Holiday Experience - Cover

Holiday Experience

Copyright© 2023 by Harry

Chapter 10

“Well, thank heaven there are at least two decent coppers and we met both of them!”

Tricia had just shut the front door as the two policemen had left, more or less satisfied with Tricia’s explanations. Jenny had listened in amazement as her companion had reeled out a catalogue of woes to the listening (and watching!) pair. They had promised to contact the local police in Yorkshire and get them to send a man to investigate the mysterious series of thefts and sabotage.

Having been assured that her four friends were not being left to their fate, now that the long hot and dry spell had ended with a spectacular and nationwide downpour, Jenny prepared to surrender herself to whatever her new friend had in store for her.

Both of them were now dressed in one each of Tricia’s dressing gowns. Jenny seemed almost lost inside hers. Tricia came over and gently removed it. She steered her over to a long couch and used her own garment to cover the two of them.

“How’s that, darling?” she asked.

Jenny said nothing. Very tired after a long and often hair-raising day, she was soon asleep, resting her head on Tricia’s generously endowed bosom. Tricia pulled the voluminous gown closer around them both and was before long asleep herself. It was already becoming light and by the time they both woke up the sun would have been streaming in through the windows, had it not been obscured by thick and very rain bearing clouds.

Tricia was the first to wake. She looked down at the peaceful face of her little friend and gently stroked the fair hair away so that she could the better see her. With infinite care she eased herself from under the sleeping girl and left her to continue her slumber, arranging the covering to keep her warm. Restored for a while to her former nakedness, she slipped out to the kitchen to prepare a generous meal. Neither had eaten much the previous day and now was time to make up for it.

Having made tea and fried plenty of sausages, eggs and thick slices of bacon, she placed the two meals on the kitchen table and went back for Jenny. Very gently she picked her up. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily and delightedly.

“Hi, Trish! Good morning. I love being held in those strong arms. How long could you hold me without getting tired and having to put me down, darling? Hours and hours I should think!”

“Days and days, my love! Time to eat and drink! I’ve made the tea just the way you like it! Come along!”

And Jenny was carried into the kitchen and lowered onto a chair. Tricia was about to sit down opposite her, but changed her mind, moving around to be by her side. Jenny smiled and put up her face to be kissed. She pulled her borrowed dressing gown about her and ate. Beside her, her companion was still naked. After the last few days, she had come to like the feeling! Jenny glanced sideways at her and slipped out of her own covering. “That’s better, my love” whispered Tricia. “You’re much too nice to be hidden away!”

Meanwhile, back in the depths of the countryside, a gloomy quartet was staring through the window at the dismal scene outside. By this time all of their clothes had disappeared and they were beginning to become seriously worried. Dorothy had taken one of the bed sheets to cover herself. Returning from her bathroom, she had been horrified to see that the bed had been stripped of all covering. The other three had made the same discovery. With the summer in abeyance and the temperatures falling from the high eighties to the mid-sixties in just a few hours, they huddled together for warmth.

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