Silver Linings - Cover

Silver Linings

by Ashley

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Incest Sex Story: Tom and Lucy's parents had not been in a good place for quite a while. When their rows got bad Lucy would take refuge in her brother's bed and they would ride them out together. Then they got a little older...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

My brother Tom is mostly a year older than me, although for two months of the year, he’s the same age, something I don’t let him forget. For as long as I can remember our folks have had awful rows. It was pretty much always late at night and at the weekends when they’d been drinking. They would start quietly but there was no mistaking the terrible tones of their voices when one of the bad ones was brewing though.

For years now, when I realized that it was happening, I’d sneak along to Tom’s room. He was used to it now and would fold back the covers welcoming me into his bed. I’d snuggle up against him, cover my ears with my hands, and he would hold me tight and safe in his strong arms.

In a way I guess it was lucky but, because they were drinking, they were never up early the next morning which meant I didn’t have to go back to my room. I loved waking up next to Tom: it was always a lovely surprise when I opened my eyes and saw him. Sometimes he was already awake so I got to wake up to his smiling face.

Looking back on it I suppose Tom was partly filling Dad’s role in my life. Dad was angry most of the time, even though he tried to hide it, but he very rarely showed me, or anyone else for that matter, any affection at all. I tried hard not to hate him, he was my Daddy after all, but mostly I just tried to stay out of his way.

One night Dad started drinking early, which was always a bad sign. I made my excuses and headed on up to bed. There were already raised voices when I heard Tom coming up and going into his room. I breathed a sigh of relief, I dreaded being alone when they were fighting.

I gave him a few minutes to get into bed and then crept along the hall and opened his door. He had the covers down waiting and had a little rueful smile on his lips. I slid into the bed, backing up against him and loving the feel of his warm body against mine.

He wrapped me in his arms and I felt the tension drain out of me. I also felt something else. Something was touching my bottom and it kept twitching. I giggled because it kind of tickled.

“Sorry,” Tom whispered in my ear.

“Why?” I asked, confused. I didn’t see what he had to feel sorry about.

“It’s my ... penis, it’s getting hard,” he explained and I could hear the embarrassment in his voice. I was probably a bit naive for fourteen but I’d heard that word before and knew it was what boys had between their legs but that was about the limit of my knowledge.

“Don’t be sorry, I like it,” I said and wriggled my bottom a bit, loving the feeling of it rubbing against me, until it was resting just nicely between my cheeks.

The voices from downstairs were getting louder and I covered my ears and snuggled tight against Tom. It felt lovely lying there like that and every now and again his ... penis would twitch, making it rub against my bum hole. It felt wonderful when it did that and I started to get a strange but very, very nice tingling in my coochie.

I guess I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes and it was getting light. Tom was lying on his back and I had my head on his chest and I was pressed up against his side.

He was still snoring softly and I remembered back to last night and the way his penis had felt as it touched my bottom. The tingling sensation came back and when I pressed myself harder against him it got stronger.

I felt a little light-headed and strange and my curiosity got the better of me. I lifted the covers and looked at Tom’s groin. I gasped softly as I saw that the front of his pajamas was sticking up like a little tent - it was hard again! I really, really wanted to see it. I was just wondering how I could go about that when he began to stir. I lowered the covers just before he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

I couldn’t get it out of my head though. The way it felt, the way it looked even barely glimpsed through his pajama bottoms. I’m ashamed to say that I lay in bed from that night on hoping to hear a cross word from downstairs so that I could go to Tom’s room again.

It happened three nights later and I knew it was wicked of me, but this time I took off my panties before I went to Tom’s room. I felt so naughty snuggling up to him wearing just my thin nighty. Once again I felt it, all hot and throbbing at the top of my thighs, now separated from my skin by only the soft material of his pajama bottoms. As it grew the end slid up between the cheeks of my bottom. It felt so nice that I found it difficult to breathe and my heart was beating so hard I was worried that Tom might hear it.

It was like an unspoken pact between us: if neither of us moved too much then we could both pretend we thought the other was asleep, and that way we could go on reveling in the astonishingly thrilling feelings.

I don’t know how long we lay like that just making the tiniest movements which gave me such incredible pleasure, and I had to assume did the same for Tom.

The next time I almost ran to Tom’s room as soon as I heard a shout from below. It went much the same as before only this time I was a little braver, using a yawn as cover as I made my bottom slide along his hardness. Then Tom rolled away I cursed myself, and was horribly sad thinking I’d overdone it and it was all over. But then he rolled back and now there was nothing at all between the skin of my bottom and the hot skin of his hard penis!

My breath caught in my throat it was all so exciting, and the feeling of the soft skin of his penis between my butt cheeks was simply gorgeous. We resumed our painfully slow but intensely wonderful little dance.

