Mothers Unexpected Seduction - Cover

Mothers Unexpected Seduction

by billyjonny

Copyright© 2023 by billyjonny

Incest Sex Story: When a son comes home from school upset. A Mother finds herself doing more than just comforting him Leaving her in a compromising position even with her own sister

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Facial   Masturbation   Voyeurism   .

I dont know how I find myself in this position. It seemed only a moment ago that my son had returned home from school. Me preparing are meal over the cooker hob

He had seemed so down. Understandable for a 14 year old lad whos parents had recently divorced. He was a small thin lad and very sensitive

It had started of with a innocent motherly hug which had somehow moved rapidly onto a lingering kiss. I dont know what came over me. Maybe my sons virginal responce to my lips but before I knew it my hands where over his firm wiery young body

Its how I found myself leaning back across the dining table on my elbows, legs wrapping around his body in a firm grip, drawing him in.

His stiff virgin shaft sliding between the tight slick folds of his mothers cunny slowly entering the hot warm depths. His innocent groan at the sensation of my wet slit gripping his smooth stiff member, my hot wet honey pot enclosing around his inexperienced cock.

Our eyes meet as my sons length slips all the way in, the soft cum-filled balls resting against my rounded backside, already slick and wet with the juice seeping from my aroused cunt

We stay fixed in this position. I bite on my lower lip, trying to contain a cry of lust as my sons cock fills my drenched pussy

His school trousers and pants bunch up around his ankles. My bare pale legs clinging around his waist. We have crossed the rubicon. We couldn’t hide what we where doing if someone walked in right now, but our lust had taken over, nothing matters now but our passion for release.

My son placers his hands on the table eitherside of me and leans in. I lift my head so are lips meet. His lips feel so soft as for the first time my boy starts to thrust his hips. His cock slides slowly out, the shaft coated in my slick juice, his swollen tip slipping almost out before thrusting straight back in

I forces my tongue between his lips, my hot breath gasping into his mouth as the sensation of my own sons length enters me. He starts to pound his cock into his mothers wanton dripping slit. The hot wet warmth of my cunt grips the inexperienced member as our warm wet tongues attack each other

My cries of lust are muffled, as I scream into my sons mouth, our saliva dripping off our chins, exchanging our filthy french kiss.

The table bangs hard against the wall as the legs lift of the floor and come crashing down again in time to his youthful energetic thrusts, as I grip the table hard

I feel the hot gush of liquid across his pounding length. My own sons stabbing cock sending its climax washing over me. My breath hot as it enters my boys mouth

I break our kiss, letting my head hang back as my sons cock keeps assaulting me. The wet hot folds brushing back and forth against his hard, fast pounding shaft.

‘Arr fuck, that’s it! Fuck Mummy, fuck her, you dirty boy!’ I gasps through gritted teeth. The words turn me on further, the confession of who we are to each other heightens the sexual charge between us, and he starts to pound without mercy.

‘Arrr ... yes ... Mummys ... arrr ... a dirty bitch. Arrr!’ I pant in response to his youthful thrusts

I feel my cunny cream again, as my hot juice cascades over his thrusting cock. To my suprise my son lift a hand to grip the edge of the opening to my blouse. Pulling hard, I feel the plunging neckline holding in the ample cleavage of my jiggling heavy breasts give way, sending buttons flying.

My large weighty tits encased in a black bra bounce up and down in time to my boys fast hard thrusts. Driven by lust his hand pulls at the bra that’s blocking him from his goal

Tugging the bra down to expose and release his own mothers bare tits. His hand roughly gropes it, fingers moving over the skin, brushing against the hard erect nipple as the heavy breast jiggles up and down.

‘Ahhh ... yes ... suck my titty,’ I hiss as he lwans in. Lips closing around the hard erect nub, the wet hot tongue, teasing it as it slowly circles round, flicking it

My boys pounding cock can’t hold back anymore. The sensation of his mothers hot drenched cunt around the thrusting stiff cock, my tight slit milking the length, is too much

The cherry broken cock swells and throbs, sending out a hot watery blast of spunk. I gasp out loud as I feel my own son unload into me, his lips tight around my hard nipple.

