Libereco - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by Juxtaposition

Chapter 35: Sisters ... and Others (Part 3)

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 35: Sisters ... and Others (Part 3) - Libereco is a series of stories about a fictional independent community of Futanari hybrids on an island somewhere in the Kattegat/Skagerrak area between Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Germany that takes place chronologically in a present day current events exclusionary bubble but contains near future science.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Teen Siren   CrossDressing   TransGender   Fiction   Futanari   Restart   School   Workplace   Incest   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   First   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Scatology   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Babysitter   BBW   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Public Sex   Size   Teacher/Student   Transformation  

Lauren Landry wandered into the break room at the Libereco Health Clinic and made her way towards the coffee machine. The three Choi women, Ji-Woo, the Head Nurse, and her two daughters Lucinda, a doctor, and Lorinda, who had followed the same path as her mother were seated at the far table peering into a laptop with some interest. It had been a bit of a full schedule this morning and she wasn’t finished yet. First it had been Kladivo girl, Zuzana, if she recalled correctly. Lucinda was overseeing that futamutation. She had just been in to check on her a couple of minutes ago. Her jaw was healing up quite nicely from the PRP or Plate Replacement Procedure, the dental surgery that everyone who was a member of the community underwent upon arrival.

The process was so much faster here than it was elsewhere, thanks to the advances in laser dentistry EngInno Designs had developed. Normally it took anywhere from 6 to 18 months given all the healing that was needed afterwards to completely replace one’s teeth. But on the island they could do it in hours, though the replacements weren’t permanent, which was the point of the procedure. Rather the new teeth were on a pair of dental plates held in place by insulated electromagnets that were implanted in the jawbone of the patient. Once installed it was simply a matter of deactivating them via a subdermal pressure point at the back of the jaw. The plates could then be slipped out to create a soft, smooth orifice that could be filling with any number of things.

“How is she doing?” the lusciously curved Lorinda inquired.

“Her mouth is fully recovered now,” the slender futamute reported brushing a strand of her long curly titan red hair from her face as she sidled up to the other three. “I left her plates out. They are on the prep table. You can put them back in before you bring her around.”

“Agreed,” Ji-Woo Choi nodded. “It’s probably best that she know straight away that she has removable teeth.”

“What’s the latest?” the amber eyed orthodontist queried squeezing in between the 58 year old South Korean and her eldest daughter.

“She started budding a few minutes ago, just after you left,” Lucinda replied.

“I had to fill Karla in and pick up the file on the Ekblad girl,” she divulged with a bit of a sigh. “I’ve got to prep for her in 20 minutes.”

“A woman’s work is never done,” the oldest comforted with a slight squeeze.

“No, no it’s not,” the 31 year old agreed. “I’ve got another on the docket after her yet, Cirilla Furlan”

“Jerneja’s...” questioned her younger sibling.

“ ... Sister,” the dentist finished.

“Who’s doing the UUs on them?” the 29 year old followed up.

“Let me look,” the long haired woman answered opening the file. “Helga Ragnarsson has the first one according to this with Kadlin Berfors assisting.”

“And the Furlan woman,” Ji-Woo probed.

“That would be my sister,” the Landry woman smiled.

“Oh,” the 58 year old exclaimed softly, squeezing her again. “Who’s assisting? Do you know?”

“She told me she had arranged for Naomi Dakota to help her out,” the lithe futamute filled in allowing her body to melt into the embrace as she sipped from her coffee. “But apparently Jerneja wants the rest of them to be there when she wakes up as well.”

“That sounds like a crowded room,” Lucinda speculated.

“Fun for the whole family,” quipped her younger sister before looking back at the screen. “Oh look, she’s starting to arch.”

“It looks like she’s going to be a decent size when all is said and done,” estimated the Head Nurse. “Not overly large but well proportioned for her body type.”

“Should we go in now,” Lorinda suggested a bit eagerly.

“Let’s give her a few more minutes to grow Dear,” her mother countered before turning to her older daughter with a raised brow and curved lips. “Push her implant up to 2.4, let’s get her to churn a bit for us while she is still sleeping.”

Even though the machines attached to her still maintained their persistent motion, Bashira Aziz felt utterly spent by the time the flow of shit from the feeding tube abated. She had never experienced anything like what had just happened to her before. Within her bindings she basked in the afterglow of her bliss and willingly allowed the others surrounding her and her cousin to do as they wished. Though lidded eyes she observed Nurse Veronique loosen then remove the hose and the mask that had held it there. Absently, she flexed her jaw, able now to move it on her own volition for the first time in a couple of hours.

