Ladies' Lodge: a Story of Several Nude Ladies - Cover

Ladies' Lodge: a Story of Several Nude Ladies

Copyright© 2023 by Harry

Chapter 9

November 12th - continued

Jeremy kept the girls chatting for hours before they finally were able to get upstairs to bed. His earlier attentions to Gwendoline’s handsome buttocks had apparently sated his designs on those battered glories, (not that Gwen had had nearly enough) and he behaved as though the presence of three naked ladies in his house was the kind of thing that happened too often to be remarkable.

When they were finally ushered to their room, Harriet and Gwendoline decided to share one bed and Jessica was left on the other. The temperature in the bedroom was appreciably lower than that in the warm rooms below and Jessica ruefully prepared for a none too comfortable night as she heard Gwen encouraging Harry not to be worried about the next day.

“You’ll be fine, darling Harriet - you’ve had the best teacher anyone ever had! You give her a demonstration of how good I am. Don’t let me down my love: make sure you give her a real thumping! And now wrap those lovely strong arms and gorgeous powerful thighs around me and keep me warm. Night girls!”

During the ensuing night, Gwen was the warmest of the three since Harry was lying on top of her and obediently wrapping her arms and legs around her, with her back exposed to the cool air. Harry was next warmest and poor Jessica kept waking up and shivering throughout the night. By the time morning came she was more determined than ever that she was going to teach this girl who had come between her and her childhood friend a lesson she would never forget. Gwen was aware of this and was torn between her relish at the thought of seeing two other girls fighting over her and sorrow that either one of them was going to be hurt - perhaps I’ll forbid it at the last minute was her last thought before falling asleep - enfolded by Harriet’s strong arms and legs and with her powerful warm body pressing down on her.

November 13th

As the girls sat over their early morning meal and waited for the sun to rise, Jeremy made a few suggestions relating to the forthcoming duel between Jess and Harry. His suggestion of dividing the action into three rounds of four minutes with two-minute intervals was accepted. It was agreed that there would be no referee - both girls being trusted to observe the minimal rules that had been agreed to. Jeremy offered to second Jessica and Gwen happily agreed to look after Harriet.

Three hours later, Gwen was bathing Harriet’s bruised face with cold water and commiserating with her on her injuries.

“Never mind, Gwen at least I stayed on my feet all through - she didn’t put me down once.”

Gwen smiled at the memory of the contest. The adrenalin had fairly pumped through her at the sounds and sight of blows raining down on her two friends. They had both held absolutely nothing back and it was a wonder that neither had sustained any serious injury. Jessica had emerged as the winner, but Harriet had every reason to be proud of her performance and both girls had shaken hands and embraced warmly when it was all over.

This time it had been Gwen who was cold in the morning chill and Jessica and Harry had been pink both with exertion and the impact of the blows they were landing so regularly and heavily on each other. By the time it was over, they were sweating profusely and steam was rising from their bodies as well as their breath.

Jessica came into the bathroom and again congratulated Harry on putting up a wonderful performance. Gwendoline left them together to continue their welcome reconciliation and went downstairs to see Jeremy about something.

When the two former opponents came down, Jeremy was nowhere to be seen and Gwen was standing by the window and looking into the distance.

“Golly, Gwen! That arise looks as red as ever this morning. I’d have thought it might have cooled off a bit over night,” said Harry.

“It did - but good old Jeremy’s just freshened it up a bit. Very stimulating! He used his belt this time. He’s pretty strong, considering how thin he is.”

Her two friends came and stood one on either side of her. Harry patted her rump and Gwen squealed delightedly, asking her to slap her again only much harder. Jessica felt sick as she heard Harry complying vigorously.

“What’s happening to you, Gwen?” she moaned. “Try to control yourself and don’t you encourage her, Harry. And whatever is Jim going to think when he sees you tonight? Those bruises will take a week to go down.”

