Victory Tour - Cover

Victory Tour

Copyright© 2023 by Alured de Valer

Chapter 61: Friday, Oct. 12

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 61: Friday, Oct. 12 - The continuing adventures of Gary Robinson and the gang from Best Summer Ever. How will our hero handle juggling playing football, his growing number of girlfriends and his senior year of high school? Let's find out! I'll try to post every Saturday, but don't hold me to that.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Sports   Incest   Brother   Sister   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Squirting  


The need to piss forced me out of bed. It was all I could do to make it to the bathroom without leaving a puddle on the floor. I shouldn’t have had that second glass of tea last night.

I finished my business and washed up before I realized Marie had gotten up before me. I could hear her being busy in the kitchen as I exited the bathroom. A check of my phone showed it was almost 6 o’clock. Another 30 minutes or so sure sounded tempting.

Of course, that would just turn out to be closer to two hours and I’d be late for school. May as well go ahead and get dressed for the day.

Marie had a glass of pineapple juice waiting for me on the table when I got there. I dutifully downed it, though I probably better avoid blowjobs as well as fucking until the rest of the test results were in.

My submissive bitch seemed determined to make up for leaving me to provide for myself last night. The plate she placed in front of me contained scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, hash browns and toast. She even had a little jar of salsa to spice things up. I dipped a finger into the jar to test it. My taste buds immediately identified it as Familia Benavidez’s house recipe.

“Feeling better, Daddy?” she asked as she slid into the other chair with a cup of coffee. “I don’t think you moved an inch all night.”

“I’ll live,” I grunted before shoveling another forkful into my mouth. “The whole deal with Riley is precisely the kind of drama I try to avoid.”

“I somehow doubt you want to avoid her that much,” the little waif grinned. “You sure weren’t avoiding those tits last night. I wish I had half that much.”

“Those tits seem to be the main cause for the drama,” I said. “And your little cupcakes are just fine, as far as I’m concerned. Boob size is far down the list of qualities I look for.”

“Yet all your other girls seem to be rather busty,” she smirked.

“Not Morgan,” I pointed out. “She was smaller than you until she hit her growth spurt. And I have no idea what Arlene was like before she got implants, but she claims to have been flat-chested.”

“Morgan’s gone up another cup size since school started,” Marie shot back. “She’s a full B now, which looks big on her. Mrs. Jenson will probably be close to a C after she gets her implants removed. She said being pregnant really has made them grow. I’d love to find out for myself.”

“Patience, Marie,” I commanded. “It’ll happen when it happens. If it doesn’t in the next few months, we can look into visiting a fertility clinic. We’ll have to keep my mother from finding out, though. She’s determined I not make her a grandmother before she’s ready.”

“I know,” my pet whined. “She practically ordered me to let her know the moment my next period begins. That should be next week. I’m already feeling like I do a few days before it starts.”

I finished my breakfast, thanking Marie with a smooch and a swat on the butt. I swear there was a nostril flare when I made contact.

“Barefoot and pregnant, only leaving the kitchen to get back in your bed,” she husked as she pulled me in for a proper kiss. “Of course, we’ll have to get a bigger bed so you’ll have room for all the other pregnant women.”

“Which would mean getting a bigger place, which I’m not looking for at the moment,” I grinned. “That queen pretty much fills the front room.”

“I’ll ask Mrs. Jenson and Mrs. Metzger when they get back,” Marie panted, getting worked up at the idea. “You’d better get to school, Daddy. I’ll see you after the game. Love you.”

“Love you, too, baby,” I said, reluctantly releasing her as I turned toward the door.

It took a second to remember where my backpack was and another to remember to grab wallet, keys, phone, etc., but I was soon loading up and preparing to head out. I was placing my bag in the trunk when my phone rang. It was Sherry Parker. I felt a pang of guilt at not having tried to contact her since she left the Homecoming dance, but it had been a crazy week. Again.

“Hey there, sweet thing,” I said with a big grin when I answered. “Feeling better?”

“Much,” she said cheerily. “In fact, I’m going to school today. I’ve got a ton of assignments to turn in and there’s a test I need to take. That’ll keep me from having to do quite so much schoolwork over the break to get caught up.”

“Good to hear,” I said. “I guess I’ll see you at the pep rally.”

