Phantom Politics - Cover

Phantom Politics

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 11

The first half hour of the drive, Glenna hadn’t been able to stop giggling about Harry driving Pinky. He looked so huge sitting behind the wheel of her little pink Mitsubishi, and the fact it was hot pink just made her laugh every time she saw someone on the interstate do a double take at his big manly presence driving her pink chickmobile. She even saw a few people taking photos with their cellphones and knew if she searched hard enough she’d find Facebook and Instagram photos of her man driving her car. Maybe she’d find one and link it to that embarrassing video of him calling her his Milk Chocolate Goddess to get even with him.

Once she got over her giggle fit, she knew it was time to get serious with him. She felt bad going to Denver to buy a wedding dress and a ring when he didn’t know what her plan for the immediate future was. She needed to come clean and this ride was the perfect time to do so. “Harry, can we talk about our future for a bit?”

Harry sat up straighter. She knew he wouldn’t take his eyes off the road, it was just the kind of man he was. “Of course, we can, Goddess. What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, there are lots of things I want to discuss, but the most pressing one is my plans for the immediate future. Because it will affect you, too, after this proposal.”

“Yeah about that ... I had a thought, too.”

This worried her; had he changed his mind? Had he gotten what he wanted from her last night and now he didn’t want to marry her? “I’m listening.” She said with just a bit of anger creeping into her voice.

“Oh Goddess, don’t be like that; I still want to marry you. I just don’t want to wait. What say we get a license today and find a preacher to marry us today. Then we can plan a second bigger thing at home later. That way, I won’t have to feel guilty about not letting you leave my bed after last night.”

“You want to get married today?”

“Well, yeah, I love you. I don’t want to wait to have you as my wife. Is that so surprising?”

Glenna thought about it, and while it wasn’t really surprising, it was unexpected. “No, but I can’t give you an answer ‘til you hear what I need to tell you.”

His head almost turned to look at her. “Alright, I’m listening. Do I need to find us an exit for this?”

“No, I don’t think so. If after I tell you what I need to, you feel we need to pull over and discuss it, we can.”

“Sounds good. So, what do you need to tell me?”

“I’m running against Hal for Mayor this election. I have the papers back home ready to turn in when we get back.”

“That’s awesome!”

“You’re okay with that?”

This time he did look at her for a second before turning his eyes back to the road. “Okay with it? I love it. It’s about time someone with some class and civic responsibility became Mayor and sent Hal into retirement. I mean, this latest stunt is crazy. Changing the name of the town and bringing in a paranormal TV show to cater to ghost hunting tourist. No, you run, I’ll support you. Once you win, I’ll be proud to be the husband of the Mayor.”

“Really? It won’t bother you for me to be the Mayor? To take a position from your father?”

“Hell no, he’s done enough damage. Besides, I’ve heard the things you’ve talked about wanting to see done in our town. Hal should have listened and supported them this last term. The town wouldn’t be in the financial mess it’s in.”

Glenna leaned over and kissed his cheek. “When we stop, I’ll reward you properly. And yes, let’s get married today. Where will we live when we get back, your place or mine? I would prefer mine. I mean I love your sister, but it seems strange to live with her.”

“Goddess, I could care less where we live as long as it’s together. However, I do need to be at the cottage for the next three weeks. I have guests and the phone system is only programed to transfer calls to the cottage or Mrs. Jackson’s room, and I don’t want her having to deal with night calls at her age.”

“Okay, then we’ll do this: stay at your place when you have guest ‘til you hire a night manager and my place the rest of the time. But I want to be able to have you to myself, so since you’ll need to hire more staff after the renovation anyway, do so when we get back, and start training the night manager.”

“That’s probably a good idea, anyway. Maybe I can offer the position to Heath for a while as I’m looking for someone. He might enjoy moving to the cottage and out of Hal’s house.”

“Then that’s settled.”

The rest of the drive they talked about the logistics of merging their two lives together. Before they knew it, they were entering Denver. It was time to get their lives together started. Harry got off the highway and maneuvered through the downtown streets ‘til he came to a stop in front of the Hotel Monaco. He jumped out of the car.

Glenna watched him cross to her side. What was he doing here at one of the most expensive hotels in all of Denver?


Harry opened her door. He loved the look of surprise on her face. “Harry, what are we doing here?”

He smiled as he helped her out of the car. “I booked us a suite here this morning.”

“No, Harry, it’s too expensive.”

“I’ve already paid, Goddess. When I booked it.”

“Why would you waste money on this? We could have stayed somewhere normal.”

Harry’s face scrunched into confusion. “Waste money? I didn’t waste money. I wanted you to have the best room in the best hotel. I told you, Goddess, I plan to shower you with love and gifts all the days of your life. This is just the tip of the pen with which the ink of my love will flow. More surprises await.” He pulled her in and kissed her before she could complain again. “No more talk of expense today. I am not going to go broke. Have faith, my beautiful Glenna, and enjoy this treat of a day.”

She nodded before resting her head against this chest. “Fine, but once we return home, we will talk about your spending and our finances. I don’t want us to overextend.”

He placed his finger over her lips. “Later, for this trip let go and enjoy. You’ll see it’s okay. I promise not to break the bank.”

Then he turned to the doorman and valet who were both waiting patiently a few steps in front of them. He handed her keys to the valet along with a folded up fifty-dollar bill. “We’ll need it again in about an hour. Name’s Gladstone. We’re in the Monaco suite. I’ll call down when we’re going out.”

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