The Princess Game - Cover

The Princess Game

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 8

When her alarm rang Jordan quickly got dressed in her Dolce & Gabbana distressed straight leg jeans and Gucci blade T-shirt and quickly found her way back to the garden she’d visited with Prince Owen the night before. She wandered into the maze and then placed a call to her father.

With the time difference, it was 10:00 pm where he was, but she knew he’d still be up. When he heard what she suspected, he gave her the name of the security specialist he used when business took him to Phildonia and told her he’d call and have the man expect her in the next few days.

After assuring her father she was alright, she quickly made her way out of the maze and back up to her room. She arrived to find Duke Harrison again pacing. “Why is it every time I come to your room you aren’t here? What part of ‘we need to prepare’ is so hard for you to understand?”

“Good morning to you as well, Duke Harrison. I’m not sure why you have decided that you are my boss, but I don’t answer to you. You will cease trying to treat me like a servant while I’m here. I will do my best to increase the reputation and standing of your house. You will not test me daily or before each event. You know nothing about me, sir.

“Yet you keep making assumptions that I know nothing about proper behavior in a society setting. I believe that is because your brother met me at the hotel they were staying at. However, I received training in manners and how to behave in society settings. So unless you have something pertinent to today’s events, which is breakfast with the Royal family and presenting the Queen with a gift, then I will ask you to leave my chambers so that I can get properly prepared for the event.”

The Duke sputtered and then straightened himself. “Now see here. My family has graciously taken you in and given you this chance to enter the royal court. I demand that you treat me with the respect of my station.”

Jordan had enough of this pompous windbag’s grandstanding. “Respect? You must earn respect, Your Grace. Respect is a two-way street. Do you treat your servants as you do me? How about the people to whom you have an obligation as the head of your duchy? If so, it’s no wonder your reputation is in tatters. Do you think you own me because of this chance I’ve been given?

“Perhaps you are unaware that you weren’t the only offer I had to be presented to the Royal Court this season. Several other people were on the trip your brother was on. Several others noticed the same things your brother did. Get out of my room and don’t return until you learn some of the manners you think I’m lacking!”

The man puffed up like a bullfrog. “I will thank you to settle down. Here’s the gift for you to present to Her Majesty today. I assure you it will be on par with those the others give her.”

“No, thank you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter and, as far as I know, you are not hard of hearing. I already procured the gift I will be giving the Queen today. I can assure you it will stand out and catch her attention.”

His mouth opened and shut. “Now see here.”

“Goodbye, Your Grace. If you aren’t out of my chamber by the time I count to five, I’m going to personally remove you. I can assure you that will not help your reputation in the royal court at all. One...”

The offensive boar stood there, face turning purple with anger, mouth opening and shutting wordlessly.


He finally found his voice and whispered venomously. “You wouldn’t dare lay a hand on me.”

“Three ... Stay two more seconds and find out, Your Grace.”

He looked at her as if seeing her for the first time.


Then he turned and quickly stepped to the door, opening it then turning to face her. “This isn’t over, Lady Jordan.”

Then he shut the door, leaving her alone.

Jordan would worry about Harrison later. Right now, she needed to prepare herself for the breakfast with the court, where she would be officially introduced to the King and Queen. She stepped into her bedroom to find Millie biting her lip. “Oh thank Heavens, Lady Jordan. I didn’t want to interrupt your conversation with Duke Cordova, but we must hurry and get you dressed.”

Jordan looked at her phone by her clock. They had an hour and a half to prepare. “Why the rush, Millie?”

“One of the servants informed me a few minutes ago that breakfast was moved up by an hour and it seems that our notification got lost.”

“Now that’s suspicious, isn’t it? Okay, let’s get me dressed. Thank goodness I am used to quick changes.” She rushed into the bath and washed off quickly, keeping her hair dry. Then she put on the deep blue, knee length, square neck sheath dress with a small two inch slit just above her left knee. She paired it with a cream-colored Brooks Brothers suit jacket. They quickly styled her hair in a casual messy bun, again leaving a few strands around her face. She put on very neutral makeup and black stilettos. She added a simple diamond choker and teardrop earrings.