“Oh, I’ll think of something to tell him, and we aren’t going to see him today. Jerry has arranged for us to stay with Victor’s owner tonight. You’ll be glad to see him again - Jess! So, we can stay here all day and go over there this evening. Hope you don’t mind too much, but I agreed we’d do another race this afternoon. Don’t worry, Harry! Jessie will go easy on you this time! I only agreed to it because I so very much want to be getting it on the arise again from good old Jerry!”

“Are you two sure your feet will be up to going over that stony drive again so soon?” asked Jessica who was really more worried about enduring another two hours freezing while the other two kept warm.

Harry and Gwen assured her that they would be fine, which indeed they were. After the race was over, again the three went up for a shower, but this time Jessica was spared the horrors of the previous day. Gwen was beginning to feel that perhaps the repeat was not quite as enjoyable as the first race, to her acute disappointment. Their host had proved slightly squeamish this time and belabored her rear a little less vigorously. In truth the sight of Gwen’s bruised and swollen arise was rather less appetizing than that of her smooth and untouched one had been. Even so - he had landed a lot of really stinging and satisfying smacks and she was fairly happy, if not quite as ecstatic as before.

“You look a really nasty mess, Gwen,” said Jessica as she looked at her friend in the shower. “You’ve got such a lovely body - much nicer than mine. Why do you let that man abuse it like that? It makes me terribly sad to see you getting hooked on something so sick.”

“I think your bum looks nicer when it’s its normal color and shape, myself,” said Harriet. “It looked really good last night, all nice and red after the races, but after what he’s done to it today it’s getting really yucky. Best give it a rest for a week or two. When it’s back to normal, Jessie and I will both love to kiss it, but the way it looks now quite turns the stomach.”

Gwendoline looked shamefaced and realized her friends were in the right. It was hurting all the time and the exhilaration was fading fast. The thought of how she must look sobered her up a bit too. Jessica was dead right about Jim - she would have an awful lot of explaining to do!

It would never do to go through the rest of her life dominated by this particular fetish. She MUST do something to cure herself and she had a pretty firm notion as to what that would be.

After cooking the three girls another superb dinner Jeremy drove them over to his friend’s house and Jessica was reunited with a boisterous and delighted Victor.

The friend turned out to be just as eccentric as Jeremy, except that his attention was directed more at Harriet - somewhat to that young lady’s concern, as she had absolutely no wish whatsoever to submit her shapely and unsullied rear to the rough treatment that Gwen loved so much!

“I see old Jerry has been having a bit of fun with you my dear!” he said as he contemplated Gwendoline’s flaming bottom.

“It was very much a mutual pleasure, Gavin,” replied Gwen. “We each have what the other wants; I have a delightful bum and he has something to hit it with! But I should warn you that my two friends are very much off limits - and I am resting.”

“Quite so. I can see you all need a bit of R&R! Your friends both look a little battered - especially this lovely redhead and your delightful posterior has done great and valiant service to my good friend Jerry and deserves a medal!”

With this he knelt down behind Gwendoline and kissed her bruised and battered arise with great tenderness and reverence. The other two girls giggled hysterically.

Gwen asked their new host if he had any strange ideas as to how they might entertain him on the morrow and he laughingly excused them from any further exertions.

“You all need a rest, as Jerry has explained to me. I really applaud your vision. I see a worldwide network of women who will be there for each other, whenever any of their number is in need. You have my whole hearted approval for what you are doing. I shall be thinking of you all during these closing days of your mission and willing you to come through with flying colors!”

“I’m sure you will,” said the other two in unison.

Indeed, Jessica seemed to have altered so much since meeting Andy and it seemed to Gwen and Harry that if the idea of a female masonry were to endure after this business was over, it would be they who would have to provide the driving force to get the thing off the ground. The two separately resolved that they would - somehow, they both instinctively realized that their lives might one day depend upon it.

“What will you do, my darling Gwendoline?” asked Jessica.

“I know one thing I’ll be doing as little as possible - if at all.”

The others looked enquiringly.

“I don’t want ever to wear clothes again - not as long as I live. I love being naked - I’m so grateful to old Harold back in September. He has set me free and I bless his name forever!”

“You’ll have to wear something to marry Jim,” said Jessica.

