Her Hero: Next Door - Cover

Her Hero: Next Door

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 12


Raisa sat at the coffee shop just down the street from Charlotte’s Spa. She and Nova had spent the morning shopping and getting all the things Raisa needed: clothing wise and health and beauty wise. They’d stopped by the spa to buy some of the makeup that Charlotte had given Raisa the night before for her date. She’d felt so beautiful that she wanted to recreate that look and a few others that Charlotte’s makeup artist had shown her.

The highlight of the trip had been when Nova refused to let her buy her unmentionables at the department store, instead making her go to an upscale private lingerie store that had taken the two of them into a private room and had a model with close to Raisa’s dimensions model several sets and some very sexy sleepwear for them. All the while feeding them champagne and strawberries. Kris had hired James and the town car for them. They were slightly buzzed at the coffee shop after having champagne and strawberries. Which made sharing about last night with the two women who had helped make it happen easier for Raisa.

Both women laughed as she told them about putting the hostess in her place and fanned themselves as she told them about the walk down the boardwalk and the kiss that almost led to more. They both ground their teeth when she told them about her apartment, the letter from Gregori, and the way the police officers had reacted.

“I’m so sick of that, man,” Charlotte said through gritted teeth. “His wife is a customer of mine, and that’s the only reason I don’t have to deal with him. He doesn’t bother me because he doesn’t want to upset her. But he makes doing business in this town harder than it has to be. Plus, his wife is the sweetest woman. She doesn’t deserve what he does to her.”

Raisa turned white. “Oh, please don’t tell her about me. I don’t want to make her feel worse.”

Charlotte patted Raisa on the hand. “Oh, honey, you don’t need to worry about her. She knows what her husband is. The sweet woman tells me constantly that she prays daily for someone to shoot him dead and free her. She knows all about his mistresses and the fact that most of them never had a choice about coming to his bed. Just like the other girls, she is terrified to leave him despite her loathing towards him. She might have if her father hadn’t disappeared. She’s convinced Gregori killed him, but there’s no proof.”

Nova spoke up. “Well, if Kris is up to his usual standards, he’ll pull Volkov’s little empire apart brick by brick until the man either gives up or gets himself killed.”

Charlotte looked around. “Let’s not discuss what Kris does besides flowers here in the open, ladies. He isn’t really supposed to do any of that on the mainland.”

Nova smiled. “He has authorization this time. Just some limited parameters. No wet work, if you will.”

Raisa wasn’t sure what they meant by limited parameters and wet work, but she was worried; both these women seemed to think that Kris could handle Gregori. Didn’t they know that no one ever won against Gregori? How could Kris? He was just one man and Gregori had a literal army willing to do his bidding just for the price he paid them and the perks he allowed them.

“I wish he’d just let it alone before he gets himself killed. I could live with having to be in that man’s bed if I knew Kris was alive and able to find someone else to love. If he’s killed because of me, I don’t think I’ll be able to stand it.”

Charlotte looked at Nova. “She doesn’t know?”

Nova shrugged. “He told her, but knowing Kris, he downplayed what he does for the government.”

“You take her to Mac and tell him I said show her who Kris is.”

Nova shook her head. “Not sure he will. You know how he is about keeping that division secret.”

Charlotte was the one that shook her head this time. “Kris told me his family could know. That’s why I know. You know because of who you married. I’m certain that Kris has already informed Mac of how important Raisa is to him.”

Raisa was looking at the two of them like they were speaking a foreign language. Charlotte looked at her. “Raisa, tell me what Kris told you on the balcony again. When you asked him why he was helping you.”

She sighed, thinking of those muscular arms and that first kiss. “He said every rose had its thorn to protect it and he was mine.”

Charlotte nodded and gave a pointed look at Nova. “Take her to Mac, tell him I said to show her who Kris is and what he can do. She’s worried about the man she loves, Sparky, and she shouldn’t be.”

Nova nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

Raisa frowned. “I don’t understand; why aren’t you two worried? Why do you think Kris can beat Gregori?”

Charlotte looked at her and took her hands in her own. “Oh, honey, we don’t think he can beat Gregori. We KNOW he can. It’s what he does best. Kris defeats the worst men in the world and usually on their home turf. Go to Blackguard and talk to Mac, you’ll see. But remember that Kris is the good guy; he only defeats men determined to make the world a terrible place.