‘Oh god, Oh God! ... fucking hell!’ I groan as spunk sprays deep into me, splashing against the walls of my cunt.

My sweet boy deposits the contents of his smooth balls into me. We slump in a heap, our bodies slick with sweat in the heat of the kitchens as we pant, I can feel his spunk seeping out of my used juicy cunt, trickling down to my crack

My sons spent cock slips from my used pussy, the warm sensation of his ejaculation spills out, the hot trickle running down my crack, pooling on the table, the sense of emptiness overwhelming

I stare at him as he leans back against the kitchen sink, the sunlight pouring in through the window behind him, giving him a angelic halo as we gulp in deep breaths, my face coated in a sheen of sweat. My clothes cling to my skin.

I still have my legs spread wide, the skirt bunched up around my hips. My large, white panties are pulled to the side, the elastic on them stretched to breaking point, exposing my juicy cunny obscenely to him, the thick folds coated in his milky creamy deposit

I don’t intend to close my thighs, as we stare silently at each other. I want to leave myself on full display for him, the air sexually charged.

It’s the first time I get a good look at my sons cock. It hangs between his legs with my juice coating the length. It’s still semi-hard and I can see it’s well proportioned, maybe 5 inches, the smooth young shaft thick with a large bell-end, a thick drop of cum dripping from the tip of the sensitive gland.

I guess now my motherly nature should kick in. The feelings of guilt ready to wash over but instead the hot sensation of lust builds again between my thighs, as I take in what I have done

I have just let my own son fuck me. The cock I’m studying now has been hard and deep inside me, pleasuring me. It’s wrong, but that’s what’s sending my body into sexual overdrive. It is the fact its wrong that it making it such a turn on.

I move my hand between my legs, already my sweet pussy is seeping juice again as I feel my fingers circle over the warm slick slippery cum-coated surface. Sticky fingers brush over the fleshy folds, the tips probing with ease into my hot entrance

My exposed heavy breast smeared with my sons saliva, cools as a light breeze blows across it. The arousal from the obscene display I’m putting on, hardens the nipple, making it stand proud and erect.

His eyes are fixed on my heavenly hole between my thighs. Jonathan watches as I spread his cum with my fingers across my pussy. I can’t help but groan out loud

‘Ahh ... oh, Jonathan, look at your dirty Mother!’

I slip my long digit into my hot wet hole, slipping it in and out with long slow strokes, sliding with ease as I mix our two juices.

He starts to play with his cock, the thick length slowly swelling and rising in his pumping fist. I can’t take my eyes of it, its looks so sexy, so stiff, so innocent

A warm glow builds in my stomach as I start plunging my finger faster in and out, working myself up to another climax. My feet lift off the table, bouncing up and down in time to my pounding finger as I feel the sprinkles of hot juice start to cascade from my entrance.

‘Oohhh, Mummys cumming,’ I announce to my son as I plunge my finger in deep, rubbing it hard against the front wall of my cunt, teasing my g-spot whilst my palm rubs across my engorged swollen clit


I cry out, my eyes shut tight. I see stars, as an intense orgasm crashes over me like waves. I can’t control the volume of my cries as my dam breaks, my cunt gushing hot streams of juice in hard blasts

The hot liquid splashes over my grinding hand, sending droplets spraying over my thighs. There is the sound of heavy splats of my ejaculation landing across the cheap kitchen lino.

‘Oh mum suck my cock’

My sons voice seems distant as he finaly says something as I ride my orgasm, but I slide off the table and squat in front of him

With my skirt bunched up around my hips, I keep working my finger into my dripping cunt, my finger teasing my g-spot as a pool of juice forms between my feet

Reaching up, I take my sons smooth length with my free hand, gasping as I feel the firm rigid member in the palm. I look up at him into his dark brown eyes. They are filled with lust as he watches his mothers hand close around his weapon

I can feel the heat radiate from it, as I draw closer, his warm, musky, young smell filling my nose, my lips softy gliding over his swollen gland, slowly filling my mouth

Easing the length in, I grip the base in a tight hold, whilst I run my eager tongue over it, feeling the hot hard texture.