“That’s the only fly in the ointment, but I like the guy and I have to produce an heir - so I’ll have to go through with it.”

“You only LIKE him - is that a basis for a lifetime together?” asked Jessica.

“It’s how our kind have always lived, Jessie,” explained Harriet, “marriages of convenience. The sad thing is that poor old Jim probably hasn’t got the message.”

“Oh, I love the darling fellow OK. In fact, I’m totally crazy about him. I was only teasing. But the Lady Masons will always have first call on my loyalty - That’s what I promised darling Harry last night and I repeat the same solemn promise to both of you today. We must all fifty of us have an oath-taking ceremony just as soon as possible after this is over. I loved what Harriet said when she first joined us - ‘all for one and one for all’. Let’s all three of us pledge to that now and sign our names in blood. What a shame all Harry’s copiously flowing blood was washed down the drain yesterday - it would have come in useful.”

November 13th - continued

The three girls were very tired. It had been a strenuous day for all of them in a variety of ways.

Harriet and Jessica had fought each with much fire and fury in the morning and both were badly bruised, especially Harriet who had only managed to land one blow to every two or three that the vengeful Jessica had so skillfully landed on her. Jessica’s kicks and punches had all been expertly timed and shrewdly delivered, rocking the other girl back on her heels time and again. Harriet’s lovely delicate face had been a bloody mess by the time it was all over, mainly owing to a blow to the nose that had landed very early on. Only Harry’s superior strength had kept her from being knocked down many times and enabled her to stay in the contest right up to the end.

Gwen kept recalling the punishment that the red-head had taken and hearing again and again the sounds of Jessica’s feet and fists hitting her almost at will. She was half ashamed of herself for the erotic excitement this memory still caused her. I’m developing into a rather nasty person, she thought. Still, she had helped Harry clean herself up afterwards and been mightily relieved to find the damage to that exquisite face to be only superficial. She more fiercely admired Harriet than ever after yesterday, and looked forward to the coming night when she would be able to fondle and caress her lovely brave friend, feeling the strength of that lithe, powerful and wounded body beside her and on top of her.

In the afternoon after the fight, Gwen and Harry had once again participated in Jeremy’s second favorite activity and pulled the two rickshaws in a strenuous and fiercely contested race around the estate, inflicting yet more pain and damage to their sore feet, and giving Jeremy the chance to indulge his far and away most favorite activity for the second time that day and complete his methodical devastation of Gwen’s battered but still bewitching bottom, to her continuing deep satisfaction. Gwen had quite easily won this time because Harry had still not recovered from the mauling she had received from Jessica, who had happily lost the animosity she had been harboring for the past days. Jessie abstained from using the riding crop on Harriet - in fact she threw it away after they had only gone a few yards and Harry gratefully did her very best to secure victory for them both but was just too worn out to be able to beat a Gwendoline whose adrenalin was pumping incredibly powerfully under the twin stimuli of the competition and the beautiful, if somewhat diminished, beating her sweet aristocratic buttocks were receiving from the eccentric Jeremy.

The two rickshaw girls spent much of the rest of the afternoon massaging and extracting bits of grit from the soles of their feet and soaking the said feet in a hot footbath provided by the concerned Jeremy. After a few hours of this recuperative therapy, they both felt they were able resume the journey, although they might need to tread a tad carefully for a few days yet. They both agreed, albeit for differing reasons, that it had been well worth it. Harry had furthered her reconciliation with Jessica, and Gwendoline had continued her bizarre voyage of self-discovery. Both girls had exercised their bodies to an extent that had lifted them to new levels of exhausted and pleasurable exaltation.

Their new host, Gavin did not keep them talking all night like the loquacious Jeremy and they were able to retire early. Their room contained one large bed and all three were able to sleep together. Gwen took up the middle position and after a long and affectionate French kiss to Jessica who promptly fell asleep, she turned to Harriet and began to caress that strong but battered body - as she had been longing to all day.