She picked up the gifts she’d brought and quickly headed for the dining room where the King and Queen would host the ladies-in-waiting for breakfast. Jordan would keep her eyes open to see who registered surprise at her on-time arrival.

None of the women showed the slightest hint of shock at her on-time arrival as they were shown into the small dining room. Not long after, the princess and prince arrived with the Dowager Queen. Jordan circulated amongst the guests. Both the Princess and elder Queen told Jordan how much they’d enjoyed her masquerade outfit and to thank her for the brief visit afterwards.

They all watched as the majority of the Ladies made a beeline straight to the prince. Hovering around him like bees and he was the lone source of nectar in a field of flowers. Jordan smiled at the jostling and preening that was going on. She winked at Owen when he looked her way. His face was the smiling mask she had already realized meant he wasn’t enjoying the attention, but knew it was his duty to endure it. She noticed that Lady Anna was again on the outskirts of the press to be near the prince, as if she didn’t truly want to catch his attention. Jordan made her way to the girl and greeted her. “Lady Anna, I trust you had a restful night?”

“I did, thank you. I heard your night was eventful.”

Jordan looked at Anna. “Whatever do you mean?”

“You realize it didn’t escape anyone’s attention that you and Prince Owen disappeared during your dance and weren’t seen again at the ball? I think every lady in the room is fit to be tied at his showing such favoritism to an outsider so early in the season.”

“Every Lady?”

“Well, not every lady. I am glad to see him happy for a change. I may not know the Prince personally, but I know a polite masked face when I see one. Dancing with you last night was the first genuine smile I’ve ever seen on his face.”

“Well, I guess that explains the reason I was almost late today. Seems the message of the time and venue change didn’t make it to me until half an hour before we were to arrive.”

The oversight was likely because of the rumor that you were seen entering the Prince’s Chambers very late last night.

“That is just a rumor. I’ve not been to the Prince’s room. I spent some time last night with Princess Jaqueline and the Queen Mother.”

“That wouldn’t endear you to any of these ladies, either.”

The door opened and the King and Queen entered, followed by a stunningly beautiful dark-haired woman, dressed in a jade colored sheath dress with a low cut v neckline showing off a single jade stone hanging from a white gold necklace. She styled her hair loose, and it ended just about her cheeks. There were gasps before everyone dipped into a curtsy for the King and Queen. The Queen’s eyes took in the assembly and her face flashed a momentary surprise when they landed on Jordan. Jordan smiled at the Queen and winked, letting the royal know Jordan realized who’d made sure they did not convey the change of time and location to Jordan’s rooms. The King and Queen moved to a raised dais and were seated. Then the crier formally introduced each woman, calling them by name and house to present themselves before the King and Queen...

The first name called was the woman who had been a surprise to the other Ladies. “The Countess Portia Berkshire of the House of Valaria.”

The Prince walked up to the throne and faced his father. “This is unexceptable, Father.”

“Do you have an issue with Lady Portia’s evolvement in this season?”

“No, Father, my brother’s ex-fiancée is a member of the court and always welcome. The problem I have is that she is representing a house that I am the caretaker of without my knowledge.”

“You are a caretaker at my pleasure, are you not?”

“You know I am.”

“Then you will be pleased to know she is here as that house’s representative at my request.”

“I see. Thank you for that clarification, Your Majesty.”

The King’s face for one moment showed his anger at his son. “I would remind you, Prince Owen, that I am still King of this country and may make any decision I deem appropriate for the kingdom.”

Owen nodded and bowed deeply, but everyone had to know washe did so sarcastically. “Of course, Your Majesty. None would suggest otherwise.”

He turned to the Lady in question. “Welcome to my mother’s house, Lady Birkshire.”

“Thank you, your Highness.”

After that, things proceeded with one minor irritation. While Jordan should have been one of the first six people introduced to the King and Queen as the representative of one of the Kingdom’s larger duchies, it didn’t go unnoticed by anyone that she was actually the very last to be introduced even after all the lower noble houses. “The Lady Jordan of House Cordova.”

She approached the dais and curtsied as deeply as she had the night before. “Your Majesties, it is an honor to be presented to you.”

“Thank you, Lady Sparks, is it?”

“It is, Your Majesty.”

“How are you finding your stay in my country?”

