The Princess Game - Cover

The Princess Game

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 2

Jordan stood looking in the mirror. “What am I doing?” She’d tried on six outfits so far and nothing seemed right to go out and meet up with Owen at Club 10. “He’s a client, nothing more. He promised me an explanation for why he’s flirting with me. The information will help me with the job this weekend. This isn’t a date.”

Yet inside she felt like it was a date, and she couldn’t stop trying to find the perfect outfit to show herself off in the best light. His first impression of her had been in the uniform that all the hotel’s concierge employees wore. Why she was worried about what he’d think confused her. He was here for his Bachelor Bash which meant he had a woman back home, wherever that was, and she had a career to think about.

She looked down at the western style cocktail dress with a fringed hemline and the thigh high stiletto boots she was wearing. She looked cute and if she was honest with herself, she knew she’d dressed to catch Owen’s attention. She should really change back into something less eye catching because this was a monumentally bad idea. She reached for the classic LBD that she’d discarded first and then stopped. She wasn’t this girl. She was decisive and knew what she wanted and went after it. She wasn’t about to let some man, even one as hunkalicous as Owen, turn her into some wishy-washy version of herself. She was dressed, she looked good, and that was what really mattered. Jordan nodded to herself, grabbed the black lady Stetson her father and stepmother had given her last Christmas and headed out.

When Jordan arrived at Club 10, the place was busy. She knew it would be, after all it was Friday night. As the hotest new nightspot with a mix of Country, Top Forty and Classic Rock it appealed to the eclectic crowd that made up San Antonio. She climbed out and handed the keys to her Jaguar convertible to the Valet. She walked up to the doorman who smiled at her. “Hey Jordan, you working tonight?”

She nodded, “In a way, Cody. One of the hotel’s guests wanted to dance and asked me to stop by so we could talk away from his entourage. I guess he thought they’d all be busy dancing.”

“You’re with those guys in the VIP lounge then?”

“Yep, my name should be on the list.”

Cody opened the door for her. “Your name is always on the list. Lionel put you on permanently after your first meeting with him. He said you were an influencer and we are to treat you like royalty always.”

She laughed. “I’m just Jordan Sparks, I wish he wouldn’t make such a big deal about me.”

Cody waved her inside. “Jordan you aren’t “just” anything; and you know it. Even if you don’t like to admit it.”

“I still put my shoes on one at a time just like everyone else.”

Cody laughed. “Yeah but on you they look hot, girl.”

She laughed and patted the big guy on the arm as she passed by.

As she entered the club she stepped to the right and let herself get acclimated to the atmosphere of the place itself. The lights and sounds of people having a party sank in slowly, and when she could see in the dim lights, she started making her way to the bar. She knew the bartender would let Lionel know she was here. When the girl behind the bar caught sight of her she hurried over. “Miss Sparks, what can I get you?”

“My usual Kira, thanks. And when you see him, let Lionel know I’m with the clients in the VIP lounge.”

The woman nodded and then quickly made her drink, pouring it into a flute glass. “Here you go, one Lemon-berry Sprinkler.”

“Thanks Kira, I’ll be in VIP. Can you let the girls know what I’m drinking, and that mine are a separate bill from the group’s.”

Jordan handed the girl a five-dollar tip which she slipped into her pocket. “Will do.”

Heading to the VIP lounge Jordan noticed that one of the three men who had stood apart was standing at the opening like he was the bouncer. “Hello, Owen asked me to stop by?”

The man nodded, “Yes Miss, you’re expected.”

Jordan smiled. “Aren’t you supposed to be in there helping the bachelor celebrate or something?”

The man frowned at her. “I’m where I belong, miss.”

With a frown of her own she entered the area to see Owen and the men all sitting; with the exception of the one who had told her about the bachelor bash to begin with. “I’m going to go dance, who’s with me?”

The quiet one that hadn’t really said anything to Jordan since they met, and Terence who still tried to move too close to her as he passed, left with Stephano. Drew had sat himself in the corner of the booth where Owen was and crossed his arms over his chest. “Drew, go with them and enjoy yourself.”

The beach bum scowled. “I’m fine right here.”

Jordan watched as Owen looked pointedly at his friend. It was obvious that some kind of silent communication was going on between the two of them. Finally, with a heavy sigh Drew stood. “This is a bad idea Owen and you know why.”

He turned to Jordan. “I hope he can trust you.”

She frowned as the surly man stomped out of the lounge. “Alright then, I’ve got to say Owen, your friends leave a lot to be desired.”

