The Princess Game - Cover

The Princess Game

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 9

Jordan sat in the limo with all the other Ladies except for Portia, who had once again attached herself to the royal family. “How can she get away with that?”

“She is being sponsored by one of Prince Owen’s houses. Technically, she is a part of their family right now.”

“Yes, and when she steps out of that royal limo and latches on to the Prince’s arm, it’s all but over for all of us.”

“I wouldn’t place my bet on her being on the Prince’s arm.”

“What do you know we don’t?” Consuela turned to Jordan. “You seem mighty confident that her getting out of the limo won’t help her in the press or with the court.”

“I know that not everything is as it seems and what they could see as an opportunity for our competition can be turned into a victory for us.”

“What are you planning?”

“I may have called ahead and pretended to be one of the Palace press corp, and asked for a group of children to be presented to all of us. So best friendly faces, Ladies, and make sure to take your assigned child to meet Crown Prince Owen, Princess Jaqueline and their companion. Oh, and give them this piece of warm chocolate first.”

She handed out semi melted miniature Hershey bars. “Make sure and drop it open in their hand.”

“How will this help?”

“Just trust me on this one, Consuela. I promise you’ll love the results.”

Just then, the royal limo pulled up as a child was brought to each lady-in-waiting. Jordan made sure to get each child’s name and ensured that the chocolate was all over their hands. Just as Prince Owen and Princess Jaqueline got out of their limo, followed by Portia in a cream-colored suede dress by Versace. Jordan waved to the kids. “Okay, each of you can meet the Prince and Princess. Make sure you bow and curtsy to them. Oh, and do you all see that pretty lady with them?” The children all nodded. “She’s been sad all day. Why don’t you each give her a great big hug? That should make her feel better.”

They all nodded and headed in a group with the Ladies over to where the press was taking pictures of the Royals and Lady Portia, who hadn’t touched the Prince but stood beside him, as close as she could without touching him. “Your Highness, these are some children from the well clinic today and they wanted to say thank you to you and your family for the medicines they are getting.”

The Prince and Princess beamed as the children all bowed and curtsied and then, in mass, they all surrounded Portia and hugged her around her waist. She stiffened as they hugged her and then all of them stepped back except one little girl, who reached up to her as if to be held. That’s when Portia saw the chocolate smears on the girl’s face and hands and screamed as she shoved the child away. “Get away, you little monster. Look what you’ve done to my dress!”

Thankfully, Jordan was close enough to catch the child who had been falling from the push and hugged the child tightly. She had taken the time to change into a little black dress that didn’t show the smears of chocolate. But the damage was done. The child was crying from her rough treatment, but better than that was that every single camera and photographer had been focused on the scene as it played out. Jordan kept her voice level, but loud enough to be heard. “Lady Portia, it’s just a dress. Surely that is no reason to shove a child who is a patient of the hospital.”

“Keep those dirty street urchins away from me. Look what they did. This was a Versace original.”

“They aren’t dirty, it was just a bit of chocolate. Some seltzer water will get it right out.”

“This is suede, you peasant. You can’t clean it with Seltzer. This useless thing has ruined it.” Unfortunately for her, the Queen had come up behind her. “Useless, Lady Birkshire? You think that the children of our Nation are useless things? They are the future of our realm and any lady wishing to become the Crown Princess should realize that.”

“Perhaps this trip is too much for Lady Portia, Your Majesty? The rigors of her travels to arrive at court today and all may have made her cross and ill? Might it be wise for her to return to the Palace and rest? Maybe see the court physician?” Jordan asked.

The Queen looked at Jordan. “Yes, Lady Jordan, I believe you are right; Lady Birkshire is looking a little peaked, isn’t she?” The Queen turned to one of the staff that had appeared around the crowd. “See that Lady Birkshire is returned to the palace and have the doctor ensure she is healthy.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Queen turned to Jordan. “And who is this little one, Lady Cordova?”

“This precious gift of Phildonia is Camailla Strong, Your Majesty. She was here to greet the Prince and Princess. Weren’t you, Camailla?”

The little girl nodded. “Are you a princess, Lady Jordan?”

“No, precious girl. I’m just a friend of Prince Owen and Princess Jaqueline. Isn’t the Princess so pretty?”

The little girl nodded. “So is you, Lady Jordan.”

Jordan kissed the child and heard the shutters click again and knew what would headline every paper in the morning, a few shots of Portia shoving the child away and Jordan holding and kissing her messy chocolatey face. “Let’s find your parents, sweet one, and get you cleaned up before you see the doctor.”