Somehow I instinctively knew that there was a way to make it feel even better. Feigning a stretch, I lifted my upper leg and moved my bottom slightly until Tom’s penis sprang between my legs and rested against my coochie. I lowered my leg, trapping it there and my heart was hammering in my chest as I felt his penis throb and twitch against my now madly tingling coochie.

“No,” said Tom softly but firmly.

“No?” I asked and, now that we’d both admitted to being awake, I began to move my hips, adoring the way it made his penis rub against me right on the bump at the top of my coochie.

“We mustn’t.”

“Should I stop then?” I asked, not stopping at all.

“This is too much,” he implored. “we’re nearly ... fucking.”

“That’s bad isn’t it?” I asked, playing for time because I felt that something was happening to me, maybe something wonderful.

Even though I knew I wasn’t thinking too straight I also knew that he was right and I stopped moving when the tip was just touching my butt hole. I took hold of his hand and placed his fingers right on top of my special little bump.

“I’ll stop if you keep touching me here,” I begged. “Oh yes, just there, that’s perfect,” I whispered as he rubbed it just right.

He adjusted his position slightly and now the full length of his penis was between my butt cheeks and he began to pump his hips, making it slide along it. I couldn’t believe how nice it felt rubbing against my bum hole and I started moving my hips trying to make it feel even better.

I could sense that the ‘something’ was very close now and I put my fingers over his, urging him to rub a little faster and harder. Somehow his penis became really slippery and what was already lovely was suddenly way beyond beautiful.

Then the ‘something’ happened and it was like nothing I’d known before. I thought it must be the best thing in the world! It was like fireworks going off inside my coochie! And it just kept going and going. Then Tom sort of grunted and suddenly my butthole and my bottom were getting covered in warm, slippery stuff.

“I’m so, so sorry Lucy. I couldn’t help it,” he said, his face pressed against my back, and it sounded a bit like he was crying. I was very confused, everything had felt so lovely and I had no idea why he was sorry.

He pulled the covers back and the cool air made me realize just how wet my bottom and my back were. He found a cloth from somewhere and began to clean me up. His soft touches on my bare bottom were lovely and I opened my legs a bit and he dried me off there which was just awesome.

I would have let him stroke me with that cloth all night but eventually, he stopped and covered me up.

I turned over and hugged him as hard as I could and he put his arms around me and hugged me right back. I kissed him over and over on the lips. “Why were you sorry Tom?”

“It’s a sex thing and brothers and sisters aren’t supposed to do that.” This time he sounded close to tears.

“Didn’t you like it?” I asked, my coochie was pressed right on his penis but I could feel that it had gone soft now.

“Lucy, I’ve honestly never felt anything so beautiful, but that stuff that came out could make you pregnant.”

“But only if it got into my coochie, that’s right isn’t it?”

“Well, yes,” he said grudgingly.

“That’s OK then,” I said happily. “we just won’t let it get in there then.” And I snuggled down with my face in his chest. I was suddenly very, very sleepy and his warm body against mine and his lovely smell just made me feel so very, very happy.

I woke up early, just as it was beginning to get light. I was awake instantly because of one just one thought: I still hadn’t seen it!

I kept fidgeting until finally, Tom stirred. I loved the way that as soon as he opened his eyes and saw me he broke out into a huge smile. I grinned back at him.

“Can I see it?”

“What?” he replied, obviously still half asleep and very confused. I looked down meaningfully at his groin.

“You want to see it now?” He paused for a second or two. “It’s not at its best at the moment, you know.”

“But that’s perfect,” I said, thrilled. “I want to see it getting bigger!”

“Jesus Lucy, I don’t know.”

“As long as it doesn’t get near my coochie that’s fine isn’t it?”

“We really shouldn’t--” he began to say but I’d already thrown back the covers and was staring wide-eyed at the small bulge in his pajama bottoms. I reached out a single finger and traced a path over it through the thin material.

“Oh God Lucy, that feels so nice.”

“Does that mean I can see it?!” I squealed excitedly.

“Weeellll...” And that was all I needed to hear. My hands went to the tie at the waistband of his jammies and undid the bow. They were trembling as I pulled the sides apart and I saw his penis for the first time.

“Oh wow! It’s so cute!” I cried out, wriggling closer for a better look.

“Cute?!” Tom said grumpily and one look at his face told me I’d made a mistake.

“Big,” I added hastily. “Big and manly and lovely.” I couldn’t restrain myself any longer and I reached out with both hands and stroked it all over.

I absolutely adored the way it began to swell and grow as I touched it, and I kept giggling as it twitched in my hands. In no time at all it went from small and slightly wrinkled to long and stiff.

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