Phantom Politics - Cover

Phantom Politics

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 8

Saturday morning around ten o’clock Glenna’s alarm went off waking her. She took one Saturday off every month and today was her day off. She had some household things to take care of like laundry and vacuuming, and then this afternoon she was going over to the Estate to spend time with Harry. That thought put a smile on her face. Even though they’d only been dating for three days, she already knew he was the man she would spend the rest of her life with. She let that thought carry her through dressing and starting the first load of laundry. She’d just gotten everything she needed to make herself a farmer’s breakfast frittata, Leanne had given her the recipe for, when her doorbell rang.

Glenna wasn’t expecting anyone so she was surprised to open the door and find her father standing there. “Dad, is everything alright?”

Carl Schumacher smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. It seemed like since her mother died her dad’s smile never reached his eyes. They were always filled with sadness and loss. “Everything’s fine now that I see my baby girl.” He stepped inside and wrapped Glenna in a bear hug. “You don’t come to see me enough, Glenna. Why, I had to find out you’re dating Harry Gladstone from Mayor Hal, of all people.”

Glenna sighed, now she knew what had brought on this early morning visit. “I’m sorry about that. I was just getting ready to fix some breakfast. Come into the kitchen and we can talk while I cook. Then we’ll eat.”

“If you’re inviting me to breakfast this had better not be a bowl of CoCo Puffs, Baby Girl.”

Glenna giggled. “Sorry all out of CoCo Puffs; how about a Farmer’s Breakfast Frittata?”


“It’s a baked egg casserole, Dad, with hash browns, sausage, onions, peppers, and cheese served with biscuits, which in this house come out of a can.”

“Sounds good.”

Her dad took a stool at the center island and she handed him a cup of coffee. “So yes, I’m dating Harry Gladstone.”

“Uh huh, that’s what I’m hearing. Also, heard the boy made a fool of himself mid-week over ya.”

“He did and that’s what worries me.”

Carl frowned as Glenna chopped onions and green and red bell peppers faster and harder than she had before. “Why does it worry you?”

“Have you seen the video?”

“There’s a video?”

Glenna sighed and laid down her knife, walked over to her cellphone’s charging station and picked up her phone. She quickly found the video and handed it to her dad, hitting play as she did. Harry’s drunken declaration of love and devotion played again. When he fell off the stool, her dad started laughing with deep belly laughs. “No wonder Mayor Hal’s so upset. That boy’s twitter-pated.”

“It’s not funny, Dad. This behavior worries me.”

Carl’s eyebrows crinkled. “Why?”

“Because he’s drunk!”

“I can see that.”

“When I called him on it he told me it was the first and only time, but I don’t know if I can believe him.”

“Again, why?”

“Because he told me he never drinks, but he does. He drinks every time we go out.”

“Honey, I don’t understand what you’re upset about.”

She slapped her hand on the counter. “He lied, Daddy. He told me he never drinks and yet he does.”

“I don’t think he meant he never has a drink, Honey. I think he meant he never drinks like he did on the video. Judging by the quickness of his passing out, I’d say it’s true. He’d probably never been drunk before, let alone pass-out drunk.”

“But that’s not what he said. He said he never drinks.”

“Sweetie, that could be taken more than one way. I think you need to give him the benefit of the doubt here. Has he done anything else to indicate he isn’t trustworthy?”

She whipped six eggs and dumped them into her ramequin with the other chopped ingredients, including some shredded potatoes and diced sausage links. Then she stuck it on the stove over medium heat. “You mean besides being Harry Gladstone, heir apparent to the Mayor’s office?”

“Well, from the conversation I had with Mayor Hal yesterday that isn’t true. Apparently, you’ve convinced his son to turn his back on his destiny and the family legacy. Seems Harry told his dad he’d never run for mayor.”

“That’s what Harry’s been saying since high school, I just never believed him.”

“Do you believe him now?”

She pulled the pan off the stove and put it in the oven to finish cooking. “Yes, I saw the plans for the Inn and the passion he had when speaking about them. That’s what he wants to do.”

“Then I only have one question for you?”

“What’s that?”

“Do you love him?”

“You know I do, Daddy. I’ve loved him since seventh grade.”

“No, you’ve had a crush on him since seventh grade, there is a difference.”

Glenna shook her head. “No, you’ve said I had a crush on him since seventh grade, but I’ve known he’s the one for me.”

“Well, if that’s true, what are you going to do about it?”

“Today, I guess I’m going to have a picnic at the Estate with him. Tomorrow church and Sunday dinner. After that we’ll see.”

“Good plan so far, just remember what I’ve always told you.”

Glenna’s brow crinkled in confusion at the change of topic. “You’ve told me a lot, which thing am I to remember this time?”

“There ain’t no need to buy the cow if you’re giving away the milk.”

“Daddy! I’ve never given away the milk and Harry knows I won’t do it now.”

“Uh huh.”

The timer went off and Glenna grabbed an oven mitt to pull the frittata out of the oven. She sprinkled two handfuls of shredded cheese over the top and slid the canned biscuits in to cook. “I’m not discussing my love life or lack of one with you, Daddy. So, subject change. I’m putting my name in the hat for Mayor next term.”

“That’s the spirit. Just wait ‘til Hal hears. He’ll be even more against you and Harry together.”

“I don’t really care what Mayor Hal thinks. I’m doing this because our town needs stable leadership not crazy Mayor Hal. Have you heard about what happens on September the first? Our wonderful town will no longer be Gladstone but Phantom Horse, Colorado.”

The conversation turned to Hal’s latest scheme and away from her romantic life. By the time breakfast was eaten and dishes cleaned up and put away, her dad seemed more like his normal self. They said their goodbyes and Glenna reminded him she’d come home with him after church to spend some time with him before Sunday dinner at the B&B with her friends.


Sunday found Harry in the best mood he’d ever been in. Glenna had come over after breakfast on Saturday and they’d spent the day picnicking and hanging out. There were lots of kissing and a minor make out session. Thankfully, while Glenna was determined to not have sex before her wedding night, she wasn’t opposed to being somewhat physical in their relationship. Harry had kept his promise and stopped them when things began to get too heated. It had been the hardest thing he’d ever done and they’d retreated to the cottage where he’d called his brother Heath and cousins Mysti and Sammy to join them for a movie night. Even then it was hard to keep his hands off her. She was everything he knew she would be, and he seriously was going to go ring shopping tomorrow.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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