That's What Girls Do - Cover

That's What Girls Do

by A. E. Schreier

Copyright© 2023 by A. E. Schreier

Fiction Sex Story: Yesterday, she'd been talking big because she liked seeing her friend get worked up. Now it seemed to be put-up-or-shut-up time.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   Zoophilia   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Oral Sex   .

“Brenda,” said Gloria tentatively, “is it true that a dog can ... uh, you know. Fuck a girl?” The two girls had been swimming, but now they were drying off in the June sun.

“Oh sure,” said Brenda casually. “I saw it in a video once.”

That was technically true, although the real truth was a lot more than “once.” Gloria noticed the flicker of interest in her friend’s eyes. She decided to escalate.

“Huh,” she went on. “I guess it makes sense. But do you think...” she paused, baiting her friend’s curiosity.

“What?” Brenda strained to keep the thirsty tone out of her voice. “Go ahead, you can ask me.”

“Well...” She cast her eyes downward slightly. “Do you think a dog could fuck a girl in the ass, then?” The words started coming faster now, tumbling out of her. “I just get so horny in my ass sometimes. I wouldn’t ask a guy in case he thought it was gross and anyway you know how the guys are around here and a girl’s got to mind her reputation.” She breathed. “But with a dog, maybe...”

“It’s a possibility, I guess,” said Brenda slowly, as if considering a novel question that had never occurred to her before. “I wouldn’t know too much about it. But dogs can be pretty big ... I’ve heard. Maybe even a little too big for your pussy, actually, but I’m sure a dog could fuck a girl’s ass just fine if she was, you know, willing.”

“That’s hot to think about,” said Gloria. “Really hot.”

“Let’s talk about it more later,” said Brenda. “I’m getting too warm here in the sun.”

They went back to the pond to cool down again.

After the swim, they lazily licked pussy for a while, because it was summer, and that’s what girls do.

Brenda pushed just the tip of her finger against Gloria’s ass, which winked and pulsed around it. “Is this what you want?” she teased. “You want it up there?”

“Oh yes,” said Gloria breathlessly. “I do!”

Brenda pushed her finger just a little further in, then pulled it out again. She teased the hole, rubbing lightly all around it.

“Yeah,” Gloria gasped. “Oh yeah, Brenda ... oh shit...”

“But ... you don’t want a fingertip, do you? You want dog dick?”

“Oh God, yes! I want it! I don’t care if it’s wrong, I want dog dick up my ass.”

“Hmmm. I think we could arrange something.”

The next day, when they met at the pond, Brenda had a black-and-white dog with her. He was a medium-sized dog, about fifty pounds, with a shaggy coat, sharp ears, and tufty fur sticking out on his cheeks and around his ears. He seemed to prance as much as walk, and his attention was everywhere at once.

“This is Tip,” said Brenda. “I borrowed him for the day. Look under his tail.”

Gloria looked. “He’s still got his balls!”

“Yep. And look under his belly.”

Gloria looked again. “Oh my gosh!” she said. “That’s ... not small.” She felt nervous excitement welling up in her belly. “Brenda? Are we really doing this? It’s so sudden.”

Yesterday, she had been talking big because she liked seeing her friend get worked up. Now it seemed to be put-up-or-shut-up time. She didn’t want to be just an idle talker. And it was true, she did get a powerful horny feeling in her ass sometimes.

“Yes,” said Brenda calmly. “We’re not going to do anything you don’t want to do, okay? But we’ll do everything you want. Right now, we’re just going to let him lick you down there. How’s that?”

“I guess I have to be brave,” said Gloria. “Since you went to all this trouble.”

“Don’t worry,” said Brenda. “He’s a super friendly dog. It’s not like he’d bite you or anything.”

“He is pretty,” said Gloria. Tip, as if aware of her words, struck a handsome pose with the sunlight shining on his coat. “And not too big. He wouldn’t squish me. That’s nice.”

Brenda let Tip off his leash. He barked excitedly, pranced forward, and sniffed around the area of Gloria’s pussy. He could easily smell her arousal. His tongue lolled in the humid air.

Gloria pulled down her shorts and kicked them off.

“Go on, big guy,” said Brenda, “get in there and get some.”

The dog’s wet tongue flicked Gloria’s cunt lips. She reflexively clamped her thighs together.

“I don’t know, it feels weird.”

“Don’t worry,” said Brenda. “Just let him do what he obviously wants to do. It’s totally natural. I’ll sit over there in the grass and leave you two some space to get acquainted.”

“Okay,” said Gloria. She relaxed her thighs, and the dog’s tongue slipped up into her pussy. She began to rub her pussy in small circles with her fingers. She was getting warm, and wet.

“Oh, gosh,” said Gloria. “He’s licking it all up. Oh, this feels good.”

The dog was giving her a long, slow lick. The tip of his tongue passed over her clit. She held her breath, closed her eyes, and shuddered.

“Oh yeah,” said Gloria. “That’s good!”

She spread her legs further, letting Tip lick her asshole for a while, too. Her fingers were moving in a slow, circular motion over her clit.

Gloria hadn’t noticed Brenda move, but somehow, she was sitting closer now. “This is pretty sexy, isn’t it?” she said.

“Yeah, it is,” said Gloria. “It’s crazy, but yeah.” She rubbed her pussy faster.

“You really ought to shave your pussy, Gloria,” said Brenda, who was now quite close to where the lapping and slurping and rubbing was taking place. “It feels so ... mmm. Sexy and naughty.”

“I don’t know,” said Gloria, “maybe dogs like it hairy.”

“Fair point,” said Brenda. She stroked her own pussy thoughtfully. Would she be rejected by dogs? It was something to consider.

“Ohhhhhh ... I like this,” said Gloria. “I’m soaking wet now. I feel so good. Oh, shit!”

“Hey, G,” said Brenda softly. “You wanted to get your ass fucked, remember? You still want that, right?” She didn’t want to sound over-eager, but she was not going to let this opportunity slip away.

“Yeah, I want it,” said Gloria. “I want it so much. Awwwww, god, yes.”

“He wants you too. Look.”

Gloria looked, and was surprised despite herself. Tip’s dick was sticking straight out, all the way up underneath his belly and even the lower part of his chest. It looked huge!

“Go on,” said Brenda. “Taste it before he puts it in your ass. Don’t be shy.”

Gloria was nearly in a trance, and did as she was told. The dog’s dick was wet and slippery -- like warm honey, she thought. She licked it from the pointy prick-tip down to the base. Her pussy dripped.

She put her mouth over the tip of the dog’s dick and held it there. Tip responded enthusiastically. He growled and humped. His dick swelled up. His hairy balls swung forward.

“Oooooh,” said Gloria when she could breathe again. “I think I’m in love.”

“Good girl,” said Brenda. “Now open up the other end. I want to see that pretty little ass. Open wide.”

Gloria spread her cheeks.

The dog snorted. His tongue licked her asshole. She flinched, and then she relaxed into the warm feeling of his tongue running over her backside.

“Ohh,” she said. “That feels really good.”

“Get on all fours for him,” said Brenda. “I’ll help with the, um, mechanics. You just relax and enjoy everything.”

“I think he really likes my asshole,” said Gloria with a little giggle.

“Good,” said Brenda. “So ... yeah. Let’s let him take it for a ride.”

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