The girl turned to the Queen. “You is Queen Dianna. I seed you on my TV.”

The Queen stepped up and placed a kiss on the girl’s forehead. “I am indeed, pretty one.”

“I sowwy I messed up the other lady’s pretty dress. Will you tell her I’m sowwy? She looked so sad. I just wanted to give her a hug and kiss.”

The Queen took the girl from Jordan. “I’ll see she gets to her family, Lady Cordova.”

Jordan curtsied. “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

The Queen leaned in close. “Well played, Lady Jordan. Maybe I was too hasty to discount you.”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I believe you may be someone to keep an eye on this season.”

“I would be delighted for any attention you would wish to bestow on me, Your Majesty.”

“Hmm. We shall see about that.”

Jordan moved away and caught up with the rest of the Ladies in waiting when Consuela slid up beside her. “That was a brilliant opening move, Lady Jordan. Perhaps there is a worthy opponent in this battle, after all.”

Jordan smiled at the reserved woman as they entered the hospital. “You can say it, Consuela; ‘Friends.’”

The woman just smiled and then followed the rest of them as they were given a tour of the hospital.

They had gone to the medical trial ward where doctors were testing new treatments for several life-threatening conditions. The tears on one mother’s face caught Jordan’s attention. She broke off from the group and went and sat beside the woman. “Are you alright?”

The woman looked at her and seemed to notice the dignitaries on the floor for the first time. “Oh yes, My Lady, nothing for the likes of you to worry about.”

“Please don’t make light of your troubles. It’s obvious something is wrong; what is it?”

“The doctors, they have tried to help my little Dianna, but they say the only thing left to try is in America. The doctor there might have a drug that could help her, but it isn’t approved for human testing there.”

“I see. What’s wrong with your daughter?”

“She has cystic fibrosis and has an infection. Nothing is working. This new treatment is her only hope; but the doctors are worried the American doctor will say no. As it might endanger his chances in America.”

“Who is your daughter’s doctor?”

“Doctor Forlan, My Lady.”

“Is Doctor Forlan here right now?”

“Yes, he is the one speaking to the Queen.”

“Come with me.”

She stood and took the woman’s hand, leading her to the Queen and doctor. “Oh no, My Lady, I don’t want to bother him while he’s with the Queen.”

“Trust me, you aren’t bothering him. I am.” Jordan turned to the Queen. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I know it is very rude to interrupt, but I need to speak to Doctor Forlan about one of his patients.”

The Queen nodded, but Jordan could see her eyes narrow a bit at being interrupted. “Of course, Lady Jordan. I know you wouldn’t interrupt if it wasn’t important.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Jordan looked at the doctor. “You are the doctor treating this woman’s daughter?”

Forlan sighed. “Unfortunately, I am, My Lady.”

“You may call me Lady Jordan, doctor. Can you tell me what happens if this American doctor doesn’t get involved in this child’s care?”

The doctor cleared his throat. “As I’ve explained to Mrs. Venasu, without his treatment, I’ve done we can do for little Dianna.”

The Queen sucked in a breath at the girl’s name. “Who is the American doctor?”

“His name is Doctor Arthur Toress. He is a research doctor at the...” Jordan interrupted him. “San Antonio Research hospital.”

The doctor’s mouth opened. “Yes, that’s right.”

“And what treatment is this of his?”

“It’s a gene replacement therapy that early tests have indicated could put Dianna’s cystic fibrosis into remission.”

Jordan looked at the Queen. “Your Majesty, would the King be willing to make a concession for me?”

The Queen narrowed her eyes again and then smiled. “Would you and Mrs. Venasu excuse us a moment, doctor?”

“Of course, your Majesty.”

The Queen took Jordan by the arm and led her around the corner. “What are you up to?”

“Trying to help that mother save her daughter’s life.”


“What do you mean, why? Because I can.”


“My father has always told me that a good leader doesn’t have to know how to do everything. They just have to know people who know how to do anything they need done. I know someone who can convince Doctor Toress to come and use his therapy on Dianna, but only if it is done in secret and not one word of it gets back to the FDA in America.”

“You know for certain you can get him here?”

“Yes ma’am. My job in America depended on me collecting favors from powerful and resourceful people. I know someone who has great sway over Doctor Torress. As a matter of fact, I’m sure you and the King know him too.”


“Bufford Clairemont of Clairemont Industries. He is one of Doctor Toress’ chief investors.”

