.

Once everything and ourselves were all restored, we were able sit down on the sofa and relax. That meant a chance to kiss her and generally show my love for her before Georgie put in her appearance and we could show her how the house looked now.

Eventually there was the honk of a car horn, and Sandy ran to the door to go round to the front to meet her sister. I went to the bathroom mirror to check that my hair was combed and my face and hands clear of any last vestige of paint. I rubbed off a small spot that I had missed between my fingers.

Sandy and Georgie came in together and in moments it was the grand tour of the house, inspecting each room we had worked on, and admiring the colours of the walls. I was beginning to feel abandoned by the time they had discussed every last detail, and what they intended to do next. I noticed that it was what they intended. My opinion was not to be taken into account, I realised. This was household decisions, so the man of the house has no say in it.

At long last Georgina deigned to acknowledge my presence.

“Bob! Look at what your love has done! The house looks great! Sandy made great choices of colours, didn’t she?”

I was about to mention my part in all this, then cottoned on that this was a female stratagem to put the man in his place, so I simply agreed with everything.

“She was great, Georgie. I was mostly unfamiliar with decorating, but Sandy kept me straight; organised everything; all I had to do was apply the paint how and where she wanted it.”

“Good boy!” she cooed, and patted me on the shoulder. “Just like a real husband should be for a wife he loves. You picked a good one, Sandy. You’ll be happy with this man, little sister.”

It was time for me to take charge, so I made the first move.

“Allow me to take your coat, Georgina. It is quite warm in here.”

She turned her back to me gracefully, for me to slip off her fashionable coat and hang it temporarily on a wall hook. She remained facing away, so I slid my hands round to her front and found that she was not wearing a bra. Seems like she knew what was happening after all.

I glanced over to Sandy for approval, and she nodded to me, so I hefted Georgie’s breasts for a moment or two before starting the process of removing her pale yellow blouse. She helped me by raising her arms skyward as I pulled and in moments it was off. I tossed it to Sandy to catch, and returned my hands to Georgie’s exposed mammaries while I remained silent and kissed her demurely on the side of her neck.

She sighed, and I now told her to stand still while I took off my shirt and exposed my own top half. By the time I had stripped, I found that she had spun round to take a look at me; the first man she had looked at with lust in her intentions for many years.

I had to stop and cast my admiring gaze over her full upper body, taking in the unblemished skin and these stunning breasts that I had recently fondled from behind.

“God, I am in heaven! Two women with gorgeous breasts! Lucky me.”

I didn’t know what else to say, but Georgie did, speaking to her sister.

“This boy knows the right thing to say, Sandy. You made an exceedingly good choice, and I hope we will both enjoy the benefits.”

I opened my arms in invitation and Georgie stepped into them, so that our chests were pressed together. She grabbed my facial cheeks with both hands and held my head still so she could kiss me passionately, with her doing all the moving. It was great, so I took the chance to hold her rear cheeks in return, keeping her close. When we at last broke from the clinch, she said, “By God! Sandy, when do I get to fuck this man?”

Sandy chuckled to me, “I told you so, Bob.”

She now spoke to her sister. “Georgie, you have to hold off until the honeymoon, sis. Can you manage to wait that long?”

“I have been waiting for years for the right man, Sandy, and you were the one who found him. Thank heaven you are willing to share.”

That was a cue for another heavenly kiss with Georgie, followed by me pawing her tits again, this time from the front. I moved my fingers to caress her nipples and she shuddered as their many nerve endings told her this was the next best thing to a baby suckling them.

“Not too long with that clinch, Bob. I want my entitlement,” said Sandy, and when I looked over, she was shedding her own top.

I stopped and stepped back reluctantly.

“Sorry, Georgie; but my wife wants me.” and moved towards Sandy.

Sandy was immediately in my arms and equally passionately kissing me and stroking my back. “Fuck!” she exclaimed. “I see what Georgie means. I will have to restrain myself and keep my legs together until our wedding day. You may play with my breasts, darling, but no further south.”

“Not even your rear, dear?”

In response she pushed my arms down so that I could grasp her curvy bahoochie, and pressed close again.

Georgie was admiring the pair of us, the younger two, and almost panting with her own desire.

“Sandy, we had better get dressed again or we might be starting your family prematurely.”

Sandy kissed me sweetly on the lips and drew back.

“Sorry, love. Georgie is right. We all have to show restraint; and remember that restraint with Janet as well. Wait until we are properly married, then you can deflower me and allow Georgie to have her way with you; the whole hog. Then we can see what will happen with Janet.”

“Yes dear,” was my inevitable and only possible response, so we separated and all of us got dressed again, but pausing for a kiss every so often as we did so. Once we were fully clothed, I asked, “Cafe Continental again?”