“Now tell me what happened after you went to bed, because darling, you’ve got that glow that only a fantastic night in bed can give you. I could use some of that kind of excitement in my life. Even if the man involved in the story is my oldest friend’s son and his beautiful, sexy girlfriend.”

After the story was over and the women had given some pointers for driving Kris even crazier next time, they all left. Nova looked at the clock. “It’s too late to go see Mac today. I’ll set it up for tomorrow morning.”

Raisa nodded. “That’s fine. I want to get my things moved and try some of these oils that Charlotte told me to soak in and wear some of my new things when Kris comes home.”

“I think I’m going to be thrilled I brought my noise canceling headphones and computer with me. While you and Kris play hide the salami, I’ll listen to some good action flicks on eleven!”

Raisa blushed before she, and Nova started giggling like schoolgirls. When they arrived back at the apartment building, they hurried upstairs, both their arms full of Raisa’s bags. There were still more in the car and James told them once they were in the apartment to call him and he’d bring them up. They couldn’t take as much as they should have been able to because Nova insisted on keeping one hand clear in case she needed to protect Raisa.

Once she got her clothes moved and had soaked for half an hour in the fragrant combination of rose and jasmine oils, leaving her skin smooth, glowing and fragrant. Then she quickly dressed in some of her new sexy under things, this time a vibrant blue, and pulled on her new jeans and a simple but elegant plunging neckline blouse. She then grabbed an apron and headed into the kitchen to fix a traditional Russian dish for her man when he came home, which Nova told her would be in about an hour. He’d texted while she was in the tub, soaking.

She had Nova helping her slice mushrooms for the stroganoff when suddenly Friday sounded an alarm. “Security Breach, three armed tangos approaching front door.” Nova reached for her firearm as the front door exploded open. Nestor entered the room and pointed a square gun like object at Nova. Raisa could hear Sparky scream. The bodyguard shook uncontrollably as the sound of arcing electricity mixed with her screams. Raisa turned and started heading for the hand plate on the back wall of the hall when she felt herself being lifted off her feet. She smelled cigarette smoke and vodka before hearing Bad Vlad Volkov growl in her ear, “Come along kitten, Cousin Gregori wishes your presence.”

She kicked and screamed until she was face to face with Nestor. “Hello, Kitten. I told you I’d see you again. Now come along or I’ll have to hurt your friend here some more.”

He picked up an unconscious Nova and tossed her over his shoulder. Raisa still resisted, dragging her feet until Nestor stopped and took her face in his hand, squeezing. “Come along nicely or I’ll knock you out. It will upset the boss, but not too much, I think.”

“What are you going to do with Nova?”

“Oh, I figure the boss will give her to me, seeing as how we can’t leave her behind to tell the florist who has you. After all, with the door shut and the stove off, he’ll think you all just ran out for some ingredients at first, won’t he?”

Then the man laughed. “I sure hope she’s as much of a firecracker when she wakes up as she seemed to be. I haven’t had a real feisty woman in a long time. They all seem too scared to resist me.”

He popped open the trunk and dumped Nova’s unconscious body in it, removing her firearm and checking her for weapons, while letting his hand roam all over her body. It made Raisa mad he was acting in such a way, and she prayed that when Nova woke up, she’d kick the giant’s ass for him.

Vladimir opened the door and motioned her into the car. As she climbed in, she saw another of Gregori’s enforcers sitting on the far side, a small handgun pointed at her. Nestor had got in the car beside her, as Vlad ran around to climb behind the wheel, when Raisa heard a motorcycle racing up the street. Nestor looked back and slammed the door shut. “Go now!”

Before Vlad could put the car in gear, the window beside his head shattered, and a hand reached in, striking him hard on the temple, causing him to drop the keys. The person struck him again, and he slumped over with a groan. The nameless goon lifted his weapon beside Raisa and pulled the trigger, but the sound was silenced so that no one would report a gunshot ... As soon as the man outside the car fell, both Nestor and the other goon opened their doors and stepped out...

The guy on Raisa’s left suddenly cried out as his knee bent in the wrong direction from a boot slamming into his kneecap. There was a crushing sound, and the goon was on the ground, screaming. Nestor started around the car when there was a popping sound and he dropped to the ground, blood running out of his arm that had held his gun.

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