The Princess Game - Cover

The Princess Game

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 3

Jordan woke to hearing her best friend and neighbor rummaging around in her kitchen. She knew why Angel was here; she wanted the lowdown on last night. Just the thought of Owen caused her heart to beat faster. Not only was he hotter than asphalt in the Texas summer sun, he was everything you’d want out of a Handsome and Charming Prince. Kind, compassionate, and even without trying, commanding. Knowing that the noises in her kitchen would end and Angel would burst into her bedroom if Jordan didn’t get up, she dressed for the day.

Sure enough, as Jordan opened the door to head for the kitchen, she almost collided with Angel who was coming to storm the bedroom. “Oh! I didn’t know if you realized I was here.”

Jordan laughed. “Yes, I did. You’ve been banging my pots and pans for ten minutes and muttering to get my attention.”

“Yeah, and you ignored me.”

Jordan laughed. “Trust me Angel, there is no ignoring you when you come for gossip.”

The feisty Texan put her hands on her hips. “I do not gossip. I share information with a few select people. Besides, I don’t like not knowing something.”

“Well, I can’t think of a thing to share with you.”

The two of them walked into the kitchen where a pot of rich dark roast coffee waited for them. “Chica, you better stop lying before those slacks burst into flames.”

Jordan blushed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m talking about you calling in a favor for the hottie last night.”

“I can’t talk about that. He’s a client. You know I can’t talk about the clients.”

“He can’t be a client, Jordan. Because if I remember you don’t date clients either; and from what I saw last night, you were on a date.”

Jordan shook her head. “It wasn’t a date.”

“Shall I tell you how I know it was?” Angel waved her hand up and down in front of Jordan. “This is how you dress around clients, but not last night. Last night you were in that hot little western dress we picked up last month and your Texas style ‘Pretty Woman’ hooker boots. You clung to that hunk in the parking lot as if someone surgically attached your hand to his arm. I’ve never seen you even touch one of your clients, let alone wrap your arm around one. Then if that isn’t enough evidence; while that goon in the black shirt stayed outside, I didn’t, and that lip lock you put on your client is something I know you don’t do. So you’re busted; that was a date.”

Jordan sighed. “It’s complicated, Angel, and this isn’t something you can share with anyone.”

Her best friend’s eyes got bigger. “O-M-G!!! You are dating a client!”

Jordan shook her head. “I’m not. It was just a kiss. He’s leaving Sunday and I’ll never see him again.”

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. The way he was kissing you last night, he’ll be back.”

“This is the part you can’t talk about, Angel. I mean it. Not. One. Word. He’s a Prince.”

“Okay? I mean, sure, he seemed like a great guy.”

Jordan shook her head. “No, a real Prince, crown, castle the whole nine yards.”

Angel’s eyebrows climbed up her forehead. “Seriously? You landed a Prince?”

“I have landed no one. He’s here on one last hurrah. When he gets back to his country, he has to pick a princess out of the ladies of the royal court. He has to be betrothed or engaged or married in three months. He’s going home to find his princess, and I’m going to work.”

Angel put her arms around Jordan. “Maybe he’ll ask you to go back with him. From that kiss, I’d say he found his princess already.”

“Not gonna happen. He’s the Crown Prince, his Princess will become Queen. She needs to know how to be regal and help rule a country. Not some cowgirl from Texas.”

“You aren’t a cowgirl, and you know it. Just because you’ve changed your name and refuse to let your dad use his name and influence to give you a leg up, you’re still the same girl I grew up with. You’d make a great Princess and Queen, and you know it.”

Jordan shook her head. “I’m not royalty, and he has to pick from the woman in his royal court. So, this weekend is all we will ever have.” She shrugged. “If he was just a guy, and I was just a girl, who knows where this could go? But tonight is all we have, and I plan to get at least a few more kisses. These will have to hold me over until my own prince shows himself.”

Angel shook her head. “That’s sad, girl. I’m gonna wish for you and Prince Hotstuff to get a real chance at romance.”

Jordan laughed and waved her friend off. “You’re wasting a perfectly good wish, then. It’s really okay. Now get out of here. I need to pack a bag and get to work. Heading to Galveston tonight, the Prince and his boys are having a beach party blowout before they return to court.”

“Ohhh! Maybe I’ll have to crash it. Especially if his boys are half as hot as Prince Charming was.”