Your Majesty, the landscape and architecture have left me in awe. I have repeatedly commented to anyone I could about the tranquil and scenic ambiance. The palace staff’s discipline is something that I question, though.

The Queen leaned forward. “You find our staff lacking in some way?”

“Oh no, Your Majesty. Only it surprised me, the lack of communication with the guest suites on the far side of the castle. It seems that someone forgot that my sponsors and I were staying there, as word of today’s change of time and venue never reached us.”

The King frowned. “Yet you are here.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Thankfully, my hosts’ staff is exemplary and checked early this morning to ensure we were up to date.”

The Queen’s eyes tightened minutely. “I see. I shall have a word with my assistant to make sure that we keep you informed of any other changes.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. If it pleases you, I have a token of my gratitude for being invited to your court this season. I’ve heard that you have been trying to obtain a particular variety of Rosa ‘Harison’s Yellow, namely from the ones cultivated by the gardener at the Clairemont estate?”

“How well informed you are, Lady Jordan,” exclaimed the Queen, her eyes widening in surprise. “I have indeed been trying, without success, to acquire one of his plants or even a cutting of one.”

“Then allow me to gift you with six of them, Your Majesty.”

The Queen’s hand went to her mouth. “Six? How did you come to possess so many? I was told he refused to part with any of them.”

“My mother was very close with Mister Clairemont and spent much time with the gardener. When I explained they would grace the royal garden of Phildonia, he was more than willing to part with them for you.”

In walked several servants carrying six potted Yellow Roses. “These are called in America ‘The Yellow Rose of Texas’, Your Majesty. May they bring you as much joy as they did my mother.”

Then, to everyone’s shock, the Queen stood and embraced Jordan. “Thank you, Lady Jordan. I am sure that they will.” What no one noticed was the whispered addition to that statement. “Well played, young lady.”

When the Queen had retaken her seat, Jordan turned to the King. “While it is not traditional, Your Majesty. I also learned that you are a collector of historical weapons; is that so?”

“It is indeed true.”

“Then if you allow me, sire, I would like to present you with an American antique weapon for your collection.” She took a foot long, flat box from another servant and held it out to the King. “This is an official weapon of the time known in my country as the old west. It is a dagger of a sort, called an Arkansas Toothpick, or in more refined circles as a Bowie Knife.”

The King opened the box to display a large twelve-inch-long blade adorned with a brass tang and an animal horn handle. “This is exquisite, Lady Jordan.”

“It has a certificate of authenticity from the museum of history in Austin, Texas, Your Majesty. It was one of seven knives known to have been personally crafted by Jim Bowie himself. The horn handle is antelope. I hope it is fitting for your collection.”

He lifted it out of the box. “It certainly is heavy for a knife, isn’t it?”

“That it is, Your Majesty. The American western frontier was a vast and rugged place. It is said that Mister Bowie crafted the knife to withstand the rigors of that life.”

“I am well pleased, thank you. It will be a unique piece for my collection.”

“I am glad, Your Majesty.” She curtsied to the two and then made her way back to where the other ladies all stood. The King and Queen headed for the head table with the rest of the royal family. Jordan could see the tightening of Owen’s jaw as his stepmother indicated he should escort Lady Portia to sit with them. When the Dowager Queen took Jordan’s arm and asked her to help her to the table, no one, including the King or Queen dared speak up, but the irritation on their faces was obvious.

Jordan ended up sitting between the Dowager Queen and Princess Jaqueline and directly across from Prince Owen. Countess Birkshire was on his right between him and the Queen.

There was an empty place between the King and the seat his mother had taken. Just before the servants brought in the first plate, the door opened and in came a man a few years older than Owen. He was dressed in a rumpled suit. Making his way to the table, he took the empty seat.

Owen laughed. “Leonardo, I see you decided to join us.”

“Well, I’d have been here earlier if someone hadn’t forgotten to tell me the time and location had changed.”

The older Queen grunted. “That seems to be a problem; you’re not the only one not informed.”

The Queen sniffed. “Yes, well, at least Lady Jordan’s staff seems to be efficient. She at least arrived on time and dressed for the occasion.”

