A Great Summer - Cover

A Great Summer

Copyright© 2023 by Nancy Bloom

Chapter 5: Recruits

Two teen girls walked through the parking lot behind the enormous concrete structure with the letters BDCC emblazoned high up on the facade. The lot, normally filled with cars, was cleared and small booths and tents lined up in orderly fashion around the edges.

A rail thin young man with a thin goatee and moustache stood at a booth labeled stylishly ‘IMG Fashion Camp’. Dozens of pretty of young women, in cute outfits and makeup, lined up in front of the booth, many of them holding large portfolio books. They busied themselves taking snapshots of one another and commenting on their clothes, hair, and makeup. He looked over the crowd, pursed his lips, and looked at a dark-haired woman next to him who glanced at her tablet now and again.

“See anything with potential, Kate?”

She looked over the young people in line and shook her head, “Same old, same old. I’m sure we’ll turn up a couple of interesting faces that’ll fill small jobs.”

He looked at his phone and blew a long, steady stream of air out his nose. He glanced over the line again and then spotted the two teens. The taller one was a clearly a rare beauty, blonde hair, smooth skin, features not regular enough to be boring but not asymmetrical enough to ruin her beauty. A beautiful figure, not too much but plenty good enough for swimsuits. The brown-haired, shorter of the two wore a cutoff shirt displaying a strong abdomen and the muscles in her arms were well-defined. She had a tomboyish face with dancing eyes. Neither wore much in the way of makeup and, as they spoke, sparkling smiles emerged.

He nudged Kate with his elbow.

Kate looked up, “What?”

He motioned with his head to the two girls who continued walking without so much as a glance at the booth.

Kate followed his gaze and immediately spotted the pair, so different from each other but matching up perfectly. Her professional eye immediately recognized potential. “Oh my. Swimsuit and sporty. Grab them, go, go go.”

He immediately sprang into action, ducking under the ropes on one side of the booth, moving around the waiting line, and walking quickly over to the two.

“Professor Milanas is so hot,” said the shorter of the two girls to her friend.

“Nan and the teachers,” said the tall girl with a laugh and bumped shoulders knocking the smaller girl slightly off stride. “You’ve always been a little tramp. I remember back in sixth grade with Mr. Abercrombie and that stupid haircut.”

“Mmm, he was dreamy,” said Nan with a grin and bumped her friend right back.

“Young ladies,” said the young man catching up to them and matching their strides.

Nan looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“I’m James Pettit, I’m in the IMG booth, over there,” he said pointing to the booth.

“And?” said Nan with arched eyebrows.

“Modeling?” said the other girl suddenly standing up straighter and wishing she’d put on more makeup.

“Sarah, don’t fall for it, those things are just scams, you remember that nonsense back when we were in seventh grade and that pedo trying to get in your pants.”

James laughed and looked at the blonde, “Your friend is right for some agencies, I don’t deny it. There’s a lot of bad actors in this business. But I assure you, I’m with IMG, completely legitimate.”

Nan continued to look at him with narrow eyes and a wrinkled nose.

“My supervisor over there, Kate Jameson, she’s a regional director. Can you spare a few minutes? A few trial shots?”

Nan looked at Sarah and shrugged, “It could be legit. You go on and I’ll wait here.” Then she looked at James and poked him in the chest with a firm finger. “If you’re up to anything funny, I’ll rip off your balls.”

James put up his hands and grinned, “No, no. Both of you. IMG does a lot of sports modeling, athletic women. Modeling isn’t just the runway or the swimsuit. We’re interested in all kinds of looks, figures, attitudes.”

“I’m hardly Paige Spiranac,” said Nan shaking her head and pointing to her chest where barely a curve was to be found.

“Ah, you’re a golfer then?” said James with nod of his head. “We do a lot of work with golf websites and magazines. Sure, Paige fits one niche but there are other looks. You’ve got a strong face, a good look. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t always translate in photos, videos. That’s why we like to do a quick shoot, pass it along to the bigwigs, see what they have to say. But I’ve got a good eye and I like what I see, both of you.”

Nan looked at Sarah who nodded enthusiastically, “This advanced math is killing me. Is there math in modeling?”

“At IMG we insist our younger models continue their education. Again, I admit there are some bad actors in this business and some youngsters get lost but that’s all changing, at IMG at least.”

“Please, Nan?” said Sarah looking at her friend. “For me?”

Nan nodded, “Fine. We’ll do your shoot or whatever but I know you’re just interested in Sarah. She’s the pretty one. I’m just a tomboy.”

“How old are you girls?” said James with a smile. “Come on, we’ve got a little area set up behind the main booth. “We’ve got a good photographer; he knows his business.”

“Sixteen. Should I put on some makeup?” said Sarah as they followed him.

“No, no. You’re both perfect the way you are. Too much makeup at these things.”

A broad-shouldered man with dark hair just showing a little gray at the temples and wearing a matching pair of plaid pajama pants and shirt stood at the kitchen counter looking at a letter. He looked over to the woman in a button-down man’s shirt that trailed low enough to cover her behind as she poured some coffee into a mug. “Have you seen this, Shell?”

She looked over her shoulder and nodded, “Came this morning, registered mail.”


“Nan said something about a modeling booth at the community college last week. She and Sarah did a photoshoot or something. I’m guessing it has to do with that.”

“IMG is one of the biggest modeling agencies in the world,” he said with a shake of his head. “Do you think this is legit?”

“I don’t know, Steven. I think we have to go though. It’ll be fun at least. At the Parkland Hotel, dancing, dining, champagne.”

He put the letter down, walked up behind her, and ran his hand down her sides to her hips, “You know you drive me wild when you wear my shirt.” He kissed her neck gently and inhaled her freshly showered scent.

“Mmm,” said Shelly feeling instant arousal from this man she married. She loved his hands, his touch, his kisses, his erection. She knew she put on the shirt intentionally, the kids would be sleeping in. She pushed back against him, rubbing herself against his instantly hard cock. “Where are the kids?”

He nibbled on her ear, “I don’t care, I want you, baby, as much as the first day I saw you.”

She leaned forward against the counter, pushed him back a few inches, spread her legs. “Take me, make me your bitch,” she hissed.

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