“Actually,” she said, drawing out the word, “I wanted to see about getting a ride. Mom said she wants to talk to you.”

“I’m on my way,” I said, hoping Mrs. Parker hadn’t seen too many tabloid articles. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

The sun hadn’t yet crested the horizon, but the morning was warmish and muggy as I backed out of the drive. There was a chance of rain during the day with a sizable front supposed to move in this evening. I hoped that didn’t mean rain for the game. I’d suffered through enough of that crap when we played the Panthers out west. Although wet weather would probably be in our favor, making it more difficult for the Bears to throw as much as they normally did.

I pulled up to the Parkers a little after 7 and hurried to the porch before any rain fell. Mrs. Parker was waiting at the door and stepped out to join me. She didn’t look too intent on doing me mayhem at the moment.

“I want you to tell me about Sherry becoming one of your girlfriends,” she said evenly.

“I’m really not sure that I can,” I admitted. “The other girls I go out with apparently decided she and Elise Stirling were worthy of joining their little club. I wasn’t really given much choice in the matter.”

“Just how many girls are in this club, now?” Mrs. Parker asked with a hint of a smirk.

“Basically, the ones who went to the mall with us Saturday,” I said, “Morgan Ensberry, Bethany Metzger and Staci Patterson. They maneuvered me into asking Elise to the Homecoming dance when they learned she didn’t have a date. I wasn’t really given much choice then, either.”

“And that’s where the tabloid photographer found you,” the JV cheerleader’s mother said. “Sherry told us that story as soon as we got home Saturday night. I can’t believe those vultures are harassing high school kids!”

“I’m sorry she got dragged into it, ma’am,” I said. “That fellow was enough of a jerk and then I mouthed off to him. He said he was going to enjoy taking me down. He obviously doesn’t care who he takes down with me.”

“Is that why they put that out there about you possibly being a pedophile?” Mrs. Parker asked.

“I guess,” I said. “They got a photo of me with the junior high girl I took home after her date got kicked out of the dance. I guess the temptation to do me some damage was too much. My family’s handling the legal side of things. Feel free to talk to my parents about it. I get the feeling all those girls could sue for their photos being published without consent.”

“Well, at least none of them were identified,” she said. “Anyone who doesn’t personally know those girls would have a hard time recognizing them.”

Except for Elise’s height and Sherry’s head covering, I thought.

Our discussion ended as Sherry came out clad in her cheerleader uniform with a matching scarf on her head, carrying her bookbag.

“Ready?” she chirped at me. “See ya after school, Mom.”

Sherry looked noticeably better than when she kissed me good-bye Saturday night. Her skin looked smooth and clear, there was color in her cheeks that wasn’t just makeup and her eyes were sparkling.

She didn’t even need as much help getting down the steps, though she still clung to my arm with a boob pressing into me as I walked her to the car.

“Will you get to play tonight?” she asked as her mother remained on the porch. “You aren’t wearing the sling. Staci said you’ve worn it all week.”

“Just as a precaution,” I said. “The trainer cleared me to hold for extra points and field punts as long as I do nothing more than call for a fair catch. I won’t play any offense.”

Sherry pouted prettily at the news as I helped her to her seat.

“I was hoping my boyfriend would score me a touchdown,” she said, the first time either of us had mentioned the status of our relationship.

“Not this week,” I said, “unless something very screwy happens. Will you be able to attend the game?”

“We’ll just have to see how I’m feeling after school,” she said. “What I’d really like to do is go to your postgame cookout, but I haven’t stayed up past 10 all week.”

“Well, at least we’ve got a few more games left,” I said. “Maybe I can score you a touchdown and buy you a steak in one go.”

“I’d like that,” she beamed as I closed the door and went around to get behind the wheel.”

Sherry’s countenance changed dramatically as we pulled away from the curb, leaving her mother behind.

“All right, bucko, what’s the deal with Ny’Quesha Taylor?” she demanded.

Hoo boy. Shoulda known she’d have been informed of that.

“I guess you heard I was with her Sunday,” I sighed as I steered toward the school.

“In the women’s bathroom at FB!” she almost shouted. “Did anybody see you?”