She was heavy with filth, her stomach was well rounded with all she had eaten. She could see that Khalilah, only feet away and wallowing in the same pool of euphoria as she was immersed in, was swollen in much the same way. Each of their cocks were still firm and slippery thanks to the lubricant contained within the cylinder pumping them but at least hers was not throbbing as much as it had been earlier before she had experienced her first fecal orgasm. The rhythmic sawing in and out of her ass then stopped and she felt the dildo that had been methodically plunging in and out being removed. As it whispered it’s tactile goodbye the 15 year old found that already she missed it’s touch, her petals refusing the shrink and close as if hopeful for it’s return.

Her legs were freed next, as were her cousin’s, not that they had the strength to use them in any way. Rather, each gazed at the other in their carnal stupor as they were folded back onto themselves, ankles now bound near their ears but arms loosed from the elbows. Instinctively, she brought her hands to her overfull belly, feeling the roundness of her midsection for the first time. Hedr hips were a bit freer now and it allowed her to hump in time to the milking sleeve’s relentless rhythm. Even though she wasn’t currently spurting her cream, it still felt good to do it. She was glad they had stopped feeding her when they did. They more her hands traced the contours of her stomach the more she became aware of just how much sludge she had swallowed.

At first she had been scared as she had been induced to swallow, then disgusted with herself that indeed she had. But as the machines to which she was attached continued to work their mechanical magic, the sharp edges of her mood gradually softened. At some point she began allowing the slimy fudge to flow freely down her gullet, her reason whittled down to a visceral need to orgasm. It was all she lived for in that moment. There was a whisper from somewhere that told her, the more

shit she ate, the more she would cum. And so she did.

Greedily she feed from the tube, almost sucking out it’s contents before they found her mouth so great was her urge. When it was suddenly upon her, her world was shattered. Spurt after spurt of her newly created seed shot forth violently into the cylinder as more and more filth filled her stomach. There was only her, the luscious taste and feel of shit slithering down her throat, and her new cock imprinting on her with it’s continued eruption just how wonderful it all was.

“I think we are ready for next steps,” Dr. Amarin declared as she observed the hands of her patients roam around in exploration. “Lorena, why don’t you come over here with me and help with Khalilah. Faustyna, you can help Veronique with Bashira.”

“Just keep an eye on the screen there,” the native of Barbados instructed. “If you think the tube is running low on lubricant, hit the L key. The C key will activate the collar but wait until I tell you. I hope you had a lot to eat today,” she then stated removing her panties and starting to climb up on the apparatus. “I know we did.

Bashira felt the shift in weight before her glassy eyes registered the form of the nurse atop the platform her body was strapped onto. Carefully the latter backed herself over her bulging belly before settling on the backs of her knees. Slowly she pulled up the hem of her lab jacket and gradually her wide dark honey crescents were revealed as well as the deep murky crevice between them. Closer and closer they crept and without thinking her hands moved from her belly to those rounds of flesh approaching her face. She could smell the stink of the woman now and placed her fingers on the inner halves of the flesh, curious.

“That’s right Sweetie,” the blond woman standing next to her head cooed. “Pull her ass apart, she what waits for you.”

Robotically, she obeyed the soft directive and for the first time spied the deepest darkest prize. The underside of a cock much larger than her own became visible as did the two balls that hung beneath it. But it was the two orifices closer to her that she hungered for. A hiss and a welcome stronger stink permeated the air as for the first time, skin touched skin.

“Lick your lips Baby, make them nice and wet for Veronique, open wide now, open your lovely lips for her,” came another murmured command which she reflexively followed.

“Such a beautiful flower it was,” the 15 year old thought as she stared at the fleshy petals of the dark rose above her. “Beautiful flower.” Her breath caught when they began to open revealing the end of the thick brown within. Her tongue reached out to taste it as suddenly her face was engulfed in flesh. And then her cheeks began to fill once more with filth, only this time her throat flexed to push down this new nourishment. She was so full, so, so full. But she could not say no. No, no she couldn’t. Eating shit made her cum, and oh she wanted to feel that again. And again. And again. Her hands crept around the sides of the hips she was wedged within and pulled them down upon her even more. “Yes, yes, feed me, feed me,” she urged as her swallowing fell into pace with the flow.

“That’s right Sweetie, pull yourself in, be a good toilet for the Veronique,” the dietician encouraged once more glancing at the dark skinned nurse beside her.

