Phantom Politics - Cover

Phantom Politics

Copyright© 2023 by George H. McVey

Chapter 10

Harry walked into the barber shop and came face to face with Carl Schumacher. “It’s about time you came to see me, boy.”

Harry smiled at the crotchety older man. He knew the gruff exterior the barber let people see was just part of his down-home barber persona, he’d spent time with the older man over the years, at church functions and men’s groups, he was a big softie. Granted, some of that joy and softness had slipped away after his wife died of cancer, but deep inside he was still the same lovable guy. “Yes sir, I thought it was. I wanted to let you know that I’m taking your daughter to Denver today to pick up an engagement ring and propose to her.”

Carl’s frown deepened. “Aren’t you supposed to ask my permission or blessing or something first?”

Harry held up his hands in surrender. “We both know your daughter considers herself a modern woman and I wouldn’t disrespect her by acting in such a traditional manner. However, I don’t want to disrespect you either, that’s why I’m here.”

Carl nodded “Good, I don’t know how I feel about the two of you together. I know how your Daddy’s gonna feel though. He made that plain last week when he came to see me after you two started seeing each other. Hal ain’t happy, boy, and this news will make him less so. Especially since she’s planning on running against him this election.”

Harry kept a tight rein on his surprise at what Carl had just said. He wondered why Glenna hadn’t told him she was running for Mayor this time, but he’d keep it to himself until she did. “Honestly, Mr. Schumacher, I don’t care what Hal thinks. I’ve told him repeatedly, I have no desire to become mayor and I told him last week he has no say on my love life, either. If that upsets him then he’s the one with the problem, not me.”

Carl smiled and for once it looked genuine. “That’s the right answer, Harry. Now, while you are right and Glenna would be upset if you’d asked me for permission, I’m gonna give it to you anyway. I think you two are moving way too fast but I know my daughter has been head over heels for you since she first saw you.”

Then he pointed right in Harry’s face. “But just be warned” --He picked up the straight razor from the glass of sanitizer he kept it in and flicked it open, pointing it at Harry like an extra finger-- “I know how to do more than give a close shave with this here blade.”

He proceeded to run it back and forth across the leather razor strap hanging on the side of the barber’s chair.

Harry swallowed hard, realizing he was only halfway joking. “I promise, I’ll do my best to make her happy for the rest of our lives.”

Carl looked up at him without slowing his strokes on the strap. “You do better than your best. Also, don’t get her pregnant for at least a year. She’ll start pushing for babies right away, but you two need to give yourselves a year before you add that to your mix.”

“I promise we’ll talk about when to have children, sir, but I’m not going to promise you that. You just told me to make her happy, if she wants a baby, then that’s what she’s going to get.”

Carl nodded. “Right answer, again. Which is what I expected from a man who declares to the whole world that she’s his Milk Chocolate Goddess.”

Harry put his head in his hands and groaned. “I’m never going to hear the end of that, am I?”

“In this town? Very doubtful.”

The two men shook hands. Harry headed out to go see Mysti and make sure she was okay before he left town.

Harry pulled up in front of Mysti’s Crystals and Gifts. He took several deep cleansing breaths before getting out of the truck. He needed to see how she was doing, but as sensitive as she was to others emotions, he knew his needed to be in check or she’d see right through him. He thought back to that fateful night twenty years ago when she’d crawled in his lap and told him it was her fault her sister was going to die in the woods. She’d never gotten over the guilt and Begley’s big mouth had probably just made it worse. He headed for the door, sufficiently under control, and pushed it open. He stepped inside yelling through his cupped hands, “Mystery Stonestar! Paging Mystery Stonestar!”

Mysti looked at him like he’d gone crazy and started laughing “Harry, stop, you’ll wake the dead.”

Harry smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. “Oh, we wouldn’t want to do that, now would we? Ol’ Begley’d be over here performing an exorcism or something.”

Mysti sagged under the burden of her shame. “You heard?”

He looked her right in her eye. “Yeah, I heard. Are you okay?”

Her whole body sagged and she refused to look up from the floor. “I’m great.”

Her body and tone didn’t match her words. He moved over to the closest chair at the tea table. “Right! Come here.” He pulled her arm toward him. She stumbled and fell into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and baby talked to her, “Tell your favorite cousin all about it.”

The door chimes rattled like someone had entered the shop. Mysti jumped off his lap and smoothed out her top. There was no one there so it must have just been the wind.

“Stop! I’m not seven and I’m not sitting in your lap!” She giggled, and Harry knew she was going to be okay. He smiled up at her.

She frowned. “It’s not funny!”

“No. I know it isn’t, but it’s kinda funny.” He stood and looked her in the eyes.

“How so?”

He grinned. “Well Begley seems to have stirred up a lot of people with his shenanigans Sunday. Hal included. And you know as well as I do ... if Hal ain’t happy...

She joined him, finishing the line they’d said often as kids. “Nobody’s happy!” She chuckled. Then sobered.

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