“I’m so proud of you, my lovely dear Harry. I’ll never know how you stayed on your feet through that colossal pounding Jessie gave you - but I’d never have forgiven you if you hadn’t. We’re two of a kind - my sweet darling Harry. I never give up and nor do you. I love you so much, so very, very much! You’ll always be able to rely on me if you’re in trouble. I swear it! Nothing and nobody will ever stop me coming to help you.”

Harriet winced as Gwen hugged her bruised ribcage, but told her not to stop, just squeeze even harder. Being loved by her two role models was worth all the pain and humiliation they had both put her through. She finally fell asleep and Gwen lay awake wondering where they would all be in a year’s time.

Happily, for her own peace of mind she did not know that in a few weeks her own life would be changed forever by the death of her father and that she would soon be catapulted into managing his estates and various companies and being henceforth known as the Countess of Bembridge. As it was, she looked forward to her marriage to a rising artist and starting a family while at the same contriving somehow to keep in very physical touch with Jessica and Harriet - especially dear brave Harry with her gorgeously developing physique!

Harriet dreamed as she drifted into a deep slumber of her recently formed ambition. She wanted to become a manual laborer and do the kind of work that strong, rough and tough men did and do it as well or even better than they. She wanted backbreakingly hard work to be her lot from dawn until dusk, doing all the heaviest and most exhausting tasks that were there to be done. She wanted to develop the body of a female Goliath! If dear old Bill didn’t like the idea of a wife with bulging muscles and a hard six pack stomach then dear old Bill could go and get fucked. She saw her way ahead very clearly and the vision caused her pussy to become as wet as Gwen’s had after her delightful arise-whipping.

November 14th Nine days and counting!

“What will you do, Harry, my angel, after this is all over?” asked Gwen as she offered to share her toast with the bruised redhead. “Off back to your hedonistic round of parties and bonking with Bill I suppose!”

Harry swallowed the saliva-soaked bit of toast and smiled. “I want to find something hard and physical to do. The harder the better. This journey has changed me in all sorts of ways and I feel I have discovered my body for the first time. I want to let it take over my life for a while and see just what challenges it can meet. What about you two?”

Jessica laughed and said she just wanted to be a good wife and hopefully a good mother as well.

November 14th Continued

Gwendoline borrowed a clean and sharp razor blade from Gavin and performed the task of cutting the ear lobes of all three. The blood dripped rather more freely than they might have wished into a bowl provided by their generous host and they were all able to sign a solemn pledge of perpetual loyalty one to another in their mingled blood. Although Jessica had been inclined to ridicule this idea, she was amazed to find herself shedding tears as the simple but solemn ceremony was completed.

“Do you think our ears will ever be the same again after that?” she asked.

“I should hope not!”

Gwen uttered this, but Harriet nodded her agreement and spoke, quietly but passionately, a few heartfelt words of her own.

“Love needs its scars! I intend no profanity whatever, but we must all be willing to suffer if we are to know true love and what we three have just done is a beautiful demonstration of that. We are all bound together in ways that our forthcoming marriages and relationships, excellent though they will be, will never supersede. Let’s face it, girls - that’s what this journey has been all about. That’s why I have willingly been through hell and back to earn your respect and friendship - it’s because I love you both so much. Every bruise and every hardship have been so well worth it. I love you two forever.”

The rest of the morning was spent lazing around and recovering. Harriet and Jessica gently rubbed healing ointments into Gwendoline’s battered and misshapen posterior and tut-tutted over the fearful damage it had suffered. Gwen smirked in a self-satisfied way as their ministrations only served to inflict yet more wonderful lovely pain to her super-sensitive rump!

“Gwen, sweetheart - did you really enjoy being beaten by Richard in that awful house. Is that why you were so brave? You really loved it, didn’t you?” asked Jessica.

Gwen laughed at this.

“I absolutely fucking hated it at the time. I so awfully wanted to cry out for mercy but something stopped me. And I hate it even more now, but only for a different reason. I remember it and it sexually turns me on in retrospect. I was changed by that and not by any means for the better - I realize that much. It was only when I was asked to whip poor old Mr. O’Toole that the idea of sadomasochism really got a compulsive grip on me. It’s a grip that gets stronger all the time and I hate myself for it and at the same time it makes me come gloriously alive! But let’s talk about something nice, shall we?”

