The Naughty Girls Club No. 28 - High Key - Cover

The Naughty Girls Club No. 28 - High Key

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2023 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Sex Story: Jessica emails former members of the Naughty Girls Club about her relationship with Jin-Yun. Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   White Female   Oriental Female   Illustrated   .

Hi Jill

Thanks for the email. I’m glad to hear you and Joanna are rooming together and enjoying college.

I’m doing okay here. I started out in a single, but a week ago a girl I met moved in. Her name is Jin-Yun, Korean-American. Sometimes I call her June to tease her. She’s a gymnast. That’s how we met. I was taking pictures for photo-class. I’m not too crazy about photography, still prefer drawings and paintings. I’ve already done dozens of me and June. She’s definitely good for me. Sometimes she shy, sometimes she’s bold. I like that I can’t always figure her out.

You asked if I miss our Naughty Girls Club. I guess the answer is sometimes. What about you? Me and June can be pretty naughty, usually but not always in the privacy of our apartment. Maybe that means I’m growing up.

I’m attaching a picture of a sketch I made. Very high-key. I think that’s my favorite. It’s generally happy, or so they say, and I think it is, but sometimes you can toss in a dramatic shadow or two. Like in this sketch—the dark forming that triangle between June’s hair and mine. The rest is all light.

I think it’s pretty accurate, though. We were messing around on the bed (yes we share a bed), mostly kissing, but then more, and eventually I had my thumb on June’s clit and two then three fingers in her cunt and my little finger sometimes teasing the rim of her asshole. And with my other hand I managed to stroke the nape of her neck. Pretty deadly combination. What was especially special was June had a hand on my wrist kind of helping with my masturbation of her or maybe she was feeling my pulse. Just as she was about to cum she pushed two or three fingers into my cunt. Goodness gracious! Almost before we were done coming we were kissing. Then we were kissing and coming, coming up a storm, and the sheet ended up soaked.

So yeah, college so far is okay.



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