“There was a lady who came in while I was in there, but all she saw of me were my feet under the stall,” I admitted. “I’m not sure she even knows I’m white. No one from the restaurant has said anything that I’m aware of. Artie surely would have given me grief about it by now if he knew. He was working there that day.”

“It sounds like you plan to keep seeing her,” Sherry said in an accusatory tone.

“The girl was out of control,” I said. “She started having sex at 13 and never used condoms despite having, by her estimation, a couple of dozen partners. I claimed her as a pet to try to keep her from getting into serious trouble. I set several conditions that will take a few weeks for her to meet before I’ll agree to go out with her again.

“I did say she could come to the postgame cookout tonight if she showed progress this week, but Morgan’s the judge of that. I’m not going to let Ny’Quesha do anything but eat.”

“Staci said you were off-limits until you get tested,” she said. “When will that be and how off-limits?”

“We got tested Monday morning,” I said. “Everything came back negative except syphilis and HIV. Those tests take longer. No penetrative sex without a condom until they come back.”

“So, kissing is still OK?” she teased with a twinkle in her eye.

“And some other things,” I grinned just a little wickedly.

“Not yet,” she blushed. “But some day. Soon, I hope.”

“It’s your decision,” I said. “I’m not going to do anything until you’re sure you’re ready. I’ve already told your parents I won’t do anything that could endanger your health.”

“And Daddy will try to hold you to that,” Sherry smirked. “I need to find a doctor who’ll say it’s just what I need.”

If it was only that simple, I thought.

I took a few minutes to hit an ATM close to campus. I needed to make sure I had enough cash for tonight. There was still plenty of time before the first bell when I pulled into the senior lot.

“I’m going to let you off at the door,” I said as I turned away from my parking spot. “I don’t want to take a chance on it raining on you.”

“That’s sweet of you,” Sherry said, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek as I pulled to a stop. “I’ll wait for you. You can walk me to my locker.”

I waited until she was inside and pulled around to my spot, grabbed the backpack out of the trunk and hustled to get inside. True to her word, Sherry was waiting for me right inside the door. She handed me her bookbag and hooked an arm as we strolled to her locker.

“What did you mean when you said you claimed Ny’Quesha as a pet?” she asked quietly as we made out was through the East Wing.

Oh. Fuck. I really needed to think about what I said before I opened my mouth. I guess I just assumed Sherry was aware of my relationship with Marie.

“This isn’t the time or place to talk about it,” I said, mentally kicking myself for the slip.

“When and where, then?” she demanded.

“I honestly don’t know,” I said. “I’m taking the SAT tomorrow morning and I don’t know what shape I’m going to be in after that. What I can do is get you together with a friend of mine who can explain it better than I can. What are you doing for lunch tomorrow?”

“Nothing special,” Sherry said.

“My friend is serving lunch at 11:30,” I said. “She’s the housekeeper for the woman who owns the place where I’m staying this week. Staci can give you the address. It’s only a few blocks from her house.”

“Oh, your secret hideaway,” Sherry grinned. “I have a pretty good idea which house you mean. I can get a ride from Staci.”

I breathed a sigh of relief that my second cheerleader girlfriend seemed willing to accept my effort to dodge the question. I really did not want to explain the whole D/s scene in the middle of a high school hallway.

Now all I had to do was remember to notify Marie to expect another lunch guest. I’d have to tell her not to make Sherry help with the housework. The girl still tired easily.

“Thanks for the ride,” Sherry said when we reached our destination.

“Any time,” I smiled.

I should have been expecting it when Sherry pulled me close and stuck her tongue down my throat, but I wasn’t. I guess it’d been long enough since I’d driven her to school that I forgot she’d do that.

“You two need to break it up,” a teacher on hall duty called out.

Hey, the girl kissed me, dammit! And I had both hands full with our bags. I was in no position to protect myself from a predatory cheerleader. Who in no way appeared ashamed of her behavior, I noticed.

“See ya at the pep rally,” said predatory cheerleader smirked as she took her bag and turned to open her locker. “Love you.”

“Love you, too, babe,” I said automatically.

I was halfway to my locker before the realization of what I said hit me.


I continued the trip to my locker in a daze. Why the hell had I told the girl I love her? Yes, she was an official girlfriend now, but I was still leery of behavior that could be construed as toying with her or leading her on. Thank God my mother hadn’t heard me say that.

