Libereco - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by Juxtaposition

Chapter 31: Mothers Always Know Best (Part Eight)

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 31: Mothers Always Know Best (Part Eight) - Libereco is a series of stories about a fictional independent community of Futanari hybrids on an island somewhere in the Kattegat/Skagerrak area between Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Germany that takes place chronologically in a present day current events exclusionary bubble but contains near future science.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Teen Siren   CrossDressing   TransGender   Fiction   Futanari   Restart   School   Workplace   Incest   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   First   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Scatology   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Babysitter   BBW   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Public Sex   Size   Teacher/Student   Transformation  

“Has anyone seen or heard from Tamara?” Savina asked peering once more out the door of the conference room after waiting for a few more minutes.

“I talked to her last night,” Fjola Engblom replied. “She had every intention of showing up. Nothing on my phone. No idea what’s keeping her.”

The Khazak bureaucrat sighed. They were under the wire as it was. “Fair enough. Perhaps we can go through the proposed nest first and then you can run us through your psych eval of the Hartley girl, Fjola,” Savina suggested once more sneaking a peak down the hallway.

“Sure,” the curly haired blonde nodded studying the screen on her laptop before opening the relevant file.

“April, can you put the proposed new nest they will be a part of on the big screen?” the Family Planning Administrator asked her assistant.

“Coming up,” the Native American futamute chimed flashing her teeth before swiping the aforementioned graphic onto the large monitor

The group of eight futamutes had 58 year old had 58 year old Amalea Fabbri, the proprietor of Driftwood Creations as it’s Matron. The next oldest was Ebba Engblom at 46, who worked in the Transportation Division of the Libereco Port Authority. The librarian Monica Hartley, 32, the Egg Mother of the girl in question was next followed by 29 year old Valeria Huntington who was one of the mechanics that kept the vehicles in the LPA’s fleet on the road and in the water. Rosalina F Four, a darker skinned surrogate who apprenticed at Hidebound Leatherworks and the Madison’s older sister Keisha were the two upperclassmen in the household and Evangelina Huntington was the sophomore member of the family. The picture of the ninth current member on the list, Rebekka ‘Baby Bekka’ Hearn, had been updated to reflect recent events. No longer was her headshot one of the stylish Assistant Manager of The Mahogany Lounge but instead she wore a soft yellow baby bonnet and sucked on a large pacifier of the same colour. A note at the bottom identified Adolina Fabbri, the third Egg Child of the first and fifth overall, as the next to join the brood once Rosalina began attending university in the fall.

“So let’s start at the top,” the blue eyed Slav began addressing the rest. “Why Amalea as the Matron? We like her here for her experience raising girls under her roof, both her own and others. Including Adolina there at the bottom, she will be the Egg Mother of three with five total offspring in Libereco. Celestina and Valentina are fine examples of her handiwork. Both are contributing members of the community, have three of their own that they have provided guidance for and another eight between them that their seed has produced.”

“I like the fact that Amalea is the next one to bring a girl into the household,” Sandra Holloway interjected.

“We felt that was another advantage for Amalea as well,” Savina concurred.

“We wanted her to have a strong second she could share the reins of motherhood with,” the Stormwater girl detailed brushing one of her black braided pigtails back over her shoulder. “It had to be someone younger for this to work as Madison needed to

quicken her training in dominance.”

“If you look at the breeding information on ‘Baby Bekka’ you will find that Fjola’s sister Ebba is her Egg Mother, and between that and her status as a first responder, is a good part of the reason we swapped her in for Ji-Woo Choi here,” the woman standing next to the screen continued. “Everyone here is aware of our slight shortage in Matrons this year and doing this freed up Ji-Woo to take over another household as well, so there were multiple benefits here.”

“Have they been especially close prior to this?” Ellery Dauber queried.

“Well, Ebba would have been 29 when Bekka came out of the tank so they would have been together on the island all the way through her high school years,” Marlena put forth putting an arm around the subtly squirming 14 year old beside her and shooting her assistant a knowing glance. The Austrian then peered past the redhead and noticed the girl’s great aunt showing the same early signs of discomfort.

“It looks like Baby Bekka was a sorority sister at Aarhus which was Ebba’s alma mater as well,” Sigourney Martineau blurted out instinctively before reining her exuberance in.

