The Other Side of the Coin - Cover

The Other Side of the Coin

Copyright© 2023 by The Story Teller

Chapter 24

When Cooper returned home, Jennifer’s eyes were filled with excitement. “Thanks again for the information on James’ arrest. It helped make my story perfect. The readership count on my blog is already in the thousands and still growing. Now, everybody will respect me as a journalist, and that’s all I wanted. Hopefully, The Journal will give me a permanent job.”

Cooper smiled. “I don’t see why not. I’ve read the story, and you did a great job on it.”

Jennifer stole a glance at him. Did he really mean it? Or was just he being nice to her? The expression on his face appeared sincere. Coupled with the earlier apology, it was quite confusing because it felt like he was trying to make amends for his bad attitude.

Cooper waited for Jennifer to reply. When the silence felt strained, he changed the topic.

“I have more good news for you. It’s safe for you to return home.”

“Really!” Jennifer replied.

Cooper nodded. “It’s true. We believe the mafia lost interest in you, because with Nick James arrested, there’s very little likelihood of them recovering their money.”

“Well, it’ll be a relief not to have those goons chasing me the minute I step outside. I’ll grab my stuff and be out of your hair in no time. All I need is a ride back to my apartment.”

“You don’t have to leave right away. I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning, so I’m starved. How about you?”

Jennifer’s stomach rumbled, reminding her the only thing she’d eaten all morning was peanut butter and toast. She nodded. “Sure, that sounds like a good idea.”

“Okay,” Cooper replied. “I’ll whip up a ham and cheese omelet, which, by the way, is my specialty.”

They ate in silence, each with their own thoughts. Jennifer discovered his cooking skills were almost equal to Momma’s Kitchen. She finished the meal and smiled at Cooper when he refilled her coffee mug. “Thanks, that meal was fantastic. Did anybody ever tell you that you’re a pretty good cook?”

Cooper thought her smile was devastating “Not lately.” He sat the half-full coffee pot on the burner and studied her. “Do you know something? Last night I had visions of an angry boyfriend busting down my door.”

Jennifer blushed and almost choked on her coffee. “No need to worry about that,” she sputtered. “I split with my boyfriend months ago.”

Cooper smiled. “I wonder why?”

Jennifer blushed again. “There was a perfectly good reason for breaking up. It was right after I graduated from my journalism course. I was having a difficult time finding a position with a newspaper. I left him when he suggested I find a new career. What’s the use of having a boyfriend who doesn’t believe in your dreams?”

Cooper sipped on his mug of coffee. “Good point. It was probably a wise decision because your relationship wasn’t fated to last.”

“So, now you’re the expert on dating and relationships. I suppose you fill in for Dr. Phil when he’s busy.” Jennifer laughed. Now, it’s my turn. How come there’s no jealous girlfriend hanging around, giving me dirty looks,” Mr. relationship expert?”

Cooper took another sip of coffee and shrugged. “We split a few months ago because she didn’t like my dog. She said it was either her or him, so I said I’ll help you pack after I take Hugo for a run.”

Jennifer frowned. “Do you mean she didn’t like Hugo? He’s a great dog. We get along great, don’t we boy?” He was laying at her feet, and she scratched his head, and slipped him a bit of ham left on her plate.

When the implications of her statement hit her, she blushed and stammered. “But it doesn’t mean anything regarding us. I just like your dog, that’s all.”

“Of course not,” Cooper replied. ‘I just wish you wouldn’t spoil him. He’s not supposed to get treats at the kitchen table. It teaches him bad habits.”

He stood up and added. “I’ll give you a ride home, if you like.”

Jennifer nodded and headed for the bedroom for her belongings. A few minutes later she returned with her knapsack and battered suitcase. After giving Hugo a goodbye hug and scratch, she followed Cooper to his car.

They didn’t say much on the way to her apartment. When Cooper let her out in front of her building, she waved goodbye, flashed him a smile, and quipped. “See you around, Detective Cooper. Thanks for your help.”

He smiled and waved back. “See you around, Jennifer. Remember, no more midnight garbage bag raids, and try to stay out of trouble.”

“I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything,” Jennifer laughed and disappeared into her apartment building.

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