Miss Pringle Gets in Trouble - Cover

Miss Pringle Gets in Trouble

Copyright© 2023 by oliver twist

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A teacher does a silly thing and exposes herself to blackmail. Two young pupils get the chance to make a dream come true and pursue it with a ruthless determination

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Jane made her way back to the classroom, lunch almost over. She was feeling a mixture of emotions, which was now the norm, apparently. One thing that was certain, though, her bum was stinging to the point that sitting down was not an option. She still had five minutes before any of her class would return, giving her time to work out where she was going to stand for the next two hours and compose herself.

She went to the windows and looked out, her hand caressing her bum, thinking again how Emily had caned her and then made her cum. It was delicious but so dangerous, reckless and career ending if anyone found out. What made it even more bizarre was she had agreed Emily could come to hers later to finish what they started.

But she couldn’t deny how good it was, Emily had made her feel so special and that orgasm was something else, she wanted that again and even wanted to do it back, whatever that may be. A little shiver ran through her body thinking of Emily naked before her.

‘Arrrghhh.’ Jane suddenly screamed, Marvin appearing at the window as she daydreamed.

He tapped the window, telling her to open it, looking her up and down. Jane opened it, knowing she would have to deal with him sooner or later.

‘Uh ... hi Marvin.’ She greeted him, the big window now open.

Without warning he put his hand through the gap and felt her breast, grinning as he did so. Jane was shocked but didn’t move, looking down as the gnarled old hand began squeezing her, trying to get inside her dress. He couldn’t do it without opening her buttons, though, putting his other hand through the window and pulling at them, managing to get three undone. Jane still didn’t move, she just watched as he now pushed under her dress and began playing with her nipples.

‘You like that, huh? I knew ya would. Old Marvin knows a whore when sees one.’ He drooled, his gums smacking together.

Still Jane let him, his words actually making her shiver with excitement. He pulled the other two buttons open and pushed her dress down, wanting to see her tits, knowing just how good they would be. She gasped a little as they bounced free, the cool air feeling nice as her hard nipples were being molested.

‘Jesus, I aint seen anything so nice since I was in Texas in forty-nine. You is a special kind of whore aint ya?’ He added, both hands now on her tits, pinching and squeezing.

Jane looked at his old face and saw a man who had no respect at all for her, and why should he, she thought? His hands were rough and callused, years of manual labour making them so, but they felt good, like a proper man’s should.

‘You ever sucked cock, whore?’ He asked, twisting one nipple particularly hard.

She gasped in pain and shook her head, no, watching him, wondering how many women he had fucked.

‘Well, you’re gonna. Come to my shed after school, I’ll be waiting. If you do a good job I’ll give ya a dolla.’ He chuckled, letting her go as the end of lunch bell sounded.

With that he was gone, leaving Jane standing there, her tits out and nipples hard thinking she had gone completely mad. She pulled up her dress and did her buttons up, closing the window and going to the blackboard, astonished he had asked her to do such a thing, knowing she would be going nowhere near his shed. The door opened as she started writing, the kids piling in and sitting down, all still chattering loudly. When she turned, she realised this was her youngest class, completely forgetting it was them coming. She was pleased, though, it meant an easy afternoon with no distractions, something she yearned for. If only she could sit, she thought, walking up and down the aisles, looking out of the window toward Marvin’s shed.

It was really hard to concentrate, her mind constantly thinking of everything that she had done, her body feeling so satisfied yet still aroused, it was all very disconcerting. She tried to sit but couldn’t, it was too painful, her class noticing she was always on her feet and asking if she was ok. She lied, telling them it was women troubles, liking they just accepted this without question.

By the time the bell went, her feet were hurting, wanting a rest from all her pacing. When everyone had gone, Hank and Jerry appeared, eager to hear about her and Miss Grant. She told them nothing happened after they left, only that she was coming over that night. This made them giggle, knowing why, but upset that they couldn’t come because they both had jobs to do at home. They told her they expected the full story tomorrow.

hey then left, having to get home on time after being so late yesterday. Jane scrubbed the board and packed up the books before leaving herself. She left her classroom and walked to the door leading to the playground, deviating from her normal route to her car. She passed some kids playing on the swings before they went home, saying hello as she walked by. Before she knew it, she was past the the main building and walking through a small wooded area that led to the gardeners’ shed.