“They are all rather handsome, but not like Owen. But you’re always welcome at the beach house, you know that.”

Angel smiled. “Maybe I’ll find some royal to kiss on, too.”

“Well, there is a playboy in the midst. He came on to me first thing. Might be just your style.”

Her fiery friend made a face. “I have enough of those already. I want a hot royal guy, too.”

With that, she picked up her purse and headed for the door. “Later Chica. Don’t run off with the handsome prince and forget all about us little people.”

Angel laughed as Jordan called down the hallway. “The only thing little about you is your waist.”

Once her friend was gone, Jordan quickly got the dishes in the dishwasher and headed to the hotel. Jordan needed to touch base with Queen’s BBQ in Galveston to ensure that the menu was set and would be delivered on time. It was funny that she’d chosen Queen’s, considering who her clients were. But in her mind, they were the best BBQ joint in town; and they made that killer peach cobbler, too. They also sent it at her request. She planned for twenty-five people. Although it was a lot of BBQ for only ten people, the scent would attract some locals because of the bonfire and smoky aroma. Maybe she should up the order to fifty just to be safe.

She entered the suite and went right into her office and placed the call, making sure everything was perfect. She’d just hung up when there was a knock on the door, and she opened to see the grumpy face of Drew standing there. “Owen told us he explained things to you. I just want to warn you to keep your distance today. You’re just the hired help, and Owen will not offer you a trip to his castle when this is over.”

Jordan frowned. “What is your malfunction? Are all royals such jerks or is it just you?”

Drew’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not royal or noble. I’m the commoner in our group. Only reason they tolerate me is because I grew up with Owen and Stephano. The others don’t even pay any attention to me unless it’s reminding me I’m not one of them.”

“Maybe it’s because you’re such a sourpuss, you ever think of that? You know what they say; you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

“Just trying to keep my best friend from getting taken advantage of and you from getting your hopes up. There is no happy ending here, lady.”

“As you said, Owen explained things to me. I know he’s leaving Monday and will spend the next few months choosing which noble woman to marry. I’m just making sure he has that last bash you all asked him for.”

Drew looked at her. “UH HUH.”

She pointed out the door of her office. “If you don’t mind, I have work to do and you’re keeping me from it.”

The ruggedly handsome guy finally moved out of the doorway. “I’m monitoring you, just so you know.”

There came a throat clearing from behind him and then the very displeased voice of the Prince. “I thought I made it clear to you that Jordan wasn’t to be harassed, Drew.”

The gruff man spun and faced his friend. “No harassment, just making sure she understands the situation.”

Owen’s eyes flashed a darker green for a moment. “I will not be pleased if I catch you bothering her again. Am I clear?”

Drew shook his head. “What are you doing, man? This is not like you.”

“I’m still waiting for you to acknowledge my decree.”

Drew’s jaw clenched so hard Jordan could hear his teeth grinding together. Then, with a deep stiff bow and more snark than before, the man answered. “As you command, my Prince.”

Then he stormed off and slammed the door to the bedroom behind him.

Owen stepped close and pulled Jordan into his arms. “I’m sorry. Drew means well, he just doesn’t deal with things he didn’t expect. Especially when he’s stuck around nobles.”

“I’m not worried about Drew or any of your friends. I’m just trying to do my job and make sure everything is set for your last day here. The limo will pick you up in an hour for the Whiskey and Cigar bar and then, afterwards, take you to the heliport for our flight to Galveston. After that it’s you and your friends; though I should warn you and your security while it is a private beach, there are several houses on it and your party may entice some of them to come visit. I took that into account with the food and drinks, but thought you should know.”

He nodded. “You plan on joining us don’t you, Jordan?”

“My primary responsibility is to prevent any damage to the house and any violation of laws,” Jordan explained with a shrug. “I don’t plan to be part of the festivities.”

He frowned at her. “What if I want you to be part of the festivities?”

Jordan stepped closer to him, unable to stop herself. “Do you want me to be part of the festivities, Owen?”

His eyes wandered to her lips, and his tongue slipped out to wet his own. “Yes, I think I would like that very much.”

“What about your entourage? Won’t they be upset that I’ve invited myself to your last hurrah, so to speak?”

