School Lunch - Cover

School Lunch

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2023 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Story: A toaster and a loaf of sourdough rye discuss the curtailment of the school lunch program. Story (mostly) by ChatGPT. Illustrated.

Tags: Fiction   Illustrated  

Once upon a time in a bustling kitchen, a shiny silver toaster named Toby stood proudly on the countertop. She was a reliable appliance, always ready to lend a hand when it came to toasting bread to perfection. One sunny morning, a fresh loaf of sourdough rye bread named Rory found himself sitting next to Toby, awaiting his turn to be toasted.


As the two kitchen companions observed the morning bustle, they overheard a conversation that piqued their curiosity. It was about the curtailment of the school lunch program. The local government had decided to reduce funding for school meals, leaving many children without a nutritious lunch during their school day.

Toby’s sleek metal exterior reflected a glimmer of concern as she turned to Rory. “Did you hear that, Rory? The school lunch program is being cut. That’s really unfortunate for the children. A balanced meal is essential for their growth and well-being.”

Rory, the loaf of bread with a rustic crust and a soft interior, nodded thoughtfully. “Indeed, Toby. It’s disheartening to think that so many kids won’t have access to a healthy lunch anymore. Good nutrition is vital for their ability to focus and learn effectively.”

As the day went on, Toby and Rory continued to discuss the issue. They realized that they had an opportunity to make a difference, albeit in their own small way. With the enthusiasm of a true advocate, Rory exclaimed, “Toby, what if we rally the kitchen appliances and ingredients in this very kitchen to help fill the void left by the school lunch program? Together, we can provide a hearty, homemade lunch for those in need.”

Toby’s buttons practically gleamed with excitement as she replied, “That’s a marvelous idea, Rory! Let’s bring everyone together and organize a lunch program right here from the heart of this kitchen.”

With great determination, the two companions called upon their fellow appliances to assist. The blender whirred up vegetable soups, the microwave reheated savory stews, and the slow cooker simmered wholesome casseroles.

News of their initiative spread throughout the kitchen, and soon, everyone was eager to lend a helping hand. The cutting board offered up fresh fruits and vegetables, the cheese grater contributed its finest cheddar, and even the salt and pepper shakers added their flavorsome touch.

Every day, Toby and Rory tirelessly prepared lunches for children in need, ensuring that no child went hungry during the school day. They delivered the meals to a nearby community center where children eagerly awaited their arrival. The gratitude and joy on their faces served as the fuel that kept Toby and Rory going, despite the challenges they faced.

Word of their heartwarming efforts reached the local news, capturing the attention of compassionate individuals and organizations. The kitchen soon received generous donations of food and funds, expanding their reach and ability to provide nourishing meals to even more children.

Toby and Rory’s dedication and ingenuity became an inspiration to others, sparking similar initiatives in kitchens across the country. The humble toaster and the loaf of bread had inadvertently ignited a movement, reminding people of the importance of a wholesome meal and the power of unity.

As time passed, the government reconsidered its decision, realizing the profound impact that the curtailment of the school lunch program had on the lives of children. They reinstated the funding, but the efforts of Toby and Rory continued to make a difference. Their kitchen became a symbol of compassion, a place where people rallied together to support those in need.

And so, the toaster and the loaf of bread became local heroes, forever etching their names in the hearts of children and the community. Their story reminded everyone that even the smallest acts of kindness can create ripples of change, nourishing not just the body but also the soul.

“But you know what?” Toby sighed. “I’m so hungry. So fucking hungry for you.”


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