Stephanie Naked In School - Cover

Stephanie Naked In School

Copyright© 2023 by Jasmine Horus

Chapter 2: Monday Morning at School

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Monday Morning at School - Stephanie, a 14-year old transgender girl at Sarah Emma Edmonds High School, is chosen for The Naked In School Program.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Coercion   BiSexual   TransGender   Fiction   School   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

I got off the school bus and walked up to the student entrance for Sarah Emma Edmonds High School. All the students call our school “The Sea” since the initials are SEEHS and our mascot are the Pirates. I had no idea who was Sara Emma Edmonds. She did something famous during the Civil War or something.

I was wearing a coat today. It was a little chilly even though it was the first week of April. That was typical for central Michigan.

I went to my locker and put away my coat. I took off my backpack to double check that I packed my Chromebook. Thankfully, it was there and hopefully it was fully charged. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and headed to the commons area to hang out with Becky before the start of first period.

“How was spring break?” I asked Becky as I took a seat at our regular table.

“We went up to the UP and stayed all week at our cabin,” she replied unenthusiastic.

“We didn’t go anywhere,” I said to her. “But I got some good news. My therapist said that I’ll be able to start taking estrogen soon.”

“That’s wonderful,” her face lit up making me feel happier about it.

“May I have your attention, please,” a woman’s voice said over the public address system. “The following students are to report to the nurse’s office immediately.”

I knew what this was about. Everyone knew what it was about. The Program was put on hold over the winter. This was the first day that it was starting back up. We all fell silent hoping that our name would not be called. There were going to be two people from each class, one boy and one girl, that were going to have to be naked for the entire week.

The names for the seniors were announced first, followed by the juniors and sophomores. I held my breath as the two freshmen were chosen. “Freshmen Alejandro Lopez and Stephanie Falcon. You all have five minutes to get to the nurse’s office before a dean forces you to comply. Trust me, you don’t want to make this any harder on yourself.”

I was in a state of shock. I couldn’t believe that I heard my name called. I glanced over at Becky. She was looking at me in a sympathetic way. It suddenly started to feel real. I broke down into tears.

“It’s okay, Steph,” Becky said placing a hand on my shoulder. “It will just be for one week. It’ll go by faster than you think.” She paused as I began to gather my emotions. “You better get going before the dean comes looking for you.”

I slowly nodded my head in agreement as I rose from my seat. Becky got up and gave me a warm hug. Without another word, I made my way to the nurse’s office.

There were already three at the office when I arrived. I didn’t know their names. I did know that the tall guy was a senior. I think he played on the varsity volleyball team. The other two were juniors that I did not recognize.

Entering in the office behind me was a Black guy. I knew he was a sophomore but didn’t know his name. Immediately after him was Wanda Tanaka, a Japanese-American girl who was a sophomore. She was in my biology class. A few minutes later Alejandro Lopez, a Puerto Rican who was in my Spanish class, entered the office.

The nurse glanced at the clock on the wall. “Well, it seems that one of you decided to not report on time.” She nodded at the dean who left to find the girl representing the seniors. We all looked at each other nervously. We didn’t say a word to each other during the entire five minutes it took to locate the missing student.

I could hear her yelling before they even brought her into the office. “Get your hands off me this instant!” she said as she was dragged into the room with the rest of us. It was Jennifer Sampson, a privileged rich white girl with wavy blonde highlighted hair and blue eyes. Everyone in school knew her.

“Jennifer,” the nurse said as she shook her head. “It doesn’t surprise me that you would not cooperate.”

“I am NOT taking off my clothes,” Jennifer protested.

“If you insist,” the nurse responded nodding to the dean.

He grabbed the collar of her shirt and ripped it off her. In a few short seconds, the shirt was a pile of rags lying on the floor. She was standing there in just her bra and jeans. “How dare you!” she protested. “That was a Chanel top. Do you know how much that costed?”

“If you don’t want those designer jeans to meet the same fate,” the dean said to her. “I suggest you take them off yourself.” She stared him down but didn’t say a word as she took off her shoes.

“That goes for the rest of you,” the nurse said to us. “Take off your clothes.”

We all began to take off our clothing not wanting to have our clothing destroyed and going home naked. I was so nervous that I was slightly shaking as I removed my shirt. I had a bra on although I didn’t have any breasts. I took that off as well. Then I slipped out of my shoes and lowered my pants. Finally, I took off my panties. I stood there with my hands covering my erect penis. Everyone else was also placing their hands over their genitals.

“Okay, you know the rules,” the nurse said to all of us. “No trying to cover yourself up.” The dean passed out pamphlet about The Program. “You can wear shoes and socks,” the nurse continued. “You can also keep your backpacks. You’re only allowed three five-minute bathroom breaks a day. You are also to use the bathroom of the opposite gender. Stephanie, you’ll be using the boys’ bathroom. You are on display for all the students to see and you are to cooperate with letting them examine you. More details can be found in your pamphlets.”

We were very familiar with The Program, especially the upper classmen. The very first week that I started school at The Sea was the first time I’ve seen The Program being enforced. Of course, I knew about it for a long time, hearing about it from high schoolers on the bus when I was in elementary school. Although many students delighted in hearing the stories of what their classmates had to go through, I always felt bad for the students that had to go through it. Now I was going to experience what they went through.

The nurse pulled her chair from the desk to the center of the office in front of us and sat down. “Alright, Jennifer,” the nurse directed. “Get over my knee and take your punishment for not showing up.”

“You can’t be serious,” Jennifer replied back in disbelief. Everyone knew that those selected for The Program were spanked when you did anything wrong. Sometimes you don’t even have to have done anything wrong for it to happen. Jennifer knew this but thought she was excepted for being from a wealthy family.

“Don’t make me get up and force you over here,” the nurse warned.

She sighed and slowly walked over to her. With a little coaxing, she was bent over the nurse’s knee with her ass in the air.

“I want this to be a lesson for all of you as well. This is what happens if you don’t follow the rules.” Her hand came down on one of Jennifer’s butt cheek then down on the other. The nurse was slapping her ass so rapidly that her hands were a blur. Jennifer was kicking her legs, wailing hysterically and begging her to stop. I was flinching from the sight of it.

It was all over within a few minutes. Her ass was a bright red color. She placed her hands on it and rubbed it gingerly. Tears were running down her cheeks.

The nurse helped her on her feet. “Now off to your classes,” the nurse said to us as I stuffed the pamphlet in my backpack. “You can thank Jennifer for being late.”

We all started to file out in the hallway. “This is such bullshit,” Jennifer loudly exclaimed as she walked out of the office rubbing her backside.

My first class was English. The class started about ten minutes ago. I just realized that the nurse didn’t gave me a hall pass. Yet, I was certain that everyone would know why I was late.

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