The Princess Game - Cover

The Princess Game

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 5

Today was the day of the masquerade ball, and Prince Owen couldn’t care less. His mind was still in San Antonio with a certain blonde-haired beauty. His dreams and daydreams had been full of Jordan ever since he left her at the beach house. All he could think about was her long blonde hair that was as soft as the finest silk, eyes the color of a storm rolling in off the Mediterranean Sea and lips as warm and inviting as a fireplace on a cold winter’s eve.

He should have stayed in San Antonio until he could have convinced her to come home with him. He knew he needed to choose a bride. The only problem was the woman he wanted to choose was half a world away. He’d give anything to see her walk through the doors of the ballroom tonight, even though he knew it was an impossibility.

He was staring out the window over the hedge maze, but in reality, he was back in that hot tub in Galveston. His mind had him so far away he jumped when the hand came down on his shoulder and he turned to see Drew beside him. “Where were you? Because you didn’t hear me come in or anything I said.”

Owen shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I’m glad you made it back. Are you ready for the ball tonight?”

“Must I attend? You know how I hate these things.”

“I’m going to need you this season, Drew. You see and hear things I can’t. I don’t want to make a choice that would come back to be a problem down the road.”

His best friend laughed. “In other words, you want me to spy on all those Prince chasers that are about to show up looking to be your one true love or at least your Queen.”

“I think it’s too late to be my one true love. But yes, I need to choose the best candidate to help lead our country in the future.”

Drew stopped and tilted his head as he looked at Owen. “Are you still hung up on that Texas woman? What is wrong with you? I’ve never seen you like this over a woman before.”

Owen looked to make sure they were truly alone. He knew his stepmother, the Queen, cultivated relationships with the servants to learn of anything they overheard. “She was different, Drew. Jordan saw the real me. I asked her to come back with me, but she refused. Now, I can’t get her out of my head or my heart. I think she was the one. Although, I know I have to pick a bride, but I still wish she’d come to court so it could be her.”

Drew shook his head. “I tried to warn you. She’d be miserable here, Owen. The Nobles would tear her apart in one night. Not only that, but there is no way The King, Queen or Council would allow you to marry her. She isn’t noble, or even Phildonian. Add to that she worked for a living and they’d have her on the first plane back to Texas.”

Owen shook his head. “I think you, like everyone else, underestimate her. Both smart and polite, she was a pleasure to be around. She was more than she seemed. She saw me too, not the Prince, but the real me. I felt stronger around her, like I could withstand anything with her beside me.”

Drew shrugged. “Yet she isn’t here, and you have to make a choice. You need to let her go and move on, buddy. Otherwise, you’ll make yourself and the entire court miserable.”

Just then, there came a knock on the door to Owen’s chambers. His little sister Jaqueline stuck her head through the door. She saw Drew, and a smile broke out on her face. “Hey Drew, I’m glad you made it home in time. Maybe you can figure out what’s wrong with my brother. He’s been grumpy ever since he got back from his vacation.”

Drew hugged the younger princess. “Well, if it isn’t the pocket princess. Hey, give your brother a break. We can’t all be Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way, like a certain Princess of the realm.”

She frowned and wrinkled her nose. “I’m not perfect Drew, just because I’m better behaved than you two.”

Drew laughed. “I’m pretty sure if I look up perfect in the dictionary, your picture is there.”

She smacked his chest. Owen laughed at the two of them. Drew’s level of snark should meet Jaqueline’s level of sweet all the time. It brought him into the present. “Are you looking forward to your first masquerade tonight, Jaquie?”

She smiled. “I am. I love my costume. The neck is like a mane and the mask is kitty fierce. I’m gonna be a regal lioness. How about you? Are you looking forward to choosing a princess?”

“Honestly, I’m trying not to think about it. This season is going to be everything I hate about being Royal. All those women trying to catch my attention and convince me they are the one for me.”

Jaqueline frowned. “That doesn’t sound like you, Owen. I thought you liked the attention of the Ladies in waiting.”

“I don’t, but the fact that you think I do means I’ve been successful in keeping my princely visage in place.”

Jaqueline shook her head. “Consuela believes that this season is just a formality because she was under the impression that you were really interested in her. Are you telling me you don’t have any interest in her?”

“Dear lord, Consuela’s like another sister to me. How could she think I have romantic feelings for her?”

Drew laughed. “You should have never pulled her out of the pond. She’s seen herself as your true love ever since.”

Owen stopped and turned to his friend. “You’re joking? That was sixteen years ago. We were just kids.”

“I just call them as I see them. She’s convinced almost the entire court that you are just waiting for this season to make it official. Several of the more naïve Ladies believe her.”

Owen shook his head. “I need a more levelheaded Queen, not the fierce warrior lady of Elksbane. She’s too temperamental and ruled by her violent nature.”

Jacqueline shrugged and wrapped her arms around him. “She’s an Elksbane. What did you expect?”

“I know, but I need a wife who will help me rule in peace and prosperity, not create conflict where none exists.”

“Well, you could choose Lady Lillian and be overrun with Prince Charles spaniels. What could say peace more than those regal dogs?”

“She is a mess without them, though. You didn’t see her last season. She seemed to jump out of her skin or weep every time we turned around.”

“Owen, you aren’t going to find the perfect woman, she doesn’t exist.”

He shook his head at his sister and didn’t realize he’d muttered his thought out loud. “She does. She just isn’t here.”

His little sister’s eyes got wide. “You’ve met someone? Someone not at court that interests you?”

Owen cursed when he realized what he’d let slip. “Forget about that, Jaquie. She isn’t here and won’t be here. I can’t choose her if she isn’t here, can I?”

“Then let’s get her here. If you want her, shouldn’t you try at least to get her here?”

“I asked, she turned me down. She’s smarter than me and realized what I need, too. I can’t marry for love, I have to marry for country.”

His baby sister shook her head. “What is wrong with both brothers of mine? First Leonardo gives up love because he can’t stomach the thought of ruling. Now you give up love because you can’t stomach the thought of not ruling.”

“We don’t all get what we want, Jaqueline. Just pray that you can marry for love. I wouldn’t put it past father to be looking for a kingdom to marry you into that would be strategically beneficial to us.”

Jaqueline turned white. “What do you know? Who is he talking to?”

“I don’t KNOW anything. I’m just saying that’s the way he thinks.”

Jaqueline tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I refuse to do it. My only condition for marriage is love. Just like Leonardo, I’ll give up all my princess duties first.”

Owen wrapped his baby sister in a hug. “Enjoy your first social season and learn how the game is played at court. There is no need to worry about it right now.” He looked her in the eyes.” Help me out and keep your eyes and ears opened for anything I might need to know about the candidates.”

“Did you know that the Duke of Cordova found a Lady to sponsor? I overheard the servant talking about him asking for rooms for them tonight.”

Owen looked at his sister. “Really? I thought Stephano said there was no one they could sponsor. I wonder who Harrison found?”

She shrugged. “I guess we will find out tonight. Maybe she’ll be that woman you were daydreaming about.”

Owen opened his mouth to deny his sister’s thought, but stopped. Could it be? Stephano had stayed in the United States when they left. Could he have convinced Jordan to come to Phildonia? Being Cordova’s entry would be better than if he’d brought her. She’d just be another one of the ladies-in-waiting, not the one the prince’s favored commoner. It was far-fetched, but Owen couldn’t shake the hope that blossomed in his heart.

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