I was at least cognizant enough to get the correct books out of my locker. I loaded up for Economics and Western Civ, leaving English behind since we’d already been told what to expect there. I kept Algebra II and Chemistry, intending to give them another look in third period.

As I prepared to close my locker, I noticed the little basket of goodies the cheerleaders had left for me. Under it was a little note from Staci encouraging me to do my best tonight. There was also a P.S. that she thought Sherry might try to come to school today and I should try to make contact with her.

That helped me feel a little better as I took a mini Snickers out and popped it in my mouth. Maybe a little chocolate would also help. It certainly couldn’t hurt. But if I’d already accomplished one of my assigned tasks without even knowing about it, I might actually have a good game and keep laces out.

I entered Mr. Cochran’s room just as the tardy bell rang and was in my seat before he took roll. Our tests were returned — I got an 89 because he docked me a few points for poor penmanship, still good enough to maintain an A average — and we began reviewing it. I struggled to pay attention, thoughts of Sherry and Riley worming their way into my head, but was aware enough to respond when Mr. Cochran called on me.

At the bell, I headed for Mrs. Edwards’ room. We spent most of the period discussing what we’d be doing following fall break. After spending the last couple of weeks on Iberia, we were moving north to the Kalmar Union and Hanseatic League. The wars the two coalitions were involved in from the 15th through 17th centuries over who would control trade in the Baltic influenced relations in the region until after WWII.

I got the feeling the Scandinavians were still trying to be Vikings with a smidgen less brutality.

There was no actual instruction, but we were given a shitload of “suggested” reading to do over fall break. We’d be expected to have an idea of what we were studying when classes resumed. I’d better check Aunt Karen’s websites for more links.

English IV was just what I needed. Mrs. Merkel took roll and told us we were free to use the period as a study hall. I spent about 20 minutes each on Algebra II and Chemistry. I don’t think I absorbed anything I didn’t already know, but at least the terminology would be fairly fresh in my mind when I got to those classes.

Bell, dash to the fieldhouse, assemble in the team room. Morgan had pretty much nailed the details of the postgame meal yesterday. Coach Tucker told us all were welcome, including girlfriends and family members, but we needed to pay our own way to avoid accusations of improper benefits. We could get in line as soon as we had our gear stowed and laundry bags prepped. Unless the game went very quickly — not likely as much as the Bears passed — we probably wouldn’t get to eat until 11 p.m.

In the case of rain, which was likely, we’d eat in the team room. Otherwise, tables would be set up in the parking lot. It was left unsaid that the steaks would taste better after a victory.

In the interest of team unity, Coach Tucker had one of those one-gallon pickle jars — the label was still on it, so I was pretty sure — on a table for us to make a contribution to help feed those who were a little cash-strapped. He started it off by dropping a Jackson in the pot. I wasn’t the first player to follow his example, but I quickly matched the amount. I noticed Jed dropped in a Hamilton and several guys from the cabana crew added Lincolns. That ought to take care of most of the guys who needed assistance.

With that business taken care of, we lined up to walk over to the gym. We didn’t have to wait long before the pep band struck up the fight song and we made our entrance.

There was a little change to the program this week as the volleyball team was introduced with the district championship trophy. Elise gave me a big smile and wave. Riley blushed and ducked her head, refusing to look in my direction.

The cross country teams were also recognized. Both boys and girls teams had placed high enough at the district meet earlier this week to qualify for regional. Something like six runners between the teams had finished in the top 10, qualifying them as individuals. The main thing I noticed was how skinny the girls who ran cross country were. Marie had bigger boobs.

I did catch Sherry’s attention and gave her a wave, which she returned enthusiastically. I hated to think how many cheerleaders were now aware of my declaration. At least Miss Wilkes was too busy organizing things to waste time on me.

Then we got back to the normal routine. The cheerleaders performed with Staci twitching her ass bewitchingly. I guess the other girls did, too, but I wasn’t looking at them.

Coach Tucker spoke briefly, reminding everyone that this was just the next step in the process. A win tonight wouldn’t clinch anything, but it would make it easier to do so over the coming weeks.