The door was open as she approached, her heart racing with apprehension as she reached it, looking in to see Marvin sitting on an old armchair drinking some coffee. She stopped for a second before stepping inside, her eyes on his as she stood before him. He grinned his toothless smile and stood, undoing his belt as he did.

‘I knew ya’d come, you love cock, even old cock, don’t ya?’ He asked, pulling his pants down.

Jane didn’t answer him, knowing he wasn’t expecting one. She looked at his skinny legs as he pulled down his pants, thinking how ugly they were, wondering how long since he had some muscle on them. She then looked at his cock, amazed at the difference, this was long and thick and looked anything but old. Marvin sat back down and gripped his hard cock, smiling as he saw her eyes widen.

‘Get that dress off and show me that body, let a man have a look instead of those kids.’ He snarled.

Jane did as he ordered, undoing her buttons and pushing the dress from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it as he took in her nakedness, his hand massaging his hard cock, enjoying her beauty.

‘Get on your knees whore and suck this monster, and make sure you swallow every drop when I cum.’

Jane knelt and looked at it, obeying his commands, her mouth open as she thought how much bigger he was than Hank.

‘Suck it.’ He said again, grabbing her head.

Jane let him pull her down onto his cock, her mouth open and ready. He smelt musky and tasted of sweat, her lips wrapping around him as he pulled her further onto to him, now taking hold of her hair and hurting her. She had never had a cock in her mouth before but instinctively knew what to do, her tongue licking it as her head moved up and down. She took as much as she could but he wanted more, calling her a whore as he pushed her further down. He was soon at her throat, making her gag but not stopping, pushing the head of his cock into her throat and fucking it, not caring that she couldn’t breathe.

Jane gagged but carried on, wanting to please him, not caring what he called her. She nearly blacked out but he pulled out of her throat just in time, letting her gulp some air before shoving her head back down. He filled her mouth completely, her lips stretched around the thick lump of meat as he began to groan, pulling harder on her hair.

She could tell he was about to cum, his moans and urgency increasing as she took even more of his cock. Marvin was ready, it was years since such a beauty had his cock in her mouth, he couldn’t contain himself and didn’t try, he wanted to cum and had no interest in holding back. He let out one more loud groan and began to cum, his heavy balls releasing their load.

He had always been blessed with exceptionally large bollocks that carried an obscene amount of seaman, triple the average man’s volume. He had met very few women who could swallow it all in one go, almost all spilling half of it on his stomach and having to lick it up from there. When the first blast shot out and landed in her mouth, Jane was amazed by the velocity and thickness of it, swallowing it as quickly as she could.

She remembered the boys cumming and supposed Marvin would produce much the same, maybe less because of his age. But that first rope was completely different, she could tell, this was a real man cumming in her mouth and she was not prepared. The second shot was even thicker and more of it, causing her to cough as she swallowed. She had to make a quick decision if she wanted it all and not spill any, and she did, he had told her to swallow it all and she didn’t want to disappoint him.

She took the base of his cock and pulled her mouth back, giving herself more room to take all of his cum, hoping her mouth was big enough. His third load come with just as much force, spewing out onto her tongue. Jane held still, her lips sealing the join between her and him tight, allowing her to keep his seed from spilling out as he shot load after load. His cock and balls throbbed as she held him, she could feel the thick fluid flowing up his shaft as she took it all, proud of herself.

When the flow had ended and Marvin was sighing contentedly, Jane pulled her mouth from his cock, her mouth completely full of his goo. Marvin looked down at her, pleased with his whore, gasping with surprise as she opened her mouth and showed him the contents.

‘Jesus girl, you is one fucking good cock sucker. Now swallow it all, enjoy the taste of a real man, not a boy.’ He told her, arrogantly.

Jane closed her mouth and swallowed, the viscous fluid sliding easily down her throat and into her tummy, tasting good. She then opened again and showed him, pleased with herself.

If Jane was expecting to be praised for her efforts, she was wrong. Marvin looked behind her and spoke: ‘Ok, your turn, the whore is ready.’