And the matter was not raised again until the mission was over, at which time Gwen asked Harry to do her a very special favor. More of this later.

Before they left the house of quiet Gavin, they watched the weather forecast on the television and were heartened to learn that the wind had moved to the South and unseasonably warm weather could be expected for the next few days.

“Just as well, girls. No one to stay with within fifty miles of here,” said Gwen. “Mind you, I was looking forward to a few really hard cold nights with that wonderful Harry to enfold me with her lovely strong physique. I think redheads have such scrumptious body odor. Someone should bottle it and put it on the market - they would make a fortune!”

The other two girls exchanged knowing glances. Poor old Gwen was really flipping her lid! In spite of this, they knew that she was the one to lead them to the goal. Even if she was becoming ever more unstable and unpredictable, she was still far and away the most delightful and charismatic human being either of them ever had or ever would know.

November 14th - Continued

Jim was horrified at the sight of the three girls when he met them late in the evening to deliver food and drink. He had imagined that they had been enjoying a couple of days of rest and here they were looking as if they had been in a battle. Gwen saw little point in lying to him and gave a full account of their experiences. His face lengthened when he saw how her eyes came alive and sparkling as she told of her voluntary and enjoyable beatings at the hands of Jeremy.

“I never you thought you were into all that kind of thing, my darling girl. I hope you never ask me to lay a hand on you - I simply couldn’t bear to hurt you, even if you do like it. As for Jessica and Harriet, I hope you two won’t do anything like that to each other again. You’re both far too lovely to go around suffering and inflicting that kind of injury - you don’t want to end up like some ex-pugilists I know, believe you me.”

All three tried to look suitably abashed and shame-faced, although inwardly they were still full of pride. Harry dearly hoped that her many bruises, which she had sustained at Jessica’s hands and feet would not fade away too quickly.

Gwen kept proudly fondling her bottom and hoped IT would not heal too quickly either. I wish I had a mirror to look at it properly, she thought.

He took Gwen aside and they made love for the first time in days. The others listened to the sounds of their passionate copulation and their minds turned respectively to thoughts of Andy and Bill. In the absence of these two they decided to make do with each other and continued their reconciliation until, finally, Gwen rejoined them and Jim drove away.

“How nice to see you two such good friends again,” said a delighted Gwendoline, the after-effects of her recent love-making still trickling warmly down her thighs. “I hope these last few days will be the very best of the whole enterprise. I have a good feeling about it. If you’ve finished with Harry, Jessica, can I have her for a while? Pass her over to me! Come here sweetheart.”

And with this she proceeded to cover Harriet with caresses which were gentle at first and then increasingly rough and passionate. She kissed both sets of lips in turn with a hungry wildness that pretty soon had the redhead moaning and writhing in ecstasy and coming inexorably to the only orgasm of her young life that had not involved either Bill or her cousin.

“Come on Jessie,” Gwendoline gasped as she finally rolled off a panting and sweating Harriet. “Come and get your share - there’s enough of her to go around. Plenty for both of us. I’ll take the pussy and get that all juicy again and you look after those lovely tits and wonderful mouth and tongue!”

“No thanks, darling. I find it quite entertaining enough just watching you perform - you are amazing, Gwen.”

“Come on Jessie,” pleaded Harriet. “Do as Gwen say. I can take it, believe me. This is incredible being loved by one of you after the other - now both of you darling girls can have me at once - please!”

November 15th

After the sexual gymnastics of the previous night all three girls slept until well after sunrise. It had been a mild night with the temperature never falling below fifty and these three weather-hardened Amazons hardly needed each other to keep warm - although they had all been very closely entwined all night, after finally falling into an exhausted and blissful slumber. It would be hard to say exactly where the love-making ended and sleep began. Love was certainly resumed as soon as they woke up and continued until nearly mid-day as the temperature rose to near spring like levels and the sweat began to pour off their writhing and twisting bodies. Finally, they all fell asleep again and it was late afternoon when they finally made a move onwards.

