Holiday Experience - Cover

Holiday Experience

Copyright© 2023 by Harry

Chapter 9

The powerful two-seater ate up the miles and Jenny surrendered herself to the exhilaration of it all as the wind blew her fair hair behind her. Frances was such a meticulous and careful driver, but the inspirationally demented Tricia seemed to have never learned the meaning of the word ‘caution’.

“Trish, darling! I think we just passed the phone box!”

“Sure, we did, Jenny my pet! And we’ll pass a good few more before we get back to lovely old London Town! You need a few days in Town, my girl! And I’m going to make sure you get them!”

“What about Frances and Co.?” asked Jenny, not really caring.

“Forget those boring arseholes!” laughed Tricia. “The world belongs to us today and for many days to come, my dearest heart. Let’s go and claim our inheritance of pleasure!”

“I wouldn’t like them to starve” said Jenny in a weak and uncertain voice.

“You don’t give a shit, Jen! Admit it. We are the only people who matter in the whole wide fucking world. Lay back, my darling girl and enjoy the wonderful time I am going to spend the rest of my life giving you!”

And the car sped onwards until Tricia decelerated sharply.

“I think we need to rest awhile my lovely Jenny,” gurgled Tricia, “Two bare-are naked chicks in a Porsche might attract unwelcome attention from over officious officers of the Law! Most of them are famously known to be as thick as pig shit, but there is the odd half way intelligent copper! I know a blessed and secluded spot where we may rest awhile and explore the further reaches of debased and perverted pleasure in total privacy. How does that grab you?”

“Sounds great, Trish!”

Jenny’s intimidating but charismatic chauffeur turned off the main road and negotiated a bewildering miscellany of twists and turns until the car finally came to rest in a driveway. They were in the grounds of some dilapidated house, long deserted by any inhabitants.

“I did a fashion shoot here a couple of weeks ago. The place is empty for a few months yet. Let’s find somewhere nice and cozy and amuse ourselves until it’s dark.”

As soon as dusk began to cast its deadening influence, the two got back into the car. It had been a very pleasant few hours’ wait. But, reflected Jenny, all time spent in Tricia’s company was pleasant!

The drive along the motorway back to London was no less hair raising than the rest of the day. Tricia directed a few words at her passenger, as she cowered back in her seat after yet another brush with death and the furious sounding of yet another horn as yet another fellow road user announced his displeasure at Tricia ‘s cavalier manner of driving.

“I’m not Frances, Jenny! Your life with me is going to be one hell of a rough ride! Exciting, isn’t it!”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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