Jane quickly looked behind her, shocked to see Bert, the other groundsman standing there, his cock out and hard. She couldn’t believe it, he must have seen her whole performance and now wanted his turn with the whore. He walked to the chair and sat as Marvin stood and stepped to the side, his skinny old legs shaking a little after all his exertions. Bert’s cock was not as big as Marvins but had an enormous head, like a big mushroom growing from the shaft.

‘Go on, whore, suck it like ya did mine.’ Marvin ordered.

Jane did as she was told, opening her mouth and taking Bert inside, sliding her lips down his thick shaft. Bert moaned with delight; he had never had anyone this sexy do this to him and now he had the most beautiful teacher at the school on her knees sucking him. As Bert’s foreskin peeled back, Jane got to feel his big head in even more detail, her tongue licking around it as if mapping it.

‘Oh god, Marvin, she’s good.’ Bert groaned, his cock about as hard as it ever was.

Jane was enjoying herself, licking all around the big helmet, her tongue probing and tasting his precum as he leaked inside her. She took her mouth from the cock and began licking from its base all the way to the head, cleaning it and weirdly savoring his sweaty taste. When she got to the top, she took it between her teeth, using the ridge between the helmet and shaft to pull at it before scraping her teeth across the sensitive purple mushroom. She did this three or four times, loving how it felt and his moans of ecstasy.

‘Jesus, Marvin, where the fuck did you find this whore, she’s fucking great.’ Bert gasped.

Marvin wished he was thirty years younger so he could fuck her, but his cock just couldn’t get hard again, it would be at least another day. So he just watched, enjoying the show, thinking about all the fun he was gonna have with this whore.

Jane slid back down the shaft and took him into her throat, massaging his cock with her muscles, sending him dizzy with pleasure. Bert had never felt such sensations, the things she was doing with her mouth and tongue was amazing, she must have sucked a hundred different cocks he thought to himself. He wanted to prolong this feeling but he couldn’t, he was soon cumming, shooting his load straight down her throat, moaning loudly as she took it all.

She held him in her throat, letting him empty himself, holding her breath as he held her, his body shuddering as the last of his seed was squeezed from his cock. He let her go, sinking back into the armchair, very satisfied and very grateful to his friend Marvin.

Jane knelt in front of him getting her breath back, waiting to be told to go, knowing her usefulness was now over. Marvin threw a dollar coin at her feet; payment for her services. Jane picked it up and stood, grabbing her dress and pulling it on, wiping her lips clean of sperm.

‘We’ll see you soon, whore.’ Marvin told her, pouring two mugs of coffee.

Jane left without saying a word, the taste of two musky old cocks filling her mouth still. She drove home and showered, brushing her teeth as well before preparing dinner, looking forward to Emily coming over.

For some reason Emily never came over, not even answering her phone when Jane called to check on her. She went to bed thinking she had done something wrong, worried Emily thought bad of her. In the morning, she phoned her friend again, but with the same result. When she arrived at school, June Penman was waiting for all the staff and telling them there was a staff meeting before their lessons. Jane was now very worried, thinking someone had found out about her sexual misconduct and she was to be exposed in front of all her colleagues.

The staffroom was full, almost, all the teachers were there except Emily. Jane sat and waited, her heart racing as Mr Smith entered the room, looking very serious.

‘Good morning all. I will be quick; I know the children are waiting. Miss Emily Grant phoned me last night and resigned with immediate effect, informing me she was no longer in the town and wouldn’t be coming back. When asked why, she would only say there were certain pupils who had made threats to her and she wasn’t prepared to teach here any longer. She wouldn’t give me any names and said for me to apologise to you all and ask for your forgiveness. We will all have to chip in and take her lessons until I can find a replacement. If anyone has been receiving threats from any of the pupils please come and see me and I will deal with them. Now, please go to your classes and I will be here all day if you want to talk. Thank you.’

Jane was gobsmacked, her only real friend gone and the reason, well, she could guess, it had to be Hank and Jerry. She went to her class feeling like a really bad person, believing it was her fault Emily had to leave, angry with Hank and Jerry. They were there when she got to her room, smiling like normal, sitting in their usual spot.