“And you can be positive Mister Clairemont will help you.”

“Would you like to hear me ask him, Your Majesty?”

“You wouldn’t be upset if I said yes?”

“Not at all. You haven’t had the time to get to know me yet, so you have no real reason to trust me.”

“While that is true, Jordan Sparks, I think maybe we all have misjudged you.”

Jordan pushed a contact button on her phone. The phone rang and then the familiar voice came across the line. “Bufford Clairemont’s office, Gloria speaking. How may I help you?”

“Hey Gloria, it’s Jordan, is he in?”

“For you, always honey, you know that.”

“Great, can I speak to him for a minute?”

“Everything okay? He told me you were in the Mediterranean with some Prince.”

“Everything is fine and I’m actually here with the Queen of Phildonia right now. It’s kind of important.”

“Hold on, let me get him on the line.”

“Jordan, I hear you need to speak to me?”

“Yes sir, I’m here with Queen Dianna and I need to call in a huge favor, sir.”

“Is this favor for you or the Queen?”

“Neither, but you can consider it for me, since it is my idea.”

“Hello, Your Majesty. I hope things in Phildonia are going well?”

“They are very interesting since Lady Jordan has joined us.”

Her father laughed. “That sounds like the Jordan I know. What’s this favor, Jordan?”

“There is a young girl here who needs immediate treatment from doctor Torress. Specifically, she needs his experimental gene therapy for cystic fibrosis or she isn’t going to make it, sir.”

“That is indeed a big favor, Jordan. You know what could happen to my investment if he’s caught using that before the FDA approves it for trial?”

“I do, as well as what it would mean to Doctor Torress’ career. That’s why the Queen is here to assure you that not one word will leak of his involvement or the use of his therapy.”

“You and King William will guarantee this, Dianna?”

“We will if you can guarantee he’ll come.”

“I’ll call you back, with the time and place of his arrival, in half an hour, Jordan.”

The Queen gasped. “Just like that? This young woman asks, and you say it’s done?”

“Jordan is a unique young woman, whom I was sad to lose to your kingdom for the season. She’s an asset to me and my company and I have grand plans for her, if she comes back from your lovely country. Honestly, Dianna, she would be an asset to your nation, as I’m sure you’ll see.”

The Queen assessed her with a different look. “I think I am beginning to see. Let us know the details and I personally will see Doctor Torress is transported secretly and securely. Anything he needs will be at his disposal.”

“I figure he’ll wish to talk to the girl’s doctor before he leaves; might I get that number?”

“One moment, sir, I’ll get it for you.”

“Give the phone to the Queen, Jordan.”

Now Jordan was worried. Her Father knew she didn’t want them to know who she was. “Certainly, sir, and thank you.”

“For you anytime, Jordan.”

Jordan handed her phone to the Queen and went to find the doctor. “Doctor, may I have your number? Doctor Torress will want to consult with you before he flies over tonight.”

The doctor’s eyes widened. “He’s coming?”

“Yes, my source seems convinced he will.”

The doctor swallowed. “Who are you?”

“Me? I’m Lady Jordan Sparks of Cordova house.”


“Yes. However, you cannot credit doctor Torress or even mention that he was here. That is the condition of his help.”

“No, of course not, Lady Cordova. I didn’t know Cordova had such powerful resources.”

“Well now, you do.”

She took the man’s card and returned to find the Queen sharing about her little escapade earlier with Portia and the press. “I’m serious Dianna, your kingdom could do much worse.”

“You may be right, Bufford, time will tell.”

Jordan cleared her throat. “Mister Clairemont, I meant what I said before I left. I don’t want you influencing anyone.”

“I haven’t done anything, Jordan. Just listening to your exploits; they make me laugh as always. You had that college friend build those wings, didn’t you?”

“Of course, sir, what was it you taught me? If you want the best, use the best people.”

“I’m glad to know I could teach you something.”

“More than I could ever tell you, sir. Here’s that number for you.” She rattled it off and after goodbyes were said and a promise to call back with the details, they were done.

They came around to find that the rest of the court had left over an hour ago and only The Queen, Jordan and the Royal Guards for the Queen were left. “I guess that means you will ride back to the palace with me, Lady Cordova.”

“I could take a taxi if you wish, Your Majesty.”

“Oh no, young lady, I have half an hour alone with you and no cameras or ears I don’t trust to overhear. I think it’s time to get to know the real Lady Jordan.”