Hearing him gasp at the sensation of his own mothers mouth caressing his member I can’t help but let out a mumbled ‘mmmmm’

I can taste his salty cum and my cunny juice on my tongue, moving my mouth back and forth. I slip his cock in and out, letting my lips gently tease his sensitive bell-end before sliding them tightly back down his length, my tongue flicking back and forth across the smooth base

He grasps hold of a clump of my hair, starting to work my head violently up and down in his youthful excitment, my mouth getting fucked hard by his angry member

I get a sexual thrill, I’m letting my son use my mouth like a cheap whore. I feel so perverse, I want to cry out and beg for more, but his cock is assaulting my mouth and all I can do is groan around his thrusting prick

Trails of saliva drip of my chin. The base of his cock is marked with a ring of my lipstick

I start working my finger up and down over my drenched slit as my sons cock starts to send me over the edge again

Rubbing my swollen clit with two fingers, I can feel the hard nub rolling between them as he pushes his cock deep into my throat

My fingers become a blur as I work them fast, I start sprinkling warm juice across the floor, making my cunt cum again

The entrance to my heavenly hole gushes my lust. Pouring forth, I try to scream out but it’s stifled by my sons stabbing cock

Suddenly he pulls me off his young prick. I gasp for breath, sucking in lungfuls of air as threads of saliva hang off my chin

My body shudders as I try to control my climax, my sons cock swinging inches from my face, the smooth length shining as drops of my spit hang of the tip.

Without ceremony, my son bends down, pulling his school trousers and pants up loosely around his hips, his other hand gripping my arm tightly

He pulls me up from the floor suprising me at his firmness from such a small frame. Especially with my rather large heavy sqwat body

Pushing me forward, out of the door. I get shoved into the sitting room, my legs unsteady. I walk uneasy, my torn blouse hanging open, my heavy exposed breast jiggling, free from its constraints

But my son seems to have a purpose as he pushes me on through the living room and into the hallway. This shy, innocent lad whom I have raised seems to be taken on a more aggressive nature from out of no where

Reaching the foot of the stairs, I expect him to get me upstairs to one of the bedrooms but a firm hand on my shoulder pushes me, making me fall forward

My hands grab hold of the third step stopping me landing on my face leaving my round full bum sticking in the air. I feel my skirt getting roughly tugged up over my hips

I now know that he intends taking me there and then. The cool air caresses my backside as he pulls my large loose fitting panties down my legs

I feel the soaked garment slip down my legs, stopping at my knees, as im already spreading my thighs in anticipation for his young member to enjoy the delights of my puffy drenched honey pot

His fingers dig into my large rolling bum-cheeks, parting them wide leaving my tight bum-hole on display as my waiting dripping pussy is exposed further

My warm entrance craves my sons cock inside it. His hands on my backside, he lets his free swinging cock guide itself to it. I can feel his burning hot tip brush against my wet folds.

‘You want my cock Mum?’ he asks, teasing my entrance with his swollen bell-end.

‘Oh god yes! Fuck your Mothed with your cock, my dirty boy!’ I plead, never feeling so turned on as I do now

The folds of my aroused pussy slowly part as he pushes his helmet into my hot wet depths, juice drips from my hole as the slit opens to take the diameter of his hot stiff shaft. I’m so wet. I take inch by slow inch of his cock with ease.

‘Ohhhh, fuck!’ I call out

My cry echoing in the hallway, as I take my boys smooth firm length, the soft tight balls resting on the back of my thighs

‘ARRRR,’ I gasp

My fingers digging into the carpet as my son starts pumping his truncheon roughly into my wanton hole

‘Ahhh ... Ahhh, FUCK ... YES ... Ahhh ... Ahhh ... Ahh! FUCK MUMMY ... FUCK YOUR MUMMY!’ I urge

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