Owen smiled at her. “They aren’t really all my friends. Drew and Stephano are probably the only real friends I have. Because Stephano is so much the life of the party, Drew tries to balance it. I know he comes on harsh but he’s just trying to keep me safe. I’ve had trouble in the past with women trying to attach themselves to me for what I can give them or do for them.”

“And is your fiancée one of those women?”

Owen shook his head. “That is what I need to clear up, Jordan. There is no fiancée. This is my bachelor bash in that when we return to our country, I must begin the process of finding a fiancée.”

Jordan frowned. “I don’t understand. What do you mean you must start the process?”

Owen sighed. “You have absolutely no idea who I am, do you?”

“All I know about you is that your first name is Owen and you and your friends are my clients for this weekend. Should I know you?”

He shrugged. “I forget that in America people aren’t as obsessed with Royal watching as other countries. To be perfectly frank it is one of the reasons I came here to relax. Allow me to formally introduce myself.” He stood and gave a small head bow. “I am Crown Prince Owen Chadwick Theodore; Duke of Avandor, Duke of Valaria heir apparent to the throne of Phildonia.”

Jordan’s eyes got wide. She knew of Phildonia, the hotel’s owner was in negotiations to open three hotels and two resorts there. “You’re the Crown Prince of Phildonia?”


He settled back beside her. “Please don’t start bowing and calling me your Highness or anything. I’m here to relax before I have to go home and choose a wife.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean choose a wife?”

“Let me explain. There is a law that states before the crown prince can become the King of Phildonia, he must be engaged with the marriage to happen within a year of his Coronation. I’m twenty-five and my father has ordered that I must pick a bride-to-be during the social season at court this year. So, when I return home; I’ll have to spend time with every woman the noble houses present at court this season. From those presented; I must choose one of them to become my wife.”

Jordan shook her head. “What does that mean?”

“Well I can’t just pick anyone. I have to evaluate them as will my Father the King, my stepmother the Queen, and the Royal Council’s Representative to see who the best Queen for my country will be.”

Jordan thought for a minute and then asked anyway. “What about love?”

Owen shrugged. “I’ve known since my older brother abdicated and I was elevated to Crown Prince that I wouldn’t have the luxury of marrying for love. Hopefully, like my father and mother; I can learn to love my wife. But the important thing is, that I choose a woman who would make a good ruler by my side.”

Jordan laid a hand on Owen’s check. “That makes me sad, Owen. I’m not saying I don’t understand the reasoning but to think that you might not get the chance to experience true love is just sad.”

Owen shrugged. “No one has ever felt sad for me before. Most people see me and think I have everything, so what could possibly be wrong in my life.”

Jordan nodded. “I get that. You’ve got money, power and live in a castle. What possible problems could you have? Yet here you are, having to sacrifice your chance at love to make sure your country has the best leaders in the future.”

Owen looked into her eyes, and she felt herself drawn into his deep green depths. “It’s like you can see right inside me, Jordan.”

She leaned in and kissed him on the check. “Maybe I can, Owen. So, what say instead of sitting here and moping in what you can’t change we go dance like there’s no tomorrow?”

She took Owen’s hand in hers and lead them out to the dance floor, just as the DJ threw on a slow romantic ballad, and Owen took her in his arms and began to do a classic waltz step. She smiled because they had to look silly waltzing to a typical Texas two-step song. He smiled down at her and pulled her closer than was proper for a waltz but more like a typical slow dance at any honky tonk in Texas.

“So why this season?”

He thought for a minute and then leaned down so his lips were right by her ear so only she could hear him. His breath whispering across her ear and neck gave her a delicious shiver. “No one knows this yet, but my father the King isn’t well. He was diagnosed earlier this year with early onset Parkinson’s. So far, he has been able to hide it; but we don’t know how much longer. Once I’ve picked my princess and she is approved by two of the other three; then my father plans to start preparing to turn the crown over to me. Thus, even more than my friends know; this is truly my last weekend of freedom.”

She leaned back and looked at him and understood. “That’s why you wanted to see the Alamo. Because it’s a symbol of freedom. Those men and woman fought and died to be free and make a better place for those they left behind.”

He nodded and hugged her closer. “Yes, to me the Alamo, like few other places in the world, is a symbol of the sacrifice of one’s life and freedoms to serve a greater good. Those men and women made a sacrifice that I’m beginning to understand in a very personal way.”

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