Sandy nodded, saying, “Naturally. Your third is probably panting for us to arrive.”

“Oh, yes, our waitress Janet. Think she will be back to normal after our lunchtime exchange?”

“I hope so. I want to go over some points in more detail, before she takes the final step of commitment to us.”

Georgina instructed her, as big sister’s advice, “Don’t scare Janet off, Sandy. You are sometimes a bit more bossy than you need to be. Don’t let your cleverness overtake your commonsense, girl.”

Sandy turned her attention to Georgie and accepted this good advice.

“Okay sis. If I seem to overdo things, let me know and I’ll stop. I don’t want her to fear me, just accept me as her leader.”

I joked, “Take me to your leader!” and got glared at by both women. “Sorry!” I apologised. “Youthful jest.”

Sandy told me, “You can keep your jests at a low level, Bob dear, and I’ll keep my bossiness in check. Agreed?”

“Agreed. God, I love you, Sandy.”

“Approved. You have my permission to love Georgie as well, but just remember I am your main squeeze around here.”

I laughed and grabbed her for an enthusiastic hug, but she said, “I didn’t mean literally, you big lug!”

I turned towards Georgie, and gave her a big hug as well, followed by a kiss.

“She may be the boss, Georgie, but you are definitely not second-rate. You are just my second woman, that’s all.”

“Bob, I am your woman; let’s leave it as vague as that.” Georgina was completely clear in her own mind.

We had plenty of time, so we sauntered down to the town centre and to the Cafe Continental. We made our way to our usual table, and thankfully it was clear. With us not being in a hurry, we could order aperitifs before the meal, and still have our starters.

It was a male waiter who came and got our drink order, so once he knew what we wanted, I asked, “Could Janet come for our menu choices, please?”

He looked around curiously, then said, “I will see if she is available, sir, but all our waitresses are well informed as to the menu.”

“I am sure you are right, but we wanted a word or two with her about a private matter. We value her advice on certain topics.”

“Oh. I’m not sure we are supposed to talk with customers about their private matters, sir.”

I said, a little more severely than I intended, “Not even when it is a private matter that affects her future? Would you prefer that we discussed YOUR private matters here?”

“No sir. I apologise if I misunderstood. I shall see where she has vanished to, after I have got your drinks.”

He walked quickly off to the staff area, and I got approving looks from my girls. Georgina commented, “Did you see the mincing way he walked? I think he is, what do they call it? Gay?”

I shrugged my unconcern, while Sandy checked her memory and declared, “I couldn’t tell, Georgie. You must have a better eye for that than me.”

“Isn’t it illegal?” I asked them, not thinking how females could talk about male-male sex in such a matter-of-fact way.

Georgie was the better informed person, I discovered.

“It has been illegal for centuries. That Wolfenden Report has suggested it should not be a matter for the law. I agree with that. What any two people do in private should be a matter for them, and not for the courts if no-one is harmed.”

“Or any three people, in our case!” uttered Sandy, following it with a giggly smile. I smiled graciously, not wishing to bring up in public our recent involvements.

The drinks arrived, and the waiter informed us, “The lady was indisposed, but she has recovered and will be with you shortly, if you are willing to wait for her.”

Georgina took over and told him, “That will be satisfactory, young man. Thank you for being so helpful. We will enjoy our drinks in the meanwhile.”

A few minutes later, Janet hurried to our table, order pad to the fore and the menus tucked under an arm. She relaxed when she saw who it was.

“Sorry to be delayed, sir and ladies.” she distributed the menus, but Sandy slipped in with, “I hope you have recovered from whatever ailed you, Janet.”

“Yes, mi ... Sandy. A bit of upset tummy; a monthly problem, you might say.”

Sandy was sympathetic and said blandly, “Oh, dear. Not good for a girl, I agree. I am told that when you are pregnant, your monthlies stop and so you no longer have that annoyance. Something to look forward to, I would suggest.”

Janet glanced sharply at Sandy, and enquired, “Were you thinking of getting pregnant, yourself, Sandy?”

“Not at the moment, as I am studying for a degree, but Georgina has plans in that direction.”

Janet took another glance at Georgie’s left hand, but there was no ring evident. I helped her out.

“Georgina has plans similar to yours, Janet; assuming you are still inclined that way.”

I was the next one to be favoured with a sharp look.

“You are keen on having a family, Bob?” Janet wanted to know.

“As soon as is practicable, Janet. I regard fatherhood as an admirable state, provided one can afford it. Fortunately I can, and I plan on several children in short order.”

This left her stuck for acceptable words, so she reverted to her waitressing.

“Has anyone decided on an entree? Soup or fruit cocktail, for instance?”