I could have done without the highlight video, which showed both my interception and the hit that put me out of the game from multiple angles. The really bad part was the shrill screams that came from the freshman section behind me. I resisted the urge to turn around and look up there, afraid I might see one or more of them waving my poster.

The skit was pretty funny even as it stayed within its strict confines. The ersatz Bears mascot looked like Winnie the Pooh after a weekend bender. I wondered if our cheerleaders were aware the silly old bear never wore pants, like this one did. But that was kind of necessary if he was going to get pantsed, which the big blue fuzzball did to expose a pair of boxers emblazoned with dripping honey pots.

I wondered how our administrators missed the symbolism of the image.

Soon enough, we were singing the alma mater and heading back to the team room for lunch. After the breakfast Marie had fed me, I was sure the O-line would have another opportunity to protect my food.

I was almost to the exit when I heard a startled shriek behind me. I turned to see what was going on and noticed a couple of girls on the freshman-sophomore side looking at one of their phones.

“Oh, my God,” one of them gasped. “Ariana dumped her fiancé!”

PART 146

I followed my teammates out of the gym and back to the team room and got in the serving line. I was surprised to see Miss Carla again slinging chow for my teammates.

“Hello, Mrs. Johnson,” I smiled as she put a grilled chicken breast on my plate. “How’s Mr. Johnson?”

I noticed Marshawn, who was farther down the line getting some veggies, whip his head around at my greeting. Looks like I’d just informed him his crush wasn’t available.

“You can call me Miss Carla,” the undercover security woman grinned. “And Marvin’s doing quite well. I think he’s starting to warm up to the idea of his new assignment. Dr. Stirling is supposed to talk to him about it today.”

“Sounds good,” I said. “Hope to see y’all tomorrow night.”

“You will,” she grinned even bigger. “Marvin found the Morton’s menu online last night. I told him he can have only one steak.”

I didn’t know if I should laugh at that or not. Marvin Johnson looked perfectly capable of consuming mass quantities. I figured I could handle it just this once. I wasn’t about to tell the man he couldn’t have what he wanted. I might need him to really save my ass some day.

Roasted baby potatoes, mixed veggies and a bottle of water completed my meal and I made my way over to where Morgan was waving at me. She was seated with all four of our parents, Grandpa and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. I greeted them as I took my seat.

I was surprised by the variety of questions thrown at me.

“You boys ready for tonight?” Grandpa started.

“I think so, sir,” I said. “We just need to wear them down with long drives. They can’t score if we have the ball.”

“Are you ready for your test?” Mom asked, giving me a look that said I’d better prioritize academics over football.

“I spent an hour on it last night and another 20 minutes or so during third period,” I said. “We had a substitute for Mrs. Albracht and the class was basically a study hall.”

“How is she doing?” Mom asked.

“She’s been out the last two days,” I said. “She’s supposed to be induced tomorrow morning unless the babies decided they wanted out before then.”

“What happened yesterday that security had to get involved?” George Patterson cut in.

In response, I pulled out my phone, called up the video clip and slid it over to him.

“You might want to turn down the sound,” I advised. “The guy used some coarse language.”

Mr. Patterson played the clip, lowering the volume as Dad, Grandpa and Dr. Ensberry leaned in to get a look.

“Slick move,” the dentist said approvingly as Mr. Patterson returned my phone. “That got security involved?”

“No, what got security involved was the doofus tried to go after me when I said my attorney would contact him,” I said. “One of the undercover guys was right there and took care of him.”

“Have you heard?” Staci asked perkily as she slid into the seat next to me.

“About?” I asked.

“Ariana broke her engagement!” Staci chirped.

“I heard someone mention it when I was leaving the gym,” I said. “What’s the big deal?”

“The next big Hollywood news you’ve been waiting for,” Morgan cut in from my other side. “It gives the paparazzi something else to chase after.”

“Who’s this Maryanna?” Grandpa asked.

“Ariana Grande,” Morgan said, “no M. She’s a singer and actress who was on a couple of Nickelodeon shows a few years ago. Kind of like Lela Subinski except she didn’t get knocked up at 15. And she has some talent.”

“Maybe I should send Ariana a thank you card,” I joked.

“Not on your life, boyo,” Morgan snapped to the amusement of the three moms. “With your luck, she’d show up here wanting to reply personally and decide to get in line. The idea is to get paparazzi off you, not attract more.”