“Correct Sigourney,” the Basov woman praised which came as a noticeable relief to the Martineau girl. “A commonality such as this could have provided other opportunities.” Her eyes drifted momentarily to her left to take in the current condition of Mildred Greenwood and her grandniece Juniper. Both were breathing a bit more heavily now and through their mouths, their skin beginning to glisten with perspiration. Radomila had followed Marlena’s example and looped her arm around the 59 year old. Each of the women had surreptitiously unbuttoned the top buttons of their blouses. As the new arrivals wriggled involuntarily in the embrace of the two staffers, their attention transfixed on the girl being masturbated across from them, bit by bit their right breasts slid free from the cover of their garments.

“Sit,” Fjola suggested quietly to the brunette. “Until Tamara shows up, you can be my assistant.”

The doe eyed senior beamed, pushed her glasses up on her nose, and scurried into the unoccupied chair next to the psychologist, trying to absorb every word spoken by the others.

“Of course, it goes without saying that young Madison would also have the support of her nuclear family in this endeavour,” the 54 year old blonde surmised. “Not including them here would have been a mistake, especially with the coaching her mother had already imparted on the girl. I’m sure everyone has already heard about the episode on the bus that started it all as well as what happened in the leather shop. The last is why we tapped Rosalina for the senior slot among the students. She was there that day and actually helped hold her fast while Baby Bekka fed on the Hartley girl’s shit for the first time.

The Engblom woman nodded in agreement. “Having her around will be a constant reminder of the day she truly submitted to Madison for the first time.”

“Why the Huntington girl?” probed Oriana Jeffers.

“Savina, if I may?” the 45 year old Swede interjected which drew a casual wave of permission from the other. “It actually has more to do with her daughter than her, though she is lovely herself. Evangelina is only a year older, tall for her age, and apparently is quite the athlete. From what the twins tell me, she is a promising hockey player. Furthermore, her apprenticeship is with the Security Services in town which is where my Luka is. And according to her, she is taking well to the self-defense tutoring.”

“So she is physically imposing for her age then?” the Housing Administrator reasoned.

“Yes, but here is where it gets interesting,” the Engblom woman continued. “There’s a bit of pliancy there. For all of her physical gifts, she still tips somewhat to the submissive side in her personality. It’s already been shown in her community service that she takes instruction well. Tamara and I think that pairing her with the smaller Hartley girl who has a stronger dominant side will be good for her and good for Madison and by extension good for Baby Bekka.”

“Her cock is coming in nicely, it grew an inch in the summer,” Hera Michaelis reported as she continued stroking her captive Seed Daughter. “It’s seven inches long now, four in girth. That’s longer than the adopting parent. Not quite as long as my baby here, but close,” she added with a grin

“We think at the end of the day Evangelina will be above average there,” Sandra Holloway speculated.

Mildred was trying to follow the conversation but the arousal she was feeling throughout her body was making it very difficult.

“Did they say that the young blonde girl at the near the bottom of the screen was going to adopt the redheaded woman dressed up as a baby below her?” she thought silently as the flexing in her hips slowly grew stronger. “And that the older one had eaten the younger one’s shit? Did she hear that right? What had she brought Juniper into?” With murky anxiousness she turned her head to look for her grand niece and saw her suckling on the large breast of dark blonde woman who had curled her arm around as she squirmed in her seat while she steadfastly watched the other young dark skinned girl across from her hump up and down, her cock in the slippery grip of the dark haired woman beside her.

She watched Magnolia Jeffers reach across and place her right leg up on the arm of the chair wrapping a strap around both it and her arm, pinning them in place and it was then that she noticed the hefty redhead had already done the same to her other limbs. She was trapped. Sluggishly she attempted to free herself only to find out that unnoticed her left arm and leg had been bound similarly to Juniper’s by April. As Radomila held her fast, the younger girl quickly restrained her completely as her internal heat rose further.

“What’s happening?” the newest staffer asked anxiously feeling her heat begin to rise, watching her hips involuntarily begin to rock up and down in her chair.

