The Fuck You Announcement - Cover

The Fuck You Announcement

Copyright© 2023 by Harry Carton

Chapter 11

Nothing was said about the brief note I left her in NYC that night. And the eskimo temperature continued for the following days. We ate breakfast and made idiotic small talk until we went to our respective offices. I never called her and I never got a call from her. There didn’t seem to be any reason. I checked in with Dr. Applebottom: the b-K was meeting with Dr. A on Tuesday, my delayed appointment was scheduled for Thursday.

In that Thursday meeting, she told me that we’d keep meeting as long as the two of us wanted to keep on, but she didn’t really hold much promise for the marriage unless something changed.

The days went by, and in two weeks, it was TIME. Four weeks from ‘the weekend’ when the b-K was scheduled to be inseminated. So I slipped a rohypnol into her glass of wine with dinner. She started to get woozy as dinner finished, so I slipped an arm around her shoulders and led her into the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed like a zombie.

I guess it was true, what they said about roofies. Slowly and with great care for her garments, I undressed her. I would have said that I stripped her bare, but that would have been crude for a goddess. I moved her legs, they were still as long and shapely as I remembered them. He breasts were still as perfectly shaped as they were 14 years ago. Only her pussy was not the same. By now, she was supposed to be wet and sloppy and ready to be fucked. But tonight, her cunt was Sahara-like. I reached over and got a little lube to spread on my dick and rubbed a little in/on her pussy.

She reacted a bit when I rubbed inside her cunt lips. The life-size sex doll that used to be Kathy, groaned some when I slipped my hunka-hunka-burning-love-tool into the bitch’s cunt.

I sawed and sawed into her. Each was more forceful than the last, and was accompanied by a mental “Lucas, fuck you, asshole.” It was like fucking a fleshlight. Maybe. I wouldn’t know, never having fucked a male sex toy. Eventually, I pumped a two-week supply of cum into her, good and deep. I wedged a pillow under her cheating ass and stood at the foot of the bed, admiring my handiwork.

I waited a half-hour and then fucked her again. It was like fucking a warm plastic sex toy. Opening in the right place, between her legs, but otherwise non-human. She groaned a couple of times.

It was still early so I retreated to my home office. Previously, I had opened the gateway to her online appointment book. I went back two months and changed her ‘most fertile’ days by two days. Then I went back one month more and changed it by four days. No wonder she didn’t get pregnant! A silly bookkeeping error and she miscounted the days to her fertile time.

Now if my swimmers could do the job.

After a couple of hours, I was tired, and went back into the bedroom. The goddess’ body was still there. She was sleeping, her head turned to the side, snoring quietly. I readjusted her body and slipped my hunka-hunka into her still wet cunt from the previous session. After what was just a quickie, I waited a half hour and removed the pillow from under her ass. I opened a condom pack, unrolled the rubber and stretched it over my cock, and then left the used condom on my bedside table. I pulled on my nighttime shorts and went to sleep.

The next morning, she, of course, was groggy and noticed that she’d been fucked the night before. She spent some time in the shower and came out to get some breakfast later than usual. The bitch looked elegant in an ecru, or eggshell, or french vanilla, or ‘whitish’ (as I’d call it), pants suit with a pale blue (cerulean? arctic? cobalt?) silk blouse, that matched her pale blue stilettos.

“You look smashing this morning. Sleep well?” I asked, in a normal (pre-announcement) tone of voice.

“You know damn well what we did last night. You were splendid, I might add,” she chirped in reply.

“I tried. You were great, too,” I lied.

“You fucked me out. I hardly remembered anything. Do you still need to use those hideous rubbers?”

“Well. Not the second time, I didn’t. I hope that test you took a month ago, was right.”

“I’ll get another test if that will put your mind at ease,” she lied back at me.

We parted for work, with a perfunctory kiss on the cheek. I felt like I was in a Hallmark Movie. My acting was superb, if I do say so myself.

The next two nights were a carbon copy of the first night. I doped her with a strong dose of rohypnol at dinner and raped her during the night. This was, after all, the prime time of her cycle. She’d gotten increasingly dopey the next morning and I was wondering if there wasn’t a hold over from the previous nights.

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