“I seriously doubt I could get her attention like that,” I said.

“Don’t be so sure,” Staci smirked. “She already knows who you are.”

“And how does she know who I am?” I asked warily as my relatives paid rapt attention.

“I told her about you last time she was in town,” the cheerleader admitted with a blush.

Wait, one of my girlfriends was on speaking terms with Ariana Grande?

“When was that?” Morgan asked. “She hasn’t given a concert here since May. You hadn’t met Gary then.”

“Early August, just before she started the European leg of her tour,” Mr. Patterson said, surprising the shit out of me that he would know her schedule. “I handle some of Ariana’s investments. She’s a very astute businesswoman.

“I introduced her to Staci a few years ago when she first came to The Patterson Group. She stops by every so often for an update and always makes sure to catch up with Staci. It seems my daughter is just different enough from Ariana’s fanbase that they can visit without the idol worship celebrities usually have to deal with.”

Then the rich and powerful man had to yank my chain. It’d been almost a week since he’d last had the pleasure.

“I could probably set you up with an introduction if you like, Gary,” he smirked. “She’ll be back in the States next week. Has another concert here in early December.”

“NO!” Morgan and Staci answered for me. Quite emphatically, in fact.

“That’s OK, sir,” I said. “I’d probably do something to offend her and cause her to write a song about what a jerk I am.”

“That’s Taylor Swift who does that,” Staci said. “You can’t meet her, either.”

“Good thing we were busy with the Homecoming dance when she was in town last weekend,” Morgan smirked. “Gary had enough dates that night.”

I was still wondering how many celebrities the cheerleader knew when the next bit of frivolity began.

“You gonna eat all that?” Chuck asked from behind me, reaching over my shoulder to spear my last potato with his fork.

“The defense is gettin’ a little ornery,” Jed said, reaching over my other shoulder for the last bite of chicken. “Figured we’d better protect the offense’s property before they try anything.”

“Didn’t you two get enough already this week?” I asked, spinning around to glare at both linemen. “My fries Tuesday? My Stroganoff yesterday?”

“Nope,” my teammates said simultaneously, not looking the least bit ashamed of themselves as the three dads and my grandfather cracked up. The four men obviously knew what was going on.

“Gotta respect the streak,” Grandpa snarked.

Even Cody’s arrival didn’t bring an end to the craziness.

“Speakin’ of streaks,” Dad said, “you’d better get on it.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“Just that every time you’ve prepped for your test on game day, we’ve won,” my father said with a straight face. “What happened the last time you didn’t?”

The man could not be serious. The last time I didn’t was because we’d played on a Saturday. Cody and I had reviewed after lunch that Friday just like every other Friday we’d had a test. And that didn’t even take into account that we hadn’t had a test the Friday we played the Panthers. By Dad’s reasoning, we should have lost that one.

“You’re worse than Jed,” I snorted as I prepared to depart, making sure Morgan and Staci got hugs first.

I swear, the next thing I could expect was for these people to start checking to make sure I was wearing the same socks and undershorts each Friday. It’s one thing to have a routine. This was borderline OCD.

Personally, I think it was just a ploy — obviously cooked up by Mom — to make me study more. I’d already spent more time on the material in the last 24 hours than I had any other week of the school year.

Cody met me in the locker room and we quickly went over the areas he was unsure of.

“Dude, you would not believe the talk about you this morning,” he said as we packed up.

“And you probably shouldn’t, either,” I said, putting my book in my backpack.

“Zoe told me some girls figured out all your girlfriends wear chokers,” he said. “Now, virtually every freshman girl is planning to buy a choker hoping people will think they’re going out with you.”

I did not need to hear that. I’d better stay the hell away from the South Wing. Although that would require taking a longer route to reach the cafeteria entrance.

“As long as Stephanie Tucker isn’t one of them,” I sighed.

“Nah, she was pissin’ and moanin’ that Coach won’t let her get one,” Cody said.

And she wasn’t going to get one from me, I swore to myself.

Maybe this would die down over fall break.

We waited for the bell and started out for the main building. I made a point of not looking down the South Wing’s hall just in case there were any freshman girls wearing chokers. I’d have to get my real girlfriends to lay down the law with any who did.

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