“Your body is just adjusting to having a nice big cock dear,” the black haired futamute explained as she pinched her cheeks forcing her mouth open. “It’s best you don’t touch it although I know you want to. That’s why we are making sure you can’t. Just sit back and try to relax, it is your first day after all. Let us do all the work.” With that she quickly dipped her other hand into her mouth and with a quick squeeze she felt her jaw lighten as the Polish woman pulled a pair of plates containing her teeth out and set them on the conference table. “Surprised, Sweetie?” she grinned. “Don’t be. Everyone here has these,” she revealed momentarily removing her own and replacing them. It just makes it easier, less accidents. Watch now, watch while Hera jacks her lovely daughter Nandi. See how much Nandi enjoys having her pipe played with.”

April’s feathery touch brushed up against her own bulge through her dress then causing her to moan.

“Oh dear, we can’t have you making noise and disrupting our meeting Millie,” her new superior cooed turning her head towards her further. “Here baby, here’s something to quiet you down,” she offered before pushing her right breast into her pliant lips.

Her mind reeling in her increasing lust, she instinctively began to suckle on the younger woman’s teat swallowing the milk that squirted into her mouth as she felt hands push up the hem of her dress and pop the snaps on her one piece allowing her stiff eight inch member to rise into the open air. Cool gel was then poured over the head and shaft and out of the corner of her eye she saw the Stormwater girl give a nurturing smile as she began to slowly stroke her length in a matching rhythm to young Nandi across the table. Her body went limp, her hips reflexively rising and falling into the same motion, the touch of the girl so delicious as she continued nursing from the black haired woman.

Three chairs to the left the younger Greenwood was similarly bound and feeding from a swollen breast, her slightly smaller member arching beneath her pleated skirt as she too gyrated up and down and then it too was exposed. The lubricated hand of the woman called Magnolia found her newly grown organ and began calmly pumping up and down as she murmured comforting words in her ear between licks. The white blonde whimpered around the gushing areola of the older woman named Marlena, her body acting with a will of it’s own. Her eyes fell upon the dark skinned girl across the table who was also restrained between two other women. Dreamy faced, the curly haired girl’s violet gaze met her own and the two found themselves in a mutual carnal catharsis as they were ever so slowly brought closer and closer to an end Juniper had never experienced before.

“Fjola, what can you tell us about the Hartley girl herself? Is she ready for this?” Savina questioned before cocking her ear and turning towards the door.

“Why don’t you let Tamara answer that,” she nodded spotting her partner hurrying down the hall with Quinn C Three, Sabrina Holloway, and another voluptuous redheaded apprentice by the name of Ilyana C Three who was pushing an oversized pram before her. “She did most of the work.”

“Look who I found,” the short blonde 16 year old giggled striding into the room.

“Sorry I’m late girls,” the Kersey woman followed up as the other three entered shortly after. “Juliette is interviewing up at The Mahogany Lounge with Aldona Castillo at the moment, last minute thing. Kanda is at the clinic today, Felicity is with Briella on the mainland for the weekend. You’re here Ellery and your girls were already long gone. Tag, I’m it,” she finished lowering the shroud on the carriage and revealing the diapered figure of Baby Dariella strapped down within. “I was really fortunate to run into Ilyana at the bus stop.

“I could never turn down a chance to be with my favourite little girl,” the daycare center apprentice replied lightly running a finger along the length of Juliette Kersey’s ex-boyfriend’s miniscule cock, grinning as the sissy’s hips reflexively rose to meet her touch.

“You can set her up over there next to the table with the coffee machine,” the Basov woman instructed. “I’m sure the other girls can help you babysit while we take care of business.”

“I’m sure we can,” the black haired minx that was the Lab Administrator’s daughter snickered mischievously.

She then turned to the 67 year old psychologist. “Fjola was just saying you did majority of the workup on Madison Hartley?”

“I did interview her extensively as part of the process. Her and her mother both,” Tamara confirmed as she walked around to the far end of the table to sit next to her partner in the chair Sigourney Martineau had just vacated in a rush to help Ilyana. “Let me just pull up my notes here ... here we are. So where to begin,” she asked rhetorically adjusting her glasses. “I can tell you one of the first things I noticed with Madison is she is ahead of the curve in terms of developing her dominant side. It was a pattern I noticed in the questionnaire we had her fill out but it was evident when I talked to her. Her grades are quite good and she seems to be quite interested in the sciences. I felt she had a more advanced understanding of the social dynamics of our community than most girls her age.”