That darkness flashed in his eyes again, giving Jordan that same shiver his whispered breath had the night before. “I am their prince; what they think doesn’t matter to me.”

Jordan pulled back. “While that’s a very Alpha male thing to say, Prince Owen, we both know it isn’t true. You’ve already made it very plain to me that your people are your reason for everything you do.”

He shook his head. “Not today, they aren’t. This is my last weekend of freedom and I will do what makes me happy. Yes, I want to party with my companions; but I want you with me while I do so. Will you attend?”

Jordan smiled a flirty smile and curtsied. “As you wish, my Prince.”

He pulled her into his arms. “Careful Jordan, I can only resist you so much.”

She quickly kissed him and stepped away. “Who says I want you to resist?”

With that, she stepped away. “You, sir, need to get your guys together and head to Whiskey and Cigars, and I need to make sure everything is perfect for your last party at the beach. Anything special I can get for you gentlemen?”

Owen shook his head. “I believe I’ve already made my special request known.”

She smiled shyly. “You have, and I’ll be there. Maybe we can slip away, and I can show you a special spot I know about.”

“That sounds perfect to me.”

Just then, the men came pouring into the great room. “Let’s get the party started.” Stephano yelled, and the others laughed, all except Drew, who stood to the outside scowling. Jordan laughed at them all. “I hope you enjoy the club, gentlemen. I promise when we reach the beach, you’ll be eating some of the best food the great state of Texas offers. True slow smoked Texas Bar-B-Que.”

They all headed out and Jordan ambled back to her office and sank into her chair, putting her head in her hands. Against her will, she was falling for the Prince and falling hard.


Owen wasn’t enjoying the time at the cigar club, thanks to Drew. “I’m telling you that you’re being unfair to her, Owen. You’re leading her on and for what? A few stolen kisses. She can’t become your princess, or your Queen and you know it.”

“It’s not like that, Drew. She understands that tonight is all there can be. She understands me better than any of you.”

Drew put his hand on Owen’s shoulder. “Listen to yourself, will you? You’re already falling for this girl and that’s not the worst of it. She’s falling for you, too. I saw her face Owen, when you took her in your arms. I saw her face when you asked her to attend the party tonight as more than the girl who works at the hotel. She’s falling for you, too.”

Owen shrugged his best friend’s hand off his shoulder. “Would that be so bad, Drew? Suppose I brought her back with us? What if we fell in love and I asked her to marry me? What would be so bad about that?”

Drew sighed. “First, she can’t go even if she wants to. She isn’t from a noble house and they would destroy her the first day at court for it. If you brought her, then the press and the royal council would start showing disfavor, not only to her, but to you as well.

“Not only that, but you remember how terrible those ‘Ladies’ were to my sister. They were so vicious and mean Dawn left Phildonia without a word. No one knows where she is, not even Mom. Is that what you want for Jordan?”

“They wouldn’t dare treat her badly if she was my personal guest.”

Drew stood, fists clenched at his side. “You just don’t get it, do you? In front of you, they’d treat her like spun sugar, all sweet and kind. Then the minute you weren’t around, they’d shred her to pieces. You’re setting you both up for massive heartache.”

Owen shook his head and tossed back a double of Macallan 1926, which was a shame since the bottle had cost Owen seventy-five thousand dollars. “Why are you acting like this, Drew? You’ve been against the woman since we walked in and saw her in the room.”

“I saw how you both reacted, my friend. From the first minute you laid eyes on her and she you, neither of you have seen anyone else. You didn’t even hear me come back in the room this morning to apologize to you. Neither of you heard me. You need to stay away from her before you hurt her and end up hating the choice you have to make back home.”

“What if I got one of the noble houses to bring her? They could present her as a member of their house, and none would be the wiser.”

Drew sighed. “You have three weeks until the masquerade ball that starts this season. Do you honestly think that you can find someone of the nobility to sponsor her, teach her everything she needs to know, and outfit her for life at court for three months in three weeks? Dawn was around the palace for eighteen years and still couldn’t fit in. Please, Owen, for your sake and hers, let this go.”

Just then, Duke Dameon challenged Owen to a game of billiards and the conversation ended. Much to the Duke’s pleasure, Owen was so distracted by the conversation with Drew that he played terribly. He hadn’t actually considered asking Jordan to come home with him before. Now that the thought was in his head, he couldn’t shake it.

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