“I can change into my shorts and a t-shirt if you’d prefer, stepmother dear. My valet would have had time to press my suit if anyone had informed him. As it is, I came as soon as they informed us of the change.”

The Queen just glared at him and then the rumpled prince noticed who was sitting beside her. “Hello Portia, I see you’ve decided that being Queen is indeed the most important thing.”

The woman stiffened her spine and raised her head in pride. “And you still believe that your personal happiness is most important. How perfectly common of you. Why don’t you and your grandmother change places? I’m sure you’ll find that you have more in common with her breakfast companion than any other at this table.”

Jordan looked at the other lady. “I’m sorry. Are you trying to indicate that I am common or that I believe personal happiness is important? I will gladly admit to the first one. It pleases me to represent everyday people who strive to rise to be the best that they can be. I believe it was an American president who stated that best. ‘Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.’ We can only help our nation’s rise to their best potential by encouraging every citizen to rise to theirs.

“If you, however, are trying to suggest that I put my personal happiness before others, then you have been woefully misinformed. I’m here to help a friend who asked for my help. What reason are you here for again?”

The woman looked at her and raised her voice. “How dare you! I am the guest of the royal family!”

Jordan smiled. “As am I, and so are all the Ladies from all the houses. Are they not? You seem to need to make yourself special. How, Lady Birkshire, does that help Phildonia?”

Jordan turned to the older Prince of Phildonia without giving her a chance to answer and said, “Prince Leonardo, we are scheduled to visit the Queen’s Children’s Hospital this afternoon. I hear it was your mother’s personal charity. Have you been overseeing the charitable donations since her untimely passing?”

“No, my lady, I personally don’t oversee the charity. However, I am informed by those I hired to oversee it. People who are better equipped, as it were, to keep her dream going.”

“And I understand that you never turn away a child in need?”

“That is true. It was one of Mother’s demands and one that we have ensured is still enforced. Not only that, but like your country’s own Saint Jude’s hospital, no family is ever billed for their child’s treatment. The donations we receive take care of everything.”

“How wonderful. That must be a true blessing to some of the, how did you put it, Lady Birkshire? Oh yes, ‘more common’ of the crown’s subjects.”

Leonardo laughed. “I like you, Lady Jordan. It is refreshing to find a representative of a noble house who can hold her own and yet be gracious at the same time.”

“That is easy to accomplish, Your Highness. I just follow the simple rule my mother taught me.”

Lady Portia jumped into the conversation. “And what, pray tell, is that, Miss Sparks?”

Jordan smiled at the pompous noble she was already beginning to realize needed to be the center of attention. “Simply this, Lady Portia, treat others as you would have them treat you.”

Portia smirked. “How utterly droll. Exactly the kind of meaningless prattle one would expect from a commoner.”

Everyone who heard her gasped. Then Princess Jaqueline laughed. “Portia, Christ himself said that in the Bible.”

Jordan smiled and took a bite of her breakfast sausage, then looked at the Queen. “Your Majesty, I understand that the Hospital is also one of your favorite charities.”

“It is. I recognized the wisdom that Queen Isadora had in starting the hospital and the charity that funds it. While I have a few of my own charities, it also was a cause dear to my heart. I’ve seen too many children and families devastated by medical needs they couldn’t afford to treat.”

“That is true in my nation as well. It is probably worse there than even here. Thanks to our healthcare industry’s mindset, it’s mostly about making a profit to line some rich American’s pocket instead of saving lives. I look forward to touring the hospital and seeing how Phildonia does things differently.”

Not long after that, the King and Queen took their leave to face the day-to-day work of the leaders of a Nation. Jordan watched as Owen was drawn away by Lady Portia. Ensuring his chance to spend time with Jordan was quickly taken over by the other lady. Jordan turned to find the Elder Queen and the other Prince of Phildonia watching her. She smiled and approached them. The Queen Mother shook her head. “Don’t let her get under your skin. That’s what they all want to see. You lose your cool and act in anger. They will use that to show you are unfit to be Queen.”

Jordan smiled. “Oh, I’m not upset by her act. I’m more worried that it isn’t an act. If the King, Queen and Council are pushing her to be the Crown Prince’s choice, what will happen to those she finds ‘common’ and not worthy of her time?”

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