The Naughty Girls Club No. 26 - Simple Tools - Cover

The Naughty Girls Club No. 26 - Simple Tools

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2023 by Mat Twassel

Erotica Sex Story: Jessica's assignment it to do a photograph in the manner of Walker Evans' Wrench. She enlists Jin-Yun to help her. Illustrated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Oral Sex   Illustrated   .

“I could use you,” Jessica told her new friend.

Jin-Yun said, “Oh, I like the way you use me.”

“For today’s photo assignment,” Jessica explained. “Supposed to be about simple tools. The prof showed us a slide of the famous Walker Evans’ wrench photo.” Jessica brought up a copy on her laptop.


“Okay,” Jin-Yun said, “it’s very nice, but how do I fit in?”

“You’ll be holding the tool,” Jessica said.


“Ooh, I know what that is,” Jin-Yun said.

“It was my grandma’s,” Jessica said. “My grandpa carved it for her out of some tree they’d had in their backyard. Oak, maple, hickory, ash, I don’t remember. Peach, plum, pine. Now I like to think it’s persimmon.”

“I like persimmon,” Jin-Yun said. “So your grandpa carved it?”

“Carved, sanded, stained, and sealed. He was a meticulous craftsman, or so my grandma said. I never met him. And I had no idea what it was. ‘A fake phallus,’ Grandma explained. I had no idea what a phallus was, fake or otherwise. ‘Penis,’ Grandma told me. I sort of knew what a penis was.”

“Did she explain what it was for?” Jin-Yun asked.

“No, she just wrapped it in a fine cloth and put it back in the bottom drawer of her bedside table. Only years later did I imagine her using it.”

“How did you come to get it?”

“When Grandma died I absconded with it.”

“That’s great,” Jin-Yun said. “So I just have to hold it?”

“Right. Of course you’ll be naked.”

“Makes sense,” Jin-Yun agreed.

Jessica showed Jin-Yun how the pose should go.

“I’ll get you from the side.” She showed Jin-Yun how she wanted her to hold the dildo. She wasn’t yet sure if the focus should be on it or on Jin-Yun. She did shots both ways, adjusting the lens all the way open and the shutter speed fast as it would go. She changed the angle just a bit and had Jin-Yun bring her hand to her ass so that the photo would suggest her fingers were caressing her puss, opening it. A slight blush appeared on Jin-Yun’s cheek. Maybe full black and white wasn’t the way to go. Maybe get rid of the blur, show everything. But just the barest hint of Jin-Yun’s asshole. Yes, that works.


“Just a few more,” Jessica said, moving to the front. “Yes, that’s it. Toy with your pussy. Open those darling little lips.”

“Should I put it in?” Jin-Yun asked.


A pearlescent spot of Jin-Yun’s girl juice had welled from the opening of her sex. Perfect. Jessica’s camera captured the droplet. A moment later Jessica’s tongue lapped it up then plunged deep into Jin-Yun’s hot wet cunt.

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