“Golly, but I never thought I’d enjoy that sort of thing so much. It just wasn’t real! Remember when I first joined up with you, I kept telling you to lay off me? If only I’d known then what I was missing!”

“We’ve corrupted dear old Harry,” laughed Gwen. “I hope you are ashamed of yourself. You can see I am! First, we corrupt each other and then her. What a naughty pair we are for sure!”

Jessica did not answer but tightened her grip on her two friends’ waists as they strode three abreast with Jessica in the middle across the deserted moors making for their next rendezvous with Jim. They had wasted so much time that they broke into a run for the final ten miles, giving more painful punishment to Gwen’s and Harry’s feet which were still terribly sore after the Rickshaw races. The surface was grassy in parts but the soil was very thin and many sharp flinty stones and pieces of rock showed through it and they did not have time to negotiate their way around them.

Jim had been waiting for about twenty minutes when they finally arrived, full of apologies and gasping for breath. Gwen in particular looked astoundingly attractive with her chest alternately expanding and contracting and her stomach heaving in and out after the exertion. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead and upper lip and her body glistened all over. Jim had never seen her looking so utterly captivatingly lovely and he knew that he would forgive this marvelous creature anything, just as long as she stayed with him.

“Any objections to me staying the night with you three?” He asked. “I can’t bear to be away from you Gwen. I think I’m falling in love all over again - I thought I was insane about you before, but I don’t believe what I’m feeling right now. Please let me stay.”

“As long as you take all your clothes off and don’t put them on until you leave in the morning and give a good account of yourself - I mean no falling asleep when you should be shafting me till I beg you to stop (fat chance of my ever doing that) - I’d love to have you. Let’s find a spot where the others can’t see us. Have a lovely night girl - sorry I can’t join you for this one!”

They found a spot under a spindly looking bush and lay down side by side. Jim shivered a little.

“Poor darling,” whispered Gwendoline in his ear. “Never mind, my sweet. I’ll pretty soon warm you up and here’s how...”

Gwen was as good as her word and by the time a drained and weary Jim fell asleep beside his still wakeful loved one, he was sweating. She looked lovingly at him for a while and after bending over him and tenderly kissing his penis, she lay down beside him, enfolded him in her arms and slept like a log herself.

November 15th - early

Jim and Gwendoline resumed their frenzied love-making as soon as it was light and they were both fully awake.

“I suppose we could have slept on the back seat of your car,” said Gwen lazily as she tenderly stroked Jim’s back with the tips of her fingers. “It would have been inside the rules. But then we couldn’t have used it again and I have plans for the last night which include it! Anyway, it was lovely lying all night under the stars next to you, feeling your warmth against me and listening to you breathing so peacefully.”

Jim agreed it had not been as cold as he had feared and said he would treasure the memory for as long as he lived. Gwen promised lots and lots more memories, each one even better than the last, and the two kissed and parted until the evening.

Gwen walked over to where the other two had settled down and roughly pulled a semi-comatose Harriet away from Jessica immediately launching herself with a sustained eagerness into a repeat performance of the night before. Jessica was so tired that she slept through it all and the two bodies went through all manner of frenetic and enthusiastic contortions, both girls crying out, groaning and screaming with pleasure by turns. Both were dripping with sweat and love by the time exhaustion overcame them.

“You really go at it don’t you, Gwendoline,” moaned an admiring but totally shattered Harriet, when she was finally released from Gwen’s frantic attentions. “I can’t imagine where the energy comes from. I’m supposed to be the muscle goddess around here but you’re a lot stronger than me, even if you don’t look it!”

“Have a nice rest, Harry. I think it’s Jessica’s turn for a bit of activity. Come and join in when you’ve recovered.”

Jessica, who had felt left out of Gwen’s life recently, responded eagerly to her ferocious and undiminished energy and soon she was as exhausted as Harry. Gwen sat and looked smilingly down at their two sleeping bodies, occasionally digging her pretty big toe in to one or the other’s ribs so that they would wake up, cursing Gwen for a stupid, annoying, mad bitch before going back to sleep.

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