‘For those of you that have Miss Grant for any lessons I have some bad news, she’s resigned from the school and has left town. For now, either me or another teacher will be teaching her lessons. Open your books please.’ She told them, glaring at Hank.

Hank looked back at her, with genuine surprise, disappointed Miss Grant had left. He had taken photos of her and Miss Pringle and used them to try and blackmail her, thinking he would have two hot teachers to play with. But Emily would not be blackmailed, telling Hank and Jerry to go to hell and if they sent any photos to the head or anyone else, they would go to jail. Hank thought she was bluffing and was waiting to use Miss Pringle to put pressure on her, to make her see sense.

He now knew his plan had failed and she was gone. And he couldn’t use the photos to get his own back, that would mean he would lose Miss and that he wouldn’t risk. As he sat there thinking, he knew Miss was angry and would take some time to get over this but she would, she had too much to lose and would cooperate again, once the anger had gone. When the morning break come around, he and Jerry hung back to talk to her.

Jane blamed herself as much as she did Hank and Jerry, after all, it was her that gave them Emily’s name and got her involved in all this. Hank and Jerry came to her desk, looking guilty, wanting answers.

‘I know it was you two, you had to try and involve Emily and now she’s gone. I hope you’re happy?’ Jane said, more upset than angry.

‘It was a mistake, I thought she was like you, especially after the other day. But hey, we live and learn.’ Hank replied, trying to sound upbeat.

‘Jesus, that’s all you can say? She’s gone and now I don’t have any friends here. Fuck.’ She spat back, now definitely angry.

‘You have us, what more do you want?’ Jerry asked, trying to be funny.

Jane didn’t see the funny side, glaring at him: ‘Well, not today and maybe not at all. Go, please.’

Jerry was about to shout at her but Hank, seeing that this could go wrong, grabbed his friend and pulled him away, telling him to be quiet. They left quickly, leaving Jane alone to get over her anger, hoping she wouldn’t do anything stupid.

Jane went to the window and looked out, wishing she had never involved poor Emily, her anger turning to despair as she remembered how they kissed after Emily had caned her. She really liked it and was looking forward to her coming over that night. She opened the window and breathed in the fresh air, closing her eyes and trying to imagine what it would have been like making love with another woman, knowing she would have enjoyed it.

Old Marvin had been close by and saw the window open, knowing it was her room. He crept along the wall until he reached her, her eyes closed as she put her arms above her head and held onto the window frame. Jane was wearing a white shirt and grey skirt, both items rather tight and showing off her beautiful figure nicely. The shirt had buttons of which the top three were open and showing her cleavage and bra.

Marvin reached out and undid two before Jane realised what was happening, her eyes opening quickly as he reached inside and felt her bare tit. She gasped and stepped back, shocked he had taken her by surprise like this. But Marvin was expecting that and grabbed the shirt, stopping her from going beyond his grubby reach, smiling his toothless grin as he pulled her back.

‘I see you was expecting me, opening the window like that. You want old Marvin to feel ya up a bit, huh?’ He chuckled, undoing the rest of her buttons.

Jane pulled back but he held her firm, strangely strong for someone so old and skinny. She stopped resisting, looking at him with disgust, remembering how his cock and cum tasted, a little shiver running down her back.

Marvin took her submission as permission to molest her, unclipping her bra at the front and pushing it aside, freeing her tits.

‘Jeez, look at them nipples, so big and hard. Are you always ready for sex?’ He sneered, taking her nipples between his fingers and twisting.

Jane breathed in hard, the pain going straight from her tits to her pussy, as if connected, making her jump and gasp a little. Marvin chuckled, seeing in her eyes how much she liked that, even if she tried to hide it.

‘Do you like them being sucked? I bet ya do.’ He asked, pinching them harder.

Jane had never had them sucked, not even by Joe, he was a straight on and off sort of guy. She looked at Marvin with confusion, not knowing how to answer, blushing at her lack of experience.

‘Have you ever had them sucked?’ He asked, sensing she hadn’t.

Jane shook her head, her nipples now throbbing from the abuse. Marvin chuckled again, leaning down and taking one in his mouth, sucking on it like he was a baby and using his gums to bite on it. Jane did nothing, letting him do what he wanted, unable to break his hold over her. He sucked and nibbled, making grotesque noises as he did so, his mouth moving from one nipple to the other, leaving his drool to run down her body.