“Interesting,” Oriana pondered. “Was that something she was bred for?”

“Well, Monica does work at the library after all,” Hera volunteered.

“And Alexis Gerhardt is her Seed Mother,” Sandra followed up. “As you all know, she runs Public Relations here. It does stand to reason that whatever she might have been feed through hypnopaedia she would inherit some of that anyway.”

“But what was her HypnoPackage?” the older Jeffers pressed.

“Let me check,” the Lab Administrator acceded abandoning the chocolate pipe in favour of her computer as her dark haired lover replaced her hand with her own. “Hospitality, it looks like here,” she declared after peering finding the relevant file. “That comes with some psychological subroutines in and of itself.”

“Is it true that Aldona has already marked her as one of her two apprentices next year?” the Müller woman inquired cradling the young Greenwood girl’s head against her breast.

“That’s what Monica has told me,” the strawberry blonde revealed adjusting the kerchief holding her hair back slightly.

“Well, if anyone is going to bring out a girl’s submissive side, it is going to be that woman,” chuckled the Austrian which elicited amusement from others in the room who were well aware of the Venezuelan’s reputation.

The buxom blonde held out her hand to the redhead opposite her who then squirted a generous dose of lubricant onto her hand as the presentation continued. She smiled down at the 14 year old who had now started suckling on her left tit as her fingers found her young crevice and caressed back and forth along the deep valley, tracing a tip around her rosebud, pushing in bit by bit, with each pass. A momentary glance up the table before returning her attentions to the beauty in her grasp showed her that Radomila was starting Mildred down the same path. Soon the thrusting of the violet eyed girl adjusted slightly as she attempted not only to maximize the touch of her assistant on her cock but also coax the older futamute’s own digits further into her anal canal.

The Basov woman peered around momentarily at each of the three restrained futamutes being masturbated while being nursed watching them slowly succumb to the subtle malaise of Mesmermamillin before returning her attention to the rest of the group. “Does anyone have anything else to add? Housing? Placement? Futagen?” she queried further glancing around to Oriana, Radomila and Marlena respectively. Upon receiving no further comment she continued. “So are we all agreed then? Approval for Madison Hartley to officially adopt Rebekka Hearn and change her name to Bekka Hartley then? All in favour say ‘Aye’.”

It had been a while since Ruby Connolly had finished her reps on the leg press. She had spent some time on the rowing machine after that but now was in a bit of a cooling off period using one of the new pieces of apparatus.

“We just got it in last week,” Thabisa Wyndham divulged as the instructor and her teammate helped her out of her sweaty training clothes. “So far it’s gotten nothing but rave reviews. Hop on, we’ll set it up for you.”

“You lie down on your stomach here,” Wilhelmena Zimmerman explained patting the long form fitting horizontal surface that was about waist high that had gaps for her breasts, stomach, and groin. “Your legs go in these, one on either side. They work much like one of the stationary bikes, it’s just a more relaxing position to pedal in.”

“Put your hands here on these grips,” the peach skinned trainer directed as the pair clipped her wrists and the legs in place. “Ok, Let’s get you started,” she smiled punching a code into the controls.

“Do I really need to be secured like this?” Ruby asked quizzically.

“The wrist cuffs?” the older futamute returned. “Well, they are also help us monitor your vitals and you kinda need to be kept in place for us to get accurate readings.”

“Just let the machine lead you Ruby,” her black haired classmate urged. “You’ve done all the hard work, let the machine do it’s share.” With that she felt the pedals her feet were strapped to begin to rotate slowly.

“Her torso is still moving too much,” the South African/Belgian crossbreed noted with a frown as she looked at the monitor. “We need to add the head and torso braces.”

The 15 year old Irish girl watched as the tall girl with the mahogany red afro held back by a hairband pushed a couple more buttons before she heard hydraulics activate from outside of her view. Something pressed down on her ass cheeks and then gradually pulled them apart, exposing her perspiring petals. At the same time a piece pushed up from below her neck holding her head forward and a second fitted into it from above locking her skull into position. Finally a third clicked into place over her mouth and nose. She then felt the familiar cool sensation of lubricant coating her crevice as her legs continued their mechanically induced pedaling. Moments later a thick prong found her rosebud and started slithering in and out of it’s slippery depths and she moaned slightly then hardened.