Georgina plumped for the cider and onion soup with cheese and apple toasts, and I commented, “That sounds delicious. I think I will go for that as well. Sandy, my love?”

“I’ll have the pappadum stacks; I like a small salad of that nature. I found that option available at the university restaurant. It quite surprised me, being so simple and yet so effective and tasty.”

“Main course, ladies?” Janet invited.

Sandy opted for lemon, garlic and thyme pork escalopes; Georgie asked for the steak pie with mushroom risotto, and I elected to try their vegetarian nut roast with Dauphinoise potatoes.

“Excellent selections,” Janet commented dutifully. “I’ll get them started immediately.”

I made a double check that I had enough cash on me for the top quality meal for three, and was glad to be able to surreptitiously confirm it, to the amusement of my sharp-eyed ladies.

We devoured our starters with relish, and sat back to wait for our main course. I was almost drowsy while thinking about the future when I heard a female voice call out, “Bob McIntyre! I thought it was you.”

I jerked alert and looked in the direction of the voice. Damn! It was Jeannie with her friend Senga. What were they doing here? And they were heading straight for our table. Jeannie spoke again in a softer tone when she got to us, directing her words at my two girls.

“Sorry, ladies, I was just surprised to see Bob McIntyre here with two beautiful women. Me and Senga were in Gourock for the afternoon and decided to have a snack here before heading back to Greenock; and who did we see but you, Bob. Who are your lady friends? Please introduce us.”

With such a crass approach I was not going to be as gentlemanly as they hoped.

“Girls, this is Alexandra and Georgina Thompson, who have granted me the chance to take them out for a celebratory meal. Ladies, these two girls are Jeannie and Senga from my school; I forget their surnames.”

That last was intended to be insulting, as I had a good idea of their surnames but did not want them to be able to claim a close relationship with me.

Senga was incensed and announced, “I am Senga Robertson, and Jeannie is a Ferguson, so now you know. We all seem to be women with -son in our surnames. How do you come to know Bob? We didn’t know he was so well acquainted with Gourock’s better eateries.”

Georgie was taken aback by this forwardness, but Sandy was a woman of the world and responded with equanimity, “Bob and I bumped into each other quite literally a few weeks ago, liked what we saw in each other, and took it from there. He is such a perfect gentleman that he neglected to tell us that he knew people such as you girls. He moves in more select circles these days.”

I don’t know whether Jeannie was socially blind or simply impervious to veiled insults, for she hardly blinked an eyelid. Senga’s face however was furious, but she said nothing while Jeannie was acting as the brash spokeswoman.

Jeannie spoke again, “Nice to hear he is getting to grips with older women. I hear tell one of you women is at university. You must be clever then, so what are you doing, slumming with our working class Bob?”

Sandy exposed her claws, hearing these clear barbs.

“Oh, like attracts to like, Jeannie. Bob has just had his Highers results and he has done well, so he can go to university if he wants to, though he has his eyes on an improved social position, starting with a job at a solicitor’s office. And before you say anything, that has nothing to do with soliciting such as you girls might understand the term.”

Ka-boom! That was a vicious blow to both girls, despite not being a direct accusation, merely an implication. I could see that Senga was the cleverer one, and she was rapidly searching for a suitable riposte. I decided to spike her guns, and addressed her directly.

“By the way, Senga, I have asked Alexandra here to marry me. I thought you would like to hear I have discovered a beautiful and clever woman willing to accept my proposal of matrimony once I am gainfully employed.”

Both girls were dumbfounded; mouths open in shock that a classmate was already engaged to be married. I decided to add more information, to explain Georgie’s presence at our table.

“Georgina here has agreed to be our maid of honour, so we have included her in our celebratory meal. Next we have to choose engagement rings, but it will take some time to find a ring that matches Sandy’s beauty, wouldn’t you agree?”

I was about to add that the pair of them would not have that difficult decision to face, but I was saved by an interruption.

Janet appeared behind them, coughed loudly to let them know she was there, and demanded, “I think you girls should move back to your own table and stop bothering important customers. We try to maintain high standards in this place, and that includes how we treat each other; so if you don’t mind...”

Her imperious demand, plus referring to us as important customers seemed to work, and she ushered them back to their table like chastised schoolgirls. After all, that was what they were. Thank God I should be leaving school in a few days, I reflected, if all goes well with my possible job.

Janet came back.

“Sorry about that, folks. These two are the girls I described before, so I knew they were not wanted at this table. I hope your meal has not cooled during this interruption. If it has, I will have them replaced as the restaurant’s apology. It is standard policy for such intrusions.”

Sandy reassured her, “We are fine, Janet. I believe we have seen the last of them, but thanks for your timely intervention. We were about to ask them to leave us to our meal.”

“If there is anything else I can do, please ask. Meantime, bon appetit.”

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