She wanted to scream but all that came out of her mouth was a kind of grunt, her skin crawling from his touch as he continued to molest her. When the bell sounded to signal the end of break time, he pulled his mouth away and smiled, wiping it and then rubbing his hands on her shirt.

‘Come to the shed at lunch time.’ He chuckled, turning and going.

She did her bra and shirt up, his saliva all over her, reminding her of how disgusting she was. When she sat down waiting for her class to return, her pussy was just as wet as Marving had left her tits, making her curse and promise she was going to stop this behaviour.

Hank and Jerry left her alone during the next lesson, behaving well and not doing anything to upset her, knowing it was for the best. Jane managed to get through the ninety minutes without incident, maintaining appearances. At lunchtime she went to the staffroom for a coffee, hoping to hear something more about Emily, but being disappointed, no one knew anything.

When she finished her coffee she left the staffroom, too many people thinking she knew what was going on and asking her lots of questions. She went to playground and sat on the bench, watching the children, wishing she was their age again and doing everything differently. Hank and Jerry were there, looking at her, making her feel uncomfortable. In the end, she went to the far side of the play area, near the small wooded area, away from all the kids and noise. She then walked to the tree line, even further away, daydreaming about Emily.

When she got through the trees, she looked back and saw no one, she was alone, no one had seen her come here. The shed was just ahead, Emily now out of her thoughts, the door open, waiting for her. Her legs began to move again, taking her nearer. She looked at her watch and saw it was still thirty minutes before lunch was over, plenty of time for whatever waited for her inside.

Marvin was there, standing this time at a big table, cleared of everything. She stepped through the door slowly, looking around to see if Bert was there, too, her breathing heavy as she looked at Marvin, wondering what on earth she was doing.

‘You’re late, where the fuck ya been?’ He growled.

‘I ... uh ... had to go the... ‘

‘Shut the fuck up, but if you’re ever late again this ends and you are stuck with those kids, ok?’

Jane nodded, waiting for his orders, her heart pounding in her chest.

‘Well, git those things off, what ya waiting for?’ He spat, sounding angry.

Jane began undoing her shirt buttons, looking around still, nervously, waiting for Bert to jump out. Marvin was watching her like a hawk, enjoying her humiliation as she took of her shirt and placed it on the table. She then unzipped her skirt, pushing it down her legs before picking it up and putting it with the shirt. Jane was now in just her underwear, looking every bit the Hollywood super star. Marvin let it all sink in, his eyes feasting on the beauty before him, loving how her bra and panties accentuated her sexiness. He let her stand there, her feet shuffling as she waited for orders, making her even more self-conscious.

‘Ok, now the rest.’ He said, calmly.

She didn’t hesitate, unclipping her bra and slipping it off, throwing it with the other items on the table, her big nipples sticking out like wheel nuts, hard and erect, their arousal obvious. Her panties slid off easily, leaving her completely naked and at Marvin’s mercy. She was giving herself to this dirty old man completely, submitting to his will, doing whatever he wanted.

‘Bend over the table.’ He ordered her.

Jane turned and bent over, knowing he would now see her bruised bum and know exactly how she got this way, just as the boys did. The difference now was that she had twice as many welts as when the boys first saw her. Marvin laughed loudly, coming to her and rubbing his callused hands all over her tender cheeks, making her wince in pain, she was still very sore.

‘Jesus, you are something aren’t ya? Who did that?’ He asked, still chuckling.

‘Miss Grant.’ She answered, quietly, glad he couldn’t see her face.

‘I take it was sexual and you enjoyed it?’ He pressed.


‘That looks very fresh, still purple and red. I bet it hurts, too.’ He said, spanking her hard.

‘Ow, ow.’ She cried, squirming on the table.

‘It’s ok, I’m gonna fuck ya, not spank ya. Not now anyway.’ He told her, his hard cock now at her entrance.

It was what she expected and deserved, to be fucked by this old, ugly man with no respect or morals. He would use her for nothing but his own pleasure, humiliating her just for the fun of it. She waited, her pussy tingling as he pressed his cock at her entrance, as if teasing her.