“Not to worry, Sweetie,” Thabisa cooed. “Most girls who use this react the same way. Just have fun with it. Willie, you should probably put the milkers on her now.”

“Sure, boss,” the other sophomore grinned as she squatted next to the apparatus and began fishing around for the relevant hoses and nozzles.

“In the meantime, we may as well make sure you enjoy your experience as much as possible,” the instructor suggested clicking a hose onto the front of the face plate and twisting open the tank it was attached to. “This will help, breathe in Ruby, nice regular breaths now.”

Ruby Connolly had no choice but to inhale the arousing vapours being fed her as she felt herself being fucked in the ass. One by one her cock and each of her areolas was encased in siphoning plastic and all of these things quickly melted away whatever control over her body she might have had. Vaguely she registered one, two, three, four patches being applied to her back.

“We’ll be back in a bit Sweetie,” Thabisa murmured caressing a ringlet of her hair before looping an arm around her friend and slowly walking away. Through glazed eyes she watched the asses of the pair as they swayed back and forth and, in her sensual stupor, a small part of her understood what was likely to happen next.

The nozzle cycled methodically up and down on the iron hard pipe of Agnes Markwell’s nine inch cock, holding her right on the rim of ecstasy while the block in her implant stubbornly refused to let her pass into her carnal oblivion. The two massaging caps on her swollen areolas were similarly lapping at the shores of her glory but no further. And the massive latex length, she had heard the girls gush that it was modeled after Aldrona Castillo’s 12 inch monster, pumped in and out of her ass maintaining the same pace as the other two. It was sheer torture, but of a most sensual kind. Her entire consciousness had been reduced to a chorus of constant white noise emanating from her pleasure centers. And through it all, her throat had forced to swallow relentlessly as one by one the futamutes surrounding her lined up to take their turns using her as their toilet.

First it had been the designer of the contraption she was now restrained in Rhianna Moore. Only two years older that her 33 she heard someone mention, the Amazonian strawberry blonde was a monument of lust personified. Her green eyes peered down through her glasses with a smile as she steadily fed her one long log of soft shit, scratching the top of her head like one would an obedient dog.

Next had been her mother, though originally she had tried to beg off in favour of the one who had subjugated her in Kristiansand, Bobbi Jo Noonan. In the end though, after a promise that the younger strawberry blonde would go after she did, the one who raised her made herself comfortable on her upturned face as she pulled the other’s plush pucker over her eight inch member. Her shit, a little darker than her predecessor’s, was every bit as smooth going down. Her speed at which her sludge slid down her throat was a comfortable one, at least it was up until her former Norwegian mistress coaxed her parent’s cum to eruption. Then suddenly the slimy tube of sustenance spooled wildly out of her ass. It was all she could do to keep up with the flow. She imagined the girl was grinning around her mother’s pipe the entire time.

Still fingering a bit of semen from her face and depositing it between her lips the Noonan girl, made a show of spreading her cheeks and waggling her butt seductively as she slowly descended upon her. It was not an unfamiliar sight but it was one she thought she had escaped weeks ago. How could this be happening again? She never did tell her mother who had been tormenting her at her job, only that someone was. Somehow fate had made her slave to this beautiful ass once again. She felt her being grow fuzzy as the distinct flavor of her fudge oozed across her tastebuds yet again and her body gave into the heartbeat of the machine she was a part of.

Length after length of shit had been pushed into her so it was only expected that the warning bell signifying her full stomach would sound sooner or later. And it did shortly before the grey eyed girl finished. She grinned and giggled, standing up after Agnes finished cleaning her wanting to watch the expression on her face. The trapped Markwell felt the giant cock retreat from her ass leaving it gapped and quivering and then felt the wide belt around her over swollen stomach slowly begin to tighten. A groan burbled up from her throat as the other sources of her teasing kept to their cadence. A muffled crackling sounded from within and suddenly her shit began coiling out of her and into the box she was contained in. There was so much she knew. She felt it tickle her overripe balls and work it’s way up her spread crevice. Soon it was above her hips and brushing up against the bottom of her breasts. She heard the others enthusiastically follow the progress of the rising tide of brown, watching it on a thin plexiglass slot that had been built along the side and then across the top of each side panel. And then she was empty once more.

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