They walked to the limo and as the Queen got in; she turned to her head of security. “Is Lady Jordan a security threat to me?”

The guard shook his head. “No, Your Majesty.”

“Then you will ride up front with the driver and tell Andre to take the long way around the city for home. The very long way.”

“As you wish.”

Jordan climbed in and sat across from the Queen. “Now then, let’s cut out the games, shall we, Jordan? As you have already surmised, the King and I, along with the council member assigned to the season, had already decided who Owen would choose as his bride. Mostly because all the ladies we knew would be at court this season were less than what our Kingdom needed.

“Normally we wouldn’t interfere, but I was told you have been informed of my husband’s health and have signed the confidentiality statement. You, however, young lady, are the wild card, aren’t you? To be honest, Owen is not my son. He is my stepson. But I love him, and I helped raise him from the age of ten. So, I want him to have a good Queen, a strong Queen and honestly, she doesn’t have a long time to find her footing. That was why I agreed with my husband to push for him to marry Portia. However, it seems that may have been a hasty decision. Mostly because we know nothing about you.

“I know Portia is not the ideal Queen that Owen needs. She is self-serving and shallow, but normally she shows well in public and that is important. Yet in one outing, you have destroyed that public persona of hers and done it well.”

She pushed a button and a video screen rose, showing the news footage of Portia’s meltdown; shoving the little girl and calling the children monsters and useless. Followed instantly by Jordan scooping the girl up before she hit the ground and protecting and comforting the girl. The commentators all wanted to know who Lady Jordan was and why the Prince and Queen seemed taken by her. “My husband has already texted me asking what happened, and I told him he saw almost all of it on TV. What I want to know is this: How have you, in one day, got all the major ladies-in-waiting of this court to work together?”

“I used a simple business technique, Your Majesty.”

The Queen waved her hand at Jordan. “For the time we are alone in this car, you can dispense with all that. I am Dianna and you are Jordan. So, what technique did you use?”

“I provided them with a common goal, two actually.”

Dianna smiled. “A common goal? What, pray tell, was that?”

“Show everyone in the court that Lady Portia wasn’t the Queen that Owen needed. By highlighting her weakness and faults. I may have overplayed the first hand though. I had no clue she’d attack the child.”

“Yes, well, it was eye opening for everyone. What was the second goal, if I may ask?”

“To show that they each could make a good Queen.”

“How will they do that?”

“By helping each other highlight their personal strengths.”

“Not show their own strengths?”

“Oh, I know they will do that as well; but I just need them to see themselves able to work together.”

The Queen stared at her. “In one day, you turned four enemies into allies? And exposed a tremendous problem in the favorite to become Owen’s Queen.”

Jordan smiled. “You’ve been candid and honest with me, Dianna, so I will trust you with my secrets, too. I hope this isn’t a mistake.”

“I will reveal one more secret then, as well. One that I suspect you already knew. I heard your conversation with Duke Cordova this morning. Respect isn’t the only thing earned, so is trust. I’ve given you mine. I would be honored if you would give me yours.”

“I will and not because you confirmed what I had already suspected, and that not all the bugs in my room were unauthorized. Which means not all of them have been removed.”

“Actually, they have all been removed because we changed your rooms to one’s closer to everyone else. That is how much you have impressed the King and I.”

“Then let me be very honest with you. I am without a doubt in love with the Prince and will do whatever it takes to prove my worth as his bride.

“However, I meant what I said. Each of the Ladies at court right now could and would make Owen a wonderful Queen. Well, maybe except for Lady Elksbane; she needs about ten years of therapy and anger management. I understand the stance you and the King are taking. She needs to be ready now. But that isn’t true, Dianna. Yes, with his health, the King may need to step down and Owen will become King and his wife almost instantly Queen. But she doesn’t have to know everything in advance. While your husband may need to rest and cannot guide Owen, there are two wonderful women who could, from behind the scenes, mentor Phildonia’s new Queen until she was ready.”

“You would turn me into an ally as well, Jordan?”

“An ally, no. I don’t want you as an ally. As a mentor, most certainly. While I know business, and how to read people, I am smart enough to know I don’t know everything a Queen needs to know. Reading people is how I knew if you could see past the view you and the King had of Portia, you would realize she isn’t the Queen the Prince needs. I love Owen, and I want him to be mine. But I could live with him, being with someone who will help him. Someone who would support where he is weak and encourage him when he is in need and remind him that while it is good to sacrifice for his people, it is better to lead them to prosperity without the need of that sacrifice above all else.”

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