‘You want old Marvin’s cock?’ He asked, still only pressing against her swollen lips, her juices leaking onto his cock.

‘Mm-Hmm.’ She answered, not wanting to say the words.

He pushed his head just inside her, feeling her warm pussy inviting him in. Jane made a little mewing sound as he pushed in another inch, slowly, her pussy wrapping around him and trying to pull him in further. But old Marvin was enjoying himself too much, he could see how desperate she was for his cock and wanted her to beg him for it.

He pushed in some more, half his manhood now inside her cunt, making her push back in an effort to get more of him. Marvin held her ass and stopped her, pushing in at his own pace, stopping every time she moaned in pleasure, making her sigh with disappointment. He chuckled when she did this, pulling out before going back in to where he was.

Jane was dripping wet, this disgusting old man was playing her and she couldn’t help but respond, her body on fire once again, needing to be pleasured, even by Marvin. When he pushed in another few inches, she gripped the table and let out a loud moan, the feeling of him filling her up was beyond delicious.

‘Oh please, just fuck me, stop torturing me.’ She begged, not caring anymore, she had no pride left.

Marvin pushed all the way in, hard, stopping once he was buried to the hilt. Jane groaned and pushed her nipples into the wood, waiting for him to fuck her properly. But Marving had other ideas, he pulled his cock all the way out, leaving Jane empty and groaning in disappointment. He then pushed his cock at her ass, wetting it with her juices before dipping back into her cunt and doing it again, leaving her brown hole very wet.

Jane was confused, here she was giving herself to him and he was playing games, making her beg for it, as if she was the one desperate for sex. God, she thought, will my humiliation ever end? Marvin pushed again at her bum, this time forcing his cock inside, taking Jane completely by surprise. Before she could react, he was another two inches inside her ass.

She tried to move but he held her firm, pushing further into her ass, groaning with delight as he remembered the last whore he fucked this way. Jane tried again to move but met with the same result, she was going nowhere, Marvin was too strong. She couldn’t believe what he was doing, thinking he had lost his mind, asking herself why he would fuck her there when her pussy was available?

‘Jeez, that is one tight hole, perfect.’ He gasped, ramming his cock all the way in.

Jane let out a cry, it was so painful and he was so big, it felt like she was being fucked by a horse. Marvin began to fuck her now, pushing in and out, her ass gripping him tightly as she submitted once again to his perverted wishes. She lay there without fighting, accepting her punishment, embracing the pain as this ugly old man took her virgin ass.

Marvin was grunting as he took her, not believing he was actually fucking this beauty’s ass, and without a real fight. He slowed down a bit, he wanted to take his time, to watch and listen to her as he fucked her. His cock felt so good in her ass, snug and warm, like it belonged. Jane began to relax a little as her bum yielded to his cock, the pain now being replaced by a funny feeling, something she had never felt before, a feeling of being completely full and a strange kind of pleasure.

Marvin could feel her relax as she gave herself to him, all resistance now gone. Jane felt so fragile and utterly dominated by this man, it was as though she had no power to fight him at all and being taken in the ass in this grubby old shed was the ultimate humiliation. Marvin was quickening his pace, the noises coming from her mouth were getting him excited, he loved how she was reacting now.

She couldn’t help it, her body was actually enjoying this and as he fucked her harder and faster, she had to let it out, express it in a way that she shouldn’t.

‘You fucking love it, don’t ya? Tell me you like it.’ He demanded, his hips thrusting harder as he fucked her ass with a real passion.

She refused to answer but her little squeals and cries made it obvious, as did the way she was squirming and rubbing her nipples into the wood.

Bert had finished lining the tennis courts and was now at the shed looking forward to his coffee and ham sandwiches. As he opened the door, all three of them looked at each other, only Marvin the one not shocked.

‘Jesus, she’s back again already? What a fucking whore, look at her, I can see she’s hot for cock. I bet she’s got a really tight cunt.’ He chuckled, going to the coffee pot.

Jane was expecting him but still gasped with shock, he was going to see where Marvin had his cock and would laugh at her some more, calling her names and making fun of her. She closed her eyes, blocking him out as Marvin continued to fuck her ass.

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