More and more Bashira ate, she couldn’t stop. She began to piss once more to make room for sludge being pushed down her throat, but soon it was not enough. She could feel herself almost ready to burst she was so full. She was trying to hold everything in but it was so hard. The Algerian girl truly missed the dildo in her ass now but for a completely different reason. But it tasted so good, and felt so nice going down, and she needed to cum again so badly. The very last vestiges of her pride abandoned her then and she let her body slacken. Shit began to spool out of her own ass tentatively at first, but quickly the exodus gained speed, as brown eyed girl found a new depth of her depravity.

Both the glanced down at the enraptured teenager and then at her rapidly filling Slut Suit bottoms. Faustyna slid one hand down the Aziz girl’s body and began massaging her balls with her own fudge which elicited a muted moan from the 15 year old and a smile from the black haired futamute. She then gave the blonde a nod and the Polish staffer reached over to the keyboard. Moments later the sophomore’s pipe erupted once more with thick ropes of cream, the pair smiling at the muffled

squeal that followed.

“Good girl Bashira, good girl Sweetie,” the Lis woman cooed one hand continuing her ministrations while the other caressed the softness of the younger futamute’s hair. “Such a good toilet you are Sweetie, such a good toilet you are.”

As her stomach filled with filth even as she made a slimy mess with her own and she felt her fledgling cock spurted volley after volley of her pearly goo, she floated in her fecal euphoria with the blonde woman’s words echoing in her mind.

“Such a good toilet you are Sweetie, such a good toilet you are.”

Amina heartbeat had still been aflutter from her latest orgasm when she finally exited the vehicle. The two futamutes on either side of her had taken great pleasure in feeding her the cum she had splattered all over her breasts even as they continued adding to it stroke by stroke. In her lust the black haired Algerian had let it all happen losing a bit of herself on the way. She stood next to the crew cab and ran her hands over her dress trying to straighten it out. She wasn’t certain who else was inside the growing complex but hopefully she would make a better impression on them than she had on these women.

“Come on slowpoke,” Schuyler had chided with a smile, grabbing an arm. “The plants don’t care what you look like.”

They had walked up the ramp and through the loading dock door, the others greeting a couple of the workers arriving as they did. From there they had taken her to the office to sign some papers and then on a tour of the hydroponics plant. It was quite large, growing a variety of foreign and domestic produce, including some she never thought she would see once she left North Africa. The 31 year old found out that not only did they supply the local community but also had contracts with the fishing villages on the west side of the island. By and large though what they did here was focused on domestic needs. All in all it took over two hours before Schuyler returned her once more to Tessa’s office.

When they arrived there was a second short woman sitting across the desk from her, shorter than even the room’s regular occupant. Fuller of body than her counterpart she looked to be older than her escort but younger than her mother. She had a short unkempt mop of auburn brown curls, grey eyes peeking out from behind wire rimmed glasses that were rectangular in shape and a face dotted with freckles.

“ ... Stockholm nearly cleaned Růžena out of Aphrodium and then there are the Winterfest Orders to deal with on top of that,” the Agricultural Administrator conversed with the other. “Never mind our wholesaler in Copenhagen.”

“I’ll get on it right away,” the second nodded, beginning to stand before stopping her motion with a slight wave of her superior.

“There she is. How did you enjoy your tour?” the older Dutchwoman asked looking up from her exchange with a smile.

“Your complex is certainly extensive,” the younger Aziz sister admitted. “I’ve never seen anything like this. Our former employer was a very rich man and he had nothing that compared to this.”

“We feed an entire island from this place Amina,” Tessa explained nodding to her companion. “Let me introduce you to one of our bright minds here at Hydroponica Libereco, Hertina Zimmerman. Hertina, this our newest staff member Amina Aziz. She just underwent futamutation and this is her first day.”

“Oh really,” the smaller exclaimed getting up from her seat and clasping the hand of the newcomer. “Welcome aboard. You don’t mind do you?” she then queried not waiting for an answer before she dropped the other down to the waist of the black haired North African and pulled up the hem of her dress, exposing her cock. Spitting on her palm she wrapped her fingers around it and methodically stroked it to erection. “Hmmm, that’s a nice one, bit longer than mine, nine inches do you think?” she asked.

“That’s my guess,” Schuyler concurred. “Emberlyn and I had a bit of fun with her this morning on the way in.”

Amina chewed her bottom lip and swooned slightly her newborn pipe was masturbated. She felt the younger DeBoer slide an arm around her for support and she reflexively began to thrust slightly each time the grey eyed figure jacked her.

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